Something Great

Garrett Lee, Gary Lightbody, Harry Styles

Letra Tradução

One day you'll come into my world and say it all
You say we'll be together even when you're lost
One day you'll say these words
I thought you'll never say
You say we're better off together in our bed

I want you here with me
Like how I pictured it
So I don't have to keep imagining

Come on, jump out at me
Come on, bring everything
Is it too much to ask for something great?

The script was written and I could not change a thing
I want to rip it all to shreds and start again
One day I'll come into your world and get it right
I'll say we're better off together here tonight

I want you here with me
Like how I pictured it
So I don't have to keep imagining

Come on, jump out at me
Come on, bring everything
Is it too much to ask for something great?

I want you here with me
Like how I pictured it
So I don't have to keep imagining

Come on, jump out at me
Come on, bring everything
Is it too much to ask for something great?

I want you here with me
Like how I pictured it
Is it too much to ask for something great?

You're all I want
So much it's hurting
You're all I want
So much it's hurting

One day you'll come into my world and say it all
Um dia você entrará no meu mundo e dirá tudo
You say we'll be together even when you're lost
Você diz que estaremos juntos mesmo quando você estiver perdido
One day you'll say these words
Um dia você dirá essas palavras
I thought you'll never say
Eu pensei que você nunca diria
You say we're better off together in our bed
Você diz que estamos melhor juntos em nossa cama
I want you here with me
Eu quero você aqui comigo
Like how I pictured it
Como eu imaginei
So I don't have to keep imagining
Então eu não tenho que continuar imaginando
Come on, jump out at me
Vamos, salte em mim
Come on, bring everything
Vamos, traga tudo
Is it too much to ask for something great?
É pedir demais por algo grandioso?
The script was written and I could not change a thing
O roteiro foi escrito e eu não pude mudar nada
I want to rip it all to shreds and start again
Eu quero rasgá-lo todo e começar de novo
One day I'll come into your world and get it right
Um dia eu entrarei no seu mundo e acertarei
I'll say we're better off together here tonight
Eu direi que estamos melhor juntos aqui esta noite
I want you here with me
Eu quero você aqui comigo
Like how I pictured it
Como eu imaginei
So I don't have to keep imagining
Então eu não tenho que continuar imaginando
Come on, jump out at me
Vamos, salte em mim
Come on, bring everything
Vamos, traga tudo
Is it too much to ask for something great?
É pedir demais por algo grandioso?
I want you here with me
Eu quero você aqui comigo
Like how I pictured it
Como eu imaginei
So I don't have to keep imagining
Então eu não tenho que continuar imaginando
Come on, jump out at me
Vamos, salte em mim
Come on, bring everything
Vamos, traga tudo
Is it too much to ask for something great?
É pedir demais por algo grandioso?
I want you here with me
Eu quero você aqui comigo
Like how I pictured it
Como eu imaginei
Is it too much to ask for something great?
É pedir demais por algo grandioso?
You're all I want
Você é tudo que eu quero
So much it's hurting
Tanto que está doendo
You're all I want
Você é tudo que eu quero
So much it's hurting
Tanto que está doendo
One day you'll come into my world and say it all
Un día entrarás en mi mundo y lo dirás todo
You say we'll be together even when you're lost
Dices que estaremos juntos incluso cuando estés perdido
One day you'll say these words
Un día dirás estas palabras
I thought you'll never say
Pensé que nunca dirías
You say we're better off together in our bed
Dices que estamos mejor juntos en nuestra cama
I want you here with me
Te quiero aquí conmigo
Like how I pictured it
Como lo imaginé
So I don't have to keep imagining
Así que no tengo que seguir imaginando
Come on, jump out at me
Vamos, salta hacia mí
Come on, bring everything
Vamos, trae todo
Is it too much to ask for something great?
¿Es mucho pedir algo grandioso?
The script was written and I could not change a thing
El guión estaba escrito y no podía cambiar nada
I want to rip it all to shreds and start again
Quiero romperlo todo en pedazos y empezar de nuevo
One day I'll come into your world and get it right
Un día entraré en tu mundo y lo haré bien
I'll say we're better off together here tonight
Diré que estamos mejor juntos aquí esta noche
I want you here with me
Te quiero aquí conmigo
Like how I pictured it
Como lo imaginé
So I don't have to keep imagining
Así que no tengo que seguir imaginando
Come on, jump out at me
Vamos, salta hacia mí
Come on, bring everything
Vamos, trae todo
Is it too much to ask for something great?
¿Es mucho pedir algo grandioso?
I want you here with me
Te quiero aquí conmigo
Like how I pictured it
Como lo imaginé
So I don't have to keep imagining
Así que no tengo que seguir imaginando
Come on, jump out at me
Vamos, salta hacia mí
Come on, bring everything
Vamos, trae todo
Is it too much to ask for something great?
¿Es mucho pedir algo grandioso?
I want you here with me
Te quiero aquí conmigo
Like how I pictured it
Como lo imaginé
Is it too much to ask for something great?
¿Es mucho pedir algo grandioso?
You're all I want
Eres todo lo que quiero
So much it's hurting
Tanto que duele
You're all I want
Eres todo lo que quiero
So much it's hurting
Tanto que duele
One day you'll come into my world and say it all
Un jour tu entreras dans mon monde et tu diras tout
You say we'll be together even when you're lost
Tu dis que nous serons ensemble même quand tu seras perdu
One day you'll say these words
Un jour tu diras ces mots
I thought you'll never say
Je pensais que tu ne dirais jamais
You say we're better off together in our bed
Tu dis que nous sommes mieux ensemble dans notre lit
I want you here with me
Je te veux ici avec moi
Like how I pictured it
Comme je l'avais imaginé
So I don't have to keep imagining
Alors je n'ai pas à continuer à imaginer
Come on, jump out at me
Allez, saute sur moi
Come on, bring everything
Allez, apporte tout
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Est-ce trop demander quelque chose de grand?
The script was written and I could not change a thing
Le scénario était écrit et je ne pouvais rien changer
I want to rip it all to shreds and start again
Je veux tout déchirer et recommencer
One day I'll come into your world and get it right
Un jour je viendrai dans ton monde et je ferai les choses bien
I'll say we're better off together here tonight
Je dirai que nous sommes mieux ensemble ici ce soir
I want you here with me
Je te veux ici avec moi
Like how I pictured it
Comme je l'avais imaginé
So I don't have to keep imagining
Alors je n'ai pas à continuer à imaginer
Come on, jump out at me
Allez, saute sur moi
Come on, bring everything
Allez, apporte tout
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Est-ce trop demander quelque chose de grand?
I want you here with me
Je te veux ici avec moi
Like how I pictured it
Comme je l'avais imaginé
So I don't have to keep imagining
Alors je n'ai pas à continuer à imaginer
Come on, jump out at me
Allez, saute sur moi
Come on, bring everything
Allez, apporte tout
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Est-ce trop demander quelque chose de grand?
I want you here with me
Je te veux ici avec moi
Like how I pictured it
Comme je l'avais imaginé
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Est-ce trop demander quelque chose de grand?
You're all I want
Tu es tout ce que je veux
So much it's hurting
Tellement ça fait mal
You're all I want
Tu es tout ce que je veux
So much it's hurting
Tellement ça fait mal
One day you'll come into my world and say it all
Eines Tages wirst du in meine Welt kommen und alles sagen
You say we'll be together even when you're lost
Du sagst, wir werden zusammen sein, auch wenn du verloren bist
One day you'll say these words
Eines Tages wirst du diese Worte sagen
I thought you'll never say
Ich dachte, du würdest sie nie sagen
You say we're better off together in our bed
Du sagst, wir sind besser zusammen in unserem Bett
I want you here with me
Ich möchte, dass du hier bei mir bist
Like how I pictured it
So wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe
So I don't have to keep imagining
Damit ich nicht weiter träumen muss
Come on, jump out at me
Komm schon, spring auf mich zu
Come on, bring everything
Komm schon, bring alles mit
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Ist es zu viel verlangt, etwas Großartiges zu erbitten?
The script was written and I could not change a thing
Das Drehbuch war geschrieben und ich konnte nichts ändern
I want to rip it all to shreds and start again
Ich möchte alles in Fetzen reißen und von vorne anfangen
One day I'll come into your world and get it right
Eines Tages werde ich in deine Welt kommen und es richtig machen
I'll say we're better off together here tonight
Ich werde sagen, wir sind besser zusammen hier heute Nacht
I want you here with me
Ich möchte, dass du hier bei mir bist
Like how I pictured it
So wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe
So I don't have to keep imagining
Damit ich nicht weiter träumen muss
Come on, jump out at me
Komm schon, spring auf mich zu
Come on, bring everything
Komm schon, bring alles mit
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Ist es zu viel verlangt, etwas Großartiges zu erbitten?
I want you here with me
Ich möchte, dass du hier bei mir bist
Like how I pictured it
So wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe
So I don't have to keep imagining
Damit ich nicht weiter träumen muss
Come on, jump out at me
Komm schon, spring auf mich zu
Come on, bring everything
Komm schon, bring alles mit
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Ist es zu viel verlangt, etwas Großartiges zu erbitten?
I want you here with me
Ich möchte, dass du hier bei mir bist
Like how I pictured it
So wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Ist es zu viel verlangt, etwas Großartiges zu erbitten?
You're all I want
Du bist alles, was ich will
So much it's hurting
So sehr, dass es weh tut
You're all I want
Du bist alles, was ich will
So much it's hurting
So sehr, dass es weh tut
One day you'll come into my world and say it all
Un giorno entrerai nel mio mondo e dirai tutto
You say we'll be together even when you're lost
Dici che staremo insieme anche quando ti sei perso
One day you'll say these words
Un giorno dirai queste parole
I thought you'll never say
Pensavo che non avresti mai detto
You say we're better off together in our bed
Dici che stiamo meglio insieme nel nostro letto
I want you here with me
Ti voglio qui con me
Like how I pictured it
Come me l'ero immaginato
So I don't have to keep imagining
Così non devo continuare a immaginare
Come on, jump out at me
Dai, salta fuori a me
Come on, bring everything
Dai, porta tutto
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Chiedo troppo per qualcosa di grande?
The script was written and I could not change a thing
La sceneggiatura era scritta e non potevo cambiare nulla
I want to rip it all to shreds and start again
Voglio strappare tutto in pezzi e ricominciare
One day I'll come into your world and get it right
Un giorno entrerò nel tuo mondo e farò tutto bene
I'll say we're better off together here tonight
Dirò che stiamo meglio insieme qui stasera
I want you here with me
Ti voglio qui con me
Like how I pictured it
Come me l'ero immaginato
So I don't have to keep imagining
Così non devo continuare a immaginare
Come on, jump out at me
Dai, salta fuori a me
Come on, bring everything
Dai, porta tutto
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Chiedo troppo per qualcosa di grande?
I want you here with me
Ti voglio qui con me
Like how I pictured it
Come me l'ero immaginato
So I don't have to keep imagining
Così non devo continuare a immaginare
Come on, jump out at me
Dai, salta fuori a me
Come on, bring everything
Dai, porta tutto
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Chiedo troppo per qualcosa di grande?
I want you here with me
Ti voglio qui con me
Like how I pictured it
Come me l'ero immaginato
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Chiedo troppo per qualcosa di grande?
You're all I want
Sei tutto ciò che voglio
So much it's hurting
Tanto da far male
You're all I want
Sei tutto ciò che voglio
So much it's hurting
Tanto da far male
One day you'll come into my world and say it all
Suatu hari kamu akan masuk ke dalam dunia ku dan mengatakannya semua
You say we'll be together even when you're lost
Kamu bilang kita akan bersama meskipun kamu tersesat
One day you'll say these words
Suatu hari kamu akan mengucapkan kata-kata ini
I thought you'll never say
Aku pikir kamu tidak akan pernah mengatakannya
You say we're better off together in our bed
Kamu bilang kita lebih baik bersama di tempat tidur kita
I want you here with me
Aku ingin kamu di sini bersamaku
Like how I pictured it
Seperti yang telah aku bayangkan
So I don't have to keep imagining
Sehingga aku tidak perlu terus membayangkannya
Come on, jump out at me
Ayo, loncat keluar padaku
Come on, bring everything
Ayo, bawa segalanya
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Apakah terlalu banyak meminta sesuatu yang hebat?
The script was written and I could not change a thing
Skenario telah ditulis dan aku tidak bisa mengubah apapun
I want to rip it all to shreds and start again
Aku ingin merobek semuanya dan memulai lagi
One day I'll come into your world and get it right
Suatu hari aku akan masuk ke dalam duniamu dan melakukannya dengan benar
I'll say we're better off together here tonight
Aku akan bilang kita lebih baik bersama di sini malam ini
I want you here with me
Aku ingin kamu di sini bersamaku
Like how I pictured it
Seperti yang telah aku bayangkan
So I don't have to keep imagining
Sehingga aku tidak perlu terus membayangkannya
Come on, jump out at me
Ayo, loncat keluar padaku
Come on, bring everything
Ayo, bawa segalanya
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Apakah terlalu banyak meminta sesuatu yang hebat?
I want you here with me
Aku ingin kamu di sini bersamaku
Like how I pictured it
Seperti yang telah aku bayangkan
So I don't have to keep imagining
Sehingga aku tidak perlu terus membayangkannya
Come on, jump out at me
Ayo, loncat keluar padaku
Come on, bring everything
Ayo, bawa segalanya
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Apakah terlalu banyak meminta sesuatu yang hebat?
I want you here with me
Aku ingin kamu di sini bersamaku
Like how I pictured it
Seperti yang telah aku bayangkan
Is it too much to ask for something great?
Apakah terlalu banyak meminta sesuatu yang hebat?
You're all I want
Kamu adalah semua yang aku inginkan
So much it's hurting
Sangat menyakitkan
You're all I want
Kamu adalah semua yang aku inginkan
So much it's hurting
Sangat menyakitkan
One day you'll come into my world and say it all
You say we'll be together even when you're lost
One day you'll say these words
I thought you'll never say
You say we're better off together in our bed
I want you here with me
Like how I pictured it
So I don't have to keep imagining
Come on, jump out at me
มาสิ, กระโดดออกมาหาฉัน
Come on, bring everything
มาสิ, นำทุกอย่างมา
Is it too much to ask for something great?
The script was written and I could not change a thing
I want to rip it all to shreds and start again
One day I'll come into your world and get it right
I'll say we're better off together here tonight
I want you here with me
Like how I pictured it
So I don't have to keep imagining
Come on, jump out at me
มาสิ, กระโดดออกมาหาฉัน
Come on, bring everything
มาสิ, นำทุกอย่างมา
Is it too much to ask for something great?
I want you here with me
Like how I pictured it
So I don't have to keep imagining
Come on, jump out at me
มาสิ, กระโดดออกมาหาฉัน
Come on, bring everything
มาสิ, นำทุกอย่างมา
Is it too much to ask for something great?
I want you here with me
Like how I pictured it
Is it too much to ask for something great?
You're all I want
So much it's hurting
You're all I want
So much it's hurting
One day you'll come into my world and say it all
You say we'll be together even when you're lost
One day you'll say these words
I thought you'll never say
You say we're better off together in our bed
I want you here with me
Like how I pictured it
So I don't have to keep imagining
Come on, jump out at me
Come on, bring everything
Is it too much to ask for something great?
The script was written and I could not change a thing
I want to rip it all to shreds and start again
One day I'll come into your world and get it right
I'll say we're better off together here tonight
I want you here with me
Like how I pictured it
So I don't have to keep imagining
Come on, jump out at me
Come on, bring everything
Is it too much to ask for something great?
I want you here with me
Like how I pictured it
So I don't have to keep imagining
Come on, jump out at me
Come on, bring everything
Is it too much to ask for something great?
I want you here with me
Like how I pictured it
Is it too much to ask for something great?
You're all I want
So much it's hurting
You're all I want
So much it's hurting

Curiosidades sobre a música Something Great de One Direction

De quem é a composição da música “Something Great” de One Direction?
A música “Something Great” de One Direction foi composta por Garrett Lee, Gary Lightbody, Harry Styles.

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