
Daniel Alexander Kessler, Paul Julian Banks, Samuel J Fogarino

Letra Tradução

Surveillance we've seen it all again
Frame by
For real man, look at your 75
You were starring
This shit is made up
Somebody paid for it
Out on a limb that echos forward
Adding up

Surveillance we see you when you're on again
Frame by frame

Do I stand on my life
Tired of making shit older a touch
Stand on my rights
Be out of cuts

Be famous but still technically fine
Falling the rain man
Great hesitations of mind will stay
This shit is made up
Somebody paid for it
Out on a limb that echos forward
Not enough

Surveillance we've seen it all again
Frame by frame

Can I stand on my life
Tribal me would get over and such
Stand on my rights
Be over

Dangerous ingrained in us
The RIP strain
Mine the will recall and filter
Some great mind game
There's still time to change my way
These eyes see it frame by frame

We are leaving something frame by frame
We are living something frame by frame
We are leading something frame by frame
We are living something frame by frame

We are living something frame by frame
Making little adjustments frame by frame
We are leaving something frame by frame
We are living something frame by frame

Surveillance we've seen it all again
Vigilância, já vimos tudo de novo
Frame by
Quadro por quadro
For real man, look at your 75
Cara, olha só seus 75
You were starring
Você estava estrelando
This shit is made up
Essa merda é inventada
Somebody paid for it
Alguém pagou por isso
Out on a limb that echos forward
Em um galho que ecoa para frente
Adding up
Surveillance we see you when you're on again
Vigilância, vemos você quando está ligado novamente
Frame by frame
Quadro por quadro
Do I stand on my life
Posso me apoiar na minha vida?
Tired of making shit older a touch
Cansado de fazer as coisas ficarem mais velhas ao toque
Stand on my rights
Afirmo meus direitos
Be out of cuts
Ficar sem cortes
Be famous but still technically fine
Ser famoso, mas ainda tecnicamente bem
Falling the rain man
Caindo o homem da chuva
Great hesitations of mind will stay
Grandes hesitações da mente permanecerão
This shit is made up
Essa merda é inventada
Somebody paid for it
Alguém pagou por isso
Out on a limb that echos forward
Em um galho que ecoa para frente
Not enough
Não é suficiente
Surveillance we've seen it all again
Vigilância, já vimos tudo de novo
Frame by frame
Quadro por quadro
Can I stand on my life
Posso me apoiar na minha vida?
Tribal me would get over and such
O eu tribal superaria e tal
Stand on my rights
Afirmo meus direitos
Be over
Dangerous ingrained in us
Perigoso, enraizado em nós
The RIP strain
A cepa RIP
Mine the will recall and filter
Minha vontade se lembrará e filtrará
Some great mind game
Algum grande jogo mental
There's still time to change my way
Ainda há tempo para mudar meu caminho
These eyes see it frame by frame
Esses olhos veem quadro por quadro
We are leaving something frame by frame
Estamos deixando algo quadro por quadro
We are living something frame by frame
Estamos vivendo algo quadro por quadro
We are leading something frame by frame
Estamos liderando algo quadro por quadro
We are living something frame by frame
Estamos vivendo algo quadro por quadro
We are living something frame by frame
Estamos vivendo algo quadro por quadro
Making little adjustments frame by frame
Fazendo pequenos ajustes quadro por quadro
We are leaving something frame by frame
Estamos deixando algo quadro por quadro
We are living something frame by frame
Estamos vivendo algo quadro por quadro
Surveillance we've seen it all again
Vigilancia, lo hemos visto todo de nuevo
Frame by
Cuadro por
For real man, look at your 75
En serio hombre, mira tu 75
You were starring
Estabas protagonizando
This shit is made up
Esta mierda está inventada
Somebody paid for it
Alguien pagó por ello
Out on a limb that echos forward
Fuera en una rama que hace eco hacia adelante
Adding up
Surveillance we see you when you're on again
Vigilancia, te vemos cuando estás de nuevo
Frame by frame
Cuadro por cuadro
Do I stand on my life
¿Puedo apostar por mi vida?
Tired of making shit older a touch
Cansado de hacer la mierda más vieja al tocar
Stand on my rights
Defender mis derechos
Be out of cuts
Estar fuera de cortes
Be famous but still technically fine
Ser famoso pero técnicamente bien
Falling the rain man
Cayendo el hombre de la lluvia
Great hesitations of mind will stay
Grandes vacilaciones de la mente se quedarán
This shit is made up
Esta mierda está inventada
Somebody paid for it
Alguien pagó por ello
Out on a limb that echos forward
Fuera en una rama que hace eco hacia adelante
Not enough
No es suficiente
Surveillance we've seen it all again
Vigilancia, lo hemos visto todo de nuevo
Frame by frame
Cuadro por cuadro
Can I stand on my life
¿Puedo apostar por mi vida?
Tribal me would get over and such
Mi yo tribal superaría y tal
Stand on my rights
Defender mis derechos
Be over
Estar por encima
Dangerous ingrained in us
Peligroso arraigado en nosotros
The RIP strain
La cepa RIP
Mine the will recall and filter
Mía será la voluntad de recordar y filtrar
Some great mind game
Algún gran juego mental
There's still time to change my way
Todavía hay tiempo para cambiar mi camino
These eyes see it frame by frame
Estos ojos lo ven cuadro por cuadro
We are leaving something frame by frame
Estamos dejando algo cuadro por cuadro
We are living something frame by frame
Estamos viviendo algo cuadro por cuadro
We are leading something frame by frame
Estamos liderando algo cuadro por cuadro
We are living something frame by frame
Estamos viviendo algo cuadro por cuadro
We are living something frame by frame
Estamos viviendo algo cuadro por cuadro
Making little adjustments frame by frame
Haciendo pequeños ajustes cuadro por cuadro
We are leaving something frame by frame
Estamos dejando algo cuadro por cuadro
We are living something frame by frame
Estamos viviendo algo cuadro por cuadro
Surveillance we've seen it all again
Surveillance, nous avons tout revu
Frame by
Image par image
For real man, look at your 75
Vraiment mec, regarde ton 75
You were starring
Tu étais la vedette
This shit is made up
Cette merde est inventée
Somebody paid for it
Quelqu'un a payé pour ça
Out on a limb that echos forward
Sur une branche qui fait écho en avant
Adding up
En additionnant
Surveillance we see you when you're on again
Surveillance, nous te voyons quand tu es de nouveau en ligne
Frame by frame
Image par image
Do I stand on my life
Est-ce que je compte sur ma vie
Tired of making shit older a touch
Fatigué de rendre les choses plus vieilles au toucher
Stand on my rights
Je défends mes droits
Be out of cuts
Être à court de coupures
Be famous but still technically fine
Être célèbre mais toujours techniquement bien
Falling the rain man
La pluie tombe, homme
Great hesitations of mind will stay
Les grandes hésitations de l'esprit resteront
This shit is made up
Cette merde est inventée
Somebody paid for it
Quelqu'un a payé pour ça
Out on a limb that echos forward
Sur une branche qui fait écho en avant
Not enough
Pas assez
Surveillance we've seen it all again
Surveillance, nous avons tout revu
Frame by frame
Image par image
Can I stand on my life
Puis-je compter sur ma vie
Tribal me would get over and such
Le moi tribal s'en remettrait et tout
Stand on my rights
Je défends mes droits
Be over
Être fini
Dangerous ingrained in us
Dangereux, ancré en nous
The RIP strain
La souche RIP
Mine the will recall and filter
Extraire le rappel et filtrer
Some great mind game
Un grand jeu d'esprit
There's still time to change my way
Il est encore temps de changer ma voie
These eyes see it frame by frame
Ces yeux le voient image par image
We are leaving something frame by frame
Nous laissons quelque chose image par image
We are living something frame by frame
Nous vivons quelque chose image par image
We are leading something frame by frame
Nous menons quelque chose image par image
We are living something frame by frame
Nous vivons quelque chose image par image
We are living something frame by frame
Nous vivons quelque chose image par image
Making little adjustments frame by frame
Faisant de petits ajustements image par image
We are leaving something frame by frame
Nous laissons quelque chose image par image
We are living something frame by frame
Nous vivons quelque chose image par image
Surveillance we've seen it all again
Überwachung, wir haben es schon wieder gesehen
Frame by
Bild für Bild
For real man, look at your 75
Echt Mann, schau dir deine 75 an
You were starring
Du warst der Star
This shit is made up
Dieser Scheiß ist erfunden
Somebody paid for it
Jemand hat dafür bezahlt
Out on a limb that echos forward
Auf einem Ast, der nach vorne hallt
Adding up
Es summiert sich
Surveillance we see you when you're on again
Überwachung, wir sehen dich, wenn du wieder an bist
Frame by frame
Bild für Bild
Do I stand on my life
Stehe ich auf meinem Leben
Tired of making shit older a touch
Müde davon, Dinge älter zu machen, eine Berührung
Stand on my rights
Stehe auf meinen Rechten
Be out of cuts
Sei aus den Schnitten
Be famous but still technically fine
Berühmt sein, aber immer noch technisch in Ordnung
Falling the rain man
Der Regenmann fällt
Great hesitations of mind will stay
Große Zögern des Geistes wird bleiben
This shit is made up
Dieser Scheiß ist erfunden
Somebody paid for it
Jemand hat dafür bezahlt
Out on a limb that echos forward
Auf einem Ast, der nach vorne hallt
Not enough
Nicht genug
Surveillance we've seen it all again
Überwachung, wir haben es schon wieder gesehen
Frame by frame
Bild für Bild
Can I stand on my life
Kann ich auf meinem Leben stehen
Tribal me would get over and such
Der Stammes-Ich würde darüber hinwegkommen und so
Stand on my rights
Stehe auf meinen Rechten
Be over
Sei vorbei
Dangerous ingrained in us
Gefährlich in uns eingewurzelt
The RIP strain
Der RIP-Stamm
Mine the will recall and filter
Mein Wille wird sich erinnern und filtern
Some great mind game
Ein großes Kopfspiel
There's still time to change my way
Es ist noch Zeit, meinen Weg zu ändern
These eyes see it frame by frame
Diese Augen sehen es Bild für Bild
We are leaving something frame by frame
Wir verlassen etwas Bild für Bild
We are living something frame by frame
Wir leben etwas Bild für Bild
We are leading something frame by frame
Wir führen etwas Bild für Bild
We are living something frame by frame
Wir leben etwas Bild für Bild
We are living something frame by frame
Wir leben etwas Bild für Bild
Making little adjustments frame by frame
Machen kleine Anpassungen Bild für Bild
We are leaving something frame by frame
Wir verlassen etwas Bild für Bild
We are living something frame by frame
Wir leben etwas Bild für Bild
Surveillance we've seen it all again
Sorveglianza, l'abbiamo visto tutto di nuovo
Frame by
Fotogramma per
For real man, look at your 75
Davvero uomo, guarda il tuo 75
You were starring
Stavi recitando
This shit is made up
Questa roba è inventata
Somebody paid for it
Qualcuno ha pagato per questo
Out on a limb that echos forward
Fuori su un ramo che fa eco in avanti
Adding up
Surveillance we see you when you're on again
Sorveglianza, ti vediamo quando sei di nuovo su
Frame by frame
Fotogramma per fotogramma
Do I stand on my life
Posso contare sulla mia vita
Tired of making shit older a touch
Stanco di rendere le cose più vecchie un tocco
Stand on my rights
Stare sui miei diritti
Be out of cuts
Essere fuori dai tagli
Be famous but still technically fine
Essere famosi ma ancora tecnicamente a posto
Falling the rain man
Cadendo l'uomo della pioggia
Great hesitations of mind will stay
Grandi esitazioni della mente rimarranno
This shit is made up
Questa roba è inventata
Somebody paid for it
Qualcuno ha pagato per questo
Out on a limb that echos forward
Fuori su un ramo che fa eco in avanti
Not enough
Non abbastanza
Surveillance we've seen it all again
Sorveglianza, l'abbiamo visto tutto di nuovo
Frame by frame
Fotogramma per fotogramma
Can I stand on my life
Posso contare sulla mia vita
Tribal me would get over and such
Il mio io tribale supererebbe e tale
Stand on my rights
Stare sui miei diritti
Be over
Essere oltre
Dangerous ingrained in us
Pericoloso radicato in noi
The RIP strain
Il ceppo RIP
Mine the will recall and filter
Mia la volontà di richiamare e filtrare
Some great mind game
Un grande gioco mentale
There's still time to change my way
C'è ancora tempo per cambiare il mio modo
These eyes see it frame by frame
Questi occhi lo vedono fotogramma per fotogramma
We are leaving something frame by frame
Stiamo lasciando qualcosa fotogramma per fotogramma
We are living something frame by frame
Stiamo vivendo qualcosa fotogramma per fotogramma
We are leading something frame by frame
Stiamo guidando qualcosa fotogramma per fotogramma
We are living something frame by frame
Stiamo vivendo qualcosa fotogramma per fotogramma
We are living something frame by frame
Stiamo vivendo qualcosa fotogramma per fotogramma
Making little adjustments frame by frame
Fare piccoli aggiustamenti fotogramma per fotogramma
We are leaving something frame by frame
Stiamo lasciando qualcosa fotogramma per fotogramma
We are living something frame by frame
Stiamo vivendo qualcosa fotogramma per fotogramma

Curiosidades sobre a música Surveillance de Interpol

Quando a música “Surveillance” foi lançada por Interpol?
A música Surveillance foi lançada em 2018, no álbum “Marauder”.
De quem é a composição da música “Surveillance” de Interpol?
A música “Surveillance” de Interpol foi composta por Daniel Alexander Kessler, Paul Julian Banks, Samuel J Fogarino.

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