Ritual Union

Hakan Wirenstrand, Erik Bodin, Fredrik Wallin, Yukimi Nagano

Letra Tradução

Ritual union's got me in trouble again
I was wonderin' of a white dress
And the mistress
And a spirit holding my hand

Love's sinking in the sand
Petals falling on demand
My feet are running like the wind
I'm sorry, boy, that we sinned
Love is not like they say
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
I drown my feelings in the sea
They dried out over on the beach

Ritual union's got me in trouble again
I was wonderin' of a white dress
And the mistress
And a spirit holding my hand

Mother, tell me how it is
I know you've been through all of this
You ran away so many times
Your kids, your heart, a couple of dimes
Love is not like they say
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
It drowns my feelings in the sea
I dried up over on the beach

Ritual union's got me in trouble again
I was wonderin' of a white dress
And the mistress
And a spirit holding my hand

Ritual union's got me in trouble again
I was wonderin' of a white dress
And the mistress
And a spirit holding my hand

Ritual union's got me in trouble again
A união ritual me colocou em apuros novamente
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Eu estava imaginando um vestido branco
And the mistress
E a amante
And a spirit holding my hand
E um espírito segurando minha mão
Love's sinking in the sand
O amor está afundando na areia
Petals falling on demand
Pétalas caindo sob demanda
My feet are running like the wind
Meus pés estão correndo como o vento
I'm sorry, boy, that we sinned
Desculpe, garoto, que pecamos
Love is not like they say
O amor não é como eles dizem
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
Uma mentira, que é difícil de fazer ficar
I drown my feelings in the sea
Afogo meus sentimentos no mar
They dried out over on the beach
Eles secaram na praia
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
A união ritual me colocou em apuros novamente
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Eu estava imaginando um vestido branco
And the mistress
E a amante
And a spirit holding my hand
E um espírito segurando minha mão
Mother, tell me how it is
Mãe, me diga como é
I know you've been through all of this
Eu sei que você passou por tudo isso
You ran away so many times
Você fugiu tantas vezes
Your kids, your heart, a couple of dimes
Seus filhos, seu coração, alguns trocados
Love is not like they say
O amor não é como eles dizem
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
Uma mentira, que é difícil de fazer ficar
It drowns my feelings in the sea
Afoga meus sentimentos no mar
I dried up over on the beach
Eu sequei na praia
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
A união ritual me colocou em apuros novamente
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Eu estava imaginando um vestido branco
And the mistress
E a amante
And a spirit holding my hand
E um espírito segurando minha mão
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
A união ritual me colocou em apuros novamente
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Eu estava imaginando um vestido branco
And the mistress
E a amante
And a spirit holding my hand
E um espírito segurando minha mão
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
La unión ritual me ha metido en problemas de nuevo
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Estaba pensando en un vestido blanco
And the mistress
Y la amante
And a spirit holding my hand
Y un espíritu sosteniendo mi mano
Love's sinking in the sand
El amor se hunde en la arena
Petals falling on demand
Pétalos cayendo a demanda
My feet are running like the wind
Mis pies corren como el viento
I'm sorry, boy, that we sinned
Lo siento, chico, que hemos pecado
Love is not like they say
El amor no es como dicen
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
Una mentira, que es difícil hacerlo permanecer
I drown my feelings in the sea
Ahogo mis sentimientos en el mar
They dried out over on the beach
Se secaron en la playa
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
La unión ritual me ha metido en problemas de nuevo
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Estaba pensando en un vestido blanco
And the mistress
Y la amante
And a spirit holding my hand
Y un espíritu sosteniendo mi mano
Mother, tell me how it is
Madre, dime cómo es
I know you've been through all of this
Sé que has pasado por todo esto
You ran away so many times
Huyó tantas veces
Your kids, your heart, a couple of dimes
Tus hijos, tu corazón, un par de monedas
Love is not like they say
El amor no es como dicen
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
Una mentira, que es difícil hacerlo permanecer
It drowns my feelings in the sea
Ahoga mis sentimientos en el mar
I dried up over on the beach
Me sequé en la playa
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
La unión ritual me ha metido en problemas de nuevo
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Estaba pensando en un vestido blanco
And the mistress
Y la amante
And a spirit holding my hand
Y un espíritu sosteniendo mi mano
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
La unión ritual me ha metido en problemas de nuevo
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Estaba pensando en un vestido blanco
And the mistress
Y la amante
And a spirit holding my hand
Y un espíritu sosteniendo mi mano
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
L'union rituelle m'a donné des ennuis encore une fois
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Je pensais à une robe blanche
And the mistress
Et à la maîtresse
And a spirit holding my hand
Et un esprit qui me tient par la main
Love's sinking in the sand
L'amour coule dans le sable
Petals falling on demand
Les pétales tombent à volonté
My feet are running like the wind
Mes pieds courent comme le vent
I'm sorry, boy, that we sinned
Oh là là, je suis désolé qu'on a péché
Love is not like they say
L'amour n'est pas comme on raconte
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
C'est un mensonge, que c'est dur de le faire rester
I drown my feelings in the sea
Je noie mes sentiments dans la mer
They dried out over on the beach
Ils ont séché par là sur la plage
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
L'union rituelle m'a donné des ennuis encore une fois
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Je pensais à une robe blanche
And the mistress
Et à la maîtresse
And a spirit holding my hand
Et un esprit qui me tient par la main
Mother, tell me how it is
Ma mère, dis-moi comment c'est
I know you've been through all of this
Je sais que tu as vécu tout ça
You ran away so many times
Tu t'es enfuie si souvent
Your kids, your heart, a couple of dimes
Tes enfants, ton cœur, quelques pièces de monnaie
Love is not like they say
L'amour n'est pas comme on raconte
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
C'est un mensonge, que c'est dur de le faire rester
It drowns my feelings in the sea
Je noie mes sentiments dans la mer
I dried up over on the beach
Ils ont séché par là sur la plage
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
L'union rituelle m'a donné des ennuis encore une fois
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Je pensais à une robe blanche
And the mistress
Et à la maîtresse
And a spirit holding my hand
Et un esprit qui me tient par la main
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
L'union rituelle m'a donné des ennuis encore une fois
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Je pensais à une robe blanche
And the mistress
Et à la maîtresse
And a spirit holding my hand
Et un esprit qui me tient par la main
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
Rituelle Vereinigung hat mich wieder in Schwierigkeiten gebracht
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Ich dachte an ein weißes Kleid
And the mistress
Und die Geliebte
And a spirit holding my hand
Und einen Geist, der meine Hand hält
Love's sinking in the sand
Liebe versinkt im Sand
Petals falling on demand
Blütenblätter fallen auf Verlangen
My feet are running like the wind
Meine Füße rennen wie der Wind
I'm sorry, boy, that we sinned
Es tut mir leid, Junge, dass wir gesündigt haben
Love is not like they say
Liebe ist nicht so, wie sie sagen
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
Eine Lüge, dass es schwer ist, sie zu halten
I drown my feelings in the sea
Ich ertränke meine Gefühle im Meer
They dried out over on the beach
Sie trockneten am Strand aus
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
Rituelle Vereinigung hat mich wieder in Schwierigkeiten gebracht
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Ich dachte an ein weißes Kleid
And the mistress
Und die Geliebte
And a spirit holding my hand
Und einen Geist, der meine Hand hält
Mother, tell me how it is
Mutter, sag mir, wie es ist
I know you've been through all of this
Ich weiß, du hast all das durchgemacht
You ran away so many times
Du bist so oft weggelaufen
Your kids, your heart, a couple of dimes
Deine Kinder, dein Herz, ein paar Groschen
Love is not like they say
Liebe ist nicht so, wie sie sagen
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
Eine Lüge, dass es schwer ist, sie zu halten
It drowns my feelings in the sea
Es ertränkt meine Gefühle im Meer
I dried up over on the beach
Ich trocknete am Strand aus
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
Rituelle Vereinigung hat mich wieder in Schwierigkeiten gebracht
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Ich dachte an ein weißes Kleid
And the mistress
Und die Geliebte
And a spirit holding my hand
Und einen Geist, der meine Hand hält
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
Rituelle Vereinigung hat mich wieder in Schwierigkeiten gebracht
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Ich dachte an ein weißes Kleid
And the mistress
Und die Geliebte
And a spirit holding my hand
Und einen Geist, der meine Hand hält
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
L'unione rituale mi ha messo nei guai di nuovo
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Mi chiedevo di un abito bianco
And the mistress
E l'amante
And a spirit holding my hand
E uno spirito che mi tiene la mano
Love's sinking in the sand
L'amore sprofonda nella sabbia
Petals falling on demand
Petali che cadono su richiesta
My feet are running like the wind
I miei piedi corrono come il vento
I'm sorry, boy, that we sinned
Mi dispiace, ragazzo, che abbiamo peccato
Love is not like they say
L'amore non è come dicono
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
Una bugia, che è difficile farlo rimanere
I drown my feelings in the sea
Affogo i miei sentimenti nel mare
They dried out over on the beach
Si sono asciugati sulla spiaggia
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
L'unione rituale mi ha messo nei guai di nuovo
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Mi chiedevo di un abito bianco
And the mistress
E l'amante
And a spirit holding my hand
E uno spirito che mi tiene la mano
Mother, tell me how it is
Madre, dimmi come è
I know you've been through all of this
So che sei passata attraverso tutto questo
You ran away so many times
Sei scappata tante volte
Your kids, your heart, a couple of dimes
I tuoi figli, il tuo cuore, un paio di monete
Love is not like they say
L'amore non è come dicono
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
Una bugia, che è difficile farlo rimanere
It drowns my feelings in the sea
Affoga i miei sentimenti nel mare
I dried up over on the beach
Mi sono asciugato sulla spiaggia
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
L'unione rituale mi ha messo nei guai di nuovo
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Mi chiedevo di un abito bianco
And the mistress
E l'amante
And a spirit holding my hand
E uno spirito che mi tiene la mano
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
L'unione rituale mi ha messo nei guai di nuovo
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Mi chiedevo di un abito bianco
And the mistress
E l'amante
And a spirit holding my hand
E uno spirito che mi tiene la mano
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
Ritual pernikahan membuatku dalam masalah lagi
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Aku bertanya-tanya tentang gaun putih
And the mistress
Dan wanita simpanan
And a spirit holding my hand
Dan roh yang memegang tanganku
Love's sinking in the sand
Cinta tenggelam di pasir
Petals falling on demand
Kelopak jatuh sesuai permintaan
My feet are running like the wind
Kakiku berlari seperti angin
I'm sorry, boy, that we sinned
Maafkan aku, nak, kita telah berdosa
Love is not like they say
Cinta tidak seperti yang mereka katakan
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
Sebuah kebohongan, sulit untuk membuatnya bertahan
I drown my feelings in the sea
Aku menenggelamkan perasaanku di laut
They dried out over on the beach
Mereka mengering di atas pantai
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
Ritual pernikahan membuatku dalam masalah lagi
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Aku bertanya-tanya tentang gaun putih
And the mistress
Dan wanita simpanan
And a spirit holding my hand
Dan roh yang memegang tanganku
Mother, tell me how it is
Ibu, katakan padaku bagaimana adanya
I know you've been through all of this
Aku tahu kamu telah melalui semua ini
You ran away so many times
Kamu melarikan diri berkali-kali
Your kids, your heart, a couple of dimes
Anak-anakmu, hatimu, beberapa koin
Love is not like they say
Cinta tidak seperti yang mereka katakan
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
Sebuah kebohongan, sulit untuk membuatnya bertahan
It drowns my feelings in the sea
Itu menenggelamkan perasaanku di laut
I dried up over on the beach
Aku mengering di atas pantai
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
Ritual pernikahan membuatku dalam masalah lagi
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Aku bertanya-tanya tentang gaun putih
And the mistress
Dan wanita simpanan
And a spirit holding my hand
Dan roh yang memegang tanganku
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
Ritual pernikahan membuatku dalam masalah lagi
I was wonderin' of a white dress
Aku bertanya-tanya tentang gaun putih
And the mistress
Dan wanita simpanan
And a spirit holding my hand
Dan roh yang memegang tanganku
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
I was wonderin' of a white dress
And the mistress
And a spirit holding my hand
Love's sinking in the sand
Petals falling on demand
My feet are running like the wind
I'm sorry, boy, that we sinned
ฉันขอโทษนะคะ ที่เราทำบาป
Love is not like they say
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
เป็นเรื่องโกหก ที่ยากที่จะทำให้มันอยู่
I drown my feelings in the sea
They dried out over on the beach
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
I was wonderin' of a white dress
And the mistress
And a spirit holding my hand
Mother, tell me how it is
แม่คะ บอกฉันหน่อยว่ามันเป็นอย่างไร
I know you've been through all of this
You ran away so many times
Your kids, your heart, a couple of dimes
ลูก ๆ ของคุณ หัวใจของคุณ และเหรียญสองสามเหรียญ
Love is not like they say
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
เป็นเรื่องโกหก ที่ยากที่จะทำให้มันอยู่
It drowns my feelings in the sea
I dried up over on the beach
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
I was wonderin' of a white dress
And the mistress
And a spirit holding my hand
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
I was wonderin' of a white dress
And the mistress
And a spirit holding my hand
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
I was wonderin' of a white dress
And the mistress
And a spirit holding my hand
Love's sinking in the sand
Petals falling on demand
My feet are running like the wind
I'm sorry, boy, that we sinned
Love is not like they say
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
I drown my feelings in the sea
They dried out over on the beach
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
I was wonderin' of a white dress
And the mistress
And a spirit holding my hand
Mother, tell me how it is
I know you've been through all of this
You ran away so many times
Your kids, your heart, a couple of dimes
Love is not like they say
A lie, that it's hard to make it stay
It drowns my feelings in the sea
I dried up over on the beach
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
I was wonderin' of a white dress
And the mistress
And a spirit holding my hand
Ritual union's got me in trouble again
I was wonderin' of a white dress
And the mistress
And a spirit holding my hand

Curiosidades sobre a música Ritual Union de Little Dragon

Em quais álbuns a música “Ritual Union” foi lançada por Little Dragon?
Little Dragon lançou a música nos álbums “Ritual Union” em 2011 e “Best Of” em 2014.
De quem é a composição da música “Ritual Union” de Little Dragon?
A música “Ritual Union” de Little Dragon foi composta por Hakan Wirenstrand, Erik Bodin, Fredrik Wallin, Yukimi Nagano.

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