One for the Road

Alex Turner

Letra Significado Tradução

One for the road, ooh ooh
One for the road, ooh ooh

From the bottom of your heart
The relegation zone
I saw this coming from the start
The shake, rattle and roll
The cracks in blackout blinds
Cast patterns on the ceiling but you're feeling fine
I thought it was dark outside
I thought it was dark outside
(One for the road)

So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Will you pour me one for the road?

I knew this would be on the cards
I knew you wouldn't fold
I saw this coming from the start
The shake, rattle and roll

(One for the road)

So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Will you pour me one for the road?

The mixture hits you hard
Don't get that sinking feeling
Don't fall apart
Some out of tune guitar
Soundtrack to disaster

Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, one for the road

So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Will you pour me one for the road?

Uma Última Dose de Arctic Monkeys: Desvendando One For The Road

A música 'One For The Road' dos Arctic Monkeys, banda britânica conhecida por seu estilo indie rock com influências do post-punk revival, traz uma atmosfera de despedida tingida de melancolia e introspecção. A expressão 'one for the road' é uma gíria que se refere à última bebida que alguém toma antes de deixar um bar ou uma festa, simbolizando aqui um último momento antes de uma separação inevitável.

A letra da música parece descrever o fim de um relacionamento ou um encontro casual que está prestes a terminar. O narrador antecipa o fim desde o início ('I saw this coming from the start'), sugerindo uma certa resignação e familiaridade com a situação. A referência à 'relegation zone' pode ser uma metáfora para se sentir em baixa, talvez até mesmo desprezado ou não valorizado. As 'cracks in black out blinds' que projetam padrões no teto podem simbolizar momentos de clareza ou revelações em meio à escuridão emocional que o narrador está enfrentando.

A repetição do convite para 'ir até a sua casa' e a pergunta 'will you pour me one for the road?' revelam um desejo de prolongar a conexão, mesmo sabendo que o fim é iminente. A música transmite uma sensação de aceitação melancólica da realidade, enquanto se agarra a um último fio de intimidade. A 'mixture' que 'hits you hard' pode ser uma alusão aos sentimentos intensos que acompanham esses momentos finais, e o 'out of tune guitar' que serve de 'soundtrack to disaster' reforça a sensação de desolação e desencontro que permeia a canção.

One for the road, ooh ooh
Um para a estrada, ooh ooh
One for the road, ooh ooh
Um para a estrada, ooh ooh
From the bottom of your heart
Do fundo do seu coração
The relegation zone
A zona de rebaixamento
I saw this coming from the start
Eu sabia que isso ia acontecer desde o início
The shake, rattle and roll
O tremor, o agito
The cracks in blackout blinds
As rachaduras nas persianas de blackout
Cast patterns on the ceiling but you're feeling fine
Texturas de gesso no teto, mas você está se sentindo bem
I thought it was dark outside
Pensei que estivesse escuro lá fora
I thought it was dark outside
Pensei que estivesse escuro lá fora
(One for the road)
(Um para a estrada)
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Então todos nós voltamos para a sua casa e você se senta e fala comigo no chão
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
Não precisa de me mostrar a casa, amor, parece que eu já vim aqui antes
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Fiquei pensando se mais tarde, quando você disser a todos para irem embora
Will you pour me one for the road?
Você vai me servir um para a estrada?
I knew this would be on the cards
Eu sabia que isto estava escrito
I knew you wouldn't fold
Eu sabia que você não cederia
I saw this coming from the start
Eu sabia que isso ia acontecer desde o início
The shake, rattle and roll
O tremor, o agito
(One for the road)
(Um para a estrada)
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Então todos nós voltamos para a sua casa e você se senta e fala comigo no chão
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
Não precisa de me mostrar a casa, amor, parece que eu já vim aqui antes
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Fiquei pensando se mais tarde, quando você disser a todos para irem embora
Will you pour me one for the road?
Você vai me servir um para a estrada?
The mixture hits you hard
A mistura atinge você com força
Don't get that sinking feeling
Não fique com essa sensação de derrota
Don't fall apart
Não desmorone
Some out of tune guitar
Alguns violões desafinados
Soundtrack to disaster
Trilha sonora para o desastre
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, um para a estrada
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, um para a estrada
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, um para a estrada
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, um para a estrada
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Então todos nós voltamos para a sua casa e você se senta e fala comigo no chão
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
Não precisa de me mostrar a casa, amor, parece que eu já vim aqui antes
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Fiquei pensando se mais tarde, quando você disser a todos para irem embora
Will you pour me one for the road?
Você vai me servir um para a estrada?
One for the road, ooh ooh
Uno para el camino, ooh ooh
One for the road, ooh ooh
Uno para el camino, ooh ooh
From the bottom of your heart
Desde el fondo de tu corazón
The relegation zone
La zona de descenso
I saw this coming from the start
Vi venir ésto desde el principio
The shake, rattle and roll
El sacude, tiembla y rueda
The cracks in blackout blinds
Las grietas en las persianas oscuras
Cast patterns on the ceiling but you're feeling fine
Proyectan formas en el techo pero tú te sientes bien
I thought it was dark outside
Creí que estaba oscuro afuera
I thought it was dark outside
Creí que estaba oscuro afuera
(One for the road)
(Uno para el camino)
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Así que todos regresamos a tu casa y tú te sientas y me hablas en el suelo
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
No hay necesidad de mostrarme el lugar, bebé, siento que ya he estado aquí antes
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Me he estado preguntando si más tarde, cuando le digas a todos que se vayan
Will you pour me one for the road?
¿Me servirás uno para el camino?
I knew this would be on the cards
Sabía que esto iba a ocurrir
I knew you wouldn't fold
Sabía que no te ibas a retirar
I saw this coming from the start
Vi venir ésto desde el principio
The shake, rattle and roll
El sacude, tiembla y rueda
(One for the road)
(Uno para el camino)
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Así que todos regresamos a tu casa y tú te sientas y me hablas en el suelo
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
No hay necesidad de mostrarme el lugar, bebé, siento que ya he estado aquí antes
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Me he estado preguntando si más tarde, cuando le digas a todos que se vayan
Will you pour me one for the road?
¿Me servirás uno para el camino?
The mixture hits you hard
La mezcla te golpea con fuerza
Don't get that sinking feeling
No tengas ese mal presentimiento
Don't fall apart
No te desmorones
Some out of tune guitar
Alguna guitarra desafinada
Soundtrack to disaster
La banda sonora del desastre
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, uno para el camino
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, uno para el camino
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, uno para el camino
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, uno para el camino
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Así que todos regresamos a tu casa y tú te sientas y me hablas en el suelo
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
No hay necesidad de mostrarme el lugar, bebé, siento que ya he estado aquí antes
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Me he estado preguntando si más tarde, cuando le digas a todos que se vayan
Will you pour me one for the road?
¿Me servirás uno para el camino?
One for the road, ooh ooh
Un pour la route, oh oh
One for the road, ooh ooh
Un pour la route, oh oh
From the bottom of your heart
Du fond du cœur
The relegation zone
La zone de relégation
I saw this coming from the start
Je l'ai vu venir depuis le début
The shake, rattle and roll
Secouez, cliquetez et roulez
The cracks in blackout blinds
Les fissures dans les stores occultants
Cast patterns on the ceiling but you're feeling fine
Des motifs moulés au plafond mais tu te sens bien
I thought it was dark outside
Je pensais qu'il faisait nuit dehors
I thought it was dark outside
Je pensais qu'il faisait nuit dehors
(One for the road)
(Un pour la route)
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Donc on retourne tous chez toi et tu t'assieds et tu me parles par terre
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
Il n'y a pas besoin de me faire visiter, bébé, j'ai l'impression d'avoir déjà été ici avant
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Je me suis demandé si plus tard, quand tu diras à tout le monde de partir
Will you pour me one for the road?
Tu m'en verseras un pour la route ?
I knew this would be on the cards
Je savais que ceci arriverait
I knew you wouldn't fold
Je savais que tu ne plierais pas
I saw this coming from the start
Je l'ai vu venir depuis le début
The shake, rattle and roll
Secouez, cliquetez et roulez
(One for the road)
(Un pour la route)
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Donc on retourne tous chez toi et tu t'assieds et tu me parles par terre
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
Il n'y a pas besoin de me faire visiter, bébé, j'ai l'impression d'avoir déjà été ici avant
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Je me suis demandé si plus tard, quand tu diras à tout le monde de partir
Will you pour me one for the road?
Tu m'en verseras un pour la route ?
The mixture hits you hard
Le mélange vous frappe durement
Don't get that sinking feeling
N'aies pas ce sentiment d'angoisse
Don't fall apart
Ne t'effondres pas
Some out of tune guitar
Une guitare désaccordée
Soundtrack to disaster
La bande sonore du désastre
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Oh oh, un pour la route
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Oh oh, un pour la route
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Oh oh, un pour la route
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Oh oh, un pour la route
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Donc on retourne tous chez toi et tu t'assieds et tu me parles par terre
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
Il n'y a pas besoin de me faire visiter, bébé, j'ai l'impression d'avoir déjà été ici avant
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Je me suis demandé si plus tard, quand tu diras à tout le monde de partir
Will you pour me one for the road?
Tu m'en verseras un pour la route ?
One for the road, ooh ooh
Einer für unterwegs, ooh ooh
One for the road, ooh ooh
Einer für unterwegs, ooh ooh
From the bottom of your heart
Aus tiefstem Herzen
The relegation zone
Die Abstiegszone
I saw this coming from the start
Ich habe das von Anfang an kommen sehen
The shake, rattle and roll
Das Schütteln, Rasseln und Rollen
The cracks in blackout blinds
Die Risse in Verdunkelungsrollos
Cast patterns on the ceiling but you're feeling fine
Werfen Muster an die Decke, aber du fühlst dich gut
I thought it was dark outside
Ich dachte, draußen sei es dunkel
I thought it was dark outside
Ich dachte, draußen sei es dunkel
(One for the road)
(Einer für unterwegs)
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Also gehen wir alle zurück zu dir und du sitzt auf dem Boden und redest mit mir
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
Es gibt keinen Grund, mir alles zu zeigen, Baby, ich fühle mich, als wäre ich schon mal hier gewesen
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Ich habe mich gefragt, ob du später, wenn du allen sagst, dass sie gehen sollen
Will you pour me one for the road?
Ob du mir einen für unterwegs einschenkst?
I knew this would be on the cards
Ich wusste, dass könnte passieren
I knew you wouldn't fold
Ich wusste, du würdest nicht aufgeben
I saw this coming from the start
Ich habe das von Anfang an kommen sehen
The shake, rattle and roll
Das Schütteln, Rasseln und Rollen
(One for the road)
(Einer für unterwegs)
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Also gehen wir alle zurück zu dir und du sitzt auf dem Boden und redest mit mir
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
Es gibt keinen Grund, mir alles zu zeigen, Baby, ich fühle mich, als wäre ich schon mal hier gewesen
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Ich habe mich gefragt, ob du später, wenn du allen sagst, dass sie gehen sollen
Will you pour me one for the road?
Ob du mir einen für unterwegs einschenkst?
The mixture hits you hard
Die Mischung haut rein
Don't get that sinking feeling
Lass es dir nicht bang ums Herz werden
Don't fall apart
Fall nicht auseinander
Some out of tune guitar
Irgendeine verstimmte Gitarre
Soundtrack to disaster
Soundtrack zur Katastrophe
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, einer für unterwegs
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, einer für unterwegs
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, einer für unterwegs
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, einer für unterwegs
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Also gehen wir alle zurück zu dir und du sitzt auf dem Boden und redest mit mir
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
Es gibt keinen Grund, mir alles zu zeigen, Baby, ich fühle mich, als wäre ich schon mal hier gewesen
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Ich habe mich gefragt, ob du später, wenn du allen sagst, dass sie gehen sollen
Will you pour me one for the road?
Ob du mir einen für unterwegs einschenkst?
One for the road, ooh ooh
Uno per la strada, ooh ooh
One for the road, ooh ooh
Uno per la strada, ooh ooh
From the bottom of your heart
Dal profondo del tuo cuore
The relegation zone
La zona retrocessione
I saw this coming from the start
Sapevo sarebbe successo dall'inizio
The shake, rattle and roll
L'agitare, scuotere e rotolare
The cracks in blackout blinds
Le crepe nelle tende oscuranti
Cast patterns on the ceiling but you're feeling fine
Getta motivi sul soffitto ma ti senti bene
I thought it was dark outside
Pensavo fosse buio fuori
I thought it was dark outside
Pensavo fosse buio fuori
(One for the road)
(Uno per la strada)
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Quindi torniamo tutti da te e tu ti siedi e mi parli sul pavimento
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
Non c'è bisogno di mostrarmi in giro, piccola, mi sento come se fossi già stato qui prima
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Mi chiedevo se dopo, quando dirai a tutti di andare
Will you pour me one for the road?
Me ne versi uno per la strada?
I knew this would be on the cards
Sapevo che sarebbe finita così
I knew you wouldn't fold
Sapevo che non ti saresti arresa
I saw this coming from the start
Sapevo sarebbe successo dall'inizio
The shake, rattle and roll
L'agitare, scuotere e rotolare
(One for the road)
(Uno per la strada)
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Quindi torniamo tutti da te e tu ti siedi e mi parli sul pavimento
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
Non c'è bisogno di mostrarmi in giro, piccola, mi sento come se fossi già stato qui prima
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Mi chiedevo se dopo, quando dirai a tutti di andare
Will you pour me one for the road?
Me ne versi uno per la strada?
The mixture hits you hard
La miscela ti colpisce duramente
Don't get that sinking feeling
Non provare quella sensazione di affondamento
Don't fall apart
Non cadere a pezzi
Some out of tune guitar
Qualche chitarra stonata
Soundtrack to disaster
Colonna sonora al disastro
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, uno per la strada
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, uno per la strada
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, uno per la strada
Ooh ooh, one for the road
Ooh ooh, uno per la strada
So we all go back to yours and you sit and talk to me on the floor
Quindi torniamo tutti da te e tu ti siedi e mi parli sul pavimento
There's no need to show me 'round, baby, I feel like I've been here before
Non c'è bisogno di mostrarmi in giro, piccola, mi sento come se fossi già stato qui prima
I've been wondering whether later when you tell everybody to go
Mi chiedevo se dopo, quando dirai a tutti di andare
Will you pour me one for the road?
Me ne versi uno per la strada?

Curiosidades sobre a música One for the Road de Arctic Monkeys

Em quais álbuns a música “One for the Road” foi lançada por Arctic Monkeys?
Arctic Monkeys lançou a música nos álbums “AM” em 2013, “iTunes Festival: London 2013” em 2013 e “One For The Road” em 2013.
De quem é a composição da música “One for the Road” de Arctic Monkeys?
A música “One for the Road” de Arctic Monkeys foi composta por Alex Turner.

Músicas mais populares de Arctic Monkeys

Outros artistas de Alternative rock