If The World Was Ending (feat. Julia Michaels)
I was distracted and in traffic
I didn't feel it when the earthquake happened
But it really got me thinkin', were you out drinkin'?
Were you in the living room, chillin', watchin' television?
It's been a year now, think I've figured out how
How to let you go and let communication die out
I know, you know, we know
You weren't down for forever and it's fine
I know, you know, we know
We weren't meant for each other and it's fine
But if the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
You'd come over and you'd stay the night
Would you love me for the hell of it?
All our fears would be irrelevant
If the world was ending, you'd come over right?
The sky'd be falling and I'd hold you tight
And there wouldn't be a reason why
We would even have to say goodbye
If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
I tried to imagine your reaction
It didn't scare me when the earthquake happened
But it really got me thinkin', the night we went drinkin'
Stumbled in the house and didn't make it past the kitchen
Ah, it's been a year now, think I've figured out how
How to think about you without it rippin' my heart out
And I know, you know, we know
You weren't down for forever and it's fine
I know, you know, we know
We weren't meant for each other and it's fine
But if the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
You'd come over and you'd stay the night
Would you love me for the hell of it?
All our fears would be irrelevant
If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
Sky'd be falling while I hold you tight
No, there wouldn't be a reason why
We would even have to say goodbye
If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
You'd come over, right?
You'd come over, you'd come over, you'd come over, right?
I know, you know, we know
You weren't down for forever and it's fine
I know, you know, we know
We weren't meant for each other and it's fine
But if the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
You'd come over and you'd stay the night
Would you love me for the hell of it?
All our fears would be irrelevant
If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
The sky'd be falling while I hold you tight
No, there wouldn't be a reason why
We would even have to say goodbye
If the world was ending
You'd come over, right?
You'd come over, you'd come over
You'd come over, right?
If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
O Apocalipse Como Metáfora para o Amor Perdido em If The World Was Ending
A música 'If The World Was Ending', interpretada por JP Saxe em colaboração com Julia Michaels, é uma balada emocional que explora sentimentos de amor e perda sob a perspectiva de um cenário catastrófico. A letra utiliza a imagem de um terremoto como metáfora para uma ruptura emocional, questionando se, no caso de um evento apocalíptico, a pessoa amada retornaria para passar os últimos momentos juntos. Essa pergunta retórica reflete uma profunda reflexão sobre a importância e a intensidade dos laços afetivos, mesmo quando o relacionamento chegou ao fim.
A repetição do refrão 'But if the world was ending, you'd come over, right?' serve como um refrão emocional que ressoa a esperança de que, apesar das diferenças e do término, ainda existe um amor incondicional que prevaleceria sobre o fim do mundo. A música sugere que, em face do fim absoluto, as trivialidades e os medos que normalmente afetam os relacionamentos se tornariam irrelevantes, e o que restaria seria a conexão pura e verdadeira entre duas pessoas.
JP Saxe, conhecido por suas composições introspectivas e emotivas, juntamente com Julia Michaels, que também é conhecida por suas letras sinceras e vulneráveis, criam uma atmosfera íntima na música. A colaboração entre os dois artistas adiciona uma camada de autenticidade e profundidade à interpretação, tornando 'If The World Was Ending' uma música que não apenas conta uma história de amor e perda, mas também convida os ouvintes a refletirem sobre o que realmente importa nas relações humanas quando confrontados com a iminência do fim.