Not My Responsibility

Billie Eilish O'Connell, Finneas Baird O'Connell

Letra Tradução

Do you know me?
Really know me?
You have opinions
About my opinions
About my music
About my clothes
About my body
Some people hate what I wear
Some people praise it
Some people use it to shame others
Some people use it to shame me
But I feel you watching
And nothing I do goes unseen
So while I feel your stares
Your disapproval
Or your sigh of relief
If I lived by them
I'd never be able to move
Would you like me to be smaller, weaker, softer, taller?
Would you like me to be quiet?
Do my shoulders provoke you? Does my chest?
Am I my stomach? My hips?
The body I was born with
Is it not what you wanted?
If I wear what is comfortable
I am not a woman
If I shed the layers
I'm a slut
Though you've never seen my body
You still judge it
And judge me for it
We make assumptions about people based on their size
We decide who they are
We decide what they're worth
If I wear more, if I wear less
Who decides what that makes me, what that means?
Is my value based only on your perception?
Or is your opinion of me not my responsibility?

Do you know me?
Você me conhece?
Really know me?
Realmente me conhece?
You have opinions
Você tem opiniões
About my opinions
Sobre minhas opiniões
About my music
Sobre minha musica
About my clothes
Sobre minhas roupas
About my body
Sobre meu corpo
Some people hate what I wear
Algumas pessoas odeiam o que eu visto
Some people praise it
Algumas pessoas elogiam
Some people use it to shame others
Algumas pessoas usam isso para envergonhar os outros
Some people use it to shame me
Algumas pessoas usam isso para me envergonhar
But I feel you watching
Mas eu sinto que você está observando
And nothing I do goes unseen
E nada do que eu faço passa despercebido
So while I feel your stares
Então, enquanto eu sinto seus olhares
Your disapproval
Sua desaprovação
Or your sigh of relief
Ou seu suspiro de alívio
If I lived by them
Se eu vivesse por eles
I'd never be able to move
Eu nunca seria capaz de me mover
Would you like me to be smaller, weaker, softer, taller?
Você gostaria que eu fosse menor, mais fraco, mais bonzinho, mais alto?
Would you like me to be quiet?
Você gostaria que eu ficasse quieto?
Do my shoulders provoke you? Does my chest?
Meus ombros provocam você? O meu peito te provoca?
Am I my stomach? My hips?
Eu sou meu estômago? Meus quadris?
The body I was born with
O corpo em que eu nasci
Is it not what you wanted?
Não é o que você queria?
If I wear what is comfortable
Se eu vestir o que é confortável
I am not a woman
Eu não sou considerada uma mulher
If I shed the layers
Se eu tirar as camadas
I'm a slut
Sou considerada uma puta
Though you've never seen my body
Embora você nunca tenha visto meu corpo
You still judge it
Você ainda julga
And judge me for it
E me julga por isso
Por quê?
We make assumptions about people based on their size
Fazemos suposições sobre as pessoas com base em seu tamanho
We decide who they are
Nós decidimos quem elas são
We decide what they're worth
Nós decidimos o quanto elas valem
If I wear more, if I wear less
Se eu vestir mais, se eu usar menos
Who decides what that makes me, what that means?
Quem decide o que isso me torna, o que isso significa?
Is my value based only on your perception?
Meu valor é baseado apenas na sua percepção?
Or is your opinion of me not my responsibility?
Ou sua opinião sobre mim não é minha responsabilidade?
Do you know me?
¿Me conoces?
Really know me?
¿De verdad me conoces?
You have opinions
Tienes opiniones
About my opinions
Sobre mis opiniones
About my music
Sobre mi música
About my clothes
Sobre mi ropa
About my body
Sobre mi cuerpo
Some people hate what I wear
Algunas personas odian lo que visto
Some people praise it
Algunas personas lo elogian
Some people use it to shame others
Algunas personas lo usan para avergonzar a otros
Some people use it to shame me
Algunas personas lo usan para avergonzarme
But I feel you watching
Pero te siento mirando
And nothing I do goes unseen
Y nada de lo que hago pasa desapercibido
So while I feel your stares
Entonces mientras siento tus miradas
Your disapproval
Tu desaprobación
Or your sigh of relief
O tu suspiro de alivio
If I lived by them
Si yo viviera por ellos
I'd never be able to move
Nunca podría moverme
Would you like me to be smaller, weaker, softer, taller?
¿Te gustaría que fuera más pequeño, más débil, más suave, más alto?
Would you like me to be quiet?
¿Te gustaría que me callara?
Do my shoulders provoke you? Does my chest?
¿Mis hombros te provocan? ¿Mi pecho?
Am I my stomach? My hips?
¿Soy mi estómago? ¿Mis caderas?
The body I was born with
El cuerpo con el que nací
Is it not what you wanted?
¿No es lo que querías?
If I wear what is comfortable
Si uso lo que es cómodo
I am not a woman
No soy una mujer
If I shed the layers
Si me deshago de las capas
I'm a slut
Soy una puta
Though you've never seen my body
Aunque nunca has visto mi cuerpo
You still judge it
Todavía lo juzgas
And judge me for it
Y me juzgas por eso
¿Por qué?
We make assumptions about people based on their size
Hacemos suposiciones sobre las personas basadas en su tamaño
We decide who they are
Decidimos quienes son
We decide what they're worth
Decidimos lo que valen
If I wear more, if I wear less
Si me pongo más, si me pongo menos
Who decides what that makes me, what that means?
¿Quién decide en qué me convierte eso, qué significa eso?
Is my value based only on your perception?
¿Mi valor se basa solo en tu percepción?
Or is your opinion of me not my responsibility?
¿O tu opinión de mí no es mi responsabilidad?
Do you know me?
Me connaissez-vous?
Really know me?
Me connaissez-vous vraiment?
You have opinions
Vous avez vos opinions
About my opinions
À propos de mes opinions
About my music
À propos de ma musique
About my clothes
À propos de mes habits
About my body
À propos de mon corps
Some people hate what I wear
Certaines personnes détestent comme je m'habille
Some people praise it
Certaines personnes le prêche
Some people use it to shame others
Certaines personnes l'utilisent pour faire honte aux autres
Some people use it to shame me
Certaines personnes s'en servent pour me faire honte
But I feel you watching
Mais je sens que tu regardes
And nothing I do goes unseen
Et rien de ce que je fais ne passe inaperçu
So while I feel your stares
Alors que je sens vos regards
Your disapproval
Votre désapprobation
Or your sigh of relief
Ou votre soupir de soulagement
If I lived by them
Si je vivais selon eux
I'd never be able to move
Je ne serais jamais capable de bouger
Would you like me to be smaller, weaker, softer, taller?
Voulez-vous que je sois plus petite, plus faible, plus douce, plus grande?
Would you like me to be quiet?
Voulez-vous que je sois plus calme?
Do my shoulders provoke you? Does my chest?
Mes épaules vous provoquent-elles? Ma poitrine?
Am I my stomach? My hips?
Mon ventre? Mes hanches?
The body I was born with
Le corps avec lequel je suis né
Is it not what you wanted?
N'est-ce pas ce que vous vouliez?
If I wear what is comfortable
Si je porte ce qui est confortable
I am not a woman
Je ne suis pas une femme
If I shed the layers
Si j'enlève les couches
I'm a slut
Je suis une salope
Though you've never seen my body
Bien que vous n'aillez jamais vu mon corps
You still judge it
Vous le jugez quand même
And judge me for it
Et me jugez pour ça
We make assumptions about people based on their size
Nous faisons des suppositions sur les gens en fonction de leur taille
We decide who they are
Nous décidons qui ils sont
We decide what they're worth
Nous décidons de ce qu'ils valent
If I wear more, if I wear less
Si je porte plus, si je porte moins
Who decides what that makes me, what that means?
Qui décide de ce que cela fait de moi, de ce que cela signifie ?
Is my value based only on your perception?
Ma valeur dépend-elle uniquement de votre perception ?
Or is your opinion of me not my responsibility?
Ou bien l'opinion que vous avez de moi ne relève-t-elle pas de ma responsabilité ?
Do you know me?
Kennst du mich?
Really know me?
Kennen du mich wirklich?
You have opinions
Du hast Meinungen
About my opinions
Über meine Meinungen
About my music
Über meine Musik
About my clothes
Über meine Kleidung
About my body
Über meinen Körper
Some people hate what I wear
Manche Leute hassen, was ich trage
Some people praise it
Einige Leute loben es
Some people use it to shame others
Manche Leute benutzen es, um andere zu beschämen
Some people use it to shame me
Manche Leute benutzen es, um mich zu beschämen
But I feel you watching
Aber ich fühle, dass du mich beobachtest
And nothing I do goes unseen
Und nichts, was ich tue, bleibt ungesehen
So while I feel your stares
Während ich also eure Blicke spüre
Your disapproval
Deine Missbilligung
Or your sigh of relief
Oder deinen Seufzer der Erleichterung
If I lived by them
Wenn ich nach ihnen lebte
I'd never be able to move
Könnte ich mich nie bewegen
Would you like me to be smaller, weaker, softer, taller?
Möchten Sie, dass ich kleiner, schwächer, weicher, größer bin?
Would you like me to be quiet?
Hättest du gerne, dass ich still bin?
Do my shoulders provoke you? Does my chest?
Provozieren dich meine Schultern? Ist es meine Brust?
Am I my stomach? My hips?
Ist es mein Bauch? Meine Hüften?
The body I was born with
Der Körper, mit dem ich geboren wurde
Is it not what you wanted?
Ist es nicht das, was Sie wollten?
If I wear what is comfortable
Wenn ich trage, was bequem ist
I am not a woman
Bin ich keine Frau
If I shed the layers
Wenn ich die Schichten abwerfe
I'm a slut
Bin ich eine Schlampe
Though you've never seen my body
Auch wenn du meinen Körper nie gesehen hast
You still judge it
Beurteilen Sie ihn trotzdem
And judge me for it
Und verurteilst mich dafür
Und warum?
We make assumptions about people based on their size
Wir machen Annahmen über Menschen aufgrund ihrer Größe
We decide who they are
Wir entscheiden, wer sie sind
We decide what they're worth
Wir entscheiden, was sie wert sind
If I wear more, if I wear less
Wenn ich mehr trage, wenn ich weniger trage
Who decides what that makes me, what that means?
Wer entscheidet, was das aus mir macht, was das bedeutet?
Is my value based only on your perception?
Basiert mein Wert nur auf deine Wahrnehmung?
Or is your opinion of me not my responsibility?
Oder ist deine Meinung über mich nicht meine Verantwortung?
Do you know me?
Mi conosci?
Really know me?
Mi conosci davvero?
You have opinions
Hai pareri
About my opinions
Sui miei pareri
About my music
Sulla mia musica
About my clothes
Sui miei vestiti
About my body
Sul mio corpo
Some people hate what I wear
Qualcuno odia cosa indosso
Some people praise it
Qualcuno lo complimenta
Some people use it to shame others
Qualcuno lo usa per far vergognare altri
Some people use it to shame me
Qualcuno lo usa per far vergognare me
But I feel you watching
Ma sento che voi mi guardate
And nothing I do goes unseen
E niente di quello che faccio passa inosservato
So while I feel your stares
Quindi mentre sento i vostri sguardi fissi
Your disapproval
La vostra disapprovazione
Or your sigh of relief
O il vostro sospiro di sollievo
If I lived by them
Se dovessi fare riferimento a loro
I'd never be able to move
Non riuscirei a muovermi
Would you like me to be smaller, weaker, softer, taller?
Vorreste che fossi più piccola, più debole, più dolce, più alta?
Would you like me to be quiet?
Vorreste che fossi più tranquilla?
Do my shoulders provoke you? Does my chest?
Le mie spalle sono provocanti? E il mio seno?
Am I my stomach? My hips?
Sono la mia pancia? I miei fianchi?
The body I was born with
Il corpo con cui sono nata
Is it not what you wanted?
Non è questo che volete?
If I wear what is comfortable
Se indosso ciò che è comodo
I am not a woman
Non sono una donna
If I shed the layers
Se rimuovo strati
I'm a slut
Sono una puttana
Though you've never seen my body
Anche se non avete mai visto il mio corpo
You still judge it
Lo giudicate comunque
And judge me for it
E giudicate me
We make assumptions about people based on their size
Facciamo supposizioni sulle persone in base alle loro taglie
We decide who they are
Decidiamo chi sono
We decide what they're worth
Decidiamo quanto valgono
If I wear more, if I wear less
Se indosso più vestiti, se indosso meno vestiti
Who decides what that makes me, what that means?
Chi decide cosa mi rendono, cosa significa?
Is my value based only on your perception?
Il mio valore dipende solo dalle vostre percezioni?
Or is your opinion of me not my responsibility?
O la vostra opinione su di me non è una mia responsabilità?
Do you know me?
Really know me?
You have opinions
About my opinions
About my music
About my clothes
About my body
Some people hate what I wear
Some people praise it
Some people use it to shame others
Some people use it to shame me
But I feel you watching
And nothing I do goes unseen
So while I feel your stares
Your disapproval
Or your sigh of relief
If I lived by them
I'd never be able to move
Would you like me to be smaller, weaker, softer, taller?
Would you like me to be quiet?
Do my shoulders provoke you? Does my chest?
あたしの方はあなたを怒らせる? あたしの胸は?
Am I my stomach? My hips?
あたしはお腹なの? あたしのお尻?
The body I was born with
Is it not what you wanted?
If I wear what is comfortable
I am not a woman
If I shed the layers
I'm a slut
Though you've never seen my body
You still judge it
And judge me for it
We make assumptions about people based on their size
We decide who they are
We decide what they're worth
If I wear more, if I wear less
Who decides what that makes me, what that means?
Is my value based only on your perception?
Or is your opinion of me not my responsibility?

[Перевод песни Billie Eilish — «Not My Responsibility»]

Вы меня знаете?
Действительно знаете меня?
У вас есть свои мнения
О моих взглядах
О моей музыке
О моей одежде
О моём теле
Некоторым людям ужасно не нравится то, что я ношу
Некоторые люди одобряют это
Некоторые люди используют это, чтобы стыдить других
Некоторые люди используют это, чтобы пристыдить меня
Но я чувствую, как вы смотрите
И ничего из того, что я делаю, не остаётся незамеченным
Так что пока я ощущаю ваши взгляды, ваше недовольство или вздохи облегчения
Если бы я жила ими, я бы никогда не смогла сдвинуться с места
Вы бы хотели, чтобы я была меньше, слабее, мягче, выше?
Вы бы хотели, чтобы я была тише?
Мои плечи раздражают вас? Моя грудь?
Или мой живот? Мои бёдра?
Разве то тело, с которым я родилась
Это не то, чего вы хотели?
Если я ношу то, в чём мне комфортно, я не женщина
Если я сбрасываю с себя одежду, я шлюха
Хоть вы никогда и не видели моё тело, вы всё равно критикуете его
И критикуете меня из-за него
Мы делаем предположения о людях, в зависимости от их величины
Мы решаем, кто они
Мы решаем, чего они стоят
Если я буду носить больше, если я буду носить меньше
Кто будет решать, кем это делает меня? Что это значит?
Моя ценность зависит только от вашего восприятия?
Или дело в вашем мнении обо мне?
Это не моя ответственность

[2020 Interlude versiyonu]

Beni tanıyor musun?
Beni gerçekten tanıyor musun?
Fikirlerin var
Benim fikirlerim hakkında
Benim müziğim hakkında
Benim kıyafetlerim hakkında
Benim bedenim hakkında
Bazı insanlar giydiklerimden nefret eder
Bazı insanlar över
Bazı insanlar başkalarını utandırmak için kullanır
Bazı insanlar beni utandırmak için kullanır
İzlediğini hissediyorum
Her zaman
Ve yaptığım her şey fark ediliyor
Yani süzüşlerini hissederken
Ya da rahatlayıp bir nefes almanı
Eğer onların yanında yaşasaydım
Asla hareket edemezdim
Daha küçük olmamı mı isterdin?
Daha zayıf?
Daha yumuşak?
Daha uzun?
Sessiz olmamı mı isterdin?
Ayakkabılarım seni kışkırtıyor mu?
Ben karnım mıyım?
Doğduğum bedenim
İstediğin şey bu değil mi?
Rahat olanı giyersem
Kadın değilim
Kat kat giyinirsem
Bir k*şarım
Vücudumu hiç görmemiş olsan bile
Beni yargılıyorsun
Ve beni onun yüzünden yargılıyorsun
İnsanlar hakkında varsayımlar yaparız
Bedenlerine göre
Kim olduklarına karar veririz
Değerlerinin ne olduğuna karar veririz
Daha çok giyseydim
Daha az giyseydim
Bunun beni ne yapacağına kim karar verecek?
Ne demek olduğuna?
Benim değerim yalnızca senin algına mı bağlı?
Ya da benim hakkındaki fikrine?
Benim sorumluluğum değil

Mă știi cumva?
Mă știi cu adevărat?
Ai opinii despre opiniile mele
Despre muzica mea
Despre hainele mele
Despre corpul meu
Unii urăsc hainele pe care le port
Unii le laudă
Unii le folosesc pentru a-i batjocori pe alții
Unii le folosesc pentru a-și bate joc de mine
Dar te simt privindu-mă
Și nimic din ce fac nu rămâne nevăzut
Așa că cu toate că îți simt privirea, dezamagirea, sau oftarea de ușurare
Dacă aș trăi cu ele în minte, nu m-aș putea mișca vreodată
M-ai vrea mai mică, mai slabă, mai fină, mai înaltă?
M-ai vrea mai tăcută?
Umerii mei te provoacă? Dar pieptul meu?
Sunt eu cumva stomacul meu? Coapsele?
Corpul cu care am fost născută
Nu este el cumva ceea ce voiai?
Dacă port ceea ce îmi este comfortabul, nu sunt femeie
Dacă dau jos straturile, sunt o curvă
Cu toate că nu mi-ai văzut niciodata corpul, încă îl judeci
Și din cauza lui mă judeci pe mine
De ce?
Facem presupuneri despre oameni pe baza mărimii lor
Decidem cine sunt
Decidem cât valorează
Dacă port mai mult, dacă port mai puțin
Cine decide ce mă face asta? Ce înseamnă asta?
Este cumva valoarea mea bazată doar pe percepția ta?
Sau opinia ta despre mine nu este responsabilitatea mea?

هل تعرفونني؟
حقا تعرفونني؟
لديكم آراء
حول آرائي
حول موسيقاي
حول ملابسي
حول جسدي
بعض الناس يكرهون ما أرتدي
بعض الناس يمتدحونه
بعض الناس يستخدمونه لخزي الآخرين
بعض الناس يستخدمونه لخزيي أنا
لكني أحس بكم وأنتم تشاهدون
ولا شيء أفعله يصبح خفيا
لذا بينما أشعر بنظراتكم
أو بشعوركم بالارتياح
إذا عشت بواسطتهم
لن أكون قادرة على التحرك
هل تريدونني أصغر؟
هل تريدونني أن أسكت؟
هل تستفزكم كتفيّ؟
هل صدري؟
هل بطني؟
هل وَرِكَيّ؟
الجسد الذي ولدت به
ألم يكن ما تريدونه؟
إذا ارتديت ما هو مريح
أنا لست امرأة
إذا غطيت الطبقات
أنا فاسقة
على الرغم من أنكم لم تروا جسدي من قبل
ما زلتم تحكمون عليه
وتحكمون عليّ بسببه
نقوم بصنع بافتراضات حول الناس
بناء على حجمهم
نقرر من هم
نقرر ما قيمتهم
إذا ارتديت أكثر
إذا ارتديت أقل
من سيقرر ما ذلك يجعلني؟
من سيقرر ما الذي يعنيه ذلك؟
هل قيمتي تعتمد على تصوركم فقط؟
أم رأيكم عني؟
ليست مسؤوليتي

[Prevod pesme "Not My Responsibility" od Billie Eilish]

Da li me poznajete?
Zaista poznajete?
Imate mišljenja o mojim mišljenjima
O mojoj muzici
O mojoj odeći
O mom telu
Neki ljudi mrze ono što nosim
Neki ljudi to hvale
Neki ljudi to koriste da postide druge
Neki ljudi to koriste da postide mene
Ali osećam da gledaš
I ništa što radim ne ostaje neviđeno
Pa dok osećam vaša zurenja, vaša neodobravanja ili uzdahe olakšanja
Da živim od njih, nikada se ne bih mogla pomeriti
Da li biste voleli da budem manja, slabija, mekša, viša?
Da li biste volеli da ćutim?
Da li vas moja ramena provociraju? Da li moje grudi?
Jesam li ja moj stomak? Moji kukovi?
Tеlo sa kojim sam rođena
Zar to nije ono što ste hteli?
Ako nosim udobno, nisam žena
Ako skidam slojeve, ja sam kurva
Iako nikada niste videli moje telo, ipak ga osuđujete
I osuđujete me zbog toga
Pravimo pretpostavke o ljudima na osnovu njihove veličine
Mi odlučujemo ko su oni
Mi odlučujemo koliko vrede
Ako nosim više, ako nosim manje
Ko odlučuje šta me to čini? Šta to znači?
Da li je moja vrednost zasnovana samo na vašoj percepciji?
Ili vaše mišljenje o meni nije moja odgovornost?

Curiosidades sobre a música Not My Responsibility de Billie Eilish

Em quais álbuns a música “Not My Responsibility” foi lançada por Billie Eilish?
Billie Eilish lançou a música nos álbums “Happier Than Ever” em 2021, “Songs from Happier Than Ever: A Love Letter to Los Angeles” em 2021 e “Billie Eilish: Apple Music Live” em 2022.
De quem é a composição da música “Not My Responsibility” de Billie Eilish?
A música “Not My Responsibility” de Billie Eilish foi composta por Billie Eilish O'Connell, Finneas Baird O'Connell.

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