Rehab (feat. Justin Timberlake)
Baby, baby, when we first met
I never felt something so strong
You were like my lover and my best friend
All wrapped into one, with a ribbon on it
And all of a sudden you went and left
I didn't know how to follow
It's like a shock that spun me around and now my heart's dead
I feel so empty and hollow
And I never gave myself to another the way I gave it to you
Don't even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you're the one to blame
And now I feel like, oh, you're the reason why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more
I guess that's what I get for wishful thinking
I should've never let you enter my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it (do it)
'Cause now I'm using like I bleed
It's like I checked into rehab
And baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab
And baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby, you're my disease
Damn, ain't it crazy when you're love swept?
You'd do anything for the one you love
'Cause anytime that you needed me, I'd be there
It's like you were my favorite drug
The only problem is that you was using me
In a different way than I was using you
But now that I know it's not meant to be
You gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of you
And I never gave myself to another the way I gave it to you
Don't even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you? (recognize, oh)
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you're the one to blame
'Cause now I feel like, oh, you're the reason why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more
I guess that's what I get for wishful thinking
I should've never let you enter my door (let you enter my door)
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it (do it)
'Cause now I'm using like I bleed (using like I bleed)
It's like I checked into rehab (oh)
And baby, you're my disease (you're my disease)
It's like I checked into rehab
And baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab (oh)
'Cause baby, you're my disease (you're my disease)
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby, you're my disease (uh, uh)
(Now ladies, gimme that)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh
(Uh, now gimme that)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh
(My ladies, gimme that)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh
(Uh, now gimme that)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, you're the reason why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more
I guess that's what I get for wishful thinking
I should've never let you enter my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it (do it)
'Cause now I'm using like I bleed
It's like I checked into rehab (oh)
And baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab
And baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab (oh)
'Cause baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby, you're my disease
Desintoxicando o Coração: A Metáfora de Rehab por Rihanna
A música 'Rehab', interpretada por Rihanna e com participação de Justin Timberlake, é uma poderosa metáfora sobre o fim de um relacionamento intenso e a luta para superar a dor emocional que se assemelha a uma dependência. A letra descreve a experiência de se apaixonar profundamente por alguém que era tanto um amante quanto um melhor amigo, mas que, de repente, abandona a relação, deixando um vazio e uma sensação de desolação.
A comparação do amor com uma doença e a necessidade de reabilitação é o cerne da música. Rihanna usa a imagem de 'entrar na reabilitação' para expressar o quão difícil é se desvencilhar dos sentimentos e da dependência emocional que ela tem pelo parceiro. A ideia de que o parceiro é como uma doença reflete a natureza tóxica do relacionamento e a influência negativa que ele teve sobre ela. A repetição do refrão 'I gotta check into rehab 'cause baby, you're my disease' reforça a mensagem de que a cura para essa 'doença' é se afastar e se recuperar emocionalmente.
A música também aborda a ideia de que, apesar do amor e do apoio incondicional oferecido, o parceiro estava 'usando' Rihanna de uma maneira que não era recíproca. A dor da traição e o reconhecimento de que o relacionamento não era o que parecia ser são temas que muitos ouvintes podem se identificar. 'Rehab' é um exemplo da habilidade de Rihanna de combinar melodias cativantes com letras profundas e emocionais, criando uma música que não apenas ressoa com sua audiência, mas também oferece uma perspectiva crua e honesta sobre os desafios de superar um amor perdido.