Entenda a Letra
Vídeos em Destaque

Músicas mais populares
Tom Sawyer
1981 • Moving Pictures
2112: I. Overture, II. The Temples of Syrinx, Ill. Discovery, IV. Presentation, V. Oracle: The Dream, VI. Soliloquy, VII. Grand Finale
1976 • 2112
1981 • Moving Pictures
Time Stand Still
1987 • Hold Your Fire
Closer to the Heart
1977 • A Farewell to Kings
Fly by Night
1975 • Fly by Night
The Spirit of Radio
1980 • Permanent Waves
1982 • Signals
1980 • Permanent Waves
The Trees
1978 • Hemispheres
Working Man
1974 • Rush
1991 • Roll The Bones
Red Barchetta
1981 • Moving Pictures
Cold Fire
1993 • Counterparts
Here Again
1974 • Rush
1996 • Test For Echo
Todas as Músicas
2112 - Overture
2112 - The Temples of Syrinx
2112 [All the World’s a Stage]
2112 [Clockwork Angels Tour]
2112 [Different Stages Live]
2112 [Live]
2112 [R40 Live]
2112 [Rush In Rio]
2112 [Time Machine]
2112 Overture/The Temples of Syrinx
2112: I. Overture, II. The Temples of Syrinx, Ill. Discovery, IV. Presentation, V. Oracle: The Dream, VI. Soliloquy, VII. Grand Finale
2112: Overture/The Temples of Syrinx/Discovery
A Farewell to Kings
A Passage to Bangkok
Alien Shore
Anagram (For Mongo)
Analog Kid
Apollo: Bringer Of Wisdom
Armor and Sword
Available Light
Bastille Day
Before and After
Beneath, Between & Behind
Beneath, Between And Behind
Beneath, Between and Behind [Exit...Stage Left]
Best I Can
Between Sun & Moon
Between Sun and Moon
Between the Wheels
Bravest Face
Brought Up To Believe
By-Tor and the Snow Dog
By-Tor and the Snow Dog [Rush In Rio]
By-Tor and the Snow Dog: At the Tobes of Hades/Across the Styx/Of ...
By-Tor and the Snowdog (Live from Hammersmith Odeon, London, 20th February 1978)
Carve Away the Stone
Ceiling Unlimited
Chain Lightning
Chup Chup Ke
Cinderella Man
Clockwork Angels
Closer to the Heart
Cold Fire
Cut to the Chase
Cygnus X-1
Cygnus X-1 Book II Hemispheres: Prelude/Apollo Bringer of Wisdom/Dion
Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres – The Sphere (A Kind of Dream)
Cygnus X-1 The Story So Far
Cygnus X-1, Book I: The Voyage [Rush In Rio]
Cygnus X-1, Book II: Hemispheres
Cygnus: Bringer Of Balance
Der Trommler
Different Strings
Digital Man
Dionysus: Bringer Of Love
Distant Early Warning
Dog Years
Double Agent
Dreamtime [Rush In Rio]
Earthshine [Remix]
Emotion Detector
Entre Nous
Everyday Glory
Face Up
Fancy Dancer
Far Cry
Far Cry [Album Version]
Finding My Way
Fly by Night
Fly by Night/In the Mood
For What It's Worth
Force Ten
Freeze (Fear, Pt. 4)
Ghost of a Chance
Ghost Rider
Good News First
Grand Designs
Grand Finale
Half the World
Halo Effect
Hand Over Fist
Headlong Flight
Headlong Flight/Drumbastica [Clockwork Angels Tour]
Heart Full of Soul
Hemispheres Prelude [R40 Live]
Here Again
High Water
Hote Hote
How It Is
I Think I'm Going Bald
In the End
In the Mood
Jacob's Ladder
Kid Gloves
La Villa Strangiato
La Villa Strangiato [Time Machine]
Lakeside Park
Lakeside Park/Anthem
Lock and Key
Losing It
Making Memories
Malignant Narcissism
Manhattan Project
Marathon [DVD]
Middletown Dreams
Moto Perpetuo/Love for Sale
Mr. Soul
Mumkin Nahin
Mystic Rhythms
Natural Science
Need Some Love
New World Man
Nobody's Hero
Not Fade Away
O Re Khuda
One Little Victory
One Little Victory [Remixed]
Open Secrets
Out of the Cradle
Peaceable Kingdom
Peke’s Repose/Halo Effect [Clockwork Angels Tour]
Priests Of Syrinx
Prime Mover
Pritam Chakraborty
Red Barchetta
Red Lenses
Red Sector 'A'
Red Tide
Roll the Bones
Second Nature
Secret Touch
Seven and Seven Is
Seven Cities of Gold
Shapes of Things
Show Don't Tell
Solar Federation
Something for Nothing
Stars Look Down
Stick It Out
Summertime Blues
Summertimes Blues
Sweet Miracle
Tai Shan
Take a Friend
Temples Of Syrinx
Test for Echo
The Analog Kid
The Anarchist
The Big Money
The Big Wheel
The Body Electric
The Camera Eye
The Color of Right
The Dream
The Enemy Within
The Fountain of Lamneth
The Garden
The Larger Bowl
The Larger Bowl Tradução
The Necromancer
The Necromancer: Into Darkness/Under the Shadow/Return of the Prince
The Pass
The Percussor/Binary Love Theme/Steambanger’s Ball
The Rhythm Method [A Show of Hands]
The Seeker
The Speed of Love
The Spirit of Radio
The Stars Look Down
The Temples Of Syrinx
The Trees
The Twilight Zone
The Voyage Prologue
The Way the Wind Blows
The Weapon
The Wreckers
Time and Motion
Time Stand Still
Tom Sawyer
Turn the Page
Vapor Trail
Vital Signs
War Paint
We Hold On
What You're Doing
What You're Doing [Live At Massey Hall]
What You’re Doing/Working Man [R40 Live]
Where’s My Thing/Here It is [Clockwork Angels Tour]
Wish Them Well
Witch Hunt
Workin' Them Angels
Working Man
You Bet Your Life
تبوسه - مسرع
عراقي مسرع - نارهم تاكل حطبهم | مطلوب اكثر شي
علمتني الايام - مسرع
كبرت الصدمه - مسرع
يا هالناس لحقوني - مسرع
Curiosidades sobre Rush
- Quais as principais músicas de Rush?
- As principais músicas de Rush são “Tom Sawyer”, “2112: I. Overture, II. The Temples of Syrinx, Ill. Discovery, IV. Presentation, V. Oracle: The Dream, VI. Soliloquy, VII. Grand Finale”, “Limelight”, “Time Stand Still” e “Closer to the Heart”.
- Qual o álbum mais recente de Rush?
- O álbum mais recente de Rush é o “Pinkpop 1979: The Classic Dutch Radio Broadcast”, lançado em 2017 com 42 faixas.
- Qual o álbum mais antigo de Rush?
- O álbum mais antigo de Rush é o “Rush”, lançado em 1974 com 8 faixas.
- Qual a música de maior sucesso de Rush?
- A música mais popular de Rush é “Tom Sawyer”, do álbum “Moving Pictures”, lançado em 1981.
- Quantos álbuns foram lançados por Rush?
- Entre 1974 e 2017, 45 Álbuns e 1 Single/EP foram lançados por Rush.
- Qual o significado da música “Tom Sawyer”, de Rush?
- A música 'Tom Sawyer' da banda canadense Rush é uma das mais icônicas do rock progressivo, conhecida por sua complexidade musical e letras profundas. A canção, lançada no álbum 'Moving Pictures' de 1981, é frequentemente interpretada como um hino à individualidade e ao espírito rebelde. O personagem central, inspirado no clássico personagem de Mark Twain, é retratado como um guerreiro moderno, com uma postura e orgulho marcantes, que não se deixa alugar por ninguém, seja um deus ou governo, simbolizando a resistência contra a conformidade e o controle social.
Veja a íntegra do significado da letra da música “Tom Sawyer”