
Hayley Nichole Williams, Joshua Neil Farro, Taylor Benjamin York

Letra Significado Tradução

How can I decide what's right
When you're clouding up my mind?
I can't win your losing fight
All the time
Nor could I ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides
But you won't take away my pride

No, not this time
Not this time

How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well
But how did we get here?
Well, I think I know

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it's hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all
Well, I will figure this one out

On my own
(I'm screaming, I love you so)
On my own
(But my thoughts you can't decode)

Well, how did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well
Yeah, how did we get here?
Well, I think I know

Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves

Yeah, yeah

How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah, yeah
Well, how did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well

I think I know
I think I know
Oh, there is something I see in you
It might kill me, I want it to be true

Desvendando Decode: Uma Análise da Complexidade Relacional do Paramore

A música Decode, da banda Paramore, é amplamente reconhecida por fazer parte da trilha sonora do filme 'Crepúsculo', o que por si só já a insere em um contexto de intensidade emocional e conflitos internos. A letra da música reflete uma luta interna e a dificuldade de compreender completamente outra pessoa, o que pode ser interpretado tanto no sentido romântico quanto em um contexto mais amplo de relações humanas.

A narrativa lírica de Decode gira em torno da confusão e da frustração de tentar entender os sentimentos e as ações de outra pessoa, que parecem contraditórios ou opacos. A metáfora de 'decodificar' sugere um esforço para interpretar sinais que são difíceis de ler ou compreender, como se a verdade estivesse escondida ou codificada nas ações e palavras do outro. A repetição das perguntas 'How did we get here?' e 'When I used to know you so well?' expressa um sentimento de distanciamento e estranhamento, indicando uma mudança na relação que deixou a narradora perdida e buscando respostas.

Musicalmente, Decode é caracterizada pelo estilo emo e pop punk pelo qual o Paramore é conhecido, com uma melodia intensa e emocional que complementa a urgência e a profundidade da letra. A vocalista Hayley Williams entrega uma performance poderosa que transmite a emoção crua e a confusão que a letra descreve. A música se tornou um dos maiores sucessos da banda e é frequentemente associada à saga 'Crepúsculo', mas sua mensagem sobre a complexidade das relações humanas e a busca por compreensão é universal e continua a ressoar com ouvintes ao redor do mundo.

How can I decide what's right
Como eu posso decidir o que é certo?
When you're clouding up my mind?
Quando você está turvando a minha mente
I can't win your losing fight
Eu não posso vencer suas batalhas perdidas
All the time
O tempo todo
Nor could I ever own what's mine
Tampouco poderia ter o que é meu
When you're always taking sides
Quando você está sempre tomando partido
But you won't take away my pride
Mas você não vai me tirar meu orgulho
No, not this time
Não, não desta vez
Not this time
Não desta vez
How did we get here?
Como chegamos até este ponto
Well, I used to know you so well
Se eu costumava te conhecer tão bem?
But how did we get here?
Como chegamos até este ponto?
Well, I think I know
Bem, eu acho que sei
The truth is hiding in your eyes
A verdade está escondida em seus olhos
And it's hanging on your tongue
E está na ponta da sua língua
Just boiling in my blood
Simplesmente fervendo no meu sangue
But you think that I can't see
Mas você pensa que eu não consigo ver
What kind of man that you are
Que tipo de homem você é?
If you're a man at all
Se é que é mesmo homem
Well, I will figure this one out
Bem, eu descobrirei isso
On my own
Por conta própria
(I'm screaming, I love you so)
(Estou gritando, eu te amo tanto)
On my own
Por conta própria
(But my thoughts you can't decode)
(Mas você não pode decifrar meu pensamento)
Well, how did we get here?
Como chegamos até este ponto
Well, I used to know you so well
Se eu costumava te conhecer tão bem?
Yeah, how did we get here?
Como chegamos até este ponto?
Well, I think I know
Bem, eu acho que sei
Do you see what we've done?
Você percebe o que fizemos?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Íamos nos fazer de idiota
Do you see what we've done?
Você percebe o que fizemos?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Íamos nos fazer de idiota
Yeah, yeah
Sim, sim
How did we get here?
Como chegamos até este ponto
Well, I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah, yeah
Se eu costumava te conhecer tão bem? Sim
Well, how did we get here?
Como chegamos até este ponto
Well, I used to know you so well
Se eu costumava te conhecer tão bem?
I think I know
Acho que sei
I think I know
Eu acho que sei
Oh, there is something I see in you
Eu vejo algo em você
It might kill me, I want it to be true
Que pode me matar, eu quero que seja verdade
How can I decide what's right
¿Cómo puedo decidir qué es lo correcto
When you're clouding up my mind?
Si estás nublando mi mente?
I can't win your losing fight
No puedo ganar tu batalla perdida
All the time
Todo el tiempo
Nor could I ever own what's mine
Tampoco podré nunca tener lo que es mío
When you're always taking sides
Si siempre estás tomando posición
But you won't take away my pride
Pero no te vas a llevar mi orgullo
No, not this time
No, esta vez no
Not this time
No esta vez
How did we get here?
¿Cómo hemos llegado aquí
Well, I used to know you so well
Si solía conocerte tan bien?
But how did we get here?
¿Cómo hemos llegado aquí?
Well, I think I know
Bueno, creo que lo sé
The truth is hiding in your eyes
La verdad se esconde en tus ojos
And it's hanging on your tongue
Y está colgando de tu lengua
Just boiling in my blood
Hierve en mi sangre en mi sangre
But you think that I can't see
Pero crees que no puedo verla
What kind of man that you are
¿Qué clase de hombre eres?
If you're a man at all
Si es que eres un hombre en absoluto
Well, I will figure this one out
Bueno, lo averiguaré
On my own
Por mi misma
(I'm screaming, I love you so)
(Estoy gritando, te amo tanto)
On my own
Por mí misma
(But my thoughts you can't decode)
(Pero no puedes descifrar pensamiento)
Well, how did we get here?
¿Cómo hemos llegado aquí
Well, I used to know you so well
Si solía conocerte tan bien?
Yeah, how did we get here?
¿Cómo hemos llegado aquí?
Well, I think I know
Bueno, creo que lo sé
Do you see what we've done?
¿Has visto lo que hemos hecho?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Vamos a ponernos en ridículo
Do you see what we've done?
¿Has visto lo que hemos hecho?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Vamos a hacer el ridículo
Yeah, yeah
Sí, sí
How did we get here?
¿Cómo hemos llegado aquí
Well, I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah, yeah
Si solía conocerte tan bien? Sí
Well, how did we get here?
¿Cómo hemos llegado aquí
Well, I used to know you so well
Si solía conocerte tan bien?
I think I know
Creo que lo sé
I think I know
Creo que lo sé
Oh, there is something I see in you
Hay algo que veo en ti
It might kill me, I want it to be true
Tal vez me mate, pero quiero que sea verdad
How can I decide what's right
Comment je peux décider de ce qui est juste?
When you're clouding up my mind?
Quand tu m'occupes l'esprit
I can't win your losing fight
Je ne peux pas gagner quand tu te bas
All the time
Tout le temps
Nor could I ever own what's mine
Je ne peux pas non plus avoir ce qui m'appartient
When you're always taking sides
Quand tu prends parti
But you won't take away my pride
Mais tu ne me prendras pas ma fierté
No, not this time
Non, pas cette fois-ci
Not this time
Pas cette fois-ci
How did we get here?
Comment est-ce qu'on est arrivés ici
Well, I used to know you so well
Quand je te connaissais si bien?
But how did we get here?
Comment est-ce qu'on est arrivés ici?
Well, I think I know
Je crois que je sais
The truth is hiding in your eyes
La vérité se cache dans tes yeux
And it's hanging on your tongue
Et se trouve sur la langue
Just boiling in my blood
Boue dans mon sang
But you think that I can't see
Mais tu crois que je ne peux pas voir
What kind of man that you are
Quel genre d'homme es-tu
If you're a man at all
Si tu en es un
Well, I will figure this one out
Je vais comprendre
On my own
Tout seul
(I'm screaming, I love you so)
(Je crie, mais je t'aime tant)
On my own
Tout seul
(But my thoughts you can't decode)
(Mais tu ne peux pas décoder mes pensées)
Well, how did we get here?
Comment est-on arrivés ici?
Well, I used to know you so well
Quand je te connaissais si bien?
Yeah, how did we get here?
Comment est-on arrivés ici?
Well, I think I know
Eh bien, je crois que je sais
Do you see what we've done?
Tu vois ce qu'on a fait?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
On va se faire passer pour des idiots
Do you see what we've done?
Tu vois ce qu'on a fait?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
On va se faire passer pour des idiots
Yeah, yeah
Ouais, ouais
How did we get here?
Comment est-on arrivés ici?
Well, I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah, yeah
Quand je te connaissais si bien? Ouais
Well, how did we get here?
Comment est-on arrivés ici?
Well, I used to know you so well
Quand je te connaissais si bien?
I think I know
Je crois que je sais
I think I know
Je crois que je sais
Oh, there is something I see in you
Il y a quelque chose que je vois en toi
It might kill me, I want it to be true
C'est peut-être vrai, je veux que ce soit vrai"
How can I decide what's right
Wie entscheide ich, was richtig ist?
When you're clouding up my mind?
Wenn du meine Gedanken vernebelst
I can't win your losing fight
Ich kann deinen hoffnungslosen Kampf nicht gewinnen
All the time
Jedes Mal
Nor could I ever own what's mine
Noch kann ich besitzen was mein ist
When you're always taking sides
Wenn du immer eine Seite wählst
But you won't take away my pride
Doch meinen Stolz wirst du mir nicht nehmen
No, not this time
Nein, nicht dieses Mal
Not this time
Nicht dieses Mal
How did we get here?
Wie sind wir hier angekommen
Well, I used to know you so well
Wenn ich dich davor so gut kannte?
But how did we get here?
Wie sind wir hier angekommen?
Well, I think I know
Ich glaube, ich weiß es
The truth is hiding in your eyes
Die Wahrheit versteckt sich in deinen Augen
And it's hanging on your tongue
Und hängt an deiner Zunge
Just boiling in my blood
Es brodelt in meinem Blut
But you think that I can't see
Du denkst, ich sehe es nicht
What kind of man that you are
Was für ein Mann du bist
If you're a man at all
Falls du überhaupt einer bist
Well, I will figure this one out
Nun, ich werde es diesmal herausfinden
On my own
Auf eigener Faust
(I'm screaming, I love you so)
(Ich rufe, ich liebe dich sosehr)
On my own
Auf eigener Faust
(But my thoughts you can't decode)
(Doch meine Gedanken kannst du nicht lesen)
Well, how did we get here?
Wie sind wir hier angekommen?
Well, I used to know you so well
Wenn ich dich davor so gut kannte?
Yeah, how did we get here?
Yeah, wie sind wir hier angekommen?
Well, I think I know
Ich glaube, ich weiß es
Do you see what we've done?
Siehst du, was wir getan haben?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Wir werden uns zum Affen machen
Do you see what we've done?
Siehst du, was wir getan haben?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Wir werden uns zum Affen machen
Yeah, yeah
Ja, ja
How did we get here?
Wie sind wir hier angekommen
Well, I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah, yeah
Wenn ich dich davor so gut kannte? Yeah
Well, how did we get here?
Wie sind wir hier angekommen
Well, I used to know you so well
Wenn ich dich davor so gut kannte?
I think I know
Ich glaub', ich weiß es
I think I know
Ich glaub', ich weiß es
Oh, there is something I see in you
Ich sehe da etwas in dir
It might kill me, I want it to be true
Vielleicht tötet es mich, ich will, dass es wahr ist
How can I decide what's right
Come posso decidere quello che è giusto?
When you're clouding up my mind?
Quando stai annebbiando la mia mente
I can't win your losing fight
Non posso vincere la tua lotta persa
All the time
Tutte le volte
Nor could I ever own what's mine
O non posso mai avere quello che è mio
When you're always taking sides
Quando sei sempre a prendere una posizione
But you won't take away my pride
Ma non mi porterai via il mio orgoglio
No, not this time
No, non questa volta
Not this time
Non questa volta
How did we get here?
Come siamo arrivati qua
Well, I used to know you so well
Quando ti conoscevo così bene?
But how did we get here?
Come siamo arrivati qua?
Well, I think I know
Beh, io penso di saperlo
The truth is hiding in your eyes
La verità è nascosta nei tuoi occhi
And it's hanging on your tongue
E sta pendendo dalla tua lingua
Just boiling in my blood
Mi sta solo bollendo il sangue
But you think that I can't see
Ma pensi che io non possa vedere
What kind of man that you are
Che tipo di uomo che sei
If you're a man at all
Se sei un uomo dopotutto
Well, I will figure this one out
Beh, lo capirò
On my own
Da sola
(I'm screaming, I love you so)
(Sto urlando, ti amo così tanto)
On my own
Da sola
(But my thoughts you can't decode)
(Ma i miei pensieri che non possono decidere)
Well, how did we get here?
Come siamo arrivati qua
Well, I used to know you so well
Quando ti conoscevo così bene?
Yeah, how did we get here?
Come siamo arrivati qua?
Well, I think I know
Beh, io penso di saperlo
Do you see what we've done?
Vedi quello che abbiamo fatto?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Noi ci faremo prendere in giro
Do you see what we've done?
Vedi quello che abbiamo fatto?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Noi ci faremo prendere in giro
Yeah, yeah
Sì, sì
How did we get here?
Come siamo arrivati qua
Well, I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah, yeah
Quando ti conoscevo così bene? Sì
Well, how did we get here?
Come siamo arrivati qua
Well, I used to know you so well
Quando ti conoscevo così bene?
I think I know
Penso di sapere
I think I know
Penso di sapere
Oh, there is something I see in you
C'è qualcosa che vedo in te
It might kill me, I want it to be true
Mi potrebbe uccidere, voglio che sia vero
How can I decide what's right
Bagaimana aku bisa memutuskan apa yang benar
When you're clouding up my mind?
Ketika kau mengaburkan pikiranku?
I can't win your losing fight
Aku tidak bisa menang dalam pertarunganmu yang selalu kalah
All the time
Setiap waktu
Nor could I ever own what's mine
Dan aku tidak pernah bisa memiliki apa yang menjadi milikku
When you're always taking sides
Ketika kau selalu memihak
But you won't take away my pride
Tapi kau tidak akan mengambil kebanggaanku
No, not this time
Tidak, tidak kali ini
Not this time
Tidak kali ini
How did we get here?
Bagaimana kita bisa sampai di sini?
Well, I used to know you so well
Dulu, aku sangat mengenalmu
But how did we get here?
Tapi bagaimana kita bisa sampai di sini?
Well, I think I know
Yah, aku rasa aku tahu
The truth is hiding in your eyes
Kebenaran tersembunyi di matamu
And it's hanging on your tongue
Dan tergantung di lidahmu
Just boiling in my blood
Hanya mendidih dalam darahku
But you think that I can't see
Tapi kau pikir aku tidak bisa melihat
What kind of man that you are
Apa jenis pria yang kau jadi
If you're a man at all
Jika kau memang seorang pria
Well, I will figure this one out
Yah, aku akan mencari tahu ini sendiri
On my own
Dengan caraku sendiri
(I'm screaming, I love you so)
(Aku berteriak, aku sangat mencintaimu)
On my own
Dengan caraku sendiri
(But my thoughts you can't decode)
(Tapi pikiranku tidak bisa kau dekripsi)
Well, how did we get here?
Nah, bagaimana kita bisa sampai di sini?
Well, I used to know you so well
Dulu, aku sangat mengenalmu
Yeah, how did we get here?
Ya, bagaimana kita bisa sampai di sini?
Well, I think I know
Yah, aku rasa aku tahu
Do you see what we've done?
Apakah kau melihat apa yang telah kita lakukan?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Kita telah membuat diri kita tampak seperti orang bodoh
Do you see what we've done?
Apakah kau melihat apa yang telah kita lakukan?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Kita telah membuat diri kita tampak seperti orang bodoh
Yeah, yeah
Ya, ya
How did we get here?
Bagaimana kita bisa sampai di sini?
Well, I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah, yeah
Dulu, aku sangat mengenalmu, ya, ya, ya
Well, how did we get here?
Nah, bagaimana kita bisa sampai di sini?
Well, I used to know you so well
Dulu, aku sangat mengenalmu
I think I know
Aku rasa aku tahu
I think I know
Aku rasa aku tahu
Oh, there is something I see in you
Oh, ada sesuatu yang aku lihat dalam dirimu
It might kill me, I want it to be true
Itu mungkin akan membunuhku, aku ingin itu menjadi kenyataan
How can I decide what's right
When you're clouding up my mind?
I can't win your losing fight
All the time
Nor could I ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides
But you won't take away my pride
No, not this time
ไม่, ไม่ใช่ครั้งนี้
Not this time
How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well
เอาล่ะ, ฉันเคยรู้จักคุณดี
But how did we get here?
Well, I think I know
เอาล่ะ, ฉันคิดว่าฉันรู้
The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it's hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all
Well, I will figure this one out
เอาล่ะ, ฉันจะหาคำตอบนี้เอง
On my own
(I'm screaming, I love you so)
(ฉันกำลังร้องห้าว, ฉันรักคุณมาก)
On my own
(But my thoughts you can't decode)
Well, how did we get here?
เอาล่ะ, เรามาถึงที่นี่ได้อย่างไร?
Well, I used to know you so well
เอาล่ะ, ฉันเคยรู้จักคุณดี
Yeah, how did we get here?
ใช่, เรามาถึงที่นี่ได้อย่างไร?
Well, I think I know
เอาล่ะ, ฉันคิดว่าฉันรู้
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Yeah, yeah
ใช่, ใช่
How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah, yeah
เอาล่ะ, ฉันเคยรู้จักคุณดี, ใช่, ใช่, ใช่
Well, how did we get here?
เอาล่ะ, เรามาถึงที่นี่ได้อย่างไร?
Well, I used to know you so well
เอาล่ะ, ฉันเคยรู้จักคุณดี
I think I know
I think I know
Oh, there is something I see in you
โอ้, มีบางสิ่งที่ฉันเห็นในคุณ
It might kill me, I want it to be true
มันอาจจะฆ่าฉัน, ฉันต้องการให้มันเป็นจริง
How can I decide what's right
When you're clouding up my mind?
I can't win your losing fight
All the time
Nor could I ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides
But you won't take away my pride
No, not this time
Not this time
How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well
But how did we get here?
Well, I think I know
The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it's hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all
Well, I will figure this one out
On my own
(I'm screaming, I love you so)
On my own
(But my thoughts you can't decode)
Well, how did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well
Yeah, how did we get here?
Well, I think I know
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Yeah, yeah
How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah, yeah
Well, how did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well
I think I know
I think I know
Oh, there is something I see in you
It might kill me, I want it to be true

Curiosidades sobre a música Decode de Paramore

Em quais álbuns a música “Decode” foi lançada por Paramore?
Paramore lançou a música nos álbums “The B-Sides” em 2008, “MTV Unplugged” em 2009 e “Decode” em 2009.
De quem é a composição da música “Decode” de Paramore?
A música “Decode” de Paramore foi composta por Hayley Nichole Williams, Joshua Neil Farro, Taylor Benjamin York.

Músicas mais populares de Paramore

Outros artistas de Pop rock