Amazing Grace

John Newton

Letra Significado Tradução

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace, my fears relieved
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
And Grace will lead me home

When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind, but now I see

A Doçura da Redenção em Amazing Grace na Voz de Il Divo

A canção Amazing Grace é um dos hinos mais conhecidos e emocionantes do repertório cristão anglo-saxão. A letra fala sobre redenção e transformação pessoal através da graça divina. A expressão 'amazing grace' refere-se à maravilhosa graça de Deus que é capaz de salvar até 'um miserável como eu', conforme diz a letra. A música é um testemunho de fé e esperança, reconhecendo a própria fragilidade humana e celebrando a misericórdia e o amor de Deus que restaura e ilumina os que estavam perdidos ou em escuridão espiritual.

A interpretação do grupo Il Divo, conhecido por suas performances vocais poderosas e emocionantes, adiciona uma camada de grandiosidade e universalidade à música. O quarteto, formado por cantores de diferentes nacionalidades, traz uma abordagem clássica e contemporânea ao hino, que originalmente foi escrito no século XVIII por John Newton, um ex-comerciante de escravos que se converteu ao cristianismo e se tornou um abolicionista. A letra reflete a jornada pessoal de Newton, mas também se tornou um hino de esperança e libertação para muitas pessoas ao redor do mundo.

A música também aborda a jornada da vida com suas dificuldades e desafios, 'através de muitos perigos, trabalhos e armadilhas'. A graça divina é vista como um guia e protetor ao longo dessa jornada, e há uma promessa de que essa mesma graça conduzirá o fiel ao lar, ou seja, ao encontro final com o divino. A última estrofe, que fala sobre estar diante da presença divina por 'dez mil anos', ressalta a eternidade da vida ao lado de Deus e a infinitude do louvor. Amazing Grace é uma música que transcende o tempo e as barreiras culturais, tocando o coração de ouvintes de diversas tradições e crenças com sua mensagem de salvação e redenção.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
Maravilhosa Graça, quão doce o som
That saved a wretch like me
Que salvou um miserável como eu
I once was lost but now I'm found
Eu estava perdido, mas agora fui encontrado
Was blind, but now I see
Estava cego, mas agora vejo
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear
Foi a Graça que ensinou meu coração a temer
And Grace, my fears relieved
E a Graça, aliviou meus medos
How precious did that Grace appear
Quão preciosa foi a Graça que apareceu
The hour I first believed
Na hora em que eu primeiro acreditei
Through many dangers, toils and snares
Através de muitos perigos, trabalhos e armadilhas
I have already come
Eu já vim
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
É a Graça que me trouxe seguro até aqui
And Grace will lead me home
E a Graça me levará para casa
When we've been here ten thousand years
Quando estivermos aqui dez mil anos
Bright shining as the sun
Brilhando como o sol
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Não teremos menos dias para cantar o louvor de Deus
Than when we've first begun
Do que quando começamos
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
Maravilhosa Graça, quão doce o som
That saved a wretch like me
Que salvou um miserável como eu
I once was lost but now am found
Eu estava perdido, mas agora fui encontrado
Was blind, but now I see
Estava cego, mas agora vejo
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
Increíble Gracia, qué dulce el sonido
That saved a wretch like me
Que salvó a un desdichado como yo
I once was lost but now I'm found
Una vez estuve perdido pero ahora me he encontrado
Was blind, but now I see
Estaba ciego, pero ahora veo
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear
Fue la Gracia la que enseñó a mi corazón a temer
And Grace, my fears relieved
Y la Gracia, mis miedos alivió
How precious did that Grace appear
Cuán preciosa pareció esa Gracia
The hour I first believed
La hora en que primero creí
Through many dangers, toils and snares
A través de muchos peligros, trabajos y trampas
I have already come
Ya he llegado
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
Es la Gracia la que me ha traído seguro hasta aquí
And Grace will lead me home
Y la Gracia me llevará a casa
When we've been here ten thousand years
Cuando hayamos estado aquí diez mil años
Bright shining as the sun
Brillando como el sol
We've no less days to sing God's praise
No tenemos menos días para cantar la alabanza de Dios
Than when we've first begun
Que cuando primero comenzamos
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
Increíble Gracia, qué dulce el sonido
That saved a wretch like me
Que salvó a un desdichado como yo
I once was lost but now am found
Una vez estuve perdido pero ahora me he encontrado
Was blind, but now I see
Estaba ciego, pero ahora veo
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
Incroyable Grâce, comme le son est doux
That saved a wretch like me
Qui a sauvé un misérable comme moi
I once was lost but now I'm found
J'étais perdu mais maintenant je suis retrouvé
Was blind, but now I see
J'étais aveugle, mais maintenant je vois
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear
C'était la Grâce qui a appris à mon cœur à craindre
And Grace, my fears relieved
Et la Grâce, mes peurs soulagées
How precious did that Grace appear
Comme cette Grâce m'a paru précieuse
The hour I first believed
L'heure où j'ai d'abord cru
Through many dangers, toils and snares
À travers de nombreux dangers, labeurs et pièges
I have already come
Je suis déjà venu
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
C'est la Grâce qui m'a amené en sécurité jusqu'ici
And Grace will lead me home
Et la Grâce me mènera à la maison
When we've been here ten thousand years
Quand nous avons été ici dix mille ans
Bright shining as the sun
Brillant comme le soleil
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Nous n'avons pas moins de jours pour chanter la louange de Dieu
Than when we've first begun
Que lorsque nous avons commencé
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
Incroyable Grâce, comme le son est doux
That saved a wretch like me
Qui a sauvé un misérable comme moi
I once was lost but now am found
J'étais perdu mais maintenant je suis retrouvé
Was blind, but now I see
J'étais aveugle, mais maintenant je vois
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
Erstaunliche Gnade, wie süß der Klang
That saved a wretch like me
Der einen Elenden wie mich gerettet hat
I once was lost but now I'm found
Ich war einst verloren, aber jetzt bin ich gefunden
Was blind, but now I see
War blind, aber jetzt sehe ich
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear
Es war die Gnade, die mein Herz lehrte zu fürchten
And Grace, my fears relieved
Und Gnade, meine Ängste gelindert
How precious did that Grace appear
Wie kostbar erschien diese Gnade
The hour I first believed
In der Stunde, als ich zuerst glaubte
Through many dangers, toils and snares
Durch viele Gefahren, Mühen und Fallen
I have already come
Bin ich bereits gekommen
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
Es ist die Gnade, die mich bisher sicher gebracht hat
And Grace will lead me home
Und Gnade wird mich nach Hause führen
When we've been here ten thousand years
Wenn wir hier zehntausend Jahre gewesen sind
Bright shining as the sun
Hell leuchtend wie die Sonne
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Wir haben nicht weniger Tage, um Gottes Lob zu singen
Than when we've first begun
Als als wir zuerst begonnen haben
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
Erstaunliche Gnade, wie süß der Klang
That saved a wretch like me
Der einen Elenden wie mich gerettet hat
I once was lost but now am found
Ich war einst verloren, aber jetzt bin ich gefunden
Was blind, but now I see
War blind, aber jetzt sehe ich
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
Meravigliosa Grazia, quanto dolce il suono
That saved a wretch like me
Che ha salvato un misero come me
I once was lost but now I'm found
Una volta ero perduto ma ora sono ritrovato
Was blind, but now I see
Ero cieco, ma ora vedo
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear
E' stata la Grazia che ha insegnato al mio cuore a temere
And Grace, my fears relieved
E la Grazia, ha alleviato le mie paure
How precious did that Grace appear
Quanto preziosa sembrava quella Grazia
The hour I first believed
L'ora in cui ho creduto per la prima volta
Through many dangers, toils and snares
Attraverso molti pericoli, fatiche e insidie
I have already come
Sono già arrivato
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
E' la Grazia che mi ha portato fin qui in sicurezza
And Grace will lead me home
E la Grazia mi condurrà a casa
When we've been here ten thousand years
Quando saremo stati qui diecimila anni
Bright shining as the sun
Luminosi come il sole
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Non abbiamo meno giorni per cantare le lodi di Dio
Than when we've first begun
Di quando abbiamo iniziato per la prima volta
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
Meravigliosa Grazia, quanto dolce il suono
That saved a wretch like me
Che ha salvato un misero come me
I once was lost but now am found
Una volta ero perduto ma ora sono ritrovato
Was blind, but now I see
Ero cieco, ma ora vedo
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
Amazing Grace, betapa manis suaranya
That saved a wretch like me
Yang menyelamatkan orang hina seperti saya
I once was lost but now I'm found
Saya pernah tersesat tapi sekarang saya telah ditemukan
Was blind, but now I see
Dulu buta, tapi sekarang saya bisa melihat
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear
Adalah Grace yang mengajarkan hati saya untuk takut
And Grace, my fears relieved
Dan Grace, ketakutan saya mereda
How precious did that Grace appear
Betapa berharganya Grace itu tampak
The hour I first believed
Pada jam pertama saya percaya
Through many dangers, toils and snares
Melalui banyak bahaya, kerja keras dan jerat
I have already come
Saya sudah sampai sejauh ini
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
Adalah Grace yang membawa saya aman sejauh ini
And Grace will lead me home
Dan Grace akan membimbing saya pulang
When we've been here ten thousand years
Ketika kita sudah di sini sepuluh ribu tahun
Bright shining as the sun
Cerah bersinar seperti matahari
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Kita tidak kurang hari untuk menyanyikan pujian Tuhan
Than when we've first begun
Dibandingkan ketika kita pertama kali mulai
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
Amazing Grace, betapa manis suaranya
That saved a wretch like me
Yang menyelamatkan orang hina seperti saya
I once was lost but now am found
Saya pernah tersesat tapi sekarang saya telah ditemukan
Was blind, but now I see
Dulu buta, tapi sekarang saya bisa melihat
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
อมาซิ่งเกรซ, เสียงที่หวานมาก
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I'm found
ฉันเคยหลงทาง แต่ตอนนี้ฉันพบ
Was blind, but now I see
ฉันเคยตาบอด, แต่ตอนนี้ฉันเห็น
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace, my fears relieved
และเกรซ, ปลอบความกลัวของฉัน
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed
Through many dangers, toils and snares
ผ่านอันตรายมากมาย, ความเหนื่อยล้าและกับดัก
I have already come
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
And Grace will lead me home
When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
อมาซิ่งเกรซ, เสียงที่หวานมาก
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
ฉันเคยหลงทาง แต่ตอนนี้ฉันพบ
Was blind, but now I see
ฉันเคยตาบอด, แต่ตอนนี้ฉันเห็น
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace, my fears relieved
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
And Grace will lead me home
When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind, but now I see

Curiosidades sobre a música Amazing Grace de Il Divo

Em quais álbuns a música “Amazing Grace” foi lançada por Il Divo?
Il Divo lançou a música nos álbums “The Promise” em 2008, “An Evening with Il Divo: Live in Barcelona” em 2009 e “The Greatest Hits” em 2012.
De quem é a composição da música “Amazing Grace” de Il Divo?
A música “Amazing Grace” de Il Divo foi composta por John Newton.

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