When The Tigers Broke Free


Letra Tradução

It was just before dawn
One miserable morning in black 'forty four
When the forward commander
Was told to sit tight

When he asked that his men be withdrawn
And the Generals gave thanks
As the other ranks held back
The enemy tanks for a while

And the Anzio bridgehead
Was held for the price
Of a few hundred ordinary lives

And kind old King George
Sent mother a note
When he heard that father was gone

It was, I recall
In the form of a scroll
With gold leaf adorned
And I found it one day
In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away

And my eyes still grow damp to remember
His Majesty signed
With his own rubber stamp
It was dark all around
There was frost in the ground
When the tigers broke free
And no one survived
From the Royal Fusiliers Company Z

They were all left behind
Most of them dead
The rest of them dying
And that's how the High Command
Took my daddy from me

It was just before dawn
Era pouco antes do amanhecer
One miserable morning in black 'forty four
Numa manhã miserável em preto 'quarenta e quatro
When the forward commander
Quando o comandante avançado
Was told to sit tight
Foi dito para ficar quieto
When he asked that his men be withdrawn
Quando ele pediu que seus homens fossem retirados
And the Generals gave thanks
E os generais agradeceram
As the other ranks held back
Enquanto as outras fileiras seguravam
The enemy tanks for a while
Os tanques inimigos por um tempo
And the Anzio bridgehead
E a cabeça de ponte de Anzio
Was held for the price
Foi mantida pelo preço
Of a few hundred ordinary lives
De algumas centenas de vidas comuns
And kind old King George
E o bondoso Rei George
Sent mother a note
Enviou uma nota à mãe
When he heard that father was gone
Quando soube que o pai se fora
It was, I recall
Foi, eu me lembro
In the form of a scroll
Na forma de um pergaminho
With gold leaf adorned
Adornado com folha de ouro
And I found it one day
E eu o encontrei um dia
In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away
Em uma gaveta de fotografias antigas, escondido
And my eyes still grow damp to remember
E meus olhos ainda ficam úmidos ao lembrar
His Majesty signed
Sua Majestade assinou
With his own rubber stamp
Com seu próprio carimbo de borracha
It was dark all around
Estava escuro ao redor
There was frost in the ground
Havia geada no chão
When the tigers broke free
Quando os tigres se libertaram
And no one survived
E ninguém sobreviveu
From the Royal Fusiliers Company Z
Da Companhia Z dos Fuzileiros Reais
They were all left behind
Todos foram deixados para trás
Most of them dead
A maioria deles mortos
The rest of them dying
O resto deles morrendo
And that's how the High Command
E foi assim que o Alto Comando
Took my daddy from me
Levou meu pai de mim
It was just before dawn
Fue justo antes del amanecer
One miserable morning in black 'forty four
Una mañana miserable en el negro 'cuarenta y cuatro
When the forward commander
Cuando el comandante de vanguardia
Was told to sit tight
Se le dijo que se quedara quieto
When he asked that his men be withdrawn
Cuando pidió que sus hombres fueran retirados
And the Generals gave thanks
Y los generales dieron gracias
As the other ranks held back
Mientras las demás filas se retenían
The enemy tanks for a while
Los tanques enemigos por un rato
And the Anzio bridgehead
Y la cabeza de puente de Anzio
Was held for the price
Se mantuvo por el precio
Of a few hundred ordinary lives
De unas pocas cientos de vidas ordinarias
And kind old King George
Y el amable viejo Rey Jorge
Sent mother a note
Envió a madre una nota
When he heard that father was gone
Cuando se enteró de que padre se había ido
It was, I recall
Fue, recuerdo
In the form of a scroll
En forma de un pergamino
With gold leaf adorned
Adornado con hojas de oro
And I found it one day
Y lo encontré un día
In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away
En un cajón de viejas fotografías, escondido
And my eyes still grow damp to remember
Y mis ojos aún se humedecen al recordar
His Majesty signed
Su Majestad firmó
With his own rubber stamp
Con su propio sello de goma
It was dark all around
Estaba oscuro a mi alrededor
There was frost in the ground
Había escarcha en el suelo
When the tigers broke free
Cuando los tigres se liberaron
And no one survived
Y nadie sobrevivió
From the Royal Fusiliers Company Z
De la Compañía Z de los Fusileros Reales
They were all left behind
Todos fueron dejados atrás
Most of them dead
La mayoría de ellos muertos
The rest of them dying
El resto de ellos muriendo
And that's how the High Command
Y así es como el Alto Mando
Took my daddy from me
Me quitó a mi papá
It was just before dawn
C'était juste avant l'aube
One miserable morning in black 'forty four
Un matin misérable en noir 'quarante-quatre
When the forward commander
Quand le commandant en avant
Was told to sit tight
On lui a dit de rester tranquille
When he asked that his men be withdrawn
Quand il a demandé que ses hommes soient retirés
And the Generals gave thanks
Et les généraux ont rendu grâce
As the other ranks held back
Alors que les autres rangs retenaient
The enemy tanks for a while
Les chars ennemis pendant un moment
And the Anzio bridgehead
Et la tête de pont d'Anzio
Was held for the price
A été tenue pour le prix
Of a few hundred ordinary lives
De quelques centaines de vies ordinaires
And kind old King George
Et le bon vieux roi George
Sent mother a note
A envoyé une note à maman
When he heard that father was gone
Quand il a appris que papa était parti
It was, I recall
C'était, je me souviens
In the form of a scroll
Sous la forme d'un parchemin
With gold leaf adorned
Orné de feuilles d'or
And I found it one day
Et je l'ai trouvé un jour
In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away
Dans un tiroir de vieilles photographies, caché
And my eyes still grow damp to remember
Et mes yeux deviennent encore humides pour me souvenir
His Majesty signed
Sa Majesté a signé
With his own rubber stamp
Avec son propre tampon en caoutchouc
It was dark all around
Il faisait sombre tout autour
There was frost in the ground
Il y avait du gel au sol
When the tigers broke free
Quand les tigres se sont libérés
And no one survived
Et personne n'a survécu
From the Royal Fusiliers Company Z
De la Compagnie Z des Fusiliers Royaux
They were all left behind
Ils ont tous été laissés derrière
Most of them dead
La plupart d'entre eux sont morts
The rest of them dying
Le reste d'entre eux mourant
And that's how the High Command
Et c'est ainsi que le Haut Commandement
Took my daddy from me
A pris mon papa de moi
It was just before dawn
Es war kurz vor der Morgendämmerung
One miserable morning in black 'forty four
An einem elenden Morgen im schwarzen vierundvierzig
When the forward commander
Als dem vorderen Kommandeur
Was told to sit tight
Gesagt wurde, er solle stillhalten
When he asked that his men be withdrawn
Als er darum bat, dass seine Männer zurückgezogen werden
And the Generals gave thanks
Und die Generäle dankten
As the other ranks held back
Während die anderen Ränge zurückhielten
The enemy tanks for a while
Die feindlichen Panzer für eine Weile
And the Anzio bridgehead
Und der Anzio-Brückenkopf
Was held for the price
Wurde gehalten für den Preis
Of a few hundred ordinary lives
Von ein paar hundert gewöhnlichen Leben
And kind old King George
Und der gute alte König George
Sent mother a note
Schickte Mutter eine Notiz
When he heard that father was gone
Als er hörte, dass Vater fort war
It was, I recall
Es war, wie ich mich erinnere
In the form of a scroll
In Form einer Schriftrolle
With gold leaf adorned
Mit Goldblatt verziert
And I found it one day
Und ich fand es eines Tages
In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away
In einer Schublade mit alten Fotografien, versteckt
And my eyes still grow damp to remember
Und meine Augen werden immer noch feucht, wenn ich mich erinnere
His Majesty signed
Seine Majestät unterschrieb
With his own rubber stamp
Mit seinem eigenen Gummistempel
It was dark all around
Es war überall dunkel
There was frost in the ground
Es gab Frost im Boden
When the tigers broke free
Als die Tiger ausbrachen
And no one survived
Und niemand überlebte
From the Royal Fusiliers Company Z
Von der Royal Fusiliers Company Z
They were all left behind
Sie wurden alle zurückgelassen
Most of them dead
Die meisten von ihnen tot
The rest of them dying
Die restlichen sterbend
And that's how the High Command
Und so hat das Oberkommando
Took my daddy from me
Meinen Vater von mir genommen
It was just before dawn
Era poco prima dell'alba
One miserable morning in black 'forty four
Una mattina miserabile nel nero 'quarantaquattro
When the forward commander
Quando il comandante in avanti
Was told to sit tight
Gli fu detto di stare fermo
When he asked that his men be withdrawn
Quando chiese che i suoi uomini fossero ritirati
And the Generals gave thanks
E i generali ringraziarono
As the other ranks held back
Mentre gli altri ranghi trattennero
The enemy tanks for a while
I carri armati nemici per un po'
And the Anzio bridgehead
E la testa di ponte di Anzio
Was held for the price
Fu tenuta al prezzo
Of a few hundred ordinary lives
Di alcune centinaia di vite ordinarie
And kind old King George
E il gentile vecchio Re Giorgio
Sent mother a note
Inviò una nota alla madre
When he heard that father was gone
Quando seppe che il padre era andato
It was, I recall
Era, ricordo
In the form of a scroll
Sotto forma di un rotolo
With gold leaf adorned
Adornato con foglia d'oro
And I found it one day
E l'ho trovato un giorno
In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away
In un cassetto di vecchie fotografie, nascosto
And my eyes still grow damp to remember
E i miei occhi si inumidiscono ancora nel ricordare
His Majesty signed
Sua Maestà firmò
With his own rubber stamp
Con il suo timbro di gomma
It was dark all around
Era buio tutto intorno
There was frost in the ground
C'era brina a terra
When the tigers broke free
Quando le tigri si liberarono
And no one survived
E nessuno sopravvisse
From the Royal Fusiliers Company Z
Dalla Compagnia Z dei Royal Fusiliers
They were all left behind
Furono tutti lasciati indietro
Most of them dead
La maggior parte di loro morti
The rest of them dying
Il resto di loro morente
And that's how the High Command
E così è come l'Alto Comando
Took my daddy from me
Mi ha tolto mio padre
It was just before dawn
Itu adalah tepat sebelum fajar
One miserable morning in black 'forty four
Suatu pagi yang menyedihkan di hitam 'empat puluh empat
When the forward commander
Ketika komandan depan
Was told to sit tight
Diperintahkan untuk tetap diam
When he asked that his men be withdrawn
Ketika dia meminta agar pasukannya ditarik mundur
And the Generals gave thanks
Dan para Jenderal mengucapkan terima kasih
As the other ranks held back
Saat pasukan lainnya menahan
The enemy tanks for a while
Tank musuh untuk sementara waktu
And the Anzio bridgehead
Dan jembatan Anzio
Was held for the price
Ditahan dengan harga
Of a few hundred ordinary lives
Beberapa ratus nyawa biasa
And kind old King George
Dan Raja George yang baik hati
Sent mother a note
Mengirimkan ibu sebuah catatan
When he heard that father was gone
Ketika dia mendengar bahwa ayah telah pergi
It was, I recall
Itu, saya ingat
In the form of a scroll
Dalam bentuk gulungan
With gold leaf adorned
Dihiasi dengan daun emas
And I found it one day
Dan saya menemukannya suatu hari
In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away
Dalam laci penuh foto lama, tersembunyi
And my eyes still grow damp to remember
Dan mata saya masih basah mengingatnya
His Majesty signed
Yang Mulia menandatangani
With his own rubber stamp
Dengan stempel karet miliknya
It was dark all around
Itu gelap di sekeliling
There was frost in the ground
Ada embun beku di tanah
When the tigers broke free
Ketika harimau-harimau bebas
And no one survived
Dan tidak ada yang selamat
From the Royal Fusiliers Company Z
Dari Perusahaan Royal Fusiliers Z
They were all left behind
Mereka semua ditinggalkan
Most of them dead
Sebagian besar dari mereka mati
The rest of them dying
Sisanya sedang sekarat
And that's how the High Command
Dan itulah bagaimana Komando Tinggi
Took my daddy from me
Mengambil ayahku dari saya
It was just before dawn
One miserable morning in black 'forty four
ในเช้าที่น่าสงสารของปี '44 ที่มืดมิด
When the forward commander
Was told to sit tight
When he asked that his men be withdrawn
And the Generals gave thanks
As the other ranks held back
The enemy tanks for a while
And the Anzio bridgehead
และสะพาน Anzio
Was held for the price
Of a few hundred ordinary lives
And kind old King George
และพระราชา George ที่ใจดี
Sent mother a note
When he heard that father was gone
It was, I recall
มันคือ, ฉันจำได้
In the form of a scroll
With gold leaf adorned
And I found it one day
In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away
ในลิ้นชักของภาพถ่ายเก่า, ซ่อนอยู่
And my eyes still grow damp to remember
His Majesty signed
With his own rubber stamp
It was dark all around
There was frost in the ground
When the tigers broke free
And no one survived
From the Royal Fusiliers Company Z
จากกองทัพ Royal Fusiliers Company Z
They were all left behind
Most of them dead
The rest of them dying
And that's how the High Command
Took my daddy from me
It was just before dawn
One miserable morning in black 'forty four
When the forward commander
Was told to sit tight
When he asked that his men be withdrawn
And the Generals gave thanks
As the other ranks held back
The enemy tanks for a while
And the Anzio bridgehead
Was held for the price
Of a few hundred ordinary lives
And kind old King George
Sent mother a note
When he heard that father was gone
It was, I recall
In the form of a scroll
With gold leaf adorned
And I found it one day
In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away
And my eyes still grow damp to remember
His Majesty signed
With his own rubber stamp
It was dark all around
There was frost in the ground
When the tigers broke free
And no one survived
From the Royal Fusiliers Company Z
They were all left behind
Most of them dead
The rest of them dying
And that's how the High Command
Took my daddy from me

[Songtekst van "When the Tigers Broke Free" (Vertaling)]

[Vers 1]
Het was gewoon voor dageraad een miserabele
Ochtend in zwarte Vierenveertig
Wanneer de voorwaartse commandant werd verteld om zich klaar te houden
Wanneer hij vroeg dat zijn mannen zich terugtrekken
En de generalen gaven dank zoals de andere ranken
Hiel de vijandelijke tanken terug voor een tijdje
En de Anzio bruggenhoofd werd gehouden voor de prijs
Van een paar honderden normale levens

[Vers 2]
En vriendelijke oude koning George stuurde Moeder een brief
Wanneer hij hoorde dat Vader weg was
Het was, herinner ik me, in de vorm van een rol
Met goeden blad en al
En ik vond het op een dag
In een schuif van oude foto's, weggestopt
En mijn ogen worden nog altijd vochtig terwijl ik herinner
Zijne Majesteit tekende met zijn eigen rubberen stempel

[Vers 3]
Het was overal donker, er was vorst in de grond
Wanneer de Tijgers losbraken
En niemand overleefde
Van de Royale Fusiliers Gezelschap Z
Ze waren allemaal achtergelaten
Meeste van hen dood, de rest was aan het sterven
En dat is hoe de Hoge Command
Mijn vader van me wegnam

Curiosidades sobre a música When The Tigers Broke Free de Pink Floyd

Em quais álbuns a música “When The Tigers Broke Free” foi lançada por Pink Floyd?
Pink Floyd lançou a música nos álbums “The Wall Film Soundtrack” em 1982, “The Wall: Music From the Film” em 1982, “When the Tigers Broke Free” em 1982, “The Final Cut” em 1983, “Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd” em 2001 e “Oh, By the Way” em 2007.
De quem é a composição da música “When The Tigers Broke Free” de Pink Floyd?
A música “When The Tigers Broke Free” de Pink Floyd foi composta por ROGER WATERS.

Músicas mais populares de Pink Floyd

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