Under the Knife


Letra Tradução

Wake me up inside, tell me there's a reason, to take another step
To get up off my knees and follow this path of most resistance
Whatever it takes us, whatever it faces and where ever it leads

So wake me when it's through
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Wake me up inside

Something for the pain, just to kill this feeling
Though we look awake, inside we're all still sleeping
And I spend my time here alive but barely there
Do you believe we'll ever make it, do you think we'll ever really see

So wake me when it's through
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Wake me up inside

Wake me up inside, these dreams all die if we let them
Wake me up inside, today won't start if we just give in
Don't show me anything

Just wake me when it's through
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Don't worry I'll be fine
I just don't want this dream
Wake me up inside

Wake me up inside, tell me there's a reason, to take another step
Acorda-me por dentro, diga-me que há uma razão, para dar mais um passo
To get up off my knees and follow this path of most resistance
Para me levantar dos meus joelhos e seguir este caminho de maior resistência
Whatever it takes us, whatever it faces and where ever it leads
Onde quer que nos leve, o que quer que enfrentemos e para onde quer que nos conduza
So wake me when it's through
Então acorde-me quando acabar
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Eu não quero sentir as coisas que você sente
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Não se preocupe, eu ficarei bem, eu só não quero este sonho
Wake me up inside
Acorda-me por dentro
Something for the pain, just to kill this feeling
Algo para a dor, apenas para matar este sentimento
Though we look awake, inside we're all still sleeping
Embora pareçamos acordados, por dentro ainda estamos todos dormindo
And I spend my time here alive but barely there
E eu passo meu tempo aqui vivo, mas mal presente
Do you believe we'll ever make it, do you think we'll ever really see
Você acredita que algum dia conseguiremos, você acha que algum dia realmente veremos
So wake me when it's through
Então acorde-me quando acabar
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Eu não quero sentir as coisas que você sente
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Não se preocupe, eu ficarei bem, eu só não quero este sonho
Wake me up inside
Acorda-me por dentro
Wake me up inside, these dreams all die if we let them
Acorda-me por dentro, esses sonhos todos morrem se os deixarmos
Wake me up inside, today won't start if we just give in
Acorda-me por dentro, hoje não começará se apenas nos entregarmos
Don't show me anything
Não me mostre nada
Just wake me when it's through
Apenas acorde-me quando acabar
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Eu não quero sentir as coisas que você sente
Don't worry I'll be fine
Não se preocupe, eu ficarei bem
I just don't want this dream
Eu só não quero este sonho
Wake me up inside
Acorda-me por dentro
Wake me up inside, tell me there's a reason, to take another step
Despiértame por dentro, dime que hay una razón, para dar otro paso
To get up off my knees and follow this path of most resistance
Para levantarme de mis rodillas y seguir este camino de mayor resistencia
Whatever it takes us, whatever it faces and where ever it leads
Donde quiera que nos lleve, lo que sea que enfrentemos y a donde quiera que nos conduzca
So wake me when it's through
Así que despiértame cuando haya terminado
I don't want to feel the things that you do
No quiero sentir las cosas que tú sientes
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
No te preocupes, estaré bien, solo no quiero este sueño
Wake me up inside
Despiértame por dentro
Something for the pain, just to kill this feeling
Algo para el dolor, solo para matar este sentimiento
Though we look awake, inside we're all still sleeping
Aunque parezcamos despiertos, por dentro todos seguimos durmiendo
And I spend my time here alive but barely there
Y paso mi tiempo aquí vivo pero apenas presente
Do you believe we'll ever make it, do you think we'll ever really see
¿Crees que alguna vez lo lograremos, crees que alguna vez realmente veremos?
So wake me when it's through
Así que despiértame cuando haya terminado
I don't want to feel the things that you do
No quiero sentir las cosas que tú sientes
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
No te preocupes, estaré bien, solo no quiero este sueño
Wake me up inside
Despiértame por dentro
Wake me up inside, these dreams all die if we let them
Despiértame por dentro, estos sueños mueren si los dejamos
Wake me up inside, today won't start if we just give in
Despiértame por dentro, hoy no comenzará si simplemente nos rendimos
Don't show me anything
No me muestres nada
Just wake me when it's through
Solo despiértame cuando haya terminado
I don't want to feel the things that you do
No quiero sentir las cosas que tú sientes
Don't worry I'll be fine
No te preocupes, estaré bien
I just don't want this dream
Solo no quiero este sueño
Wake me up inside
Despiértame por dentro
Wake me up inside, tell me there's a reason, to take another step
Réveille-moi à l'intérieur, dis-moi qu'il y a une raison, de faire un autre pas
To get up off my knees and follow this path of most resistance
Pour me lever de mes genoux et suivre ce chemin de la résistance la plus forte
Whatever it takes us, whatever it faces and where ever it leads
Peu importe où cela nous mène, peu importe ce que cela affronte et où cela nous conduit
So wake me when it's through
Alors réveille-moi quand c'est fini
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Je ne veux pas ressentir les choses que tu ressens
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Ne t'inquiète pas, je vais bien, je ne veux juste pas de ce rêve
Wake me up inside
Réveille-moi à l'intérieur
Something for the pain, just to kill this feeling
Quelque chose pour la douleur, juste pour tuer ce sentiment
Though we look awake, inside we're all still sleeping
Bien que nous semblions éveillés, à l'intérieur nous dormons tous encore
And I spend my time here alive but barely there
Et je passe mon temps ici vivant mais à peine là
Do you believe we'll ever make it, do you think we'll ever really see
Crois-tu que nous y arriverons un jour, penses-tu que nous verrons vraiment
So wake me when it's through
Alors réveille-moi quand c'est fini
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Je ne veux pas ressentir les choses que tu ressens
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Ne t'inquiète pas, je vais bien, je ne veux juste pas de ce rêve
Wake me up inside
Réveille-moi à l'intérieur
Wake me up inside, these dreams all die if we let them
Réveille-moi à l'intérieur, ces rêves meurent tous si nous les laissons
Wake me up inside, today won't start if we just give in
Réveille-moi à l'intérieur, aujourd'hui ne commencera pas si nous abandonnons simplement
Don't show me anything
Ne me montre rien
Just wake me when it's through
Juste réveille-moi quand c'est fini
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Je ne veux pas ressentir les choses que tu ressens
Don't worry I'll be fine
Ne t'inquiète pas, je vais bien
I just don't want this dream
Je ne veux juste pas de ce rêve
Wake me up inside
Réveille-moi à l'intérieur
Wake me up inside, tell me there's a reason, to take another step
Wecke mich auf, sag mir, dass es einen Grund gibt, einen weiteren Schritt zu machen
To get up off my knees and follow this path of most resistance
Um von meinen Knien aufzustehen und diesem Pfad des größten Widerstands zu folgen
Whatever it takes us, whatever it faces and where ever it leads
Egal wohin es uns führt, was auch immer es uns entgegenstellt und wohin es auch führt
So wake me when it's through
Also wecke mich, wenn es vorbei ist
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Ich möchte nicht die Dinge fühlen, die du tust
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Mach dir keine Sorgen, mir geht es gut, ich will diesen Traum einfach nicht
Wake me up inside
Wecke mich auf
Something for the pain, just to kill this feeling
Etwas gegen den Schmerz, nur um dieses Gefühl zu töten
Though we look awake, inside we're all still sleeping
Obwohl wir wach aussehen, schlafen wir alle noch im Inneren
And I spend my time here alive but barely there
Und ich verbringe meine Zeit hier lebendig, aber kaum da
Do you believe we'll ever make it, do you think we'll ever really see
Glaubst du, wir werden es jemals schaffen, glaubst du, wir werden es jemals wirklich sehen
So wake me when it's through
Also wecke mich, wenn es vorbei ist
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Ich möchte nicht die Dinge fühlen, die du tust
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Mach dir keine Sorgen, mir geht es gut, ich will diesen Traum einfach nicht
Wake me up inside
Wecke mich auf
Wake me up inside, these dreams all die if we let them
Wecke mich auf, diese Träume sterben alle, wenn wir sie lassen
Wake me up inside, today won't start if we just give in
Wecke mich auf, heute wird nicht beginnen, wenn wir einfach aufgeben
Don't show me anything
Zeig mir nichts
Just wake me when it's through
Wecke mich einfach auf, wenn es vorbei ist
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Ich möchte nicht die Dinge fühlen, die du tust
Don't worry I'll be fine
Mach dir keine Sorgen, mir geht es gut
I just don't want this dream
Ich will diesen Traum einfach nicht
Wake me up inside
Wecke mich auf
Wake me up inside, tell me there's a reason, to take another step
Svegliami dentro, dimmi che c'è un motivo, per fare un altro passo
To get up off my knees and follow this path of most resistance
Per alzarmi in piedi e seguire questo sentiero di massima resistenza
Whatever it takes us, whatever it faces and where ever it leads
Qualunque cosa ci porti, qualunque cosa affronti e ovunque ci conduca
So wake me when it's through
Quindi svegliami quando è finito
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Non voglio sentire le cose che tu senti
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Non preoccuparti starò bene, non voglio solo questo sogno
Wake me up inside
Svegliami dentro
Something for the pain, just to kill this feeling
Qualcosa per il dolore, solo per uccidere questo sentimento
Though we look awake, inside we're all still sleeping
Anche se sembriamo svegli, dentro siamo tutti ancora addormentati
And I spend my time here alive but barely there
E trascorro il mio tempo qui vivo ma appena presente
Do you believe we'll ever make it, do you think we'll ever really see
Credi che ce la faremo mai, pensi che vedremo mai davvero
So wake me when it's through
Quindi svegliami quando è finito
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Non voglio sentire le cose che tu senti
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Non preoccuparti starò bene, non voglio solo questo sogno
Wake me up inside
Svegliami dentro
Wake me up inside, these dreams all die if we let them
Svegliami dentro, questi sogni muoiono tutti se li lasciamo
Wake me up inside, today won't start if we just give in
Svegliami dentro, oggi non inizierà se ci arrendiamo
Don't show me anything
Non mostrarmi nulla
Just wake me when it's through
Svegliami solo quando è finito
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Non voglio sentire le cose che tu senti
Don't worry I'll be fine
Non preoccuparti starò bene
I just don't want this dream
Non voglio solo questo sogno
Wake me up inside
Svegliami dentro
Wake me up inside, tell me there's a reason, to take another step
Bangunkan aku dari dalam, katakan padaku ada alasan, untuk melangkah lagi
To get up off my knees and follow this path of most resistance
Untuk bangkit dari lututku dan mengikuti jalan ini yang penuh perlawanan
Whatever it takes us, whatever it faces and where ever it leads
Apapun yang kita hadapi, apapun yang kita hadapi dan kemana pun itu membawa kita
So wake me when it's through
Jadi bangunkan aku saat semuanya berakhir
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Aku tidak ingin merasakan hal-hal yang kamu rasakan
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Jangan khawatir aku akan baik-baik saja, aku hanya tidak ingin mimpi ini
Wake me up inside
Bangunkan aku dari dalam
Something for the pain, just to kill this feeling
Sesuatu untuk rasa sakit, hanya untuk membunuh perasaan ini
Though we look awake, inside we're all still sleeping
Meskipun kita tampak terjaga, di dalam kita semua masih tidur
And I spend my time here alive but barely there
Dan aku menghabiskan waktuku di sini hidup tapi hampir tidak ada
Do you believe we'll ever make it, do you think we'll ever really see
Apakah kamu percaya kita akan pernah berhasil, apakah kamu pikir kita akan pernah benar-benar melihat
So wake me when it's through
Jadi bangunkan aku saat semuanya berakhir
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Aku tidak ingin merasakan hal-hal yang kamu rasakan
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Jangan khawatir aku akan baik-baik saja, aku hanya tidak ingin mimpi ini
Wake me up inside
Bangunkan aku dari dalam
Wake me up inside, these dreams all die if we let them
Bangunkan aku dari dalam, mimpi-mimpi ini semua mati jika kita membiarkannya
Wake me up inside, today won't start if we just give in
Bangunkan aku dari dalam, hari ini tidak akan dimulai jika kita hanya menyerah
Don't show me anything
Jangan tunjukkan aku apapun
Just wake me when it's through
Hanya bangunkan aku saat semuanya berakhir
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Aku tidak ingin merasakan hal-hal yang kamu rasakan
Don't worry I'll be fine
Jangan khawatir aku akan baik-baik saja
I just don't want this dream
Aku hanya tidak ingin mimpi ini
Wake me up inside
Bangunkan aku dari dalam
Wake me up inside, tell me there's a reason, to take another step
ปลุกฉันขึ้นมาภายใน บอกฉันว่ามีเหตุผล ที่จะก้าวต่อไปอีกขั้น
To get up off my knees and follow this path of most resistance
Whatever it takes us, whatever it faces and where ever it leads
ไม่ว่ามันจะนำพาเราไปที่ไหน ไม่ว่ามันจะเผชิญอะไร และไม่ว่ามันจะนำพาเราไปที่ไหน
So wake me when it's through
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
อย่ากังวลฉันจะสบายดี ฉันแค่ไม่ต้องการฝันนี้
Wake me up inside
Something for the pain, just to kill this feeling
บางสิ่งสำหรับความเจ็บปวด เพียงเพื่อฆ่าความรู้สึกนี้
Though we look awake, inside we're all still sleeping
แม้ว่าเราจะดูตื่น แต่ภายในเรายังคงหลับอยู่
And I spend my time here alive but barely there
และฉันใช้เวลาที่นี่อยู่อย่างมีชีวิต แต่แทบจะไม่มีอยู่
Do you believe we'll ever make it, do you think we'll ever really see
คุณเชื่อว่าเราจะสามารถทำได้หรือไม่ คุณคิดว่าเราจะเห็นจริงๆหรือไม่
So wake me when it's through
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
อย่ากังวลฉันจะสบายดี ฉันแค่ไม่ต้องการฝันนี้
Wake me up inside
Wake me up inside, these dreams all die if we let them
ปลุกฉันขึ้นมาภายใน ฝันเหล่านี้ทั้งหมดจะตายถ้าเราปล่อยให้มัน
Wake me up inside, today won't start if we just give in
ปลุกฉันขึ้นมาภายใน วันนี้จะไม่เริ่มต้นถ้าเราแค่ยอมแพ้
Don't show me anything
Just wake me when it's through
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Don't worry I'll be fine
I just don't want this dream
Wake me up inside
Wake me up inside, tell me there's a reason, to take another step
To get up off my knees and follow this path of most resistance
Whatever it takes us, whatever it faces and where ever it leads
So wake me when it's through
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Wake me up inside
Something for the pain, just to kill this feeling
Though we look awake, inside we're all still sleeping
And I spend my time here alive but barely there
Do you believe we'll ever make it, do you think we'll ever really see
So wake me when it's through
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Don't worry I'll be fine, I just don't want this dream
Wake me up inside
Wake me up inside, these dreams all die if we let them
Wake me up inside, today won't start if we just give in
Don't show me anything
Just wake me when it's through
I don't want to feel the things that you do
Don't worry I'll be fine
I just don't want this dream
Wake me up inside

Curiosidades sobre a música Under the Knife de Rise Against

Quando a música “Under the Knife” foi lançada por Rise Against?
A música Under the Knife foi lançada em 2006, no álbum “The Sufferer & The Witness”.
De quem é a composição da música “Under the Knife” de Rise Against?
A música “Under the Knife” de Rise Against foi composta por BRANDON BARNES, CHRISTOPHER CHASSE, JOSEPH PRINCIPE, TIMOTHY MCILRATH.

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