Lightning Fields

Brandon Flowers, Jonathan Rado, Ronald Dante Jr. Vannucci, Shawn Everett

Letra Tradução

Last night I saw you dressed in white
Nothing around you
You were standing in the lightning field of love
You were waiting for the lightning to come
And I didn't want to wake up
I just wanted to run my fastest
And stand beside you

I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
In the lightning field of love
I didn't want to wake up
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
In the lightning field
Press your face to mine, name and raise again
Take the car out for a drive

Run my fastest and stand beside you
In the lightning field of love
Name and raise again, press your face to mine
Run my fastest and name and raise again
Hold your hand again, speak your name again
Over heels again, tell you everything

Late at night, I lie in bed
And think about things left unsaid
And all the things that I'd do different
If I just had the chance

Don't beat yourself up, you laid good ground
Look at 'em walk from scratch to sundown
You put the work in and then some
Where is this all coming from?
There's no end to love
There's no end to truth
There's no end to me
There's no end to you

I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
In the lightning field of love
Press your face to mine, name and raise again
Take the car out for a drive
(Take me with you to the other side)

Run my fastest and stand beside you
In the lightning field of love
Name and raise again, press your face to mine
Run my fastest and name and raise again
Give my name again, speak your name again
Bring myself to just tell you everything
Tell you everything

Last night I saw you dressed in white
Ontem à noite eu te vi vestido de branco
Nothing around you
Nada ao seu redor
You were standing in the lightning field of love
Você estava parado no campo de relâmpagos do amor
You were waiting for the lightning to come
Você estava esperando o relâmpago chegar
And I didn't want to wake up
E eu não queria acordar
I just wanted to run my fastest
Eu só queria correr o mais rápido possível
And stand beside you
E ficar ao seu lado
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Eu só queria correr o mais rápido possível e ficar ao seu lado
In the lightning field of love
No campo de relâmpagos do amor
I didn't want to wake up
Eu não queria acordar
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Eu só queria correr o mais rápido possível e ficar ao seu lado
In the lightning field
No campo de relâmpagos
Press your face to mine, name and raise again
Pressione seu rosto contra o meu, nomeie e levante novamente
Take the car out for a drive
Pegue o carro para dar uma volta
Run my fastest and stand beside you
Correr o mais rápido possível e ficar ao seu lado
In the lightning field of love
No campo de relâmpagos do amor
Name and raise again, press your face to mine
Nomeie e levante novamente, pressione seu rosto contra o meu
Run my fastest and name and raise again
Correr o mais rápido possível e nomeie e levante novamente
Hold your hand again, speak your name again
Segure sua mão novamente, fale seu nome novamente
Over heels again, tell you everything
De cabeça para baixo novamente, te contar tudo
Late at night, I lie in bed
No final da noite, eu deito na cama
And think about things left unsaid
E penso sobre coisas que ficaram por dizer
And all the things that I'd do different
E todas as coisas que eu faria diferente
If I just had the chance
Se eu tivesse apenas a chance
Don't beat yourself up, you laid good ground
Não se culpe, você preparou um bom terreno
Look at 'em walk from scratch to sundown
Olhe para eles andarem do zero até o pôr do sol
You put the work in and then some
Você colocou o trabalho e mais um pouco
Where is this all coming from?
De onde está vindo tudo isso?
There's no end to love
Não há fim para o amor
There's no end to truth
Não há fim para a verdade
There's no end to me
Não há fim para mim
There's no end to you
Não há fim para você
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Eu só queria correr o mais rápido possível e ficar ao seu lado
In the lightning field of love
No campo de relâmpagos do amor
Press your face to mine, name and raise again
Pressione seu rosto contra o meu, nomeie e levante novamente
Take the car out for a drive
Pegue o carro para dar uma volta
(Take me with you to the other side)
(Leve-me com você para o outro lado)
Run my fastest and stand beside you
Correr o mais rápido possível e ficar ao seu lado
In the lightning field of love
No campo de relâmpagos do amor
Name and raise again, press your face to mine
Nomeie e levante novamente, pressione seu rosto contra o meu
Run my fastest and name and raise again
Correr o mais rápido possível e nomeie e levante novamente
Give my name again, speak your name again
Dê meu nome novamente, fale seu nome novamente
Bring myself to just tell you everything
Traga-me para apenas te contar tudo
Tell you everything
Te contar tudo

[Letra de "The Killers - Lightning Fields (Traducción al Español)"]

[Verso 1: Brandon Flowers]
Anoche te vi vestida de blanco
Nada a tu alrededor
Estabas de pie en el campo de rayos del amor
Estabas esperando que llegara el rayo
No quería despertar
Solo quería correr tan rápido como puedo
Y estar a tu lado

[Coro: Brandon Flowers]
Solo quería correr tan rápido como puedo y estar a tu lado en
Un campo de rayos del amor
No quería despertar
Solo quería correr tan rápido como puedo y estar a tu lado en
Un campo de rayos del amor
Presionar tu cara contra la mía, nombrar y criar a un niño
Sacar el auto a dar una vuelta
Correr tan rápido como puedo y ponte a tu lado en
Campo relámpago del amor
Nombrar y criar a un niño, presionar tu cara contra la mía
Correr tan rápido como puedo y nombrar y criar a un niño
Tomar tu mano de nuevo, decir tu nombre de nuevo
Enamorado de nuevo, decirte todo

[Puente: K.D. Lang, Brandon Flowers]
Tarde en la noche me acuesto en la cama y pienso en las cosas que no se dicen y
Todas las cosas que haría diferente si tuviera la oportunidad
No te castigues, pusiste un buen terreno
Míralos todos desde cero hasta la puesta del sol
Pones el trabajo y luego algo
¿De dónde viene todo esto?
El amor no tiene fin
La verdad no tiene fin
No hay fin para mí
No hay fin para tí

[Coro: Brandon Flowers]
Solo quería correr tan rápido como puedo y estar a tu lado en
Un campo de rayos del amor
Presionar tu cara contra la mía, nombrar y criar a un niño
Sacar el auto a dar una vuelta
Llévame contigo al otro lado
Correr tan rápido como puedo y ponte a tu lado en
Un campo de rayos del amor
Nombrar y criar a un niño, presionar tu cara contra la mía
Correr tan rápido como puedo y cría a un niño
Dar mi nombre otra vez, decir tu nombre otra vez
Obligarme a decirte todo, decirte todo

Last night I saw you dressed in white
Anoche te vi vestido de blanco
Nothing around you
Nada a tu alrededor
You were standing in the lightning field of love
Estabas de pie en el campo de rayos del amor
You were waiting for the lightning to come
Estabas esperando a que llegara el rayo
And I didn't want to wake up
Y no quería despertar
I just wanted to run my fastest
Solo quería correr lo más rápido posible
And stand beside you
Y estar a tu lado
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Solo quería correr lo más rápido posible y estar a tu lado
In the lightning field of love
En el campo de rayos del amor
I didn't want to wake up
No quería despertar
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Solo quería correr lo más rápido posible y estar a tu lado
In the lightning field
En el campo de rayos
Press your face to mine, name and raise again
Presiona tu rostro contra el mío, nombra y levanta de nuevo
Take the car out for a drive
Saca el coche a dar una vuelta
Run my fastest and stand beside you
Correr lo más rápido posible y estar a tu lado
In the lightning field of love
En el campo de rayos del amor
Name and raise again, press your face to mine
Nombra y levanta de nuevo, presiona tu rostro contra el mío
Run my fastest and name and raise again
Correr lo más rápido posible y nombra y levanta de nuevo
Hold your hand again, speak your name again
Sostén tu mano de nuevo, pronuncia tu nombre de nuevo
Over heels again, tell you everything
De nuevo sobre los talones, te lo diré todo
Late at night, I lie in bed
Tarde en la noche, me acuesto en la cama
And think about things left unsaid
Y pienso en cosas que quedaron sin decir
And all the things that I'd do different
Y todas las cosas que haría diferente
If I just had the chance
Si solo tuviera la oportunidad
Don't beat yourself up, you laid good ground
No te castigues, has sentado un buen terreno
Look at 'em walk from scratch to sundown
Míralos caminar desde cero hasta el anochecer
You put the work in and then some
Has puesto el trabajo y algo más
Where is this all coming from?
¿De dónde viene todo esto?
There's no end to love
No hay fin al amor
There's no end to truth
No hay fin a la verdad
There's no end to me
No hay fin a mí
There's no end to you
No hay fin a ti
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Solo quería correr lo más rápido posible y estar a tu lado
In the lightning field of love
En el campo de rayos del amor
Press your face to mine, name and raise again
Presiona tu rostro contra el mío, nombra y levanta de nuevo
Take the car out for a drive
Saca el coche a dar una vuelta
(Take me with you to the other side)
(Llévame contigo al otro lado)
Run my fastest and stand beside you
Correr lo más rápido posible y estar a tu lado
In the lightning field of love
En el campo de rayos del amor
Name and raise again, press your face to mine
Nombra y levanta de nuevo, presiona tu rostro contra el mío
Run my fastest and name and raise again
Correr lo más rápido posible y nombra y levanta de nuevo
Give my name again, speak your name again
Doy mi nombre de nuevo, pronuncia tu nombre de nuevo
Bring myself to just tell you everything
Reúno el valor para decirte todo
Tell you everything
Decirte todo
Last night I saw you dressed in white
La nuit dernière, je t'ai vu habillé en blanc
Nothing around you
Rien autour de toi
You were standing in the lightning field of love
Tu étais debout dans le champ de foudre de l'amour
You were waiting for the lightning to come
Tu attendais que la foudre arrive
And I didn't want to wake up
Et je ne voulais pas me réveiller
I just wanted to run my fastest
Je voulais juste courir le plus vite possible
And stand beside you
Et me tenir à côté de toi
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Je voulais juste courir le plus vite possible et me tenir à côté de toi
In the lightning field of love
Dans le champ de foudre de l'amour
I didn't want to wake up
Je ne voulais pas me réveiller
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Je voulais juste courir le plus vite possible et me tenir à côté de toi
In the lightning field
Dans le champ de foudre
Press your face to mine, name and raise again
Presse ton visage contre le mien, nomme et élève à nouveau
Take the car out for a drive
Prends la voiture pour une promenade
Run my fastest and stand beside you
Courir le plus vite possible et me tenir à côté de toi
In the lightning field of love
Dans le champ de foudre de l'amour
Name and raise again, press your face to mine
Nomme et élève à nouveau, presse ton visage contre le mien
Run my fastest and name and raise again
Courir le plus vite possible et nomme et élève à nouveau
Hold your hand again, speak your name again
Tiens ta main à nouveau, prononce ton nom à nouveau
Over heels again, tell you everything
Encore sur les talons, te dire tout
Late at night, I lie in bed
Tard dans la nuit, je suis allongé dans mon lit
And think about things left unsaid
Et je pense aux choses qui restent non dites
And all the things that I'd do different
Et à toutes les choses que je ferais différemment
If I just had the chance
Si j'avais juste la chance
Don't beat yourself up, you laid good ground
Ne te flagelle pas, tu as posé de bonnes bases
Look at 'em walk from scratch to sundown
Regarde-les marcher de zéro à la tombée de la nuit
You put the work in and then some
Tu as fait le travail et plus encore
Where is this all coming from?
D'où vient tout cela ?
There's no end to love
Il n'y a pas de fin à l'amour
There's no end to truth
Il n'y a pas de fin à la vérité
There's no end to me
Il n'y a pas de fin à moi
There's no end to you
Il n'y a pas de fin à toi
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Je voulais juste courir le plus vite possible et me tenir à côté de toi
In the lightning field of love
Dans le champ de foudre de l'amour
Press your face to mine, name and raise again
Presse ton visage contre le mien, nomme et élève à nouveau
Take the car out for a drive
Prends la voiture pour une promenade
(Take me with you to the other side)
(Emmène-moi avec toi de l'autre côté)
Run my fastest and stand beside you
Courir le plus vite possible et me tenir à côté de toi
In the lightning field of love
Dans le champ de foudre de l'amour
Name and raise again, press your face to mine
Nomme et élève à nouveau, presse ton visage contre le mien
Run my fastest and name and raise again
Courir le plus vite possible et nomme et élève à nouveau
Give my name again, speak your name again
Donne mon nom à nouveau, prononce ton nom à nouveau
Bring myself to just tell you everything
Me résoudre à te dire tout
Tell you everything
Te dire tout
Last night I saw you dressed in white
Letzte Nacht sah ich dich in Weiß gekleidet
Nothing around you
Nichts um dich herum
You were standing in the lightning field of love
Du standest im Blitzfeld der Liebe
You were waiting for the lightning to come
Du wartetest auf den Blitz, der kommen sollte
And I didn't want to wake up
Und ich wollte nicht aufwachen
I just wanted to run my fastest
Ich wollte nur so schnell wie möglich laufen
And stand beside you
Und neben dir stehen
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Ich wollte nur so schnell wie möglich laufen und neben dir stehen
In the lightning field of love
Im Blitzfeld der Liebe
I didn't want to wake up
Ich wollte nicht aufwachen
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Ich wollte nur so schnell wie möglich laufen und neben dir stehen
In the lightning field
Im Blitzfeld
Press your face to mine, name and raise again
Drück dein Gesicht an meines, nenne und erhebe dich wieder
Take the car out for a drive
Nimm das Auto für eine Fahrt
Run my fastest and stand beside you
Laufe so schnell wie möglich und stehe neben dir
In the lightning field of love
Im Blitzfeld der Liebe
Name and raise again, press your face to mine
Nenne und erhebe dich wieder, drück dein Gesicht an meines
Run my fastest and name and raise again
Laufe so schnell wie möglich und nenne und erhebe dich wieder
Hold your hand again, speak your name again
Halte deine Hand wieder, spreche deinen Namen wieder
Over heels again, tell you everything
Über Fersen wieder, erzähle dir alles
Late at night, I lie in bed
Spät in der Nacht liege ich im Bett
And think about things left unsaid
Und denke über ungesagte Dinge nach
And all the things that I'd do different
Und all die Dinge, die ich anders machen würde
If I just had the chance
Wenn ich nur die Chance hätte
Don't beat yourself up, you laid good ground
Mach dir keine Vorwürfe, du hast gute Grundlagen gelegt
Look at 'em walk from scratch to sundown
Schau sie von Grund auf bis zum Sonnenuntergang gehen
You put the work in and then some
Du hast die Arbeit und noch mehr hineingesteckt
Where is this all coming from?
Wo kommt das alles her?
There's no end to love
Es gibt kein Ende der Liebe
There's no end to truth
Es gibt keine Ende der Wahrheit
There's no end to me
Es gibt kein Ende von mir
There's no end to you
Es gibt kein Ende von dir
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Ich wollte nur so schnell wie möglich laufen und neben dir stehen
In the lightning field of love
Im Blitzfeld der Liebe
Press your face to mine, name and raise again
Drück dein Gesicht an meines, nenne und erhebe dich wieder
Take the car out for a drive
Nimm das Auto für eine Fahrt
(Take me with you to the other side)
(Nimm mich mit auf die andere Seite)
Run my fastest and stand beside you
Laufe so schnell wie möglich und stehe neben dir
In the lightning field of love
Im Blitzfeld der Liebe
Name and raise again, press your face to mine
Nenne und erhebe dich wieder, drück dein Gesicht an meines
Run my fastest and name and raise again
Laufe so schnell wie möglich und nenne und erhebe dich wieder
Give my name again, speak your name again
Gib meinen Namen wieder, spreche deinen Namen wieder
Bring myself to just tell you everything
Bring mich dazu, dir einfach alles zu erzählen
Tell you everything
Erzähle dir alles
Last night I saw you dressed in white
La scorsa notte ti ho visto vestito di bianco
Nothing around you
Niente intorno a te
You were standing in the lightning field of love
Eri in piedi nel campo di fulmini dell'amore
You were waiting for the lightning to come
Stavi aspettando che arrivasse il fulmine
And I didn't want to wake up
E non volevo svegliarmi
I just wanted to run my fastest
Volevo solo correre il più veloce possibile
And stand beside you
E stare al tuo fianco
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Volevo solo correre il più veloce possibile e stare al tuo fianco
In the lightning field of love
Nel campo di fulmini dell'amore
I didn't want to wake up
Non volevo svegliarmi
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Volevo solo correre il più veloce possibile e stare al tuo fianco
In the lightning field
Nel campo di fulmini
Press your face to mine, name and raise again
Premi il tuo viso contro il mio, nomina e risorgi di nuovo
Take the car out for a drive
Prendi l'auto per un giro
Run my fastest and stand beside you
Correre il più veloce possibile e stare al tuo fianco
In the lightning field of love
Nel campo di fulmini dell'amore
Name and raise again, press your face to mine
Nomina e risorgi di nuovo, premi il tuo viso contro il mio
Run my fastest and name and raise again
Correre il più veloce possibile e nomina e risorgi di nuovo
Hold your hand again, speak your name again
Tieni di nuovo la tua mano, pronuncia di nuovo il tuo nome
Over heels again, tell you everything
Di nuovo sopra i tacchi, ti dico tutto
Late at night, I lie in bed
Tardi la notte, giaccio nel letto
And think about things left unsaid
E penso alle cose non dette
And all the things that I'd do different
E a tutte le cose che farei diversamente
If I just had the chance
Se solo avessi l'opportunità
Don't beat yourself up, you laid good ground
Non prendertela con te stesso, hai posto un buon terreno
Look at 'em walk from scratch to sundown
Guardali camminare da zero al tramonto
You put the work in and then some
Hai messo il lavoro e poi alcuni
Where is this all coming from?
Da dove viene tutto questo?
There's no end to love
Non c'è fine all'amore
There's no end to truth
Non c'è fine alla verità
There's no end to me
Non c'è fine a me
There's no end to you
Non c'è fine a te
I just wanted to run my fastest and stand beside you
Volevo solo correre il più veloce possibile e stare al tuo fianco
In the lightning field of love
Nel campo di fulmini dell'amore
Press your face to mine, name and raise again
Premi il tuo viso contro il mio, nomina e risorgi di nuovo
Take the car out for a drive
Prendi l'auto per un giro
(Take me with you to the other side)
(Portami con te dall'altra parte)
Run my fastest and stand beside you
Correre il più veloce possibile e stare al tuo fianco
In the lightning field of love
Nel campo di fulmini dell'amore
Name and raise again, press your face to mine
Nomina e risorgi di nuovo, premi il tuo viso contro il mio
Run my fastest and name and raise again
Correre il più veloce possibile e nomina e risorgi di nuovo
Give my name again, speak your name again
Dai il mio nome di nuovo, pronuncia il tuo nome di nuovo
Bring myself to just tell you everything
Portami a dirti semplicemente tutto
Tell you everything
Dirti tutto

(Перевод песни The Killers - Lightning Fields (ft. K.D. Lang))

[Куплет 1: Брендон Флауэрс]
Прошлой ночью я увидел тебя в белом
Вокруг ничего не было
Ты стояла в грозовом поле любви
Ты ждала прихода молнии
Я не хотел просыпаться
А просто хотел убежать побыстрее
И стать рядом с тобой

[Припев: Брендон Флауэрс]
Я просто хотел убежать побыстрее и стать рядом с тобой
В грозовом поле любви
Я не хотел просыпаться
А просто хотел убежать побыстрее и стать рядом с тобой
В грозовом поле
Прижми своё лицо ко мне, назови своё имя и воспрянь вновь
Возьми машину просто покататься
Убежать побыстрее и стать рядом с тобой
В грозовом поле любви
Назови своё имя и воспрянь вновь, прижми своё лицо ко мне
Быстро убежать, назвать имя и воспрянуть вновь
Сжимать твою руку вновь, проговаривать твоё имя опять
Влюбиться ещё раз, рассказать тебе всё

[Бридж: K.D. Lang, Брендон Флауэрс]
Поздно ночью я лежу в кровати и думаю о недосказанном и
О всех тех вещах, которые я мог бы сделать иначе, если бы только был шанс
Не вини себя за это, ты сделал хороший фундамент
Взгляни на них всех от начала и до конца
Ты потом сможешь доработать
Откуда это всё?
Нету конца любви
Нету конца правды
Нету конца для меня
Нету конца для тебя

[Припев: Брендон Флауэрс]
Я просто хотел убежать побыстрее и стать рядом с тобой
В грозовом поле любви
Прижми своё лицо ко мне, назови своё имя и воспрянь вновь
Возьми машину просто покататься
Возьми меня с собой
Убежать побыстрее и стать рядом с тобой
В грозовом поле любви
Назови своё имя и воспрянь вновь, прижми своё лицо ко мне
Быстро убежать, назвать имя и воспрянуть вновь
Назови моё имя ещё раз, скажи своё опять
Заставь меня рассказать тебе всё, рассказать тебе всё

Curiosidades sobre a música Lightning Fields de The Killers

Quando a música “Lightning Fields” foi lançada por The Killers?
A música Lightning Fields foi lançada em 2020, no álbum “Imploding the Mirage”.
De quem é a composição da música “Lightning Fields” de The Killers?
A música “Lightning Fields” de The Killers foi composta por Brandon Flowers, Jonathan Rado, Ronald Dante Jr. Vannucci, Shawn Everett.

Músicas mais populares de The Killers

Outros artistas de Alternative rock