My God


Letra Tradução

People, what have you done
Locked Him in His golden cage
Golden cage
Made Him bend to your religion
Him resurrected from the grave
From the grave

He is the God of nothing
If that's all that you can see
You are the God of everything
He's inside you and me

So lean upon Him gently
And don't call on Him to save you
From your social graces
And the sins you used waive
You used to waive

The bloody Church of England
In chains of history
Requests your earthly presence at
The vicarage for tea

And the graven image you know
With His plastic crucifix
He's got him fixed
Confuses me as to who and where and why

As to how he gets his kicks
He gets his kicks
Confessing to the endless sin
The endless whining sounds
You'll be praying 'til next Thursday to

All the Gods that you can count

People, what have you done
Pessoas, o que vocês fizeram
Locked Him in His golden cage
Trancaram Ele em Sua gaiola dourada
Golden cage
Gaiola dourada
Made Him bend to your religion
Fizeram Ele se curvar à sua religião
Him resurrected from the grave
Ele ressuscitou do túmulo
From the grave
Do túmulo
He is the God of nothing
Ele é o Deus de nada
If that's all that you can see
Se isso é tudo que vocês conseguem ver
You are the God of everything
Vocês são o Deus de tudo
He's inside you and me
Ele está dentro de você e de mim
So lean upon Him gently
Então se apoiem Nele gentilmente
And don't call on Him to save you
E não O chamem para salvá-los
From your social graces
De suas graças sociais
And the sins you used waive
E dos pecados que costumavam renunciar
You used to waive
Vocês costumavam renunciar
The bloody Church of England
A sangrenta Igreja da Inglaterra
In chains of history
Em correntes da história
Requests your earthly presence at
Solicita sua presença terrena em
The vicarage for tea
A casa paroquial para o chá
And the graven image you know
E a imagem gravada que você conhece
With His plastic crucifix
Com Seu crucifixo de plástico
He's got him fixed
Ele o tem fixado
Confuses me as to who and where and why
Me confunde quanto a quem e onde e por quê
As to how he gets his kicks
Quanto a como ele se diverte
He gets his kicks
Ele se diverte
Confessing to the endless sin
Confessando o pecado sem fim
The endless whining sounds
Os sons intermináveis de lamentação
You'll be praying 'til next Thursday to
Você estará orando até a próxima quinta-feira para
All the Gods that you can count
Todos os Deuses que você pode contar
People, what have you done
Gente, ¿qué habéis hecho?
Locked Him in His golden cage
Lo encerrasteis en su jaula dorada
Golden cage
Jaula dorada
Made Him bend to your religion
Le hicisteis doblegarse a vuestra religión
Him resurrected from the grave
Le resucitasteis de la tumba
From the grave
De la tumba
He is the God of nothing
Él es el Dios de nada
If that's all that you can see
Si eso es todo lo que podéis ver
You are the God of everything
Vosotros sois el Dios de todo
He's inside you and me
Él está dentro de vosotros y de mí
So lean upon Him gently
Así que apoyaos en Él suavemente
And don't call on Him to save you
Y no le llaméis para que os salve
From your social graces
De vuestras buenas maneras sociales
And the sins you used waive
Y los pecados que solíais renunciar
You used to waive
Solíais renunciar
The bloody Church of England
La sangrienta Iglesia de Inglaterra
In chains of history
En cadenas de historia
Requests your earthly presence at
Solicita vuestra presencia terrenal en
The vicarage for tea
La vicaría para tomar el té
And the graven image you know
Y la imagen grabada que conocéis
With His plastic crucifix
Con su crucifijo de plástico
He's got him fixed
Lo tiene fijado
Confuses me as to who and where and why
Me confunde sobre quién y dónde y por qué
As to how he gets his kicks
En cuanto a cómo obtiene sus placeres
He gets his kicks
Obtiene sus placeres
Confessing to the endless sin
Confesando el pecado interminable
The endless whining sounds
Los sonidos de queja interminables
You'll be praying 'til next Thursday to
Estaréis rezando hasta el próximo jueves a
All the Gods that you can count
Todos los dioses que podéis contar
People, what have you done
Les gens, qu'avez-vous fait
Locked Him in His golden cage
L'avez enfermé dans sa cage dorée
Golden cage
Cage dorée
Made Him bend to your religion
L'avez fait se plier à votre religion
Him resurrected from the grave
Lui, ressuscité de la tombe
From the grave
De la tombe
He is the God of nothing
Il est le Dieu de rien
If that's all that you can see
Si c'est tout ce que vous pouvez voir
You are the God of everything
Vous êtes le Dieu de tout
He's inside you and me
Il est en vous et en moi
So lean upon Him gently
Alors appuyez-vous doucement sur Lui
And don't call on Him to save you
Et ne l'appelez pas pour vous sauver
From your social graces
De vos bonnes manières sociales
And the sins you used waive
Et des péchés que vous aviez l'habitude de renoncer
You used to waive
Vous aviez l'habitude de renoncer
The bloody Church of England
La sanglante Église d'Angleterre
In chains of history
Enchaînée par l'histoire
Requests your earthly presence at
Demande votre présence terrestre à
The vicarage for tea
Le presbytère pour le thé
And the graven image you know
Et l'image gravée que vous connaissez
With His plastic crucifix
Avec son crucifix en plastique
He's got him fixed
Il l'a fixé
Confuses me as to who and where and why
Me confond quant à qui et où et pourquoi
As to how he gets his kicks
Quant à comment il prend son pied
He gets his kicks
Il prend son pied
Confessing to the endless sin
Confessant le péché sans fin
The endless whining sounds
Les plaintes sans fin
You'll be praying 'til next Thursday to
Vous prierez jusqu'à jeudi prochain pour
All the Gods that you can count
Tous les dieux que vous pouvez compter
People, what have you done
Menschen, was habt ihr getan
Locked Him in His golden cage
Ihn in seinem goldenen Käfig eingesperrt
Golden cage
Goldener Käfig
Made Him bend to your religion
Ihn gezwungen, sich eurer Religion zu beugen
Him resurrected from the grave
Ihn auferweckt aus dem Grab
From the grave
Aus dem Grab
He is the God of nothing
Er ist der Gott von nichts
If that's all that you can see
Wenn das alles ist, was ihr sehen könnt
You are the God of everything
Ihr seid der Gott von allem
He's inside you and me
Er ist in dir und mir
So lean upon Him gently
Also lehnt euch sanft an Ihn
And don't call on Him to save you
Und ruft Ihn nicht an, um euch zu retten
From your social graces
Von euren gesellschaftlichen Anstandsregeln
And the sins you used waive
Und den Sünden, die ihr früher erlassen habt
You used to waive
Ihr habt früher erlassen
The bloody Church of England
Die blutige Kirche von England
In chains of history
In Ketten der Geschichte
Requests your earthly presence at
Bittet um eure irdische Anwesenheit bei
The vicarage for tea
Der Teestunde im Pfarrhaus
And the graven image you know
Und das geschnitzte Bild, das ihr kennt
With His plastic crucifix
Mit seinem Plastikkreuz
He's got him fixed
Er hat ihn fest im Griff
Confuses me as to who and where and why
Verwirrt mich, wer und wo und warum
As to how he gets his kicks
Wie er seine Befriedigung bekommt
He gets his kicks
Er bekommt seine Befriedigung
Confessing to the endless sin
Beichtet die endlose Sünde
The endless whining sounds
Die endlosen jammervollen Geräusche
You'll be praying 'til next Thursday to
Ihr werdet bis nächsten Donnerstag beten zu
All the Gods that you can count
Allen Göttern, die ihr zählen könnt
People, what have you done
Persone, cosa avete fatto
Locked Him in His golden cage
Lo avete rinchiuso nella Sua gabbia d'oro
Golden cage
Gabbia d'oro
Made Him bend to your religion
Lo avete fatto piegare alla vostra religione
Him resurrected from the grave
Lui risorto dalla tomba
From the grave
Dalla tomba
He is the God of nothing
Lui è il Dio del nulla
If that's all that you can see
Se è tutto quello che riuscite a vedere
You are the God of everything
Voi siete il Dio di tutto
He's inside you and me
Lui è dentro di voi e di me
So lean upon Him gently
Quindi appoggiatevi a Lui delicatamente
And don't call on Him to save you
E non chiamatelo per salvarvi
From your social graces
Dalle vostre buone maniere sociali
And the sins you used waive
E dai peccati che eravate soliti ignorare
You used to waive
Eravate soliti ignorare
The bloody Church of England
La sanguinosa Chiesa d'Inghilterra
In chains of history
Nelle catene della storia
Requests your earthly presence at
Richiede la vostra presenza terrena a
The vicarage for tea
Il vicariato per il tè
And the graven image you know
E l'immagine scolpita che conosci
With His plastic crucifix
Con il Suo crocifisso di plastica
He's got him fixed
Lui l'ha fissato
Confuses me as to who and where and why
Mi confonde su chi e dove e perché
As to how he gets his kicks
Per quanto riguarda come si diverte
He gets his kicks
Si diverte
Confessing to the endless sin
Confessando il peccato senza fine
The endless whining sounds
I suoni lamentosi senza fine
You'll be praying 'til next Thursday to
Sarete in preghiera fino al prossimo giovedì a
All the Gods that you can count
Tutti gli dei che potete contare
People, what have you done
Orang-orang, apa yang telah kalian lakukan
Locked Him in His golden cage
Mengurung-Nya dalam sangkar emas-Nya
Golden cage
Sangkar emas
Made Him bend to your religion
Membuat-Nya tunduk pada agama kalian
Him resurrected from the grave
Dia bangkit dari kubur
From the grave
Dari kubur
He is the God of nothing
Dia adalah Tuhan dari segala yang tidak ada
If that's all that you can see
Jika itu semua yang bisa kalian lihat
You are the God of everything
Kalian adalah Tuhan dari segala sesuatu
He's inside you and me
Dia ada di dalam diri kalian dan saya
So lean upon Him gently
Jadi bersandarlah pada-Nya dengan lembut
And don't call on Him to save you
Dan jangan panggil Dia untuk menyelamatkan kalian
From your social graces
Dari tata krama sosial kalian
And the sins you used waive
Dan dosa yang kalian biasa abaikan
You used to waive
Kalian biasa abaikan
The bloody Church of England
Gereja Inggris yang berdarah
In chains of history
Dalam rantai sejarah
Requests your earthly presence at
Meminta kehadiran duniawi kalian di
The vicarage for tea
Pastoran untuk teh
And the graven image you know
Dan gambaran patung yang kalian kenal
With His plastic crucifix
Dengan salib plastik-Nya
He's got him fixed
Dia membuatnya tetap
Confuses me as to who and where and why
Membuat saya bingung tentang siapa, di mana, dan mengapa
As to how he gets his kicks
Bagaimana dia mendapatkan kepuasannya
He gets his kicks
Dia mendapatkan kepuasannya
Confessing to the endless sin
Mengaku pada dosa yang tak berujung
The endless whining sounds
Suara merengek yang tak berujung
You'll be praying 'til next Thursday to
Kalian akan berdoa sampai Kamis depan kepada
All the Gods that you can count
Semua Tuhan yang bisa kalian hitung
People, what have you done
คนทั้งหลาย คุณทำอะไรกัน
Locked Him in His golden cage
Golden cage
Made Him bend to your religion
Him resurrected from the grave
From the grave
He is the God of nothing
If that's all that you can see
You are the God of everything
He's inside you and me
So lean upon Him gently
ดังนั้น อาศัยพระองค์อย่างอ่อนโยน
And don't call on Him to save you
From your social graces
And the sins you used waive
You used to waive
The bloody Church of England
In chains of history
Requests your earthly presence at
The vicarage for tea
And the graven image you know
With His plastic crucifix
He's got him fixed
Confuses me as to who and where and why
ทำให้ฉันสับสนเกี่ยวกับใคร ที่ไหน และทำไม
As to how he gets his kicks
He gets his kicks
Confessing to the endless sin
The endless whining sounds
You'll be praying 'til next Thursday to
All the Gods that you can count
People, what have you done
Locked Him in His golden cage
Golden cage
Made Him bend to your religion
Him resurrected from the grave
From the grave
He is the God of nothing
If that's all that you can see
You are the God of everything
He's inside you and me
So lean upon Him gently
And don't call on Him to save you
From your social graces
And the sins you used waive
You used to waive
The bloody Church of England
In chains of history
Requests your earthly presence at
The vicarage for tea
And the graven image you know
With His plastic crucifix
He's got him fixed
Confuses me as to who and where and why
As to how he gets his kicks
He gets his kicks
Confessing to the endless sin
The endless whining sounds
You'll be praying 'til next Thursday to
All the Gods that you can count

Curiosidades sobre a música My God de Jethro Tull

Em quais álbuns a música “My God” foi lançada por Jethro Tull?
Jethro Tull lançou a música nos álbums “Benefit” em 1970, “Aqualung” em 1971, “Nothing Is Easy (Live at the Isle of Wight 1970)” em 2004, “Aqualung Live” em 2005 e “Live at Montreux 2003” em 2007.
De quem é a composição da música “My God” de Jethro Tull?
A música “My God” de Jethro Tull foi composta por IAN ANDERSON.

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