Entenda a Letra

Vídeos em Destaque

Músicas mais populares

Todas as Músicas

Afterglow [DVD]
All Around
All Around [Version 2; Previously Unreleased Track; Bonus Track]
All the Voices
Any Day But Sunday
Baby Don't Cry
Back on Line
Bang The Drum
Barbarian [Previously Unreleased Track; Bonus Track]
Beautiful Girl
Beautiful Girl [Mendelsahn Mix]
Big Go Go
Biting Bullets
Bitter Tears
Bitter tears - wembley 1991
Black and White
Black And White [Extended Version]
Body Language
Born to Be Wild
Building Bridges
Burn for You
Burn For You [Single Remix]
By My Side
By my side - wembley 1991
Calling All Nations
Cut Your Roses Down
Cut Your Roses Down [Sure Is Pure Mix]
Dancing on the Jetty
Dark Of Night
Dark of Night (Demo)
Days of Rust
Deepest Red
Deepest Red [Bonus Track]
Deliver Me
Devil Inside
Devil Inside - Wembley 1991
Devil Inside [Australian Single Edit]
Devil's Party
Different World
Disappear - wembley 1991
Disappear [Alternative 12"]
Disappear [DVD]
Do Wot You Do
Don't Change
Don't Lose Your Head
Don't Lose Your Head [Leadstation Solid Gold Mix]
Don't Lose Your Head [Radio Mix]
Elegantly Wasted
Everybody Wants U Tonight
Face the Change
Fair Weather Ahead
Faith in Each Other
Freedom Deep
Freedom Deep [12" Extended]
Full Moon, Dirty Hearts
Girl on Fire
God's Top Ten
Golden Playpen
Good & Bad Times
Good + Bad Times
Good Times
Guns in the Sky
Guns in the sky - wembley 1991
Hear That Sound
Hear that sound - wembley 1991
Heaven Sent
Heaven Sent (Waltz Version)
Heaven Sent [Waltz Version - Original Demo; Previously Unreleased Track; Bonus Track; Demo Version]
Here Comes
Here Comes II - New Version
Hot Girls
Hot Girls [DVD]
I Get Up
I Need You Tonight
I Send a Message
I send a message - wembley 1991
I'm Just a Man
I'm Just a Man [Live in Belgium, 4th April 1997]
I'm Only Looking
I'm Only Looking [Bad Yard Club Mix]
I'm Over You
I'm So Crazy (Par-T-One Radio Edit)
In Vain
In Vain [Previously Unreleased Track; Bonus Track]
It Ain't Easy
Jan's Song
Jesus Was A Man
Johnson's Aeroplane
Just Keep Walking
Just Keep Walking [DVD]
Just to Learn Again
Keep The Peace
Kick - wembley 1991
Kick [Live]
Kill the Pain
Kiss The Dirt
Kiss the Dirt (Falling Down the Mountain)
Know the Difference
Know the difference - wembley 1991
Laying Down the Law
Learn to Smile
Learning to Smile
Let It Ride
Like It or Not
Listen Like Theives
Listen Like Thieves
Long In The Tooth
Love Is
Love Is (What I Say)
Make Your Peace
Mediate - wembley 1991
Mediate [Live]
Melting in the Sun
Men and Women
Move On
Mystify - wembley 1991
Mystify [Demo Version]
Need You Tonight
Never Let You Go
Never Tear Us Apart
Never tear us apart - wembley 1991
New Sensation
New sensation - wembley 1991
Newsreel Babies
Night of Rebellion
Not Enough Time
Not Enough Time [Single Version - Barcelona LP Fade]
Old World New World
On a Bus
On My Way
One Of My Kind (Rogue Traders Radio Edit)
One Thing
One Thing [DVD]
One X One
Original Sin
Original sin - wembley 1991
Perfect Strangers
Perfect Strangers [Enhanced Stereo; Multimedia Track]
Please (You Got That . . .)
Please (You Got That...)
Please (You Got That...) [Club Mix]
Please (You Got That...) [INXS: Live at Barker Hangar]
Precious Heart
Pretty Vegas
Pretty Vegas [DVD]
Reckless Ways
Red Hill
Red Red Sun
Remember Who's Your Man
Roller Skating
Salvation Jane
Same Direction
Searching [Leadstation Radio Edit]
Shake the Tree
She Is Rising
Shine Like It Does
Shining Star
Shining Star [DVD]
Show Me (Cherry Baby)
Silent Night
Simple Simon
Soul Mistake
Space Shuttle
Spill The Wine
Spy Of Love
Stay Young
Strange Desire
Strangest Party (These Are The Times)
Strangest Party (These Are the Times) [LP Version]
Sugar Sugar
Suicide Blonde
Tainted Love
Taste It
Taste It [Youth A Cappella Mix]
The Answer
The Answer [Bonus Track]
The Gift
The Indian Song
The Loved One
The Loved One [DVD]
The Messenger
The One Thing
The Spy of Love
The Stairs
The Strangest Party (These Are the Times)
The Strangest Party (These Are the Times) [Apollo 440 Mix]
The Swing
The Trap
The Unloved One
This Time
Tiny Daggers
To Look at You
Underneath the Colours
Us [DVD]
Viking Juice
Viking Juice: The End of Rock & Roll
Waiting To Be Free
We Are the Vegetables
We Are Thrown Together
What Would You Do
What You Need
What You Need [DVD]
Who Pays the Price
Wild Life
Wishing Well
Wishing Well [Version 2; Previously Unreleased Track; Bonus Track]
Wishy Washy

Curiosidades sobre INXS

Quais as principais músicas de INXS?
As principais músicas de INXS são “Never Tear Us Apart”, “By My Side”, “Beautiful Girl”, “Need You Tonight” e “New Sensation”.
Qual o álbum mais recente de INXS?
O álbum mais recente de INXS é o “Live at Wembley Stadium ’91”, lançado em 2014 com 22 faixas.
Qual o álbum mais antigo de INXS?
O álbum mais antigo de INXS é o “INXS”, lançado em 1980 com 10 faixas.
Qual a música de maior sucesso de INXS?
A música mais popular de INXS é “Never Tear Us Apart”, do álbum “Kick”, lançado em 1987.
Quantos álbuns foram lançados por INXS?
Entre 1980 e 2014, 27 Álbuns foram lançados por INXS.
Qual o significado da música “Beautiful Girl”, de INXS?
A música 'Beautiful Girl' da banda australiana INXS, liderada pelo carismático Michael Hutchence, é uma composição que mergulha na realidade de uma jovem mulher em busca de refúgio em um mundo que parece hostil e perigoso. A letra descreve uma personagem, Nicky, que está fugindo de um 'lar ruim' e encontra-se perdida entre as luzes de néon da cidade, um cenário que evoca a solidão e o desamparo. A repetição do pedido 'Stay with me' (Fique comigo) sugere um clamor por companhia e proteção em meio à vulnerabilidade.
Veja a íntegra do significado da letra da música “Beautiful Girl”

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