Entenda a Letra

Vídeos em Destaque

Músicas mais populares

Todas as Músicas

#13 Baby
Ain't That Pretty at All
Ain’t That Pretty at All
Alec Eiffel
Alec Eiffel [Video]
All Around the World [DVD]
All I Think About Now
All Over the World
All the Saints
Allison [Live]
Andro Queen
Andro Queen - Live at Water Music
Another Toe in the Ocean
Baal's Back
Bailey's Walk
Bam Thwok
Bel Esprit
Bird Dream of the Olympus Mons
Bird of Prey
Black Francis on Being Inspired by the Bible
Blown Away
Blown Away [Live]
Blue Eyed Hexe
Bone Machine
Boom Chicka Boom (Live from The Fallout Shelter)
Born in Chicago
Break my Body
Break My Body
Break My Body [Live]
Brick Is Red
Broken Face
Broken Face
Broken Face - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Broken Face [Live]
Build High
Cactus - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Caribou - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Caribou - Live at Water Music
Catfish Kate
Caught In A Dream
Chapel Hill
Childhood Faves
Classic Masher
Crackity Jones
Current Faves
Dancing the Manta Ray
Dancing The Mantra Ray
Daniel Boone
Dead - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Death Horizon
Debaser - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Dig for Fire
Distance Equals Rate Times Time
Down to the Well
Dregs of the Wine
Ed is Dead
Ed Is Dead [Live]
El Santo
Evil Hearted You
Get Simulated
Gigantic - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Gouge Away
Gouge Away - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Gouge Away (Extorquir)
Greens and Blues
Greens and Blues - Live at Water Music
Hang on to Your Ego
Hang Wire
Hang Wire [Live]
Happening [Live]
Haunted House
Head Carrier
Head On
Hear Me Out
Here Comes Your Man
Hey - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Hey [Peel Session]
Hey, Debussy
Holiday Song
Holiday Song (Live from The Fallout Shelter)
How I Learned to Earn Rewards
Human Crime
I Bleed
I Bleed - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
I Bleed [DVD]
I Can't Forget
I Can’t Forget
I Just Can’t Break It To You
I Just Can’t Break It to You (Demo)
I Like
I'm Amazed
I'm Amazed [DVD; Previously Unreleased Track]
I've Been Tired
I've Been Waiting for You
I’m Amazed
I’ve Been Tired
In Heaven
In Heaven - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
In Heaven [Peel Session]
In the Arms of Mrs. Mark of Cain
Indie Cindy
Indie Cindy - Live at Water Music
Into the White
Into The White - Pixies
Into the White [Live]
Intro / Bone Machine - Live At Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Is She Weird
Is She Weird?
Isla de Encanta
Isla De Encanta - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Isla de Encanta [Live]
Jaime Bravo
Keeping it together
La La Love You
Last Way Out Of Here
Letter to Memphis
Letter to Memphis [Live]
Levitate Me
Long Rider
Los Surfers Muertos
Lovely Day
Magdalena 318
Major Influences
Make Believe
Mal De Mer
Mambo Sun
Manta Ray
Might As Well Be Gone
Monkey Gone to Heaven
Monkey Gone To Heaven - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Most Surprising Favorite Artist
Motorway to Roswell
Motorway to Roswell [Live]
Mr Grieves [Live]
Mr. Grieves
Mr. Grieves
Mr. Grieves - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Mr. Grieves [DVD]
My Manta Ray Is All Right [Demo 2]
Nimrod's Son
Nimrod’s Son - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Nimrod’s Son - Live at Water Music
No. 13 Baby
No. 13 Baby - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Number 13 Baby
Oh My Golly!
On Graveyard Hill
On Playing Acoustically
Opening Scene of Pixies Bio-Pic
Original skin
Pagan Man
Palace of Brine (Live from Le Transbordeur, Lyon, France. May 27th, 1991)
Palace of the Brine
Palace of the Brine [Live]
Planet of Sound
Planet Of Sound - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Plaster of Paris
Please Don’t Go
Please, Don’t Go (Demo)
Ready for Love
Ring the Bell
River Euphrates
River Euphrates
River Euphrates - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
River Euphrates [DVD]
Rock a My Soul
Rock Music
Rock Music [Live]
Sad Punk [DVD]
Sad Punk [Live]
Sexy Eyes
Silver Bullet
Silver Snail
Silver Snail - Live at Water Music
Something Against You
Something Against You - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Something Against You [Live]
Southern Skies
Space (I Believe In)
St. Nazaire
Stormy Weather
Subbacultcha [DVD]
Tame - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Teachin' myself to dream
Tenement Song
The Lord Has Come Back Today
The Good Works of Cyrus
The Happening
The Holiday Song
The Navajo Know
The Sad Punk
The Thing
Theme from Narc
There Goes My Gun
There's A Moon On
There’s a Moon On
This Is My Fate
Thunder & Lightning
Thunder and Lightning
Tony's Theme
Tony's Theme [Live]
Touch of my hand
Trompe le Monde
Trompe le Monde [Live]
U-Mass - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Um Chagga Lagga
Under the Marigold
Vamos - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Vamos [Live]
Vault Of Heaven
Watching the rain
Wave of Mutilation
Wave Of Mutilation - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Weird at My School
What Goes Boom
Whatever Will Be, Will Be [Que Sera, Sera]
Where Is My Mind - Live at Voodoo ’04, New Orleans, LA
Where Is My Mind?
Who's More Sorry Now?
Wild Honey Pie
Women of War
You Fucking Die! I Said...
You Fucking Die!...I Said....(Hidden Track)
You're Such a Sadducee
You’re Such a Sadducee

Curiosidades sobre Pixies

Quais as principais músicas de Pixies?
As principais músicas de Pixies são “Where Is My Mind?”, “Hey”, “Here Comes Your Man”, “Debaser” e “Monkey Gone to Heaven”.
Qual o álbum mais recente de Pixies?
O álbum mais recente de Pixies é o “Pixies at the BBC, 1988-91”, lançado em 2024 com 24 faixas.
Qual o álbum mais antigo de Pixies?
O álbum mais antigo de Pixies é o “Come on Pilgrim - EP”, lançado em 1987 com 8 faixas.
Qual a música de maior sucesso de Pixies?
A música mais popular de Pixies é “Where Is My Mind?”, do álbum “Surfer Rosa”, lançado em 1988.
Quantos álbuns foram lançados por Pixies?
Entre 1987 e 2024, 47 Álbuns foram lançados por Pixies.
Qual o significado da música “Where Is My Mind?”, de Pixies?
A música 'Where Is My Mind?' dos Pixies é uma obra que transcende o tempo, mantendo-se relevante e intrigante desde o seu lançamento em 1988, no álbum 'Surfer Rosa'. A canção é conhecida por sua melodia cativante e seu refrão hipnótico, que questiona a localização e o estado da mente humana. A letra sugere uma desconexão entre o corpo e a mente, uma sensação de desorientação e busca por compreensão interior.
Veja a íntegra do significado da letra da música “Where Is My Mind?”

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