Rapid Fire

Glenn Raymond Tipton, Kenneth Downing, Robert Halford

Letra Tradução

Pounding the world like a battering ram
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Chopping away at the source soon the course will be done
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none

Hammering anvils, straining muscle and might
Shattering blows, crashing browbeating fright
Fast devastating and desolating the curse
Blasting the cannons of truth through each man of this earth

Wielding the axe comes the one culmination
That's always seemed certain to bring down the curtain on greed
Sifting the good from the bad it's the age for the rage
Of the dogs which must fall to the just and be free

Now grate for the vandals who trampled and sampled
Till this place conditioned brought forth demolition to war
The slipping and sliding, corrosive subsiding
That withered and waned
Till the world seemed all drained fills the bay

Pounding the world like a battering ram
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Chopping away at the source, soon the course will be gone
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Second to none

Pounding the world like a battering ram
Esmagando o mundo como um aríete
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Forjando a fornalha para o último grand slam
Chopping away at the source soon the course will be done
Cortando a fonte, logo o curso estará concluído
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Deixando um rastro de destruição que é incomparável
Hammering anvils, straining muscle and might
Martelando bigornas, forçando músculo e poder
Shattering blows, crashing browbeating fright
Golpes devastadores, aterrorizando com a intimidação
Fast devastating and desolating the curse
Rápido, devastador e desolando a maldição
Blasting the cannons of truth through each man of this earth
Disparando os canhões da verdade através de cada homem desta terra
Wielding the axe comes the one culmination
Empunhando o machado vem a única conclusão
That's always seemed certain to bring down the curtain on greed
Que sempre pareceu certa para derrubar a cortina da ganância
Sifting the good from the bad it's the age for the rage
Separando o bom do ruim, é a era para a raiva
Of the dogs which must fall to the just and be free
Dos cães que devem cair perante o justo e serem livres
Now grate for the vandals who trampled and sampled
Agora rale para os vândalos que pisotearam e experimentaram
Till this place conditioned brought forth demolition to war
Até que este lugar condicionado trouxe a demolição para a guerra
The slipping and sliding, corrosive subsiding
O escorregar e deslizar, a corrosão subsidente
That withered and waned
Que murchou e diminuiu
Till the world seemed all drained fills the bay
Até que o mundo parecia todo drenado enche a baía
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Esmagando o mundo como um aríete
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Forjando a fornalha para o último grand slam
Chopping away at the source, soon the course will be gone
Cortando a fonte, logo o curso estará concluído
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Deixando um rastro de destruição que é incomparável
Second to none
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Golpeando el mundo como un ariete
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Forjando el horno para el último gran slam
Chopping away at the source soon the course will be done
Cortando en la fuente pronto el curso se habrá terminado
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Abriendo un camino de destrucción que no tiene igual
Hammering anvils, straining muscle and might
Martillando yunques, tensando músculo y fuerza
Shattering blows, crashing browbeating fright
Golpes devastadores, aterradora intimidación
Fast devastating and desolating the curse
Rápido, devastador y desolando la maldición
Blasting the cannons of truth through each man of this earth
Disparando los cañones de la verdad a través de cada hombre de esta tierra
Wielding the axe comes the one culmination
Empuñando el hacha llega la única culminación
That's always seemed certain to bring down the curtain on greed
Que siempre pareció segura para derribar el telón de la avaricia
Sifting the good from the bad it's the age for the rage
Cribando lo bueno de lo malo, es la era para la ira
Of the dogs which must fall to the just and be free
De los perros que deben caer ante los justos y ser libres
Now grate for the vandals who trampled and sampled
Ahora agradece a los vándalos que pisotearon y probaron
Till this place conditioned brought forth demolition to war
Hasta que este lugar condicionado trajo la demolición a la guerra
The slipping and sliding, corrosive subsiding
El deslizamiento y deslizamiento, la corrosión subsidente
That withered and waned
Que se marchitó y disminuyó
Till the world seemed all drained fills the bay
Hasta que el mundo pareció totalmente agotado llena la bahía
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Golpeando el mundo como un ariete
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Forjando el horno para el último gran slam
Chopping away at the source, soon the course will be gone
Cortando en la fuente, pronto el curso se habrá ido
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Abriendo un camino de destrucción que no tiene igual
Second to none
Sin igual
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Frapper le monde comme un bélier
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Forgeant la fournaise pour le dernier grand chelem
Chopping away at the source soon the course will be done
Hachant à la source, bientôt le cours sera terminé
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Creusant un sentier de destruction qui n'a pas d'égal
Hammering anvils, straining muscle and might
Martelant les enclumes, tendant les muscles et la force
Shattering blows, crashing browbeating fright
Des coups fracassants, une peur écrasante
Fast devastating and desolating the curse
Rapide, dévastateur et désolant la malédiction
Blasting the cannons of truth through each man of this earth
Tirant les canons de la vérité à travers chaque homme de cette terre
Wielding the axe comes the one culmination
Maniant la hache vient l'ultime aboutissement
That's always seemed certain to bring down the curtain on greed
Qui a toujours semblé certain d'abattre le rideau sur la cupidité
Sifting the good from the bad it's the age for the rage
Tamisant le bon du mauvais, c'est l'âge de la rage
Of the dogs which must fall to the just and be free
Des chiens qui doivent tomber devant les justes et être libres
Now grate for the vandals who trampled and sampled
Maintenant, grattez pour les vandales qui ont piétiné et échantillonné
Till this place conditioned brought forth demolition to war
Jusqu'à ce que cet endroit conditionné ait amené la démolition à la guerre
The slipping and sliding, corrosive subsiding
Le glissement et la glissade, la corrosion qui s'effrite
That withered and waned
Qui a flétri et diminué
Till the world seemed all drained fills the bay
Jusqu'à ce que le monde semble tout épuisé remplit la baie
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Frapper le monde comme un bélier
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Forgeant la fournaise pour le dernier grand chelem
Chopping away at the source, soon the course will be gone
Hachant à la source, bientôt le cours sera terminé
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Creusant un sentier de destruction qui n'a pas d'égal
Second to none
Sans égal
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Die Welt wie einen Rammbock bearbeitend
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Schmieden des Ofens für den finalen Grand Slam
Chopping away at the source soon the course will be done
Hackend an der Quelle, bald wird der Kurs erledigt sein
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Hinterlässt eine Spur der Zerstörung, die unübertroffen ist
Hammering anvils, straining muscle and might
Hämmernde Ambosse, angespannte Muskeln und Macht
Shattering blows, crashing browbeating fright
Zerschmetternde Schläge, erschreckendes Einschüchtern
Fast devastating and desolating the curse
Schnell verheerend und verwüstend den Fluch
Blasting the cannons of truth through each man of this earth
Die Kanonen der Wahrheit durch jeden Mann dieser Erde schießend
Wielding the axe comes the one culmination
Die Axt schwingend kommt die eine Vollendung
That's always seemed certain to bring down the curtain on greed
Die immer sicher schien, den Vorhang auf Gier zu senken
Sifting the good from the bad it's the age for the rage
Das Gute vom Schlechten siebend, es ist das Zeitalter für den Zorn
Of the dogs which must fall to the just and be free
Der Hunde, die vor den Gerechten fallen und frei sein müssen
Now grate for the vandals who trampled and sampled
Jetzt reiben für die Vandalen, die trampelten und probierten
Till this place conditioned brought forth demolition to war
Bis dieser Ort konditioniert Kriegszerstörung hervorbrachte
The slipping and sliding, corrosive subsiding
Das Rutschen und Gleiten, korrosives Nachlassen
That withered and waned
Das welkte und schwand
Till the world seemed all drained fills the bay
Bis die Welt ganz entleert schien, füllt die Bucht
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Die Welt wie einen Rammbock bearbeitend
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Schmieden des Ofens für den finalen Grand Slam
Chopping away at the source, soon the course will be gone
Hackend an der Quelle, bald wird der Kurs verschwunden sein
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Hinterlässt eine Spur der Zerstörung, die unübertroffen ist
Second to none
Zweite zu keiner
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Picchiando il mondo come un ariete
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Forgiando la fornace per il grande slam finale
Chopping away at the source soon the course will be done
Tagliando alla radice presto il corso sarà finito
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Lasciando un sentiero di distruzione che non ha eguali
Hammering anvils, straining muscle and might
Martellando incudini, sforzando muscoli e forza
Shattering blows, crashing browbeating fright
Colpi devastanti, paura schiacciante
Fast devastating and desolating the curse
Rapido, devastante e desolante la maledizione
Blasting the cannons of truth through each man of this earth
Sparando i cannoni della verità attraverso ogni uomo di questa terra
Wielding the axe comes the one culmination
Brandendo l'ascia arriva l'unico culmine
That's always seemed certain to bring down the curtain on greed
Che è sempre sembrato certo di abbattere il sipario sulla cupidigia
Sifting the good from the bad it's the age for the rage
Setacciando il bene dal male è l'era per la rabbia
Of the dogs which must fall to the just and be free
Dei cani che devono cadere per i giusti e essere liberi
Now grate for the vandals who trampled and sampled
Ora grattugiare per i vandali che hanno calpestato e campionato
Till this place conditioned brought forth demolition to war
Fino a quando questo luogo condizionato ha portato alla demolizione della guerra
The slipping and sliding, corrosive subsiding
Lo scivolamento e lo scivolamento, corrosivo che scompare
That withered and waned
Che appassito e svanito
Till the world seemed all drained fills the bay
Fino a quando il mondo sembrava tutto svuotato riempie la baia
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Picchiando il mondo come un ariete
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Forgiando la fornace per il grande slam finale
Chopping away at the source, soon the course will be gone
Tagliando alla radice, presto il corso sarà finito
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Lasciando un sentiero di distruzione che non ha eguali
Second to none
Secondo a nessuno
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Menghantam dunia seperti palu godam
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Membentuk tungku untuk pukulan besar terakhir
Chopping away at the source soon the course will be done
Menebang sumbernya, sebentar lagi jalannya akan selesai
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Membuat jalur kehancuran yang tak tertandingi
Hammering anvils, straining muscle and might
Memukul landasan, menggerakkan otot dan kekuatan
Shattering blows, crashing browbeating fright
Pukulan yang menghancurkan, menimbulkan ketakutan yang mengejutkan
Fast devastating and desolating the curse
Cepat menghancurkan dan mengosongkan kutukan
Blasting the cannons of truth through each man of this earth
Meledakkan meriam kebenaran melalui setiap manusia di bumi ini
Wielding the axe comes the one culmination
Mengayunkan kapak datanglah puncak yang satu
That's always seemed certain to bring down the curtain on greed
Yang selalu tampak pasti akan mengakhiri keserakahan
Sifting the good from the bad it's the age for the rage
Menyaring yang baik dari yang buruk, ini adalah zaman untuk kemarahan
Of the dogs which must fall to the just and be free
Anjing-anjing yang harus jatuh kepada yang adil dan bebas
Now grate for the vandals who trampled and sampled
Sekarang bersyukurlah bagi para perusak yang menginjak dan mencicipi
Till this place conditioned brought forth demolition to war
Sampai tempat ini terkondisi membawa kehancuran ke perang
The slipping and sliding, corrosive subsiding
Terpeleset dan tergelincir, korosi yang mereda
That withered and waned
Yang layu dan surut
Till the world seemed all drained fills the bay
Sampai dunia tampaknya terkuras mengisi teluk
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Menghantam dunia seperti palu godam
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Membentuk tungku untuk pukulan besar terakhir
Chopping away at the source, soon the course will be gone
Menebang sumbernya, sebentar lagi jalannya akan hilang
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Membuat jalur kehancuran yang tak tertandingi
Second to none
Tak tertandingi
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Chopping away at the source soon the course will be done
ตัดทอนแหล่งที่มา ไม่นานเส้นทางนี้จะจบ
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Hammering anvils, straining muscle and might
ตีเสียงตุ้มตุ้ม ใช้กล้ามเนื้อและพลัง
Shattering blows, crashing browbeating fright
การตีที่ทำให้สะเทือน การชนที่น่ากลัว
Fast devastating and desolating the curse
รวดเร็ว ทำลายล้างและทำให้สิ้นหวัง
Blasting the cannons of truth through each man of this earth
Wielding the axe comes the one culmination
That's always seemed certain to bring down the curtain on greed
Sifting the good from the bad it's the age for the rage
คัดแยกสิ่งดีจากสิ่งไม่ดี นี่คือยุคแห่งความโกรธ
Of the dogs which must fall to the just and be free
Now grate for the vandals who trampled and sampled
Till this place conditioned brought forth demolition to war
The slipping and sliding, corrosive subsiding
การลื่นไถล การกัดกร่อนที่ลดลง
That withered and waned
Till the world seemed all drained fills the bay
จนโลกดูเหมือนจะหมดแรง ก็เติมเต็มอ่าว
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Chopping away at the source, soon the course will be gone
ตัดทอนแหล่งที่มา ไม่นานเส้นทางนี้จะหายไป
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Second to none
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Chopping away at the source soon the course will be done
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Hammering anvils, straining muscle and might
Shattering blows, crashing browbeating fright
Fast devastating and desolating the curse
Blasting the cannons of truth through each man of this earth
Wielding the axe comes the one culmination
That's always seemed certain to bring down the curtain on greed
Sifting the good from the bad it's the age for the rage
Of the dogs which must fall to the just and be free
Now grate for the vandals who trampled and sampled
Till this place conditioned brought forth demolition to war
The slipping and sliding, corrosive subsiding
That withered and waned
Till the world seemed all drained fills the bay
Pounding the world like a battering ram
Forging the furnace for the final grand slam
Chopping away at the source, soon the course will be gone
Cleaving a trail of destruction that's second to none
Second to none

Curiosidades sobre a música Rapid Fire de Judas Priest

Em quais álbuns a música “Rapid Fire” foi lançada por Judas Priest?
Judas Priest lançou a música nos álbums “British Steel” em 1980, “'98 Live Meltdown” em 1998, “Demolition” em 2001, “Metalogy” em 2004 e “Epitaph” em 2013.
De quem é a composição da música “Rapid Fire” de Judas Priest?
A música “Rapid Fire” de Judas Priest foi composta por Glenn Raymond Tipton, Kenneth Downing, Robert Halford.

Músicas mais populares de Judas Priest

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