One Year of Love

John Deacon

Letra Significado Tradução

Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
I'm falling apart all around you, yeah
My heart cries out to your heart
I'm lonely but you can save me
My hand reaches for to your hand
I'm cold but you light the fire in me
My lips search for your lips
I'm hungry for your touch
There's so much left unspoken
And all I can do is surrender
To the moment just surrender

And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much
Ooh yes it hurts
And pain is so close to pleasure
And all I can do is surrender to your love
Just surrender to your love
Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
I'm falling apart all around you
And all I can do is surrender

A Intensidade do Amor em One Year Of Love do Queen

A música 'One Year Of Love', da icônica banda britânica Queen, é uma balada que explora a profundidade e a complexidade dos sentimentos amorosos. A letra, carregada de emoção, fala sobre a intensidade de um amor que, mesmo que dure apenas um ano, é mais valioso do que uma vida inteira de solidão. Através de metáforas poéticas, como 'um momento sentimental em seus braços é como uma estrela cadente direto pelo meu coração', a música transmite a ideia de que os momentos de amor verdadeiro são raros e preciosos, capazes de deixar uma marca indelével no coração de alguém.

A canção também aborda a dor que frequentemente acompanha o amor, sugerindo que 'ninguém nunca me disse que o amor doeria tanto'. Essa linha revela a surpresa e a vulnerabilidade que acompanham a descoberta de que o amor pode ser tanto fonte de alegria quanto de sofrimento. A proximidade entre dor e prazer é um tema recorrente na música e na literatura, refletindo a dualidade das experiências humanas. A música sugere que, apesar da dor, há uma beleza em se render ao amor, em se permitir sentir plenamente, mesmo que isso signifique estar exposto a feridas emocionais.

Queen, conhecida por sua habilidade em misturar gêneros e criar hinos atemporais, entrega em 'One Year Of Love' uma balada que se destaca por sua sinceridade lírica e sua melodia envolvente. A voz de Freddie Mercury, carregada de emoção, dá vida à letra de uma maneira que poucos cantores conseguem. A música é um convite para se entregar ao amor, apesar de suas imperfeições e dores, e encontrar beleza na vulnerabilidade de se estar apaixonado. É uma reflexão sobre como os momentos de conexão genuína podem ser transformadores, mesmo que sejam efêmeros.

Just one year of love
Apenas um ano de amor
Is better than a lifetime alone
É melhor do que uma vida inteira sozinho
One sentimental moment in your arms
Um momento sentimental em seus braços
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
É como uma estrela cadente direto no meu coração
It's always a rainy day without you
Sempre é um dia chuvoso sem você
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
Sou um prisioneiro do amor dentro de você
I'm falling apart all around you, yeah
Estou desmoronando ao seu redor, sim
My heart cries out to your heart
Meu coração chama pelo seu coração
I'm lonely but you can save me
Estou solitário, mas você pode me salvar
My hand reaches for to your hand
Minha mão alcança a sua mão
I'm cold but you light the fire in me
Estou com frio, mas você acende o fogo em mim
My lips search for your lips
Meus lábios procuram pelos seus lábios
I'm hungry for your touch
Estou com fome do seu toque
There's so much left unspoken
Há tanto deixado não dito
And all I can do is surrender
E tudo que posso fazer é me render
To the moment just surrender
Ao momento, apenas me render
And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much
E ninguém nunca me disse que o amor doeria tanto
Ooh yes it hurts
Ooh sim, dói
And pain is so close to pleasure
E a dor está tão próxima do prazer
And all I can do is surrender to your love
E tudo que posso fazer é me render ao seu amor
Just surrender to your love
Apenas me render ao seu amor
Just one year of love
Apenas um ano de amor
Is better than a lifetime alone
É melhor do que uma vida inteira sozinho
One sentimental moment in your arms
Um momento sentimental em seus braços
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
É como uma estrela cadente direto no meu coração
It's always a rainy day without you
Sempre é um dia chuvoso sem você
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
Sou um prisioneiro do amor dentro de você
I'm falling apart all around you
Estou desmoronando ao seu redor
And all I can do is surrender
E tudo que posso fazer é me render
Just one year of love
Solo un año de amor
Is better than a lifetime alone
Es mejor que toda una vida en soledad
One sentimental moment in your arms
Un momento sentimental en tus brazos
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
Es como una estrella fugaz directo a mi corazón
It's always a rainy day without you
Siempre es un día lluvioso sin ti
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
Soy un prisionero del amor dentro de ti
I'm falling apart all around you, yeah
Me estoy desmoronando a tu alrededor, sí
My heart cries out to your heart
Mi corazón clama a tu corazón
I'm lonely but you can save me
Estoy solo pero tú puedes salvarme
My hand reaches for to your hand
Mi mano alcanza la tuya
I'm cold but you light the fire in me
Tengo frío pero tú enciendes el fuego en mí
My lips search for your lips
Mis labios buscan tus labios
I'm hungry for your touch
Estoy hambriento de tu tacto
There's so much left unspoken
Hay tanto que queda sin decir
And all I can do is surrender
Y todo lo que puedo hacer es rendirme
To the moment just surrender
Al momento, solo rendirme
And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much
Y nadie me dijo nunca que el amor dolería tanto
Ooh yes it hurts
Oh sí, duele
And pain is so close to pleasure
Y el dolor está tan cerca del placer
And all I can do is surrender to your love
Y todo lo que puedo hacer es rendirme a tu amor
Just surrender to your love
Solo rendirme a tu amor
Just one year of love
Solo un año de amor
Is better than a lifetime alone
Es mejor que toda una vida en soledad
One sentimental moment in your arms
Un momento sentimental en tus brazos
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
Es como una estrella fugaz directo a mi corazón
It's always a rainy day without you
Siempre es un día lluvioso sin ti
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
Soy un prisionero del amor dentro de ti
I'm falling apart all around you
Me estoy desmoronando a tu alrededor
And all I can do is surrender
Y todo lo que puedo hacer es rendirme
Just one year of love
Juste une année d'amour
Is better than a lifetime alone
Est mieux qu'une vie entière seule
One sentimental moment in your arms
Un moment sentimental dans tes bras
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
C'est comme une étoile filante à travers mon cœur
It's always a rainy day without you
C'est toujours un jour de pluie sans toi
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
Je suis un prisonnier de l'amour en toi
I'm falling apart all around you, yeah
Je tombe en morceaux tout autour de toi, ouais
My heart cries out to your heart
Mon cœur crie vers ton cœur
I'm lonely but you can save me
Je suis seul mais tu peux me sauver
My hand reaches for to your hand
Ma main atteint ta main
I'm cold but you light the fire in me
J'ai froid mais tu allumes le feu en moi
My lips search for your lips
Mes lèvres cherchent tes lèvres
I'm hungry for your touch
J'ai faim de ton toucher
There's so much left unspoken
Il y a tellement de choses qui restent non dites
And all I can do is surrender
Et tout ce que je peux faire, c'est me rendre
To the moment just surrender
Au moment, juste me rendre
And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much
Et personne ne m'a jamais dit que l'amour ferait si mal
Ooh yes it hurts
Ooh oui ça fait mal
And pain is so close to pleasure
Et la douleur est si proche du plaisir
And all I can do is surrender to your love
Et tout ce que je peux faire, c'est me rendre à ton amour
Just surrender to your love
Juste me rendre à ton amour
Just one year of love
Juste une année d'amour
Is better than a lifetime alone
Est mieux qu'une vie entière seule
One sentimental moment in your arms
Un moment sentimental dans tes bras
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
C'est comme une étoile filante à travers mon cœur
It's always a rainy day without you
C'est toujours un jour de pluie sans toi
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
Je suis un prisonnier de l'amour en toi
I'm falling apart all around you
Je tombe en morceaux tout autour de toi
And all I can do is surrender
Et tout ce que je peux faire, c'est me rendre.
Just one year of love
Nur ein Jahr der Liebe
Is better than a lifetime alone
Ist besser als ein Leben lang allein
One sentimental moment in your arms
Ein sentimentaler Moment in deinen Armen
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
Ist wie ein Sternschnuppe, die direkt durch mein Herz fliegt
It's always a rainy day without you
Es ist immer ein regnerischer Tag ohne dich
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
Ich bin ein Gefangener der Liebe in dir
I'm falling apart all around you, yeah
Ich falle auseinander, überall um dich herum, ja
My heart cries out to your heart
Mein Herz ruft nach deinem Herz
I'm lonely but you can save me
Ich bin einsam, aber du kannst mich retten
My hand reaches for to your hand
Meine Hand greift nach deiner Hand
I'm cold but you light the fire in me
Ich bin kalt, aber du entfachst das Feuer in mir
My lips search for your lips
Meine Lippen suchen deine Lippen
I'm hungry for your touch
Ich habe Hunger nach deiner Berührung
There's so much left unspoken
Es bleibt so viel unausgesprochen
And all I can do is surrender
Und alles, was ich tun kann, ist mich hinzugeben
To the moment just surrender
Dem Moment einfach hingeben
And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much
Und niemand hat mir je gesagt, dass Liebe so weh tun würde
Ooh yes it hurts
Oh ja, es tut weh
And pain is so close to pleasure
Und Schmerz liegt so nahe an Vergnügen
And all I can do is surrender to your love
Und alles, was ich tun kann, ist mich deiner Liebe hinzugeben
Just surrender to your love
Einfach deiner Liebe hingeben
Just one year of love
Nur ein Jahr der Liebe
Is better than a lifetime alone
Ist besser als ein Leben lang allein
One sentimental moment in your arms
Ein sentimentaler Moment in deinen Armen
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
Ist wie ein Sternschnuppe, die direkt durch mein Herz fliegt
It's always a rainy day without you
Es ist immer ein regnerischer Tag ohne dich
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
Ich bin ein Gefangener der Liebe in dir
I'm falling apart all around you
Ich falle auseinander, überall um dich herum
And all I can do is surrender
Und alles, was ich tun kann, ist mich hinzugeben
Just one year of love
Solo un anno d'amore
Is better than a lifetime alone
È meglio di una vita da solo
One sentimental moment in your arms
Un momento sentimentale tra le tue braccia
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
È come una stella cadente nel mio cuore
It's always a rainy day without you
È sempre un giorno di pioggia senza di te
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
Sono un prigioniero d'amore dentro di te
I'm falling apart all around you, yeah
Mi sto disintegrando tutto intorno a te, sì
My heart cries out to your heart
Il mio cuore grida verso il tuo cuore
I'm lonely but you can save me
Sono solo ma tu puoi salvarmi
My hand reaches for to your hand
La mia mano cerca la tua mano
I'm cold but you light the fire in me
Ho freddo ma tu accendi il fuoco in me
My lips search for your lips
Le mie labbra cercano le tue labbra
I'm hungry for your touch
Ho fame del tuo tocco
There's so much left unspoken
C'è così tanto non detto
And all I can do is surrender
E tutto quello che posso fare è arrendermi
To the moment just surrender
Al momento, solo arrendermi
And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much
E nessuno mi ha mai detto che l'amore farebbe così male
Ooh yes it hurts
Ooh sì, fa male
And pain is so close to pleasure
E il dolore è così vicino al piacere
And all I can do is surrender to your love
E tutto quello che posso fare è arrendermi al tuo amore
Just surrender to your love
Solo arrendermi al tuo amore
Just one year of love
Solo un anno d'amore
Is better than a lifetime alone
È meglio di una vita da solo
One sentimental moment in your arms
Un momento sentimentale tra le tue braccia
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
È come una stella cadente nel mio cuore
It's always a rainy day without you
È sempre un giorno di pioggia senza di te
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
Sono un prigioniero d'amore dentro di te
I'm falling apart all around you
Mi sto disintegrando tutto intorno a te
And all I can do is surrender
E tutto quello che posso fare è arrendermi
Just one year of love
Hanya satu tahun cinta
Is better than a lifetime alone
Lebih baik daripada seumur hidup sendirian
One sentimental moment in your arms
Satu momen sentimental di pelukanmu
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
Seperti bintang jatuh langsung menembus hatiku
It's always a rainy day without you
Selalu hari hujan tanpamu
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
Aku adalah tawanan cinta di dalam dirimu
I'm falling apart all around you, yeah
Aku hancur di sekelilingmu, ya
My heart cries out to your heart
Hatiku menangis kepada hatimu
I'm lonely but you can save me
Aku kesepian tapi kamu bisa menyelamatkanku
My hand reaches for to your hand
Tanganku meraih tanganmu
I'm cold but you light the fire in me
Aku kedinginan tapi kamu menyalakan api di dalamku
My lips search for your lips
Bibirku mencari bibirmu
I'm hungry for your touch
Aku lapar akan sentuhanmu
There's so much left unspoken
Ada begitu banyak yang belum terucapkan
And all I can do is surrender
Dan yang bisa aku lakukan hanyalah menyerah
To the moment just surrender
Pada momen ini, hanya menyerah
And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much
Dan tak ada yang pernah memberitahuku bahwa cinta akan begitu menyakitkan
Ooh yes it hurts
Ooh ya, itu menyakitkan
And pain is so close to pleasure
Dan rasa sakit sangat dekat dengan kenikmatan
And all I can do is surrender to your love
Dan yang bisa aku lakukan hanyalah menyerah pada cintamu
Just surrender to your love
Hanya menyerah pada cintamu
Just one year of love
Hanya satu tahun cinta
Is better than a lifetime alone
Lebih baik daripada seumur hidup sendirian
One sentimental moment in your arms
Satu momen sentimental di pelukanmu
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
Seperti bintang jatuh langsung menembus hatiku
It's always a rainy day without you
Selalu hari hujan tanpamu
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
Aku adalah tawanan cinta di dalam dirimu
I'm falling apart all around you
Aku hancur di sekelilingmu
And all I can do is surrender
Dan yang bisa aku lakukan hanyalah menyerah
Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
มันเป็นวันที่ฝนตกเสมอๆ ถ้าไม่มีคุณ
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
I'm falling apart all around you, yeah
ฉันกำลังพังทลายรอบ ๆ คุณ, ใช่
My heart cries out to your heart
I'm lonely but you can save me
ฉันเหงา แต่คุณสามารถช่วยฉัน
My hand reaches for to your hand
I'm cold but you light the fire in me
ฉันหนาว แต่คุณจุดไฟในฉัน
My lips search for your lips
I'm hungry for your touch
There's so much left unspoken
And all I can do is surrender
To the moment just surrender
ต่อช่วงเวลานี้ แค่ยอมแพ้
And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much
Ooh yes it hurts
โอ้ ใช่ มันเจ็บ
And pain is so close to pleasure
And all I can do is surrender to your love
Just surrender to your love
Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
มันเป็นวันที่ฝนตกเสมอๆ ถ้าไม่มีคุณ
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
I'm falling apart all around you
ฉันกำลังพังทลายรอบ ๆ คุณ
And all I can do is surrender
Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
I'm falling apart all around you, yeah
My heart cries out to your heart
I'm lonely but you can save me
My hand reaches for to your hand
I'm cold but you light the fire in me
My lips search for your lips
I'm hungry for your touch
There's so much left unspoken
And all I can do is surrender
To the moment just surrender
And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much
Ooh yes it hurts
And pain is so close to pleasure
And all I can do is surrender to your love
Just surrender to your love
Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
I'm falling apart all around you
And all I can do is surrender

Curiosidades sobre a música One Year of Love de Queen

Em quais álbuns a música “One Year of Love” foi lançada por Queen?
Queen lançou a música nos álbums “A Kind of Magic” em 1986, “Classic Queen” em 1992, “The Singles Collection Volume 3” em 2010 e “Forever” em 2014.
De quem é a composição da música “One Year of Love” de Queen?
A música “One Year of Love” de Queen foi composta por John Deacon.

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