A Gift for Living Well/I Believe My Heart [reprise]

No, no, no! Well

I am a man of medicine
No opera star my voice is thin
Though I play cards and violin
At none of this do I excel

The talent that i have in spades
Is one for fun and escapades
A gift for living well!

Attracted to the lively arts
Breaking bread breaking hearts

(He looks at Marian) making love
When love has me spellbound

(He takes some wine from a servant
Fills his glass)

Italian food the wines of France
I never walk when I can dance!

(A small pirouette for the ladies)

A gift for living well

A one man band i sing the lead
Always self-accompanied

(He plays a few chords on the piano)

I concede probably I'm hellbound

A bon vivant as you can see
A lust for life as big as me!
A gift for living well
But enough about me! Raise your glasses

(Fosco raises his glass to
The bride and groom)

Sir Percival Glyde!

(raising their glasses)
Oh, what a joyous occasion this is!
Sir Percival Glyde!

Dolce vita to you and your misses!

This is the moment I've longed for

Everything's for the best now

I'll have an empty nest now!

And here's to the bride!
Cheers for the life they will
Lead from now on-
(Hartright suddenly interrupts the toast
And addresses Sir Percival Glyde)

Please let me speak!
And forgive my interruption! Please
Hear me out on a very pressing matter
One that concerns a girl
Her name is Anne, Anne Catherick
She says you've done her wrong
Have you an explanation?

What impertinence, Mr hartright!
Know your place, sir! This is-

No, no, Mr fairlie
I'm glad he asked this please
Please i am happy
To clear up the matter of Anne Catherick

Her tale is truly sorrowful
And some would say a tragedy
Her story breaks my heart
I don't know where to start

Her mother was in my employ

(to Mr fairlie)

Your brother recommended her
Recall, she worked here too?


I'm not sure that I do

Anne was so sweet as an infant
She used to laugh all the time
She sparkled like the sun such a pretty one

And yet she grew up so unhappy
Sullen and angry and sad
She was a troubled child
Acting strange and wild

She once attacked her mother
When she was just sixteen
A fury with no pause no one knew the cause
To help her grieving mother
And rescue Anne herself i undertook her care
I tried to see her through
It was the Christian thing to do

When no physician could treat her
I found a haven that would
A trusted private place to embrace her case

Anne thinks of me as her captor
When I am truly her friend
For all her care I pay
And still she runs away

(Fosco shakes Glyde by the hand)

I'm touched by your compassion
Your kindness knows no bounds

I've done the best I can
I've done my best for Anne

(Once again Hartright speaks up)

She spoke, sir, of a secret
A secret she would tell!

Her world has come to be utter fantasy
But her safe return is my great concern
And I am grateful for your help

Poor Anne her story saddens me

Yet it explains the mystery

Had it not been for Glyde
I'm sure she would have died

No more, please! Neither Anne Catherick nor
Her silly mother
Are any of your business, sir what's more
My nerves are quite shot

Then a shot of brandy is what I prescribe

Yes let us retire at once
To my study gentlemen

(Glyde, Fosco and Mr fairlie leave glyde
Bows his thanks again to Hartright)

Thank you, sir

(Hartright is left with the two women)

I don't believe him!
Can't you see he's clearly lying?
As for your uncle
It's the truth that he's denying!

Sir, you must leave at once!
You must go right away


What reason has he to lie?
How can you hope to stay here?

Please, Marian!

Laura, our future is settled
Soon you will be Lady Glyde
You'll have a perfect life
As that fine man's wife

He is a man of compassion
Look how he helped that poor girl
He has integrity he's all a man should be!

(Laura looks to Hartright)

I clearly don't belong here!
Your sister is quite right
I'll leave for London now!

(Laura runs out, upset)

(to Marian) are you happy now?!

(He exit's marian, left alone, crumples
Begins to cry)

I close my eyes and I still see his face

(She exit's)

Scene: "The Tryst"

(Hartright is there with his bags and
Easel, departing laura enters in haste
Wearing a white nightdress)

Tell me this isn't happening! Tell me
I am walking in my sleep!

I'm sorry

I believe my heart it believes in you

Every part of every thought
Leads me straight to you

(She gives him the sketch that he gave
To her during the drawing lesson)

Take this something to remember me by

(He leaves)

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