
Brandon Flowers, Jonathan Rado

Letra Tradução

(Umm, I hunt elk and deer, umm turkey's, just around here)
(Umm I've hunted antelope, umm)
(And growing up we had to be twelve before we could hunt)
(And now they've lowered it to as soon as you pass hunter safety you can hunt so)
(I had to wait 'til I was twelve)
(As long as you can hold up a gun and shoot it)

Hey, sleepwalker, don't you miss the way
Wildflowers paint the western hills?
Or the first autumn whisper mid-September brings
In the glowy excitement that it builds?

Everyone is afraid of something
Even the strongest man alive
Hey, sleepwalker, we went walking in the western hills
And we picked you wildflowers
You gotta open your eyes

Hey, dreamcatcher, come out and see the leaves
The mountainside's all watermelon red
Soon enough, they're gonna rust and fall
Leave the mountainside cold and bare
But when the longer days of sun appear
They'll be rising like an answered prayer and I know that

Everyone is afraid of losing
Even the ones that always win
Hey sleepwalker, when the mountain comes back to life
It doesn't come from without
It comes from within

The hills are barren, but we look for what's to come
Sweeter skies and longer days of sun
When you wake up, I'll be standing in the line
To kiss your eyes and wipe the tears from mine

'Cause everyone is afraid of something
Even the strongest man alive
Hey, sleepwalker, Western Bluebells and Painted Cups are getting ready to rise
It's time to begin
It doesn't come from without
It comes from within

(Umm, I hunt elk and deer, umm turkey's, just around here)
(Umm, eu caço alces e veados, umm perus, só por aqui)
(Umm I've hunted antelope, umm)
(Umm eu já cacei antílopes, umm)
(And growing up we had to be twelve before we could hunt)
(E crescendo tivemos que ter doze anos antes de poder caçar)
(And now they've lowered it to as soon as you pass hunter safety you can hunt so)
(E agora eles diminuíram para assim que você passar na segurança do caçador você pode caçar então)
(I had to wait 'til I was twelve)
(Eu tive que esperar até eu ter doze anos)
(As long as you can hold up a gun and shoot it)
(Contanto que você possa segurar uma arma e atirar com ela)
Hey, sleepwalker, don't you miss the way
Ei, sonâmbulo, não sentes falta do jeito
Wildflowers paint the western hills?
Como as flores silvestres pintam as colinas do oeste?
Or the first autumn whisper mid-September brings
Ou o primeiro sussurro de outono que setembro traz
In the glowy excitement that it builds?
Na empolgação brilhante que ele constrói?
Everyone is afraid of something
Todo mundo tem medo de alguma coisa
Even the strongest man alive
Até o homem mais forte vivo
Hey, sleepwalker, we went walking in the western hills
Ei, sonâmbulo, nós fomos caminhar nas colinas do oeste
And we picked you wildflowers
E nós colhemos flores silvestres para você
You gotta open your eyes
Você tem que abrir seus olhos
Hey, dreamcatcher, come out and see the leaves
Ei, apanhador de sonhos, venha ver as folhas
The mountainside's all watermelon red
O lado da montanha é todo vermelho melancia
Soon enough, they're gonna rust and fall
Logo o suficiente, eles vão enferrujar e cair
Leave the mountainside cold and bare
Deixando o lado da montanha frio e nu
But when the longer days of sun appear
Mas quando os dias mais longos de sol aparecerem
They'll be rising like an answered prayer and I know that
Eles estarão surgindo como uma oração respondida e eu sei disso
Everyone is afraid of losing
Todo mundo tem medo de perder
Even the ones that always win
Até os que sempre ganham
Hey sleepwalker, when the mountain comes back to life
Ei, sonâmbulo, quando a montanha volta à vida
It doesn't come from without
Ela não vem de fora
It comes from within
Ela vem de dentro
The hills are barren, but we look for what's to come
As colinas estão estéreis, mas procuramos pelo que está por vir
Sweeter skies and longer days of sun
Céus mais doces e dias mais longos de sol
When you wake up, I'll be standing in the line
Quando você acordar, eu estarei na fila
To kiss your eyes and wipe the tears from mine
Para beijar seus olhos e enxugar as lágrimas dos meus
'Cause everyone is afraid of something
Porque todo mundo tem medo de alguma coisa
Even the strongest man alive
Até o homem mais forte vivo
Hey, sleepwalker, Western Bluebells and Painted Cups are getting ready to rise
Ei, sonâmbulo, as campainhas azuis do oeste e as taças pintadas estão se preparando para subir
It's time to begin
É hora de começar
It doesn't come from without
Ela não vem de fora
It comes from within
Ela vem de dentro
(Umm, I hunt elk and deer, umm turkey's, just around here)
(Umm, cazo alces y ciervos, umm pavos, justo por aquí)
(Umm I've hunted antelope, umm)
(Umm he cazado antílopes, umm)
(And growing up we had to be twelve before we could hunt)
(Y creciendo tuvimos que tener doce años antes de poder cazar)
(And now they've lowered it to as soon as you pass hunter safety you can hunt so)
(Y ahora lo han bajado a tan pronto como pasas la seguridad del cazador puedes cazar así)
(I had to wait 'til I was twelve)
(Tuve que esperar hasta que tuve doce años)
(As long as you can hold up a gun and shoot it)
(Mientras puedas sostener un arma y dispararla)
Hey, sleepwalker, don't you miss the way
Oye, sonámbulo, ¿no extrañas la forma en que
Wildflowers paint the western hills?
Las flores silvestres pintan las colinas del oeste?
Or the first autumn whisper mid-September brings
¿O el primer susurro de otoño que trae mediados de septiembre?
In the glowy excitement that it builds?
¿En la emoción brillante que construye?
Everyone is afraid of something
Todos tienen miedo de algo
Even the strongest man alive
Incluso el hombre más fuerte vivo
Hey, sleepwalker, we went walking in the western hills
Oye, sonámbulo, fuimos a caminar por las colinas del oeste
And we picked you wildflowers
Y te recogimos flores silvestres
You gotta open your eyes
Tienes que abrir tus ojos
Hey, dreamcatcher, come out and see the leaves
Oye, atrapasueños, sal y ve las hojas
The mountainside's all watermelon red
La ladera de la montaña es toda roja como una sandía
Soon enough, they're gonna rust and fall
Pronto suficiente, van a oxidarse y caer
Leave the mountainside cold and bare
Dejar la ladera de la montaña fría y desnuda
But when the longer days of sun appear
Pero cuando aparezcan los días más largos de sol
They'll be rising like an answered prayer and I know that
Estarán resurgiendo como una oración respondida y sé que
Everyone is afraid of losing
Todos tienen miedo de perder
Even the ones that always win
Incluso los que siempre ganan
Hey sleepwalker, when the mountain comes back to life
Oye sonámbulo, cuando la montaña vuelve a la vida
It doesn't come from without
No viene de fuera
It comes from within
Viene de dentro
The hills are barren, but we look for what's to come
Las colinas están desiertas, pero buscamos lo que vendrá
Sweeter skies and longer days of sun
Cielos más dulces y días más largos de sol
When you wake up, I'll be standing in the line
Cuando te despiertes, estaré parado en la línea
To kiss your eyes and wipe the tears from mine
Para besar tus ojos y limpiar las lágrimas de los míos
'Cause everyone is afraid of something
Porque todos tienen miedo de algo
Even the strongest man alive
Incluso el hombre más fuerte vivo
Hey, sleepwalker, Western Bluebells and Painted Cups are getting ready to rise
Oye, sonámbulo, los campanillas azules del oeste y las copas pintadas se están preparando para surgir
It's time to begin
Es hora de empezar
It doesn't come from without
No viene de fuera
It comes from within
Viene de dentro
(Umm, I hunt elk and deer, umm turkey's, just around here)
(Umm, je chasse le wapiti et le cerf, euh les dindes, juste autour d'ici)
(Umm I've hunted antelope, umm)
(Umm, j'ai chassé l'antilope, euh)
(And growing up we had to be twelve before we could hunt)
(Et en grandissant, nous devions avoir douze ans avant de pouvoir chasser)
(And now they've lowered it to as soon as you pass hunter safety you can hunt so)
(Et maintenant, ils l'ont abaissé à dès que vous passez la sécurité du chasseur, vous pouvez chasser)
(I had to wait 'til I was twelve)
(J'ai dû attendre jusqu'à ce que j'aie douze ans)
(As long as you can hold up a gun and shoot it)
(Tant que vous pouvez tenir un fusil et tirer)
Hey, sleepwalker, don't you miss the way
Hé, somnambule, ne manques-tu pas la façon dont
Wildflowers paint the western hills?
Les fleurs sauvages peignent les collines de l'ouest ?
Or the first autumn whisper mid-September brings
Ou le premier murmure d'automne que septembre apporte
In the glowy excitement that it builds?
Dans l'excitation lumineuse qu'il suscite ?
Everyone is afraid of something
Tout le monde a peur de quelque chose
Even the strongest man alive
Même l'homme le plus fort en vie
Hey, sleepwalker, we went walking in the western hills
Hé, somnambule, nous sommes allés nous promener dans les collines de l'ouest
And we picked you wildflowers
Et nous t'avons cueilli des fleurs sauvages
You gotta open your eyes
Tu dois ouvrir les yeux
Hey, dreamcatcher, come out and see the leaves
Hé, attrape-rêves, viens voir les feuilles
The mountainside's all watermelon red
Le flanc de la montagne est tout rouge pastèque
Soon enough, they're gonna rust and fall
Assez tôt, elles vont rouiller et tomber
Leave the mountainside cold and bare
Laisser le flanc de la montagne froid et nu
But when the longer days of sun appear
Mais quand les jours plus longs de soleil apparaissent
They'll be rising like an answered prayer and I know that
Ils se lèveront comme une prière exaucée et je sais que
Everyone is afraid of losing
Tout le monde a peur de perdre
Even the ones that always win
Même ceux qui gagnent toujours
Hey sleepwalker, when the mountain comes back to life
Hé somnambule, quand la montagne revient à la vie
It doesn't come from without
Elle ne vient pas de l'extérieur
It comes from within
Elle vient de l'intérieur
The hills are barren, but we look for what's to come
Les collines sont stériles, mais nous attendons ce qui va venir
Sweeter skies and longer days of sun
Des cieux plus doux et des jours de soleil plus longs
When you wake up, I'll be standing in the line
Quand tu te réveilleras, je serai debout dans la file
To kiss your eyes and wipe the tears from mine
Pour embrasser tes yeux et essuyer mes larmes
'Cause everyone is afraid of something
Parce que tout le monde a peur de quelque chose
Even the strongest man alive
Même l'homme le plus fort en vie
Hey, sleepwalker, Western Bluebells and Painted Cups are getting ready to rise
Hé, somnambule, les jacinthes des bois occidentales et les coupes peintes sont prêtes à se lever
It's time to begin
Il est temps de commencer
It doesn't come from without
Elle ne vient pas de l'extérieur
It comes from within
Elle vient de l'intérieur
(Umm, I hunt elk and deer, umm turkey's, just around here)
(Ähm, ich jage Elche und Hirsche, ähm Truthähne, einfach hier in der Gegend)
(Umm I've hunted antelope, umm)
(Ähm, ich habe Antilopen gejagt, ähm)
(And growing up we had to be twelve before we could hunt)
(Als wir aufwuchsen, mussten wir zwölf sein, bevor wir jagen durften)
(And now they've lowered it to as soon as you pass hunter safety you can hunt so)
(Und jetzt haben sie es so weit gesenkt, dass man jagen kann, sobald man die Jägerprüfung bestanden hat)
(I had to wait 'til I was twelve)
(Ich musste warten, bis ich zwölf war)
(As long as you can hold up a gun and shoot it)
(Solange du eine Waffe halten und schießen kannst)
Hey, sleepwalker, don't you miss the way
Hey, Schlafwandler, vermisst du nicht die Art und Weise,
Wildflowers paint the western hills?
Wie Wildblumen die westlichen Hügel bemalen?
Or the first autumn whisper mid-September brings
Oder das erste Herbstflüstern, das der September bringt
In the glowy excitement that it builds?
In der leuchtenden Aufregung, die es aufbaut?
Everyone is afraid of something
Jeder hat Angst vor etwas
Even the strongest man alive
Selbst der stärkste Mann am Leben
Hey, sleepwalker, we went walking in the western hills
Hey, Schlafwandler, wir gingen in den westlichen Hügeln spazieren
And we picked you wildflowers
Und wir pflückten dir Wildblumen
You gotta open your eyes
Du musst deine Augen öffnen
Hey, dreamcatcher, come out and see the leaves
Hey, Traumfänger, komm raus und sieh dir die Blätter an
The mountainside's all watermelon red
Die Berghänge sind alle wassermelonenrot
Soon enough, they're gonna rust and fall
Bald genug werden sie rosten und fallen
Leave the mountainside cold and bare
Lassen den Berghang kalt und kahl
But when the longer days of sun appear
Aber wenn die längeren Sonnentage erscheinen
They'll be rising like an answered prayer and I know that
Werden sie aufsteigen wie ein erhörtes Gebet und ich weiß das
Everyone is afraid of losing
Jeder hat Angst zu verlieren
Even the ones that always win
Selbst diejenigen, die immer gewinnen
Hey sleepwalker, when the mountain comes back to life
Hey Schlafwandler, wenn der Berg wieder zum Leben erwacht
It doesn't come from without
Kommt es nicht von außen
It comes from within
Es kommt von innen
The hills are barren, but we look for what's to come
Die Hügel sind kahl, aber wir schauen auf das, was kommt
Sweeter skies and longer days of sun
Süßere Himmel und längere Sonnentage
When you wake up, I'll be standing in the line
Wenn du aufwachst, werde ich in der Schlange stehen
To kiss your eyes and wipe the tears from mine
Um deine Augen zu küssen und die Tränen von meinen zu wischen
'Cause everyone is afraid of something
Denn jeder hat Angst vor etwas
Even the strongest man alive
Selbst der stärkste Mann am Leben
Hey, sleepwalker, Western Bluebells and Painted Cups are getting ready to rise
Hey, Schlafwandler, Western Bluebells und Painted Cups bereiten sich darauf vor, aufzusteigen
It's time to begin
Es ist Zeit zu beginnen
It doesn't come from without
Es kommt nicht von außen
It comes from within
Es kommt von innen
(Umm, I hunt elk and deer, umm turkey's, just around here)
(Umm, caccio alci e cervi, umm tacchini, proprio qui)
(Umm I've hunted antelope, umm)
(Umm ho cacciato antilopi, umm)
(And growing up we had to be twelve before we could hunt)
(E crescendo abbiamo dovuto aspettare di avere dodici anni prima di poter cacciare)
(And now they've lowered it to as soon as you pass hunter safety you can hunt so)
(E ora l'hanno abbassato a non appena passi la sicurezza del cacciatore puoi cacciare quindi)
(I had to wait 'til I was twelve)
(Ho dovuto aspettare fino a quando avevo dodici anni)
(As long as you can hold up a gun and shoot it)
(Finché puoi tenere su un fucile e spararlo)
Hey, sleepwalker, don't you miss the way
Ehi, sonnambulo, non ti manca il modo
Wildflowers paint the western hills?
In cui i fiori selvatici dipingono le colline occidentali?
Or the first autumn whisper mid-September brings
O il primo sussurro autunnale che settembre porta
In the glowy excitement that it builds?
Nell'eccitazione luminosa che costruisce?
Everyone is afraid of something
Tutti hanno paura di qualcosa
Even the strongest man alive
Anche l'uomo più forte vivo
Hey, sleepwalker, we went walking in the western hills
Ehi, sonnambulo, siamo andati a camminare nelle colline occidentali
And we picked you wildflowers
E ti abbiamo raccolto fiori selvatici
You gotta open your eyes
Devi aprire i tuoi occhi
Hey, dreamcatcher, come out and see the leaves
Ehi, acchiappasogni, vieni fuori e vedi le foglie
The mountainside's all watermelon red
Il versante della montagna è tutto rosso anguria
Soon enough, they're gonna rust and fall
Presto arrugginiranno e cadranno
Leave the mountainside cold and bare
Lasciando il versante della montagna freddo e nudo
But when the longer days of sun appear
Ma quando appariranno i giorni più lunghi di sole
They'll be rising like an answered prayer and I know that
Sorgeranno come una preghiera esaudita e lo so che
Everyone is afraid of losing
Tutti hanno paura di perdere
Even the ones that always win
Anche quelli che vincono sempre
Hey sleepwalker, when the mountain comes back to life
Ehi sonnambulo, quando la montagna torna alla vita
It doesn't come from without
Non viene da fuori
It comes from within
Viene da dentro
The hills are barren, but we look for what's to come
Le colline sono sterili, ma guardiamo cosa verrà
Sweeter skies and longer days of sun
Cieli più dolci e giorni più lunghi di sole
When you wake up, I'll be standing in the line
Quando ti svegli, sarò in fila
To kiss your eyes and wipe the tears from mine
Per baciare i tuoi occhi e asciugare le lacrime dai miei
'Cause everyone is afraid of something
Perché tutti hanno paura di qualcosa
Even the strongest man alive
Anche l'uomo più forte vivo
Hey, sleepwalker, Western Bluebells and Painted Cups are getting ready to rise
Ehi, sonnambulo, le Campanule occidentali e le Coppe dipinte si stanno preparando a sorgere
It's time to begin
È ora di iniziare
It doesn't come from without
Non viene da fuori
It comes from within
Viene da dentro

Curiosidades sobre a música Sleepwalker de The Killers

Quando a música “Sleepwalker” foi lançada por The Killers?
A música Sleepwalker foi lançada em 2021, no álbum “Pressure Machine”.
De quem é a composição da música “Sleepwalker” de The Killers?
A música “Sleepwalker” de The Killers foi composta por Brandon Flowers, Jonathan Rado.

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