Shattered Glass


Letra Tradução

Did I wake you, we're you sleepin', were you still in my bed?
Or is a nightmare, keepin' you up instead?
Oh baby, are you feelin' guilty for what you did
If you think you're hurtin', you ain't seen nothin' yet

Was it really worth it?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Feel like a man
I hope you know that, you can't come back
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass

You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
I promise that you gonna want me back
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Glass, glass, glass

Are you having trouble focusin' through the day?
Do you find yourself, still callin' my name?
Do you wish you could rewind time and take it back?
I bet you realize, she ain't half the woman I am

Was it really worth it?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Feel like a man
I hope you know that, you can't go back
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass

You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
I promise that you gonna want me back
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Glass, glass, glass

Like like, glass
Glass, glass, glass

Did I wake you, we're you sleepin', were you still in my bed?
Eu te acordei, você estava dormindo, você ainda estava na minha cama?
Or is a nightmare, keepin' you up instead?
Ou é um pesadelo, te mantendo acordado?
Oh baby, are you feelin' guilty for what you did
Oh querido, você está se sentindo culpado pelo que fez?
If you think you're hurtin', you ain't seen nothin' yet
Se você acha que está sofrendo, você não viu nada ainda
Was it really worth it?
Isso realmente valeu a pena?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Ela era tudo o que você estava procurando?
Feel like a man
Sinta-se como um homem
I hope you know that, you can't come back
Espero que você saiba que, você não pode voltar
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
Porque tudo que tínhamos, está quebrado como vidro estilhaçado
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
Você vai me ver, em seus sonhos esta noite
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
Meu rosto vai te assombrar o tempo todo
I promise that you gonna want me back
Eu prometo que você vai querer me ter de volta
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Quando seu mundo desmoronar, como vidro estilhaçado
Glass, glass, glass
Vidro, vidro, vidro
Are you having trouble focusin' through the day?
Você está tendo problemas para se concentrar durante o dia?
Do you find yourself, still callin' my name?
Você se pega, ainda chamando meu nome?
Do you wish you could rewind time and take it back?
Você deseja que pudesse voltar no tempo e desfazer tudo?
I bet you realize, she ain't half the woman I am
Aposto que você percebe, ela não é metade da mulher que eu sou
Was it really worth it?
Isso realmente valeu a pena?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Ela era tudo o que você estava procurando?
Feel like a man
Sinta-se como um homem
I hope you know that, you can't go back
Espero que você saiba que, você não pode voltar
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
Porque tudo que tínhamos, está quebrado como vidro estilhaçado
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
Você vai me ver, em seus sonhos esta noite
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
Meu rosto vai te assombrar o tempo todo
I promise that you gonna want me back
Eu prometo que você vai querer me ter de volta
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Quando seu mundo desmoronar, como vidro estilhaçado
Glass, glass, glass
Vidro, vidro, vidro
Like like, glass
Como vidro, vidro
Glass, glass, glass
Vidro, vidro, vidro
Did I wake you, we're you sleepin', were you still in my bed?
¿Te desperté, estabas durmiendo, todavía estabas en mi cama?
Or is a nightmare, keepin' you up instead?
¿O es una pesadilla, la que te mantiene despierto?
Oh baby, are you feelin' guilty for what you did
Oh cariño, ¿te sientes culpable por lo que hiciste?
If you think you're hurtin', you ain't seen nothin' yet
Si crees que estás sufriendo, aún no has visto nada
Was it really worth it?
¿Realmente valió la pena?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
¿Era ella todo lo que estabas buscando?
Feel like a man
Siéntete como un hombre
I hope you know that, you can't come back
Espero que sepas que, no puedes volver
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
Porque todo lo que teníamos, está roto como cristal hecho añicos
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
Me verás, en tus sueños esta noche
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
Mi rostro te perseguirá todo el tiempo
I promise that you gonna want me back
Prometo que vas a quererme de vuelta
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Cuando tu mundo se desmorone, como cristal hecho añicos
Glass, glass, glass
Cristal, cristal, cristal
Are you having trouble focusin' through the day?
¿Tienes problemas para concentrarte durante el día?
Do you find yourself, still callin' my name?
¿Te encuentras a ti mismo, aún llamando mi nombre?
Do you wish you could rewind time and take it back?
¿Deseas poder retroceder en el tiempo y deshacerlo?
I bet you realize, she ain't half the woman I am
Apuesto a que te das cuenta, ella no es ni la mitad de la mujer que soy
Was it really worth it?
¿Realmente valió la pena?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
¿Era ella todo lo que estabas buscando?
Feel like a man
Siéntete como un hombre
I hope you know that, you can't go back
Espero que sepas que, no puedes volver
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
Porque todo lo que teníamos, está roto como cristal hecho añicos
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
Me verás, en tus sueños esta noche
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
Mi rostro te perseguirá todo el tiempo
I promise that you gonna want me back
Prometo que vas a quererme de vuelta
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Cuando tu mundo se desmorone, como cristal hecho añicos
Glass, glass, glass
Cristal, cristal, cristal
Like like, glass
Como, como, cristal
Glass, glass, glass
Cristal, cristal, cristal
Did I wake you, we're you sleepin', were you still in my bed?
Est-ce que je t'ai réveillé, étais-tu en train de dormir, étais-tu encore dans mon lit?
Or is a nightmare, keepin' you up instead?
Ou est-ce un cauchemar, qui te garde éveillé à la place?
Oh baby, are you feelin' guilty for what you did
Oh bébé, te sens-tu coupable de ce que tu as fait
If you think you're hurtin', you ain't seen nothin' yet
Si tu penses que tu souffres, tu n'as encore rien vu
Was it really worth it?
Est-ce que ça en valait vraiment la peine?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Était-elle tout ce que tu cherchais?
Feel like a man
Te sens-tu comme un homme
I hope you know that, you can't come back
J'espère que tu sais que, tu ne peux pas revenir
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
Car tout ce que nous avions, est brisé comme du verre éclaté
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
Tu vas me voir, dans tes rêves ce soir
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
Mon visage va te hanter tout le temps
I promise that you gonna want me back
Je te promets que tu vas vouloir me reprendre
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Quand ton monde s'effondre, comme du verre éclaté
Glass, glass, glass
Verre, verre, verre
Are you having trouble focusin' through the day?
As-tu du mal à te concentrer pendant la journée?
Do you find yourself, still callin' my name?
Te retrouves-tu, à toujours appeler mon nom?
Do you wish you could rewind time and take it back?
Souhaites-tu pouvoir remonter le temps et tout reprendre?
I bet you realize, she ain't half the woman I am
Je parie que tu te rends compte, qu'elle n'est pas la moitié de la femme que je suis
Was it really worth it?
Est-ce que ça en valait vraiment la peine?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Était-elle tout ce que tu cherchais?
Feel like a man
Te sens-tu comme un homme
I hope you know that, you can't go back
J'espère que tu sais que, tu ne peux pas revenir
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
Car tout ce que nous avions, est brisé comme du verre éclaté
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
Tu vas me voir, dans tes rêves ce soir
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
Mon visage va te hanter tout le temps
I promise that you gonna want me back
Je te promets que tu vas vouloir me reprendre
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Quand ton monde s'effondre, comme du verre éclaté
Glass, glass, glass
Verre, verre, verre
Like like, glass
Comme du verre
Glass, glass, glass
Verre, verre, verre
Did I wake you, we're you sleepin', were you still in my bed?
Habe ich dich geweckt, hast du geschlafen, warst du noch in meinem Bett?
Or is a nightmare, keepin' you up instead?
Oder ist es ein Albtraum, der dich stattdessen wach hält?
Oh baby, are you feelin' guilty for what you did
Oh Baby, fühlst du dich schuldig für das, was du getan hast?
If you think you're hurtin', you ain't seen nothin' yet
Wenn du denkst, du bist verletzt, du hast noch nichts gesehen
Was it really worth it?
War es das wirklich wert?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
War sie alles, wonach du gesucht hast?
Feel like a man
Fühl dich wie ein Mann
I hope you know that, you can't come back
Ich hoffe, du weißt, dass du nicht zurückkommen kannst
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
Denn alles, was wir hatten, ist zerbrochen wie zersplittertes Glas
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
Du wirst mich in deinen Träumen heute Nacht sehen
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
Mein Gesicht wird dich die ganze Zeit verfolgen
I promise that you gonna want me back
Ich verspreche, dass du mich zurückhaben willst
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Wenn deine Welt auseinanderfällt, wie zersplittertes Glas
Glass, glass, glass
Glas, Glas, Glas
Are you having trouble focusin' through the day?
Hast du Schwierigkeiten, dich tagsüber zu konzentrieren?
Do you find yourself, still callin' my name?
Findest du dich immer noch dabei, meinen Namen zu rufen?
Do you wish you could rewind time and take it back?
Wünschst du, du könntest die Zeit zurückdrehen und es rückgängig machen?
I bet you realize, she ain't half the woman I am
Ich wette, du merkst, dass sie nicht halb die Frau ist, die ich bin
Was it really worth it?
War es das wirklich wert?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
War sie alles, wonach du gesucht hast?
Feel like a man
Fühl dich wie ein Mann
I hope you know that, you can't go back
Ich hoffe, du weißt, dass du nicht zurückgehen kannst
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
Denn alles, was wir hatten, ist zerbrochen wie zersplittertes Glas
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
Du wirst mich in deinen Träumen heute Nacht sehen
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
Mein Gesicht wird dich die ganze Zeit verfolgen
I promise that you gonna want me back
Ich verspreche, dass du mich zurückhaben willst
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Wenn deine Welt auseinanderfällt, wie zersplittertes Glas
Glass, glass, glass
Glas, Glas, Glas
Like like, glass
Wie, wie, Glas
Glass, glass, glass
Glas, Glas, Glas
Did I wake you, we're you sleepin', were you still in my bed?
Ti ho svegliato, stavi dormendo, eri ancora nel mio letto?
Or is a nightmare, keepin' you up instead?
O è un incubo, che ti tiene sveglio invece?
Oh baby, are you feelin' guilty for what you did
Oh baby, ti senti in colpa per quello che hai fatto
If you think you're hurtin', you ain't seen nothin' yet
Se pensi di soffrire, non hai visto ancora niente
Was it really worth it?
Ne è valsa davvero la pena?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Era tutto quello che cercavi?
Feel like a man
Sentirti un uomo
I hope you know that, you can't come back
Spero tu sappia che, non puoi tornare indietro
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
Perché tutto quello che avevamo, è rotto come vetro infranto
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
Mi vedrai, nei tuoi sogni stanotte
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
Il mio viso ti tormenterà tutto il tempo
I promise that you gonna want me back
Ti prometto che mi vorrai di nuovo
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Quando il tuo mondo cadrà a pezzi, come vetro infranto
Glass, glass, glass
Vetro, vetro, vetro
Are you having trouble focusin' through the day?
Hai problemi a concentrarti durante il giorno?
Do you find yourself, still callin' my name?
Ti ritrovi ancora a chiamare il mio nome?
Do you wish you could rewind time and take it back?
Vorresti poter riavvolgere il tempo e riprenderlo indietro?
I bet you realize, she ain't half the woman I am
Scommetto che ti rendi conto, lei non è metà della donna che sono io
Was it really worth it?
Ne è valsa davvero la pena?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Era tutto quello che cercavi?
Feel like a man
Sentirti un uomo
I hope you know that, you can't go back
Spero tu sappia che, non puoi tornare indietro
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
Perché tutto quello che avevamo, è rotto come vetro infranto
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
Mi vedrai, nei tuoi sogni stanotte
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
Il mio viso ti tormenterà tutto il tempo
I promise that you gonna want me back
Ti prometto che mi vorrai di nuovo
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Quando il tuo mondo cadrà a pezzi, come vetro infranto
Glass, glass, glass
Vetro, vetro, vetro
Like like, glass
Come, come, vetro
Glass, glass, glass
Vetro, vetro, vetro
Did I wake you, we're you sleepin', were you still in my bed?
Apakah aku membangunkanmu, apakah kamu sedang tidur, apakah kamu masih di tempat tidurku?
Or is a nightmare, keepin' you up instead?
Ataukah ini mimpi buruk, yang membuatmu tetap terjaga?
Oh baby, are you feelin' guilty for what you did
Oh sayang, apakah kamu merasa bersalah atas apa yang telah kamu lakukan
If you think you're hurtin', you ain't seen nothin' yet
Jika kamu pikir kamu terluka, kamu belum melihat apa-apa
Was it really worth it?
Apakah itu benar-benar sepadan?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Apakah dia segalanya, yang kamu cari?
Feel like a man
Merasa seperti seorang pria
I hope you know that, you can't come back
Aku harap kamu tahu bahwa, kamu tidak bisa kembali
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
Karena semua yang kita miliki, hancur seperti kaca yang pecah
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
Kamu akan melihatku, dalam mimpimu malam ini
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
Wajahku akan menghantui kamu sepanjang waktu
I promise that you gonna want me back
Aku berjanji bahwa kamu akan menginginkan aku kembali
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Ketika duniamu hancur, seperti kaca yang pecah
Glass, glass, glass
Kaca, kaca, kaca
Are you having trouble focusin' through the day?
Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan fokus sepanjang hari?
Do you find yourself, still callin' my name?
Apakah kamu menemukan dirimu, masih memanggil namaku?
Do you wish you could rewind time and take it back?
Apakah kamu berharap bisa memutar waktu dan membatalkannya?
I bet you realize, she ain't half the woman I am
Aku bertaruh kamu menyadari, dia tidak setengah dari wanita yang aku miliki
Was it really worth it?
Apakah itu benar-benar sepadan?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Apakah dia segalanya, yang kamu cari?
Feel like a man
Merasa seperti seorang pria
I hope you know that, you can't go back
Aku harap kamu tahu bahwa, kamu tidak bisa kembali
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
Karena semua yang kita miliki, hancur seperti kaca yang pecah
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
Kamu akan melihatku, dalam mimpimu malam ini
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
Wajahku akan menghantui kamu sepanjang waktu
I promise that you gonna want me back
Aku berjanji bahwa kamu akan menginginkan aku kembali
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Ketika duniamu hancur, seperti kaca yang pecah
Glass, glass, glass
Kaca, kaca, kaca
Like like, glass
Seperti kaca
Glass, glass, glass
Kaca, kaca, kaca
Did I wake you, we're you sleepin', were you still in my bed?
ฉันปลุกคุณหรือไม่ คุณกำลังหลับหรือ คุณยังอยู่ในเตียงของฉันหรือไม่?
Or is a nightmare, keepin' you up instead?
Oh baby, are you feelin' guilty for what you did
โอ้ ที่รัก คุณรู้สึกผิดรึเปล่าสำหรับสิ่งที่คุณทำ
If you think you're hurtin', you ain't seen nothin' yet
ถ้าคุณคิดว่าคุณเจ็บปวด คุณยังไม่เคยเห็นอะไรเลย
Was it really worth it?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Feel like a man
I hope you know that, you can't come back
ฉันหวังว่าคุณรู้ว่า คุณไม่สามารถกลับมาได้
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
เพราะทุกสิ่งที่เรามี ถูกทำลายเหมือนแก้วที่แตกเป็นชิ้นๆ
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
คุณจะเห็นฉัน ในฝันของคุณคืนนี้
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
ใบหน้าของฉันจะมา haunt คุณตลอดเวลา
I promise that you gonna want me back
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
เมื่อโลกของคุณพังทลาย เหมือนแก้วที่แตกเป็นชิ้นๆ
Glass, glass, glass
แก้ว, แก้ว, แก้ว
Are you having trouble focusin' through the day?
Do you find yourself, still callin' my name?
Do you wish you could rewind time and take it back?
I bet you realize, she ain't half the woman I am
ฉันเดาว่าคุณตระหนักว่า เธอไม่ได้เท่ากับครึ่งหนึ่งของผู้หญิงที่ฉันเป็น
Was it really worth it?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Feel like a man
I hope you know that, you can't go back
ฉันหวังว่าคุณรู้ว่า คุณไม่สามารถกลับไปได้
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
เพราะทุกสิ่งที่เรามี ถูกทำลายเหมือนแก้วที่แตกเป็นชิ้นๆ
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
คุณจะเห็นฉัน ในฝันของคุณคืนนี้
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
ใบหน้าของฉันจะมา haunt คุณตลอดเวลา
I promise that you gonna want me back
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
เมื่อโลกของคุณพังทลาย เหมือนแก้วที่แตกเป็นชิ้นๆ
Glass, glass, glass
แก้ว, แก้ว, แก้ว
Like like, glass
เหมือนๆ กับ แก้ว
Glass, glass, glass
แก้ว, แก้ว, แก้ว
Did I wake you, we're you sleepin', were you still in my bed?
Or is a nightmare, keepin' you up instead?
Oh baby, are you feelin' guilty for what you did
If you think you're hurtin', you ain't seen nothin' yet
Was it really worth it?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Feel like a man
I hope you know that, you can't come back
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
I promise that you gonna want me back
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Glass, glass, glass
Are you having trouble focusin' through the day?
Do you find yourself, still callin' my name?
Do you wish you could rewind time and take it back?
I bet you realize, she ain't half the woman I am
Was it really worth it?
Was she everything, that you were looking for?
Feel like a man
I hope you know that, you can't go back
Cause all we had, is broken like shattered glass
You're gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
I promise that you gonna want me back
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Glass, glass, glass
Like like, glass
Glass, glass, glass

Curiosidades sobre a música Shattered Glass de Britney Spears

Quando a música “Shattered Glass” foi lançada por Britney Spears?
A música Shattered Glass foi lançada em 2008, no álbum “Circus”.
De quem é a composição da música “Shattered Glass” de Britney Spears?
A música “Shattered Glass” de Britney Spears foi composta por CLAUDE KELLY, LUKASZ GOTTWALD, BENJAMIN LEVIN.

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