Wonderful Warm Hearted Flesh Donations
In a short sighted way like the misery struck. A handful of families are
Out of luck. Doctors were brought in with magnets and knives
Cutting or magnetizing the wobbling bodies, in a local area the doctors
Were unhelping, but still suggestions passed in the community
A respectable doctor with a future in sight, suggested that
The concerned bring in spirituality. The rooms were adjusted as
The sick might sit. The ill were cleaned completely and quietly
Twitched, and after a few initial questions asked, the doctor in the
Spirit world quipped. "You have an ailment that a handful of
Doctors could solve, but they are dressed as hair covered stilts
Pursue height and coloring of hair with their guilt. This build and
Animal mash would distract the eyes, while they could look
Deeply at the blood in a way that would coat the frame with their
Ingenuity toward good "restoring health traits"" Days later after
Intercepting the stilts, they were roaming the sphere to
Knowledge build. Beards at right angles and ears near a chin left each
Gifts for the healing to begin. In their warmness left a flat chunk of lung
This was to place in the throat under tongue. Then after a skin
From a dead man on forehead and hair across the neck-next healing
Rung. The subject was soon by flesh with spiritual world used gifts
The thread that bound over and the skin inside smothered spiritual
Victim in undiseased life