God Help the Outcasts

Alan Irwin Menken, Stephen Laurence Schwartz

Letra Tradução

I don't know if You can hear me
Or if You're even there
I don't know if You will listen
To a humble prayer
They tell me I am just an outcast
I shouldn't speak to You
Still, I see your face and wonder
Were You once an outcast, too?

God help the outcasts
Hungry from birth
Show them the mercy
They don't find on earth
The lost and forgotten
They look to You still
God help the outcasts
Or nobody will

I ask for nothing
I can get by
But I know so many
Less lucky than I
God help the outcasts
The poor and down trod
I thought we all were
The children of God

I don't know if there's a reason
Why some are blessed, some not
Why the few You seem to favor
They fear us
Flee us
Try not to see us

God help the outcasts
The tattered, the torn
Seeking an answer
To why they were born
Winds of misfortune
Have blown them about
You made the outcasts
Don't cast them out
The poor and unlucky
The weak and the odd
I thought we all were
The children of God

I don't know if You can hear me
Eu não sei se Você pode me ouvir
Or if You're even there
Ou se Você está mesmo aí
I don't know if You will listen
Eu não sei se Você vai ouvir
To a humble prayer
Uma oração humilde
They tell me I am just an outcast
Eles me dizem que eu sou apenas um excluído
I shouldn't speak to You
Eu não deveria falar com Você
Still, I see your face and wonder
Ainda assim, eu vejo seu rosto e me pergunto
Were You once an outcast, too?
Você já foi um excluído também?
God help the outcasts
Deus ajude os excluídos
Hungry from birth
Famintos desde o nascimento
Show them the mercy
Mostre-lhes a misericórdia
They don't find on earth
Que eles não encontram na terra
The lost and forgotten
Os perdidos e esquecidos
They look to You still
Eles ainda olham para Você
God help the outcasts
Deus ajude os excluídos
Or nobody will
Ou ninguém o fará
I ask for nothing
Eu não peço nada
I can get by
Eu posso me virar
But I know so many
Mas eu conheço tantos
Less lucky than I
Menos sortudos do que eu
God help the outcasts
Deus ajude os excluídos
The poor and down trod
Os pobres e oprimidos
I thought we all were
Eu pensei que todos nós éramos
The children of God
Os filhos de Deus
I don't know if there's a reason
Eu não sei se há uma razão
Why some are blessed, some not
Por que alguns são abençoados, outros não
Why the few You seem to favor
Por que os poucos que Você parece favorecer
They fear us
Eles temem a nós
Flee us
Fogem de nós
Try not to see us
Tentam não nos ver
God help the outcasts
Deus ajude os excluídos
The tattered, the torn
Os esfarrapados, os rasgados
Seeking an answer
Buscando uma resposta
To why they were born
Para o porquê de terem nascido
Winds of misfortune
Ventos de infortúnio
Have blown them about
Os têm soprado por aí
You made the outcasts
Você fez os excluídos
Don't cast them out
Não os expulse
The poor and unlucky
Os pobres e azarados
The weak and the odd
Os fracos e os estranhos
I thought we all were
Eu pensei que todos nós éramos
The children of God
Os filhos de Deus
I don't know if You can hear me
No sé si puedes oírme
Or if You're even there
O si incluso estás ahí
I don't know if You will listen
No sé si escucharás
To a humble prayer
A una humilde oración
They tell me I am just an outcast
Me dicen que solo soy un marginado
I shouldn't speak to You
No debería hablarte
Still, I see your face and wonder
Aún así, veo tu rostro y me pregunto
Were You once an outcast, too?
¿Fuiste alguna vez un marginado también?
God help the outcasts
Dios ayuda a los marginados
Hungry from birth
Hambrientos desde el nacimiento
Show them the mercy
Muéstrales la misericordia
They don't find on earth
Que no encuentran en la tierra
The lost and forgotten
Los perdidos y olvidados
They look to You still
Todavía te buscan
God help the outcasts
Dios ayuda a los marginados
Or nobody will
O nadie lo hará
I ask for nothing
No pido nada
I can get by
Puedo arreglármelas
But I know so many
Pero conozco a tantos
Less lucky than I
Menos afortunados que yo
God help the outcasts
Dios ayuda a los marginados
The poor and down trod
Los pobres y pisoteados
I thought we all were
Pensé que todos éramos
The children of God
Los hijos de Dios
I don't know if there's a reason
No sé si hay una razón
Why some are blessed, some not
Por qué algunos son bendecidos, otros no
Why the few You seem to favor
Por qué a los pocos que pareces favorecer
They fear us
Nos temen
Flee us
Nos huyen
Try not to see us
Intentan no vernos
God help the outcasts
Dios ayuda a los marginados
The tattered, the torn
Los desgarrados, los rotos
Seeking an answer
Buscando una respuesta
To why they were born
A por qué nacieron
Winds of misfortune
Vientos de infortunio
Have blown them about
Los han arrastrado
You made the outcasts
Tú hiciste a los marginados
Don't cast them out
No los expulses
The poor and unlucky
Los pobres y desafortunados
The weak and the odd
Los débiles y los extraños
I thought we all were
Pensé que todos éramos
The children of God
Los hijos de Dios
I don't know if You can hear me
Je ne sais pas si Tu peux m'entendre
Or if You're even there
Ou si Tu es même là
I don't know if You will listen
Je ne sais pas si Tu vas écouter
To a humble prayer
Une humble prière
They tell me I am just an outcast
On me dit que je ne suis qu'un paria
I shouldn't speak to You
Je ne devrais pas Te parler
Still, I see your face and wonder
Pourtant, je vois ton visage et je me demande
Were You once an outcast, too?
Étais-Tu aussi un paria ?
God help the outcasts
Dieu aide les parias
Hungry from birth
Affamés dès la naissance
Show them the mercy
Montre-leur la miséricorde
They don't find on earth
Qu'ils ne trouvent pas sur terre
The lost and forgotten
Les perdus et oubliés
They look to You still
Ils se tournent toujours vers Toi
God help the outcasts
Dieu aide les parias
Or nobody will
Ou personne ne le fera
I ask for nothing
Je ne demande rien
I can get by
Je peux m'en sortir
But I know so many
Mais je connais tant de gens
Less lucky than I
Moins chanceux que moi
God help the outcasts
Dieu aide les parias
The poor and down trod
Les pauvres et les opprimés
I thought we all were
Je pensais que nous étions tous
The children of God
Les enfants de Dieu
I don't know if there's a reason
Je ne sais pas s'il y a une raison
Why some are blessed, some not
Pourquoi certains sont bénis, d'autres pas
Why the few You seem to favor
Pourquoi ceux que Tu sembles favoriser
They fear us
Ils nous craignent
Flee us
Nous fuient
Try not to see us
Essayent de ne pas nous voir
God help the outcasts
Dieu aide les parias
The tattered, the torn
Les déchirés, les déchus
Seeking an answer
Cherchant une réponse
To why they were born
À pourquoi ils sont nés
Winds of misfortune
Les vents du malheur
Have blown them about
Les ont balayés
You made the outcasts
Tu as fait les parias
Don't cast them out
Ne les rejette pas
The poor and unlucky
Les pauvres et malchanceux
The weak and the odd
Les faibles et les étranges
I thought we all were
Je pensais que nous étions tous
The children of God
Les enfants de Dieu
I don't know if You can hear me
Ich weiß nicht, ob Du mich hören kannst
Or if You're even there
Oder ob Du überhaupt da bist
I don't know if You will listen
Ich weiß nicht, ob Du zuhören wirst
To a humble prayer
Einem bescheidenen Gebet
They tell me I am just an outcast
Sie sagen mir, ich sei nur ein Ausgestoßener
I shouldn't speak to You
Ich sollte nicht mit Dir sprechen
Still, I see your face and wonder
Dennoch sehe ich Dein Gesicht und frage mich
Were You once an outcast, too?
Warst Du einmal auch ein Ausgestoßener?
God help the outcasts
Gott hilf den Ausgestoßenen
Hungry from birth
Von Geburt an hungrig
Show them the mercy
Zeige ihnen die Barmherzigkeit
They don't find on earth
Die sie auf Erden nicht finden
The lost and forgotten
Die Verlorenen und Vergessenen
They look to You still
Sie schauen immer noch zu Dir
God help the outcasts
Gott hilf den Ausgestoßenen
Or nobody will
Sonst wird es niemand tun
I ask for nothing
Ich bitte um nichts
I can get by
Ich komme zurecht
But I know so many
Aber ich kenne so viele
Less lucky than I
Weniger glücklich als ich
God help the outcasts
Gott hilf den Ausgestoßenen
The poor and down trod
Den Armen und Unterdrückten
I thought we all were
Ich dachte, wir alle wären
The children of God
Die Kinder Gottes
I don't know if there's a reason
Ich weiß nicht, ob es einen Grund gibt
Why some are blessed, some not
Warum einige gesegnet sind, andere nicht
Why the few You seem to favor
Warum die wenigen, die Du zu bevorzugen scheinst
They fear us
Sie fürchten uns
Flee us
Fliehen uns
Try not to see us
Versuchen, uns nicht zu sehen
God help the outcasts
Gott hilf den Ausgestoßenen
The tattered, the torn
Die Zerlumpten, die Zerrissenen
Seeking an answer
Suchen eine Antwort
To why they were born
Warum sie geboren wurden
Winds of misfortune
Winde des Unglücks
Have blown them about
Haben sie herumgeweht
You made the outcasts
Du hast die Ausgestoßenen gemacht
Don't cast them out
Stoße sie nicht aus
The poor and unlucky
Die Armen und Unglücklichen
The weak and the odd
Die Schwachen und die Seltsamen
I thought we all were
Ich dachte, wir alle wären
The children of God
Die Kinder Gottes
I don't know if You can hear me
Non so se Puoi sentirmi
Or if You're even there
O se sei anche lì
I don't know if You will listen
Non so se ascolterai
To a humble prayer
Una preghiera umile
They tell me I am just an outcast
Mi dicono che sono solo un emarginato
I shouldn't speak to You
Non dovrei parlarti
Still, I see your face and wonder
Eppure, vedo il tuo volto e mi chiedo
Were You once an outcast, too?
Eri anche tu un emarginato?
God help the outcasts
Dio aiuta gli emarginati
Hungry from birth
Affamati dalla nascita
Show them the mercy
Mostra loro la misericordia
They don't find on earth
Che non trovano sulla terra
The lost and forgotten
I perduti e dimenticati
They look to You still
Ti cercano ancora
God help the outcasts
Dio aiuta gli emarginati
Or nobody will
O nessuno lo farà
I ask for nothing
Non chiedo nulla
I can get by
Posso cavarmela
But I know so many
Ma conosco tanti
Less lucky than I
Meno fortunati di me
God help the outcasts
Dio aiuta gli emarginati
The poor and down trod
I poveri e oppressi
I thought we all were
Pensavo che tutti fossimo
The children of God
I figli di Dio
I don't know if there's a reason
Non so se c'è un motivo
Why some are blessed, some not
Perché alcuni sono benedetti, altri no
Why the few You seem to favor
Perché pochi sembri favorire
They fear us
Ci temono
Flee us
Ci fuggono
Try not to see us
Cercano di non vederci
God help the outcasts
Dio aiuta gli emarginati
The tattered, the torn
I lacerati, i tormentati
Seeking an answer
Cercando una risposta
To why they were born
Al motivo per cui sono nati
Winds of misfortune
Venti di sfortuna
Have blown them about
Li hanno spazzati via
You made the outcasts
Hai fatto gli emarginati
Don't cast them out
Non cacciarli via
The poor and unlucky
I poveri e sfortunati
The weak and the odd
I deboli e gli strani
I thought we all were
Pensavo che tutti fossimo
The children of God
I figli di Dio
I don't know if You can hear me
Saya tidak tahu apakah Engkau dapat mendengarku
Or if You're even there
Atau apakah Engkau ada di sana
I don't know if You will listen
Saya tidak tahu apakah Engkau akan mendengarkan
To a humble prayer
Sebuah doa yang rendah hati
They tell me I am just an outcast
Mereka bilang saya hanya seorang buangan
I shouldn't speak to You
Saya tidak seharusnya berbicara denganMu
Still, I see your face and wonder
Namun, saya melihat wajahMu dan bertanya-tanya
Were You once an outcast, too?
Apakah Engkau juga pernah menjadi buangan?
God help the outcasts
Tuhan, tolonglah para buangan
Hungry from birth
Yang kelaparan sejak lahir
Show them the mercy
Tunjukkanlah mereka belas kasihan
They don't find on earth
Yang tidak mereka temukan di bumi
The lost and forgotten
Yang hilang dan terlupakan
They look to You still
Mereka masih memandang kepadaMu
God help the outcasts
Tuhan, tolonglah para buangan
Or nobody will
Jika tidak, tidak ada yang akan
I ask for nothing
Saya tidak meminta apa-apa
I can get by
Saya bisa bertahan
But I know so many
Tapi saya tahu banyak orang
Less lucky than I
Yang kurang beruntung daripada saya
God help the outcasts
Tuhan, tolonglah para buangan
The poor and down trod
Orang miskin dan terinjak
I thought we all were
Saya pikir kita semua adalah
The children of God
Anak-anak Tuhan
I don't know if there's a reason
Saya tidak tahu apakah ada alasan
Why some are blessed, some not
Mengapa beberapa orang diberkati, beberapa tidak
Why the few You seem to favor
Mengapa sedikit orang yang Engkau tampaknya beri keistimewaan
They fear us
Mereka takut kepada kami
Flee us
Menghindari kami
Try not to see us
Berusaha untuk tidak melihat kami
God help the outcasts
Tuhan, tolonglah para buangan
The tattered, the torn
Yang compang-camping, yang robek
Seeking an answer
Mencari jawaban
To why they were born
Mengapa mereka dilahirkan
Winds of misfortune
Angin kesialan
Have blown them about
Telah menerpa mereka
You made the outcasts
Engkau menciptakan para buangan
Don't cast them out
Jangan buang mereka
The poor and unlucky
Orang miskin dan tidak beruntung
The weak and the odd
Yang lemah dan aneh
I thought we all were
Saya pikir kita semua adalah
The children of God
Anak-anak Tuhan
I don't know if You can hear me
Or if You're even there
I don't know if You will listen
To a humble prayer
They tell me I am just an outcast
I shouldn't speak to You
Still, I see your face and wonder
Were You once an outcast, too?
God help the outcasts
Hungry from birth
Show them the mercy
They don't find on earth
The lost and forgotten
They look to You still
God help the outcasts
Or nobody will
I ask for nothing
I can get by
But I know so many
Less lucky than I
God help the outcasts
The poor and down trod
I thought we all were
The children of God
I don't know if there's a reason
Why some are blessed, some not
ทำไมบางคนถึงได้รับพร, บางคนไม่ได้รับ
Why the few You seem to favor
They fear us
Flee us
Try not to see us
God help the outcasts
The tattered, the torn
ผู้ที่ขาดแคลน, ผู้ที่ขาดหาย
Seeking an answer
To why they were born
Winds of misfortune
Have blown them about
You made the outcasts
Don't cast them out
The poor and unlucky
The weak and the odd
I thought we all were
The children of God
I don't know if You can hear me
Or if You're even there
I don't know if You will listen
To a humble prayer
They tell me I am just an outcast
I shouldn't speak to You
Still, I see your face and wonder
Were You once an outcast, too?
God help the outcasts
Hungry from birth
Show them the mercy
They don't find on earth
The lost and forgotten
They look to You still
God help the outcasts
Or nobody will
I ask for nothing
I can get by
But I know so many
Less lucky than I
God help the outcasts
The poor and down trod
I thought we all were
The children of God
I don't know if there's a reason
Why some are blessed, some not
Why the few You seem to favor
They fear us
Flee us
Try not to see us
God help the outcasts
The tattered, the torn
Seeking an answer
To why they were born
Winds of misfortune
Have blown them about
You made the outcasts
Don't cast them out
The poor and unlucky
The weak and the odd
I thought we all were
The children of God

Curiosidades sobre a música God Help the Outcasts de Alan Menken

Em quais álbuns a música “God Help the Outcasts” foi lançada por Alan Menken?
Alan Menken lançou a música nos álbums “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” em 1996 e “The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Studio Cast Recording)” em 2016.
De quem é a composição da música “God Help the Outcasts” de Alan Menken?
A música “God Help the Outcasts” de Alan Menken foi composta por Alan Irwin Menken, Stephen Laurence Schwartz.

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