My Only One (No Hay Nadie Más)

Alejandra Alberti, Andres Munera, Andres Torres Torres, Chris Wallace, Fernando Tobon, Isabela Moner, Mauricio Rengifo Perez, Sebastian Obando Giraldo

Letra Tradução

I remember when I met you, I didn't want to fall
I thought my hands were shaking 'cause you looked so beautiful
I remember when you kissed me, I knew you were the one
And oh my hands were shaking when you played my favorite song

I don't know why
But every time I look into your eyes
I see a thousand falling shooting stars and yes I love you
I can't believe that every night you're by my side

Promise I'll stay here 'till the morning
And pick you up when you're falling
When the rain gets rough, when you've had enough
I'll just sweep you off your feet and fix you with my love
My only one
My only one

Tell me how you do it
I can barely breathe with the smile you get
You get the best of me and all I reall want is to give you all of me
Tell me how you do it, how you bring me back
You bring me back to life then make my heartbeat stop
I can't take it

I don't know why
But every time I look into your eyes
I see a thousand falling shooting stars and yes I love you
I can't believe that every night you're by my side

Voy a cuidarte por las noches
Voy a amarte sin reproches
Te voy a extrañar en la tempestad
Y aunque existan mil razones para renunciar

Promise I'll stay here 'till the morning
And pick you up when you're falling
When the rain gets rough, when you've had enough
I'll just sweep you off your feet and fix you with my love
My only one, there's no one else
My only one, there's no one else
You are my only one
It's just there's no one else, ouh, uoh
My only one
My only

I remember when I met you, I didn't want to fall
Lembro-me de quando te conheci, não queria me apaixonar
I thought my hands were shaking 'cause you looked so beautiful
Achei que minhas mãos estavam tremendo porque você parecia tão linda
I remember when you kissed me, I knew you were the one
Lembro-me de quando você me beijou, eu soube que você era o único
And oh my hands were shaking when you played my favorite song
E ah, minhas mãos estavam tremendo quando você tocou minha música favorita
I don't know why
Eu não sei por quê
But every time I look into your eyes
Mas toda vez que olho em seus olhos
I see a thousand falling shooting stars and yes I love you
Vejo mil estrelas cadentes caindo e sim, eu te amo
I can't believe that every night you're by my side
Não consigo acreditar que todas as noites você está ao meu lado
Promise I'll stay here 'till the morning
Prometo ficar aqui até de manhã
And pick you up when you're falling
E te levantar quando você cair
When the rain gets rough, when you've had enough
Quando a chuva ficar forte, quando você já tiver tido o suficiente
I'll just sweep you off your feet and fix you with my love
Eu só vou te tirar do chão e te consertar com meu amor
My only one
Meu único
My only one
Meu único
Tell me how you do it
Me diga como você faz isso
I can barely breathe with the smile you get
Mal consigo respirar com o sorriso que você consegue
You get the best of me and all I reall want is to give you all of me
Você tira o melhor de mim e tudo que eu realmente quero é te dar tudo de mim
Tell me how you do it, how you bring me back
Me diga como você faz isso, como você me traz de volta
You bring me back to life then make my heartbeat stop
Você me traz de volta à vida e faz meu coração parar
I can't take it
Eu não aguento
I don't know why
Eu não sei por quê
But every time I look into your eyes
Mas toda vez que olho em seus olhos
I see a thousand falling shooting stars and yes I love you
Vejo mil estrelas cadentes caindo e sim, eu te amo
I can't believe that every night you're by my side
Não consigo acreditar que todas as noites você está ao meu lado
Voy a cuidarte por las noches
Vou cuidar de você à noite
Voy a amarte sin reproches
Vou te amar sem reproches
Te voy a extrañar en la tempestad
Vou sentir sua falta na tempestade
Y aunque existan mil razones para renunciar
E embora existam mil razões para desistir
Promise I'll stay here 'till the morning
Prometo ficar aqui até de manhã
And pick you up when you're falling
E te levantar quando você cair
When the rain gets rough, when you've had enough
Quando a chuva ficar forte, quando você já tiver tido o suficiente
I'll just sweep you off your feet and fix you with my love
Eu só vou te tirar do chão e te consertar com meu amor
My only one, there's no one else
Meu único, não há mais ninguém
My only one, there's no one else
Meu único, não há mais ninguém
You are my only one
Você é meu único
It's just there's no one else, ouh, uoh
É só que não há mais ninguém, ouh, uoh
My only one
Meu único
My only
Meu único
I remember when I met you, I didn't want to fall
Recuerdo cuando te conocí, no quería enamorarme
I thought my hands were shaking 'cause you looked so beautiful
Pensé que mis manos temblaban porque te veías tan hermosa
I remember when you kissed me, I knew you were the one
Recuerdo cuando me besaste, supe que eras el único
And oh my hands were shaking when you played my favorite song
Y oh, mis manos temblaban cuando tocaste mi canción favorita
I don't know why
No sé por qué
But every time I look into your eyes
Pero cada vez que miro tus ojos
I see a thousand falling shooting stars and yes I love you
Veo mil estrellas fugaces cayendo y sí, te amo
I can't believe that every night you're by my side
No puedo creer que cada noche estés a mi lado
Promise I'll stay here 'till the morning
Prometo quedarme aquí hasta la mañana
And pick you up when you're falling
Y levantarte cuando te caigas
When the rain gets rough, when you've had enough
Cuando la lluvia se ponga difícil, cuando ya no puedas más
I'll just sweep you off your feet and fix you with my love
Simplemente te levantaré de tus pies y te arreglaré con mi amor
My only one
Mi único
My only one
Mi único
Tell me how you do it
Dime cómo lo haces
I can barely breathe with the smile you get
Apenas puedo respirar con la sonrisa que obtienes
You get the best of me and all I reall want is to give you all of me
Obtienes lo mejor de mí y todo lo que realmente quiero es darte todo de mí
Tell me how you do it, how you bring me back
Dime cómo lo haces, cómo me devuelves
You bring me back to life then make my heartbeat stop
Me devuelves a la vida y luego haces que mi corazón se detenga
I can't take it
No lo puedo soportar
I don't know why
No sé por qué
But every time I look into your eyes
Pero cada vez que miro tus ojos
I see a thousand falling shooting stars and yes I love you
Veo mil estrellas fugaces cayendo y sí, te amo
I can't believe that every night you're by my side
No puedo creer que cada noche estés a mi lado
Voy a cuidarte por las noches
Voy a cuidarte por las noches
Voy a amarte sin reproches
Voy a amarte sin reproches
Te voy a extrañar en la tempestad
Te voy a extrañar en la tempestad
Y aunque existan mil razones para renunciar
Y aunque existan mil razones para renunciar
Promise I'll stay here 'till the morning
Prometo quedarme aquí hasta la mañana
And pick you up when you're falling
Y levantarte cuando te caigas
When the rain gets rough, when you've had enough
Cuando la lluvia se ponga difícil, cuando ya no puedas más
I'll just sweep you off your feet and fix you with my love
Simplemente te levantaré de tus pies y te arreglaré con mi amor
My only one, there's no one else
Mi único, no hay nadie más
My only one, there's no one else
Mi único, no hay nadie más
You are my only one
Tú eres mi único
It's just there's no one else, ouh, uoh
Simplemente no hay nadie más, ouh, uoh
My only one
Mi único
My only
Mi único
I remember when I met you, I didn't want to fall
Je me souviens quand je t'ai rencontré, je ne voulais pas tomber amoureux
I thought my hands were shaking 'cause you looked so beautiful
Je pensais que mes mains tremblaient parce que tu étais si belle
I remember when you kissed me, I knew you were the one
Je me souviens quand tu m'as embrassé, j'ai su que tu étais la seule
And oh my hands were shaking when you played my favorite song
Et oh, mes mains tremblaient quand tu as joué ma chanson préférée
I don't know why
Je ne sais pas pourquoi
But every time I look into your eyes
Mais chaque fois que je regarde dans tes yeux
I see a thousand falling shooting stars and yes I love you
Je vois mille étoiles filantes et oui, je t'aime
I can't believe that every night you're by my side
Je n'arrive pas à croire que chaque nuit tu es à mes côtés
Promise I'll stay here 'till the morning
Je promets de rester ici jusqu'au matin
And pick you up when you're falling
Et de te relever quand tu tombes
When the rain gets rough, when you've had enough
Quand la pluie devient dure, quand tu en as assez
I'll just sweep you off your feet and fix you with my love
Je vais simplement te soulever de terre et te réparer avec mon amour
My only one
Ma seule et unique
My only one
Ma seule et unique
Tell me how you do it
Dis-moi comment tu fais
I can barely breathe with the smile you get
Je peux à peine respirer avec le sourire que tu obtiens
You get the best of me and all I reall want is to give you all of me
Tu obtiens le meilleur de moi et tout ce que je veux vraiment, c'est te donner tout de moi
Tell me how you do it, how you bring me back
Dis-moi comment tu fais, comment tu me ramènes
You bring me back to life then make my heartbeat stop
Tu me ramènes à la vie puis tu fais arrêter les battements de mon cœur
I can't take it
Je ne peux pas le supporter
I don't know why
Je ne sais pas pourquoi
But every time I look into your eyes
Mais chaque fois que je regarde dans tes yeux
I see a thousand falling shooting stars and yes I love you
Je vois mille étoiles filantes et oui, je t'aime
I can't believe that every night you're by my side
Je n'arrive pas à croire que chaque nuit tu es à mes côtés
Voy a cuidarte por las noches
Je vais te protéger pendant les nuits
Voy a amarte sin reproches
Je vais t'aimer sans reproches
Te voy a extrañar en la tempestad
Je vais te manquer dans la tempête
Y aunque existan mil razones para renunciar
Et même s'il existe mille raisons d'abandonner
Promise I'll stay here 'till the morning
Je promets de rester ici jusqu'au matin
And pick you up when you're falling
Et de te relever quand tu tombes
When the rain gets rough, when you've had enough
Quand la pluie devient dure, quand tu en as assez
I'll just sweep you off your feet and fix you with my love
Je vais simplement te soulever de terre et te réparer avec mon amour
My only one, there's no one else
Ma seule et unique, il n'y a personne d'autre
My only one, there's no one else
Ma seule et unique, il n'y a personne d'autre
You are my only one
Tu es ma seule et unique
It's just there's no one else, ouh, uoh
C'est juste qu'il n'y a personne d'autre, ouh, uoh
My only one
Ma seule et unique
My only
Ma seule et
I remember when I met you, I didn't want to fall
Ich erinnere mich, als ich dich traf, wollte ich nicht fallen
I thought my hands were shaking 'cause you looked so beautiful
Ich dachte, meine Hände zittern, weil du so wunderschön aussahst
I remember when you kissed me, I knew you were the one
Ich erinnere mich, als du mich küsstest, wusste ich, dass du der Eine bist
And oh my hands were shaking when you played my favorite song
Und oh, meine Hände zitterten, als du mein Lieblingslied spieltest
I don't know why
Ich weiß nicht warum
But every time I look into your eyes
Aber jedes Mal, wenn ich in deine Augen schaue
I see a thousand falling shooting stars and yes I love you
Sehe ich tausend fallende Sternschnuppen und ja, ich liebe dich
I can't believe that every night you're by my side
Ich kann nicht glauben, dass du jede Nacht an meiner Seite bist
Promise I'll stay here 'till the morning
Ich verspreche, hier zu bleiben bis zum Morgen
And pick you up when you're falling
Und dich aufzufangen, wenn du fällst
When the rain gets rough, when you've had enough
Wenn der Regen rauer wird, wenn du genug hast
I'll just sweep you off your feet and fix you with my love
Ich werde dich einfach von den Füßen fegen und dich mit meiner Liebe reparieren
My only one
Mein Einziger
My only one
Mein Einziger
Tell me how you do it
Sag mir, wie du das machst
I can barely breathe with the smile you get
Ich kann kaum atmen mit dem Lächeln, das du bekommst
You get the best of me and all I reall want is to give you all of me
Du bekommst das Beste von mir und alles, was ich wirklich will, ist, dir alles von mir zu geben
Tell me how you do it, how you bring me back
Sag mir, wie du das machst, wie du mich zurückbringst
You bring me back to life then make my heartbeat stop
Du bringst mich zurück ins Leben und bringst mein Herz zum Stillstand
I can't take it
Ich kann es nicht ertragen
I don't know why
Ich weiß nicht warum
But every time I look into your eyes
Aber jedes Mal, wenn ich in deine Augen schaue
I see a thousand falling shooting stars and yes I love you
Sehe ich tausend fallende Sternschnuppen und ja, ich liebe dich
I can't believe that every night you're by my side
Ich kann nicht glauben, dass du jede Nacht an meiner Seite bist
Voy a cuidarte por las noches
Ich werde dich nachts beschützen
Voy a amarte sin reproches
Ich werde dich lieben ohne Vorwürfe
Te voy a extrañar en la tempestad
Ich werde dich inmitten des Sturms vermissen
Y aunque existan mil razones para renunciar
Und obwohl es tausend Gründe gibt, aufzugeben
Promise I'll stay here 'till the morning
Ich verspreche, hier zu bleiben bis zum Morgen
And pick you up when you're falling
Und dich aufzufangen, wenn du fällst
When the rain gets rough, when you've had enough
Wenn der Regen rauer wird, wenn du genug hast
I'll just sweep you off your feet and fix you with my love
Ich werde dich einfach von den Füßen fegen und dich mit meiner Liebe reparieren
My only one, there's no one else
Mein Einziger, es gibt niemanden sonst
My only one, there's no one else
Mein Einziger, es gibt niemanden sonst
You are my only one
Du bist mein Einziger
It's just there's no one else, ouh, uoh
Es gibt einfach niemanden sonst, ouh, uoh
My only one
Mein Einziger
My only
Mein Einziger
I remember when I met you, I didn't want to fall
Ricordo quando ti ho incontrato, non volevo innamorarmi
I thought my hands were shaking 'cause you looked so beautiful
Pensavo che le mie mani tremassero perché eri così bella
I remember when you kissed me, I knew you were the one
Ricordo quando mi hai baciato, sapevo che eri l'unica
And oh my hands were shaking when you played my favorite song
E oh, le mie mani tremavano quando suonavi la mia canzone preferita
I don't know why
Non so perché
But every time I look into your eyes
Ma ogni volta che guardo nei tuoi occhi
I see a thousand falling shooting stars and yes I love you
Vedo mille stelle cadenti e sì, ti amo
I can't believe that every night you're by my side
Non riesco a credere che ogni notte sei al mio fianco
Promise I'll stay here 'till the morning
Prometto che resterò qui fino al mattino
And pick you up when you're falling
E ti prenderò quando cadi
When the rain gets rough, when you've had enough
Quando la pioggia diventa dura, quando ne hai abbastanza
I'll just sweep you off your feet and fix you with my love
Ti solleverò da terra e ti riparerò con il mio amore
My only one
La mia unica
My only one
La mia unica
Tell me how you do it
Dimmi come fai
I can barely breathe with the smile you get
A malapena riesco a respirare con il sorriso che ottieni
You get the best of me and all I reall want is to give you all of me
Ottieni il meglio di me e tutto quello che voglio davvero è darti tutto di me
Tell me how you do it, how you bring me back
Dimmi come fai, come mi riporti indietro
You bring me back to life then make my heartbeat stop
Mi riporti in vita e poi fai fermare il mio battito cardiaco
I can't take it
Non ce la faccio
I don't know why
Non so perché
But every time I look into your eyes
Ma ogni volta che guardo nei tuoi occhi
I see a thousand falling shooting stars and yes I love you
Vedo mille stelle cadenti e sì, ti amo
I can't believe that every night you're by my side
Non riesco a credere che ogni notte sei al mio fianco
Voy a cuidarte por las noches
Voy a cuidarte por las noches
Voy a amarte sin reproches
Voy a amarte sin reproches
Te voy a extrañar en la tempestad
Te voy a extrañar en la tempestad
Y aunque existan mil razones para renunciar
Y aunque existan mil razones para renunciar
Promise I'll stay here 'till the morning
Prometto che resterò qui fino al mattino
And pick you up when you're falling
E ti prenderò quando cadi
When the rain gets rough, when you've had enough
Quando la pioggia diventa dura, quando ne hai abbastanza
I'll just sweep you off your feet and fix you with my love
Ti solleverò da terra e ti riparerò con il mio amore
My only one, there's no one else
La mia unica, non c'è nessun altro
My only one, there's no one else
La mia unica, non c'è nessun altro
You are my only one
Tu sei la mia unica
It's just there's no one else, ouh, uoh
È solo che non c'è nessun altro, ouh, uoh
My only one
La mia unica
My only
La mia unica

Curiosidades sobre a música My Only One (No Hay Nadie Más) de Sebastian Yatra

Quando a música “My Only One (No Hay Nadie Más)” foi lançada por Sebastian Yatra?
A música My Only One (No Hay Nadie Más) foi lançada em 2018, no álbum “My Only One (No Hay Nadie Más)”.
De quem é a composição da música “My Only One (No Hay Nadie Más)” de Sebastian Yatra?
A música “My Only One (No Hay Nadie Más)” de Sebastian Yatra foi composta por Alejandra Alberti, Andres Munera, Andres Torres Torres, Chris Wallace, Fernando Tobon, Isabela Moner, Mauricio Rengifo Perez, Sebastian Obando Giraldo.

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