Whaur Camp
300 nominated me as God
Ants and bugs look up in awe
Taken and driven round a cart
My ravaged friends all play harps
There's Whaur Enterntainment for all
A drama reflection on their days
The Devil is the sun saying hello
And for long hours lighting the stage
Drawn up the seat - then sit next to me
Animals with hats and people sewn on beaks
I can take aim at their heads
But they know the theatre as well as me
When the one that really stinks abuses
Abuses my nose without pity
Like swings: arms and ???legs are
Beating drums without rhythm on trees
Sometimes sewn to ornamental dress
Their most golden hours smiling rest (nest?)
A (sherack) freeze to wash and whaur
The animal came starring to die
Indians and pilgrims avoid here and
Those smaller than my thumbnail stay all year!