Misery Pipe Caught In The Fray
The day began and ended with the miserable call
We deserved better defending the rightful law
We poor patriots who have to plug a sore ear
Our sight of liberty blocked by flowing tears
We all had them but ours should've died
The way he heralded sun-up with misery pipe
The days drudge for a strife to cease
Morning torn to pieces by ugly bugle bleats
There was a particular day when justice was due
Our peaceful thoughts budged into a darkened hue
Threw that bugler out to the shooting field
Hoping a bullet would even up the hateful ordeals
Gunfire chased him but the pipe swung around
Grabbing the bullets with a clanging brass sound
As fast the catch lead gardens were sowed
Hitting the enemy betwixt their mortal abode
A mile back and blood flowing like a sea
The herald was run off to spout bugling leading liberty