Runaway Horses

Brandon Flowers, Robbie Connolly

Letra Tradução

(Oh my heck, so yeah, the youth stamped, I mean that's a tradition for sure)
(Umm, one year we were, it was raining all like all stampedes)
(And this horse come out and everyone, you know, said it was supposed to be the best)
(And it fell in the mud and mean you can see it's leg just totally snapped)
(It was just hanging there and the girl you know, laid down)
(It was the saddest thing I mean, I think most of the crowd was crying)
(She set up and laid over her horse and just cried and huged her horse and)
('Cause she knew that, you know, that was her last moments with that horse)

Small town girl, Coca-Cola grin, honeysuckle skin
Born beneath the ready sign of a strawberry moon
Small town girl shows up for her friends, crazy about The Bends

I was there when she first put away childish things

We had spring in our heels
Unwavering forces, headfirst into the unknown
Like runaway horses in a fever 'til the end
And every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind

You traded school for weddings rings and rent
Invitations sent of you and him by a barn out on the edge of town
Small town girl, put your dreams on ice, never thinking twice
Some you'll surely forget and some that you never will

There was a promise in our stride
But we changed courses, headfirst into the unknown
Like runaway horses in a fever 'til the end
And every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
Like runaway horses, it's a long way back home again
When every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind

(Oh my heck, so yeah, the youth stamped, I mean that's a tradition for sure)
(Oh meu Deus, então sim, a juventude carimbou, quero dizer, isso é uma tradição com certeza)
(Umm, one year we were, it was raining all like all stampedes)
(Umm, um ano nós estávamos, estava chovendo como em todas as estampidas)
(And this horse come out and everyone, you know, said it was supposed to be the best)
(E este cavalo saiu e todos, você sabe, disseram que deveria ser o melhor)
(And it fell in the mud and mean you can see it's leg just totally snapped)
(E ele caiu na lama e você pode ver a perna dele totalmente quebrada)
(It was just hanging there and the girl you know, laid down)
(Ele estava apenas pendurado lá e a garota, você sabe, se deitou)
(It was the saddest thing I mean, I think most of the crowd was crying)
(Foi a coisa mais triste que eu já vi, acho que a maioria da multidão estava chorando)
(She set up and laid over her horse and just cried and huged her horse and)
(Ela se levantou e se deitou sobre o cavalo e apenas chorou e abraçou o cavalo e)
('Cause she knew that, you know, that was her last moments with that horse)
(Porque ela sabia que, você sabe, aqueles eram seus últimos momentos com aquele cavalo)
Small town girl, Coca-Cola grin, honeysuckle skin
Garota de cidade pequena, sorriso de Coca-Cola, pele de madressilva
Born beneath the ready sign of a strawberry moon
Nascida sob o sinal pronto de uma lua de morango
Small town girl shows up for her friends, crazy about The Bends
Garota de cidade pequena aparece para seus amigos, louca por The Bends
I was there when she first put away childish things
Eu estava lá quando ela primeiro guardou as coisas infantis
We had spring in our heels
Tínhamos a primavera em nossos calcanhares
Unwavering forces, headfirst into the unknown
Forças inabaláveis, de cabeça para o desconhecido
Like runaway horses in a fever 'til the end
Como cavalos fugitivos em uma febre até o fim
And every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
E cada passo é uma oração de prata diante de um vento forte
You traded school for weddings rings and rent
Você trocou a escola por anéis de casamento e aluguel
Invitations sent of you and him by a barn out on the edge of town
Convites enviados de você e dele por um celeiro na borda da cidade
Small town girl, put your dreams on ice, never thinking twice
Garota de cidade pequena, coloque seus sonhos no gelo, sem pensar duas vezes
Some you'll surely forget and some that you never will
Alguns você certamente esquecerá e alguns que você nunca esquecerá
There was a promise in our stride
Havia uma promessa em nosso passo
But we changed courses, headfirst into the unknown
Mas mudamos de curso, de cabeça para o desconhecido
Like runaway horses in a fever 'til the end
Como cavalos fugitivos em uma febre até o fim
And every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
E cada passo é uma oração de prata diante de um vento forte
Like runaway horses, it's a long way back home again
Como cavalos fugitivos, é um longo caminho de volta para casa novamente
When every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
Quando cada passo é uma oração de prata diante de um vento forte
(Oh my heck, so yeah, the youth stamped, I mean that's a tradition for sure)
(Vaya por Dios, sí, los jóvenes estamparon, quiero decir que eso es una tradición seguro)
(Umm, one year we were, it was raining all like all stampedes)
(Umm, un año estábamos, estaba lloviendo como en todas las estampidas)
(And this horse come out and everyone, you know, said it was supposed to be the best)
(Y este caballo salió y todos, ya sabes, dijeron que se suponía que era el mejor)
(And it fell in the mud and mean you can see it's leg just totally snapped)
(Y cayó en el barro y puedes ver que su pata se rompió totalmente)
(It was just hanging there and the girl you know, laid down)
(Solo estaba colgando allí y la chica, ya sabes, se tumbó)
(It was the saddest thing I mean, I think most of the crowd was crying)
(Fue la cosa más triste, quiero decir, creo que la mayoría de la multitud estaba llorando)
(She set up and laid over her horse and just cried and huged her horse and)
(Ella se levantó y se acostó sobre su caballo y simplemente lloró y abrazó a su caballo y)
('Cause she knew that, you know, that was her last moments with that horse)
(Porque sabía que, ya sabes, esos eran sus últimos momentos con ese caballo)
Small town girl, Coca-Cola grin, honeysuckle skin
Chica de pueblo pequeño, sonrisa de Coca-Cola, piel de madreselva
Born beneath the ready sign of a strawberry moon
Nacida bajo el signo listo de una luna de fresa
Small town girl shows up for her friends, crazy about The Bends
Chica de pueblo pequeño, se presenta para sus amigos, loca por The Bends
I was there when she first put away childish things
Estuve allí cuando ella por primera vez dejó las cosas infantiles
We had spring in our heels
Teníamos primavera en nuestros talones
Unwavering forces, headfirst into the unknown
Fuerzas inquebrantables, de cabeza hacia lo desconocido
Like runaway horses in a fever 'til the end
Como caballos desbocados en fiebre hasta el final
And every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
Y cada paso es una oración de plata frente a un viento fuerte
You traded school for weddings rings and rent
Cambiaste la escuela por anillos de boda y alquiler
Invitations sent of you and him by a barn out on the edge of town
Invitaciones enviadas de ti y él por un granero en las afueras de la ciudad
Small town girl, put your dreams on ice, never thinking twice
Chica de pueblo pequeño, pon tus sueños en hielo, sin pensarlo dos veces
Some you'll surely forget and some that you never will
Algunos seguramente olvidarás y otros que nunca olvidarás
There was a promise in our stride
Había una promesa en nuestro paso
But we changed courses, headfirst into the unknown
Pero cambiamos de rumbo, de cabeza hacia lo desconocido
Like runaway horses in a fever 'til the end
Como caballos desbocados en fiebre hasta el final
And every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
Y cada paso es una oración de plata frente a un viento fuerte
Like runaway horses, it's a long way back home again
Como caballos desbocados, es un largo camino de regreso a casa
When every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
Cuando cada paso es una oración de plata frente a un viento fuerte
(Oh my heck, so yeah, the youth stamped, I mean that's a tradition for sure)
(Oh mon Dieu, donc oui, la jeunesse a tamponné, je veux dire que c'est une tradition sûre)
(Umm, one year we were, it was raining all like all stampedes)
(Umm, une année nous étions, il pleuvait comme toutes les stampedes)
(And this horse come out and everyone, you know, said it was supposed to be the best)
(Et ce cheval est sorti et tout le monde, tu sais, a dit qu'il était censé être le meilleur)
(And it fell in the mud and mean you can see it's leg just totally snapped)
(Et il est tombé dans la boue et tu peux voir sa jambe complètement cassée)
(It was just hanging there and the girl you know, laid down)
(Il pendait juste là et la fille tu sais, s'est allongée)
(It was the saddest thing I mean, I think most of the crowd was crying)
(C'était la chose la plus triste je veux dire, je pense que la plupart de la foule pleurait)
(She set up and laid over her horse and just cried and huged her horse and)
(Elle s'est levée et s'est allongée sur son cheval et a juste pleuré et a serré son cheval dans ses bras et)
('Cause she knew that, you know, that was her last moments with that horse)
(Parce qu'elle savait que, tu sais, c'étaient ses derniers moments avec ce cheval)
Small town girl, Coca-Cola grin, honeysuckle skin
Petite fille de la ville, sourire Coca-Cola, peau de chèvrefeuille
Born beneath the ready sign of a strawberry moon
Née sous le signe prêt d'une lune de fraise
Small town girl shows up for her friends, crazy about The Bends
Petite fille de la ville se présente pour ses amis, folle de The Bends
I was there when she first put away childish things
J'étais là quand elle a commencé à ranger ses choses d'enfant
We had spring in our heels
Nous avions le printemps dans nos talons
Unwavering forces, headfirst into the unknown
Des forces inébranlables, tête la première dans l'inconnu
Like runaway horses in a fever 'til the end
Comme des chevaux en fuite dans une fièvre jusqu'à la fin
And every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
Et chaque pas est une prière d'argent face à un vent fort
You traded school for weddings rings and rent
Tu as échangé l'école contre des alliances et un loyer
Invitations sent of you and him by a barn out on the edge of town
Invitations envoyées de toi et lui par une grange à la périphérie de la ville
Small town girl, put your dreams on ice, never thinking twice
Petite fille de la ville, mets tes rêves sur glace, sans jamais réfléchir deux fois
Some you'll surely forget and some that you never will
Certains que tu oublieras sûrement et d'autres que tu n'oublieras jamais
There was a promise in our stride
Il y avait une promesse dans notre démarche
But we changed courses, headfirst into the unknown
Mais nous avons changé de cap, tête la première dans l'inconnu
Like runaway horses in a fever 'til the end
Comme des chevaux en fuite dans une fièvre jusqu'à la fin
And every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
Et chaque pas est une prière d'argent face à un vent fort
Like runaway horses, it's a long way back home again
Comme des chevaux en fuite, c'est un long chemin pour rentrer à la maison
When every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
Quand chaque pas est une prière d'argent face à un vent fort
(Oh my heck, so yeah, the youth stamped, I mean that's a tradition for sure)
(Oh mein Gott, ja, die Jugend hat gestempelt, ich meine, das ist sicher eine Tradition)
(Umm, one year we were, it was raining all like all stampedes)
(Ähm, eines Jahres waren wir, es hat geregnet wie bei allen Stempelaktionen)
(And this horse come out and everyone, you know, said it was supposed to be the best)
(Und dieses Pferd kam heraus und jeder, weißt du, sagte, es sollte das Beste sein)
(And it fell in the mud and mean you can see it's leg just totally snapped)
(Und es fiel in den Schlamm und man konnte sehen, wie sein Bein einfach total brach)
(It was just hanging there and the girl you know, laid down)
(Es hing nur da und das Mädchen, weißt du, legte sich hin)
(It was the saddest thing I mean, I think most of the crowd was crying)
(Es war das traurigste, was ich meine, ich denke, die meisten in der Menge weinten)
(She set up and laid over her horse and just cried and huged her horse and)
(Sie setzte sich auf und legte sich über ihr Pferd und weinte und umarmte ihr Pferd und)
('Cause she knew that, you know, that was her last moments with that horse)
(Weil sie wusste, dass das ihre letzten Momente mit diesem Pferd waren)
Small town girl, Coca-Cola grin, honeysuckle skin
Kleinstadtmädchen, Coca-Cola-Lächeln, Geißblatt-Haut
Born beneath the ready sign of a strawberry moon
Geboren unter dem bereiten Zeichen eines Erdbeermondes
Small town girl shows up for her friends, crazy about The Bends
Kleinstadtmädchen zeigt sich für ihre Freunde, verrückt nach The Bends
I was there when she first put away childish things
Ich war dabei, als sie zum ersten Mal kindische Dinge weglegte
We had spring in our heels
Wir hatten Frühling in unseren Fersen
Unwavering forces, headfirst into the unknown
Unerschütterliche Kräfte, kopfüber ins Unbekannte
Like runaway horses in a fever 'til the end
Wie durchgebrannte Pferde in einem Fieber bis zum Ende
And every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
Und jeder Schritt ist ein silbernes Gebet im Angesicht eines harten Windes
You traded school for weddings rings and rent
Du hast die Schule gegen Eheringe und Miete getauscht
Invitations sent of you and him by a barn out on the edge of town
Einladungen von dir und ihm an einer Scheune am Stadtrand
Small town girl, put your dreams on ice, never thinking twice
Kleinstadtmädchen, leg deine Träume auf Eis, ohne zweimal nachzudenken
Some you'll surely forget and some that you never will
Einige wirst du sicher vergessen und einige wirst du nie vergessen
There was a promise in our stride
Es gab ein Versprechen in unserem Schritt
But we changed courses, headfirst into the unknown
Aber wir haben den Kurs gewechselt, kopfüber ins Unbekannte
Like runaway horses in a fever 'til the end
Wie durchgebrannte Pferde in einem Fieber bis zum Ende
And every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
Und jeder Schritt ist ein silbernes Gebet im Angesicht eines harten Windes
Like runaway horses, it's a long way back home again
Wie durchgebrannte Pferde, es ist ein langer Weg zurück nach Hause
When every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
Wenn jeder Schritt ein silbernes Gebet im Angesicht eines harten Windes ist
(Oh my heck, so yeah, the youth stamped, I mean that's a tradition for sure)
(Oh mio Dio, quindi sì, i giovani hanno timbrato, voglio dire che è sicuramente una tradizione)
(Umm, one year we were, it was raining all like all stampedes)
(Umm, un anno eravamo, stava piovendo come tutte le corse)
(And this horse come out and everyone, you know, said it was supposed to be the best)
(E questo cavallo esce e tutti, sai, hanno detto che doveva essere il migliore)
(And it fell in the mud and mean you can see it's leg just totally snapped)
(E è caduto nel fango e intendo puoi vedere la sua gamba completamente spezzata)
(It was just hanging there and the girl you know, laid down)
(Era solo lì appeso e la ragazza sai, si è sdraiata)
(It was the saddest thing I mean, I think most of the crowd was crying)
(Era la cosa più triste che intendo, penso che la maggior parte della folla stesse piangendo)
(She set up and laid over her horse and just cried and huged her horse and)
(Lei si è alzata e si è sdraiata sul suo cavallo e ha pianto e abbracciato il suo cavallo e)
('Cause she knew that, you know, that was her last moments with that horse)
(Perché sapeva che, sai, erano i suoi ultimi momenti con quel cavallo)
Small town girl, Coca-Cola grin, honeysuckle skin
Ragazza di piccola città, sorriso Coca-Cola, pelle di caprifoglio
Born beneath the ready sign of a strawberry moon
Nata sotto il segno pronto di una luna di fragole
Small town girl shows up for her friends, crazy about The Bends
La ragazza di piccola città si presenta per i suoi amici, pazza per The Bends
I was there when she first put away childish things
Ero lì quando ha messo da parte per la prima volta le cose infantili
We had spring in our heels
Avevamo la primavera nelle nostre scarpe
Unwavering forces, headfirst into the unknown
Forze instancabili, a testa in giù nell'ignoto
Like runaway horses in a fever 'til the end
Come cavalli fuggitivi in febbre fino alla fine
And every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
E ogni passo è una preghiera d'argento di fronte a un vento forte
You traded school for weddings rings and rent
Hai scambiato la scuola per anelli di matrimonio e affitto
Invitations sent of you and him by a barn out on the edge of town
Inviti inviati di te e lui da un fienile ai margini della città
Small town girl, put your dreams on ice, never thinking twice
Ragazza di piccola città, metti i tuoi sogni sul ghiaccio, senza pensarci due volte
Some you'll surely forget and some that you never will
Alcuni sicuramente dimenticherai e alcuni che non dimenticherai mai
There was a promise in our stride
C'era una promessa nel nostro passo
But we changed courses, headfirst into the unknown
Ma abbiamo cambiato rotta, a testa in giù nell'ignoto
Like runaway horses in a fever 'til the end
Come cavalli fuggitivi in febbre fino alla fine
And every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
E ogni passo è una preghiera d'argento di fronte a un vento forte
Like runaway horses, it's a long way back home again
Come cavalli fuggitivi, è una lunga strada per tornare a casa di nuovo
When every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind
Quando ogni passo è una preghiera d'argento di fronte a un vento forte

Curiosidades sobre a música Runaway Horses de The Killers

Quando a música “Runaway Horses” foi lançada por The Killers?
A música Runaway Horses foi lançada em 2021, no álbum “Pressure Machine”.
De quem é a composição da música “Runaway Horses” de The Killers?
A música “Runaway Horses” de The Killers foi composta por Brandon Flowers, Robbie Connolly.

Músicas mais populares de The Killers

Outros artistas de Alternative rock