Sniffling Next Door’s Broadband
Willy here, etc
Well the bloke next to me
He's got a computer
But he's not protected
His wireless router
So I've got me laptop
Set up in the kitchen
'Cos he's not figured out
His wireless Encryption
He's set up a whole network
But he's insecure
I'm not a nasty man
But I'm having it for sure!
Yes I'm robbing the internet
From someone else's home
Rather than paying for broadband of me own!
*Sniffling next door's broadband!*
It's a sneaky thing to do
For you and me!
*Sniffling next door's broadband!*
Leeching off your neighbour's internet for free!
Well you switch on your laptop
Just give it a try
But you're out of luck
They've got their internet from Sky
You can try all you want
But you'll end up dejected
'Cos all their wirelss routers are password protected!
[CHORUS with key change}