My Boo
[Usher intro:]
There's always have one person
That will always have your heart
You'll never see it coming
Cause you're blinded from the start
Know that you're that one for me
It's clear for everyone to see
Ooh baby ooh you'll always be my boo
[Alicia intro:]
I don't know about cha'll
But I know about us and uh
It's the only way
We know how to rock
I don't know bout cha'll
But I know about us and uh
It's the only way
We know how to rock
[Usher verse:]
Do you remember girl
I was the one who gave you your first kiss
Cause I remember girl
I was the one who said put your lips like this
Even before all the fame and
People screaming your name
Girl I was there when you were my baby
It started when we were younger
You were mine my boo
Now another brother's taking over
But its still in your eyes my boo
Even though we used to argue it's alright
I know we haven't seen each other
In awhile but you will always be my boo
I was in love with you when we were younger
You were mine my boo
When I see you from time to time
I still feel like my boo
You can see it no matter
How I try to hide my boo
Even though there's another man who's in my life
You will always be my boo
[Alicia verse:]
I remember boy
Cause after we kissed
I could only think about your lips
Yes I remember boy
The moment I knew you were the one
I could spend my life with
Even before all the fame
And people screaming your name
I was there and you were my baby
It started when we were younger
You were mine my boo
Now another brother's taking over
But its still in your eyes my boo
Even though we used to argue it's alright
I know we haven't seen each other
In awhile but you will always be my boo
I was in love with you when we were younger
You were mine my boo
When I see you from time to time
I still feel like my boo
you can see it no matter
How I try to hide my boo
Even though there's another man who's in my life
You will always be my boo
My oh, My oh, My oh, My oh, My..My Boo!!!
My oh, My oh, My oh, My oh, My..My Boo!!!
It started when we were younger
You were mine my boo
Now another brother's taking over
But its still in your eyes my boo
Even though we used to argue it's alright
I know we haven't seen each other
In awhile but you will always be my boo
[Alicia & Usher:]
I don't know about cha'll
But I know about us and uh
It's only way
We know how to rock
I don't know bout cha'll
But I know about us and uh
It's only way
We know how to rock
Nostalgia e Amor Eterno em My Boo de Alicia Keys e Usher
A música My Boo, uma colaboração entre Alicia Keys e Usher, é uma expressão de nostalgia e amor inesquecível. A letra fala sobre um amor juvenil que, apesar do tempo e das circunstâncias, permanece vivo na memória dos envolvidos. A canção evoca a ideia de que algumas pessoas deixam uma marca tão profunda em nossos corações que, mesmo que a relação não perdure, o sentimento de carinho e a lembrança daquela conexão especial persistem.
Alicia Keys e Usher, ambos artistas com uma forte presença no R&B e na música soul, utilizam a letra para contar a história de um primeiro amor, destacando momentos como o primeiro beijo e a sensação de que aquela pessoa era a escolhida para compartilhar a vida. A repetição do refrão 'you will always be my boo' reforça a mensagem de que, não importa o que aconteça, o amor inicial nunca será esquecido. A música sugere que esse amor juvenil serve como um padrão para todas as relações futuras, uma referência constante para o que significa amar e ser amado.
A canção também aborda a complexidade dos sentimentos quando um novo amor surge na vida dos protagonistas. Mesmo com novos parceiros, o passado compartilhado e os sentimentos originais permanecem intactos, criando uma espécie de amor eterno que resiste ao tempo e às mudanças. My Boo é um hino àqueles amores que, mesmo não sendo os últimos, são marcados como eternos em nossos corações e memórias.