Vídeos em Destaque

Músicas mais populares
1985 • Rear End Hernia Puppet Show
Mud Cup Monocle
1985 • Rear End Hernia Puppet Show
Burdensome Blood
1991 • Rise Of The Common Woodpile
Language of the Eyes and Thread
1994 • Rings on the Awkward Shadow
Sweet Faced Conquering Goals
1994 • Rings on the Awkward Shadow
Land Mace
1994 • Rings on the Awkward Shadow
Joy Disease
1985 • Rear End Hernia Puppet Show
Killed 100 lbs. of Mistletoe
1985 • Rear End Hernia Puppet Show
Maple Truck Tires
1985 • Rear End Hernia Puppet Show
One Proud Watertower Wearing Lipstick
1985 • Rear End Hernia Puppet Show
Outhouse of the Pryeeeeeee
1985 • Rear End Hernia Puppet Show
Berbucks In The Rafters
1990 • I’m Armed With Quarts Of Blood
Copper Baw Ribs
1990 • I’m Armed With Quarts Of Blood
1990 • I’m Armed With Quarts Of Blood
Good Luck Shining Tongue
1990 • I’m Armed With Quarts Of Blood
The Kin Quilt
1990 • I’m Armed With Quarts Of Blood
Todas as Músicas
“Old” Eggwipe
(The Goat Sage’s) Rear End Hernia Puppet Show
20' Tall Stacked Skeleton Growling Flat Broke
A Decade of Admiring Failure
Ann Terry’s Fearful Horse Problem
Ardelli Horse Haven
Arm Breaker
Baited Planilla
Bank Notes Dreams & Signatures
Barrel Horses & Window Crackers
Beeline for the Wet Spot
Berbucks In The Rafters
Brakeman’s Ice Skates
Bring Culture to the Treetops
Bullets Instead of Teeth
Burdensome Blood
Can’t Smell Water No More
Child Heart O’ Dirt-Pump
Climbing Jacob’s Ladder Through The Fireplace
Coal Mound
Cooking Stove Beast
Copper Baw Ribs
Corn Red Moon
Crown Of Awful Ways
Crumblelegs & Cabins
Dancing Music Thank Yous!
Day Of The Terrible Cocksuns
Delaugh Coin Cookery
Dirty Sawool
Dust Study Room
Empty Halo
Fall Off The Warf
Fanged Hymen Flee In Terror
Fecund Second Hand Inspection
Fiddle With A Heart Stuck In It
Fingers of the Underworld
Fixing And Mixing Cracked Skuls
Follow The Mint Brute
For Bread And Axe
Four Church Plates on a Symbol of Strength
Good Luck Shining Tongue
Grave are the Hairs on our Asses
Guilty Wind Or Wing
Hannah’s Medicinal Tick Collection
Hazel Wet Lap
Hernia Milk & The Milk Queen
Horse Flats
Horsemeat Selling Roses
Horserider Suit
Huge Gunset
I Am Empty, Empty Eyes Switch
I Will Cut You Caeyman
I’m Armed With Quarts Of Blood
In The Land of Disturbance (The Indian Home)
Joy Disease
Keel Over And Cursing
Killed 100 lbs. of Mistletoe
Knee Skin Cup in the Adobe Episode
Knowleges Aknowledged!
Land Mace
Language of the Eyes and Thread
Loin Loin’s Doings
Maple Truck Tires
Misery Pipe Caught In The Fray
Mud Cup Monocle
My Cupboard is Aching for Kitchen Physics
My Little Lips
My Own Jingle Bones!
Nae Goodness with Dirty Blood Flowing
Odd Friend’s Reverie Gravesite for Thoughts
One Line, One Lung, Capper
One Proud Watertower Wearing Lipstick
Outhouse of the Pryeeeeeee
Pace and Mercy’s List
Paper Maid
Pike and Carp Clasp and Hasp Jawels
Poat Room
Preacher Preacher Preacher
Presented as Shadows to the Lifeless
Prune Picking Huge Hand
Pumpkin Headed Kids with the Horsemane Hair
Quelling Gums
Railroad With Crutches
Rainbows Made Of Meat
Re-Corrupting Checkerfield
Red Lamp of Slow Willed Souls
Red Roll Butter Shutters
Rings on the Awkward Shadow
Rise Of The Common Woodpile
River Banks
River Wearing Childrens Limbs
Sabre Waving Saracen Wall
Salt Lumps
Sign the Coffin and Be Done With Me
Snake Bites
Spindletop Knuck Knuck
Spitting Storm Nagallloxa
Sprillowed Sprawling Predictions on our Future
Staddalakasta Vein Loom
Stomach as Smoke and Sympathy Guts
Straw Prisoner Raised an Alarm
Strike Them Hard, Drag Them To Church
Sullivan’s Lower Trunk
Susans And Brusins
Sweet Faced Conquering Goals
Terrible Hunger for the Perfected Pie
Terror Watch at the Thumb Sized Sea
The Ark Manager
The Ballad Of The Hamdrags
The Day Leaps Up and Down
The Kin Quilt
The Pivoting Savage!
The Scallous Game
The Sheueer Cagers
The Swoon Skirt Acomplishment
The Worst of Toys
Theme Theatre Performs
Tindered Fukes
Transcontinental Pinecone Collector
Victory Arm Fence
Water Jaws Aflame
Whaur Camp
Wheat Delusion
Who’s Gotten My Teething Cotton
Whom & Wherefore to the Indians
Why So Crookee?
Wine Can’t Do It, Wife Won’t Do!
Wire Thin Sheep Legs
Wonderful Warm Hearted Flesh Donations
Woven Moon of Sun Straws
Yearly, Ongoing Bridgesnap!
You’re To Make Young Gems
Curiosidades sobre Caroliner
- Qual o álbum mais recente de Caroliner?
- O álbum mais recente de Caroliner é o “Transcontinental Pinecone Collector”, lançado em 2005 com 11 faixas.
- Qual o álbum mais antigo de Caroliner?
- O álbum mais antigo de Caroliner é o “Rear End Hernia Puppet Show”, lançado em 1985 com 12 faixas.
- Qual a música de maior sucesso de Caroliner?
- A música mais popular de Caroliner é “Yerubae”, do álbum “Rear End Hernia Puppet Show”, lançado em 1985.
- Quantos álbuns foram lançados por Caroliner?
- Entre 1985 e 2005, 11 Álbuns foram lançados por Caroliner.
Outros artistas de
Ari Acustico
Moulin Rouge
Thaiane Seghetto
Nasce Uma Estrela (A Star Is Born)
Gerilson Insrael
Canções de TFM
Ruthe Dayanne
MC Sid
Nicolas Germano
Leandro Soares
Temas de Filmes
3 Palavrinhas
Talita Catanzaro
Angélica Azevedo
Cúmplices de Um Resgate (Brasil)
Tempo de Semear
LSD (Labrinth, Sia & Diplo)
Temas de Novelas
Juliana D Passos (Canal Macumbaria)