Entenda a Letra

Vídeos em Destaque

Músicas mais populares

Todas as Músicas

A Little Opera Goes a Long Way
Adam, Check Please
Air Traffic
All About Us
All My Friends
All My Friends - Alt Version
All My Friends [Alternate Version]
All Star (Owl City Remix) (feat. Smash Mouth)
Alligator Sky
Alligator Sky (feat Shawn Chrystopher)
Back Home
Be Brave
Beautiful Mystery
Beautiful Times
Bird With a Broken Wing
Blue and Red
Bombshell Blonde
Bright Eyes
Butterfly Wings
Can't Live Without You
Can’t Live Without You
Captains and Cruise Ships
Captains And Cruiseships
Captains Of The Sky
Car Trouble
Cave In
Clap Your Hands
Cloud Nine
Dear Vienna
Deer in the Headlights
Dental Care
Designer Skyline
Dinosaur Park
Dreams and Disasters
Dreams Don't Turn to Dust
Dreams Don’t Turn to Dust
Early Birdie
Field Notes
Fiji Water
Firebird - Alt Version
Firebird [Alternate Version]
Fireflies - Live From Spotify NYC
Fireflies [Adam Young Remix]
Floppy Fish/Trust Me [Preview]
Flowers Of The Field
Forever & Always (feat. Gareth Emery & Armin Van Buuren)
Fuzzy Blue Lights
Garden Party
Good Time
Good Time - Live From Spotify NYC
Good Time (feat. Carly Rae Jepsen)
Hello Seattle
Here's Hope
Here’s Hope
Hey Anna
Home Of The Blues
Honey and the Bee
Hospital Flowers
Hot Air Balloon
House Wren
How Deep The Father's Love For Us
How Deep The Father’s Love For Us
How I Became the Sea
I Found Love
I Hope You Think of Me
I Live Alone
I'll Meet You There
I'm Coming After You
I’ll Meet You There
I’m Coming After You
If I Stand
If My Heart Was a House
In Christ Alone
Intro - Live From Spotify NYC [Spotify Sessions]
January 28, 1986
Kelly Time
Kiss Me Babe, It's Christmas Time
Learn How To Surf
Let The Light In (feat. Joshua Micah)
Light of Christmas
Listen to What the Man Said
Live It Up
Lonely Lullaby
Lucid Dream
Madeline Island
Meteor Shower
Montana - Alt Version
Montana [Alternate Version]
My Everything
My Muse
New York City
Not All Heroes Wear Capes
On the Wing
Panda Bear
Paper Tigers
Peppermint Winter
Plant Life
Rainbow Veins
Rugs From Me to You
Saltwater Room
Shine Your Way
Shooting Star
Shooting Star - Live From Spotify NYC
Shy Violet
Sky Diver
Sons of Thunder
Speed of Love
Steady As She Goes
Strawberry Avalanche
Super Honeymoon
Swimming In Miami
Take It All Away
Take Me Somewhere Nice
Technicolor Phase
Tennis Elbow
The 5th Of July
The Airway
The Bird and the Worm
The Christmas Song
The Joy In Your Heart
The Meadow Lark
The Real World
The Saltwater Room
The Technicolor Phase
The Tip of the Iceberg
The Tornado
The Yacht Club
This Is the Future
This Isn't the End
This Isn’t the End
Tidal Wave
To the Sky
Top of the World
Umbrella Beach
Under the Circus Lights
Up All Night
Up To The Cloud
Vanilla Twilight
Verge (feat. Aloe Blacc)
Vitamin Sea
Waving Through a Window
West Coast Friendship
When Can I See You Again
When Can We Do This Again?
Winners Never Quit
Wolf Bite
You're Not Alone
You're Not Alone (feat. Britt Nicole)
You’re Not Alone
Youtopia (feat. Armin van Buuren)

Curiosidades sobre Owl City

Quais as principais músicas de Owl City?
As principais músicas de Owl City são “Fireflies”, “Vanilla Twilight”, “To the Sky”, “All About Us” e “The Saltwater Room”.
Qual o álbum mais recente de Owl City?
O álbum mais recente de Owl City é o “Coco Moon Deluxe”, lançado em 2024 com 13 faixas.
Qual o álbum mais antigo de Owl City?
O álbum mais antigo de Owl City é o “Maybe I'm Dreaming”, lançado em 2008 com 12 faixas.
Qual a música de maior sucesso de Owl City?
A música mais popular de Owl City é “Fireflies”, do álbum “Ocean Eyes”, lançado em 2009.
Quantos álbuns foram lançados por Owl City?
Entre 2008 e 2024, 18 Álbuns foram lançados por Owl City.
Qual o significado da música “Vanilla Twilight”, de Owl City?
A música 'Vanilla Twilight' do Owl City, projeto musical de Adam Young, é uma balada eletrônica suave que fala sobre saudade e amor à distância. A letra descreve a sensação de falta que o eu lírico sente de alguém especial, utilizando metáforas celestiais e imagens noturnas para expressar a profundidade de seus sentimentos. A referência ao crepúsculo de baunilha (vanilla twilight) sugere um momento de transição, um período de reflexão e melancolia, onde o personagem principal se perde em pensamentos sobre a pessoa amada.
Veja a íntegra do significado da letra da música “Vanilla Twilight”

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