(The Goat Sage’s) Rear End Hernia Puppet Show
This little show has changed my life booger tear fall
Out of your eyes I'm the dumbest thing since ploud slides
Thinking goat show is better than wife's
Goat sage loved the city so he give puppet fun
And love kin show apple hatchet and go at herny
Kumee juicy juice links and pecker wash lagoon
You pinch your pinks and squeeze your cheeks each
Syllable is my missing links. You find all the answers
And see herny wow. Goat back end like wind
Moving plow
What could bring such an inferior feeling; but an actual
Gutted interior being not even reading or growing a
Goatee could not be the equal O thee
Sir a sage your hoof moves tell all you eat everything
As I will as well. The power of the future is in your
Hands. Eat more clay, he brayed, cut off those hands
The little man died (from blood loss) and his
Last request was: I want to hold that big
Strong hernia that's in jail and his last
Sights were a dog jumping in a funnel and coming
Out with a bill and spindlier legs