untitled 04 | 08.14.2014


Letra Tradução

They say the government mislead the youth, youth, youth
(Tell 'em when you went to the park and everybody came back and)
And welfare don't mean well for you, you, you, you
(What about when you tried to do a side for that but you)
They tell me that my bill's past due, due, due, due
(Talk about the charge you got)
And preacher man don't always tell the truth, truth, truth
(Do you believe in God if you thought it's cool?)

But head is the answer, head is the future
Don't second guess yourself
(Don't tell them when you second guess yourself I need you in the kitchen now I forgot)
Come on give me some help, yeah
Head is the answer, do it for the future girl
Don't second guess yourself
Come on give me some help

And I just wanna
Straight up
Eyes with my head
And I can't use some help
Straight up

Head is the future

They say the government mislead the youth, youth, youth
Dizem que o governo engana a juventude, juventude, juventude
(Tell 'em when you went to the park and everybody came back and)
(Diga-lhes quando você foi ao parque e todos voltaram e)
And welfare don't mean well for you, you, you, you
E o bem-estar não significa bem para você, você, você, você
(What about when you tried to do a side for that but you)
(E quanto a quando você tentou fazer um lado para isso, mas você)
They tell me that my bill's past due, due, due, due
Me dizem que minha conta está atrasada, atrasada, atrasada, atrasada
(Talk about the charge you got)
(Fale sobre a acusação que você tem)
And preacher man don't always tell the truth, truth, truth
E o homem do púlpito nem sempre diz a verdade, verdade, verdade
(Do you believe in God if you thought it's cool?)
(Você acredita em Deus se pensou que é legal?)
But head is the answer, head is the future
Mas a cabeça é a resposta, a cabeça é o futuro
Don't second guess yourself
Não duvide de si mesmo
(Don't tell them when you second guess yourself I need you in the kitchen now I forgot)
(Não diga a eles quando você duvida de si mesmo, eu preciso de você na cozinha agora, eu esqueci)
Come on give me some help, yeah
Vamos, me dê uma ajuda, sim
Head is the answer, do it for the future girl
A cabeça é a resposta, faça isso pelo futuro, garota
Don't second guess yourself
Não duvide de si mesmo
Come on give me some help
Vamos, me dê uma ajuda
And I just wanna
E eu só quero
Straight up
Eyes with my head
Olhos com a minha cabeça
And I can't use some help
E eu não posso usar alguma ajuda
Straight up
Head is the future
A cabeça é o futuro
They say the government mislead the youth, youth, youth
Dicen que el gobierno engaña a la juventud, juventud, juventud
(Tell 'em when you went to the park and everybody came back and)
(Diles cuando fuiste al parque y todos volvieron y)
And welfare don't mean well for you, you, you, you
Y el bienestar no significa bien para ti, ti, ti, ti
(What about when you tried to do a side for that but you)
(¿Qué pasa cuando intentaste hacer un lado para eso pero tú)
They tell me that my bill's past due, due, due, due
Me dicen que mi factura está vencida, vencida, vencida, vencida
(Talk about the charge you got)
(Habla sobre el cargo que tienes)
And preacher man don't always tell the truth, truth, truth
Y el hombre predicador no siempre dice la verdad, verdad, verdad
(Do you believe in God if you thought it's cool?)
(¿Crees en Dios si pensaste que está bien?)
But head is the answer, head is the future
Pero la cabeza es la respuesta, la cabeza es el futuro
Don't second guess yourself
No te cuestiones a ti mismo
(Don't tell them when you second guess yourself I need you in the kitchen now I forgot)
(No les digas cuando te cuestionas a ti mismo, te necesito en la cocina ahora, olvidé)
Come on give me some help, yeah
Vamos, dame algo de ayuda, sí
Head is the answer, do it for the future girl
La cabeza es la respuesta, hazlo por la chica del futuro
Don't second guess yourself
No te cuestiones a ti mismo
Come on give me some help
Vamos, dame algo de ayuda
And I just wanna
Y solo quiero
Straight up
Eyes with my head
Ojos con mi cabeza
And I can't use some help
Y no puedo usar algo de ayuda
Straight up
Head is the future
La cabeza es el futuro
They say the government mislead the youth, youth, youth
On dit que le gouvernement trompe la jeunesse, jeunesse, jeunesse
(Tell 'em when you went to the park and everybody came back and)
(Dis-leur quand tu es allé au parc et que tout le monde est revenu et)
And welfare don't mean well for you, you, you, you
Et l'aide sociale ne veut pas ton bien, toi, toi, toi, toi
(What about when you tried to do a side for that but you)
(Qu'en est-il quand tu as essayé de faire un à-côté pour ça mais toi)
They tell me that my bill's past due, due, due, due
On me dit que ma facture est en retard, retard, retard, retard
(Talk about the charge you got)
(Parle de la charge que tu as)
And preacher man don't always tell the truth, truth, truth
Et le prédicateur ne dit pas toujours la vérité, vérité, vérité
(Do you believe in God if you thought it's cool?)
(Crois-tu en Dieu si tu pensais que c'est cool ?)
But head is the answer, head is the future
Mais la tête est la réponse, la tête est l'avenir
Don't second guess yourself
Ne te remets pas en question
(Don't tell them when you second guess yourself I need you in the kitchen now I forgot)
(Ne leur dis pas quand tu te remets en question, j'ai besoin de toi dans la cuisine maintenant, j'ai oublié)
Come on give me some help, yeah
Allez, donne-moi un coup de main, ouais
Head is the answer, do it for the future girl
La tête est la réponse, fais-le pour l'avenir, fille
Don't second guess yourself
Ne te remets pas en question
Come on give me some help
Allez, donne-moi un coup de main
And I just wanna
Et je veux juste
Straight up
Eyes with my head
Les yeux avec ma tête
And I can't use some help
Et je pourrais utiliser de l'aide
Straight up
Head is the future
La tête est l'avenir
They say the government mislead the youth, youth, youth
Sie sagen, die Regierung habe die Jugend getäuscht, Jugend, Jugend
(Tell 'em when you went to the park and everybody came back and)
(Sag ihnen, wann du in den Park gegangen bist und alle zurückgekommen sind und)
And welfare don't mean well for you, you, you, you
Und Sozialhilfe bedeutet nicht Gutes für dich, dich, dich, dich
(What about when you tried to do a side for that but you)
(Was ist, wenn du versucht hast, etwas dafür zu tun, aber du)
They tell me that my bill's past due, due, due, due
Sie sagen mir, dass meine Rechnung überfällig ist, fällig, fällig, fällig
(Talk about the charge you got)
(Rede über die Anklage, die du bekommen hast)
And preacher man don't always tell the truth, truth, truth
Und der Prediger sagt nicht immer die Wahrheit, Wahrheit, Wahrheit
(Do you believe in God if you thought it's cool?)
(Glaubst du an Gott, wenn du dachtest, es ist cool?)
But head is the answer, head is the future
Aber der Kopf ist die Antwort, der Kopf ist die Zukunft
Don't second guess yourself
Zweifle nicht an dir selbst
(Don't tell them when you second guess yourself I need you in the kitchen now I forgot)
(Sag ihnen nicht, wann du an dir selbst zweifelst, ich brauche dich jetzt in der Küche, ich habe vergessen)
Come on give me some help, yeah
Komm schon, gib mir etwas Hilfe, ja
Head is the answer, do it for the future girl
Der Kopf ist die Antwort, tu es für die Zukunft, Mädchen
Don't second guess yourself
Zweifle nicht an dir selbst
Come on give me some help
Komm schon, gib mir etwas Hilfe
And I just wanna
Und ich will nur
Straight up
Eyes with my head
Augen mit meinem Kopf
And I can't use some help
Und ich könnte etwas Hilfe gebrauchen
Straight up
Head is the future
Der Kopf ist die Zukunft
They say the government mislead the youth, youth, youth
Dicono che il governo inganni i giovani, giovani, giovani
(Tell 'em when you went to the park and everybody came back and)
(Dillo quando sei andato al parco e tutti sono tornati e)
And welfare don't mean well for you, you, you, you
E il welfare non significa bene per te, te, te, te
(What about when you tried to do a side for that but you)
(E quando hai cercato di fare un lato per quello ma tu)
They tell me that my bill's past due, due, due, due
Mi dicono che la mia bolletta è in ritardo, ritardo, ritardo, ritardo
(Talk about the charge you got)
(Parla dell'accusa che hai ricevuto)
And preacher man don't always tell the truth, truth, truth
E l'uomo della chiesa non dice sempre la verità, verità, verità
(Do you believe in God if you thought it's cool?)
(Credi in Dio se pensi che sia cool?)
But head is the answer, head is the future
Ma la testa è la risposta, la testa è il futuro
Don't second guess yourself
Non mettere in dubbio te stesso
(Don't tell them when you second guess yourself I need you in the kitchen now I forgot)
(Non dire loro quando metti in dubbio te stesso ho bisogno di te in cucina ora ho dimenticato)
Come on give me some help, yeah
Dai, dammi un aiuto, sì
Head is the answer, do it for the future girl
La testa è la risposta, fallo per la ragazza del futuro
Don't second guess yourself
Non mettere in dubbio te stesso
Come on give me some help
Dai, dammi un aiuto
And I just wanna
E io voglio solo
Straight up
Eyes with my head
Occhi con la mia testa
And I can't use some help
E non posso usare un aiuto
Straight up
Head is the future
La testa è il futuro
They say the government mislead the youth, youth, youth
Mereka bilang pemerintah menyesatkan para pemuda, pemuda, pemuda
(Tell 'em when you went to the park and everybody came back and)
(Katakanlah saat kamu pergi ke taman dan semua orang kembali dan)
And welfare don't mean well for you, you, you, you
Dan kesejahteraan tidak berarti baik untukmu, kamu, kamu, kamu
(What about when you tried to do a side for that but you)
(Bagaimana dengan saat kamu mencoba melakukan sesuatu untuk itu tapi kamu)
They tell me that my bill's past due, due, due, due
Mereka memberitahuku bahwa tagihanku sudah jatuh tempo, tempo, tempo, tempo
(Talk about the charge you got)
(Bicarakan tentang tagihan yang kamu dapatkan)
And preacher man don't always tell the truth, truth, truth
Dan pendeta tidak selalu mengatakan yang sebenarnya, benar, benar, benar
(Do you believe in God if you thought it's cool?)
(Apakah kamu percaya pada Tuhan jika kamu pikir itu keren?)
But head is the answer, head is the future
Tapi kepala adalah jawabannya, kepala adalah masa depan
Don't second guess yourself
Jangan ragu-ragu pada dirimu sendiri
(Don't tell them when you second guess yourself I need you in the kitchen now I forgot)
(Jangan katakan pada mereka saat kamu meragukan dirimu sendiri, aku membutuhkanmu di dapur sekarang aku lupa)
Come on give me some help, yeah
Ayo bantu aku, ya
Head is the answer, do it for the future girl
Kepala adalah jawabannya, lakukanlah untuk masa depan gadis
Don't second guess yourself
Jangan ragu-ragu pada dirimu sendiri
Come on give me some help
Ayo bantu aku
And I just wanna
Dan aku hanya ingin
Straight up
Langsung saja
Eyes with my head
Mata dengan kepalaku
And I can't use some help
Dan aku bisa menggunakan bantuan
Straight up
Langsung saja
Head is the future
Kepala adalah masa depan
They say the government mislead the youth, youth, youth
(Tell 'em when you went to the park and everybody came back and)
And welfare don't mean well for you, you, you, you
(What about when you tried to do a side for that but you)
They tell me that my bill's past due, due, due, due
(Talk about the charge you got)
And preacher man don't always tell the truth, truth, truth
(Do you believe in God if you thought it's cool?)
But head is the answer, head is the future
แต่หัวคือคำตอบ, หัวคืออนาคต
Don't second guess yourself
(Don't tell them when you second guess yourself I need you in the kitchen now I forgot)
(อย่าบอกพวกเขาเมื่อคุณสงสัยในตัวเอง ฉันต้องการคุณในครัวตอนนี้ ฉันลืม)
Come on give me some help, yeah
Head is the answer, do it for the future girl
หัวคือคำตอบ, ทำเพื่ออนาคต
Don't second guess yourself
Come on give me some help
And I just wanna
Straight up
Eyes with my head
And I can't use some help
Straight up
Head is the future
They say the government mislead the youth, youth, youth
(Tell 'em when you went to the park and everybody came back and)
And welfare don't mean well for you, you, you, you
(What about when you tried to do a side for that but you)
They tell me that my bill's past due, due, due, due
(Talk about the charge you got)
And preacher man don't always tell the truth, truth, truth
(Do you believe in God if you thought it's cool?)
But head is the answer, head is the future
Don't second guess yourself
(Don't tell them when you second guess yourself I need you in the kitchen now I forgot)
Come on give me some help, yeah
Head is the answer, do it for the future girl
Don't second guess yourself
Come on give me some help
And I just wanna
Straight up
Eyes with my head
And I can't use some help
Straight up
Head is the future

Curiosidades sobre a música untitled 04 | 08.14.2014 de Kendrick Lamar

Quando a música “untitled 04 | 08.14.2014” foi lançada por Kendrick Lamar?
A música untitled 04 | 08.14.2014 foi lançada em 2016, no álbum “Untitled Unmastered.”.
De quem é a composição da música “untitled 04 | 08.14.2014” de Kendrick Lamar?
A música “untitled 04 | 08.14.2014” de Kendrick Lamar foi composta por KENDRICK LAMAR DUCKWORTH, STEPHEN BRUNER, MARK SPEARS, SOLANA ROWE, LANCE HOWARD.

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