So Good [Stripped]

Sammy Witte, Sarah Aarons, Ashley Nicolette Frangipane

Letra Tradução

Looking right, looking like all the stars are fated
I remember the night, I was so frustrated
I touch your hand for the first time
I see it on your face and
Another lifetime's flashing by

I'm here standing in the same dress
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone

Talking wildly out of context, I wish things were different
But I'll never know

When you left, I bet you held her body closer
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
I know it's bad, but we could be so good

Couple years flashing by and I'm doing okay
In the back of my mind all I hear is your name
I bet you're happy and that's fine
But I regret just one thing
I never got to change your mind

I'm here standing in the same dress
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone
Talking wildly out of context, I wish things were different
But I'll never know

When you left, I bet you held her body closer
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
I know it's bad, but we could be so good

Maria calls me and she says she's getting married
She asked me if there's any extra weight I carry
And do I think about the one that got away?
I know his name, I think about him everyday

When you left, I thought you held her body closer
I never knew that you would tell her it was over
'Cause I'm all you think about and everywhere you look
I know it's bad, but we could be so good

Looking right, looking like all the stars are fated
Olhando para a direita, parece que todas as estrelas estão destinadas
I remember the night, I was so frustrated
Eu me lembro da noite, eu estava tão frustrada
I touch your hand for the first time
Toquei sua mão pela primeira vez
I see it on your face and
Vejo isso no seu rosto e
Another lifetime's flashing by
Outra vida está passando rapidamente
I'm here standing in the same dress
Estou aqui, vestindo o mesmo vestido
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone
Você está no seu apartamento, eu já fui embora
Talking wildly out of context, I wish things were different
Falando loucamente fora de contexto, eu queria que as coisas fossem diferentes
But I'll never know
Mas eu nunca saberei
When you left, I bet you held her body closer
Quando você partiu, aposto que você segurou o corpo dela mais perto
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
E eu estava esperando que você dissesse a ela que tinha acabado
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
Você é tudo em que penso e em todo lugar que olho
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
Eu sei que é ruim, mas poderíamos ser tão bons
Couple years flashing by and I'm doing okay
Alguns anos passaram rapidamente e eu estou bem
In the back of my mind all I hear is your name
No fundo da minha mente, tudo que ouço é o seu nome
I bet you're happy and that's fine
Aposto que você está feliz e isso é bom
But I regret just one thing
Mas eu me arrependo de uma coisa
I never got to change your mind
Eu nunca consegui mudar a sua mente
I'm here standing in the same dress
Estou aqui, vestindo o mesmo vestido
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone
Você está no seu apartamento, eu já fui embora
Talking wildly out of context, I wish things were different
Falando loucamente fora de contexto, eu queria que as coisas fossem diferentes
But I'll never know
Mas eu nunca saberei
When you left, I bet you held her body closer
Quando você partiu, aposto que você segurou o corpo dela mais perto
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
E eu estava esperando que você dissesse a ela que tinha acabado
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
Você é tudo em que penso e em todo lugar que olho
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
Eu sei que é ruim, mas poderíamos ser tão bons
Maria calls me and she says she's getting married
Maria me liga e diz que vai se casar
She asked me if there's any extra weight I carry
Ela me perguntou se há algum peso extra que eu carrego
And do I think about the one that got away?
E eu penso naquele que se foi?
I know his name, I think about him everyday
Eu sei o nome dele, penso nele todos os dias
When you left, I thought you held her body closer
Quando você partiu, pensei que você segurou o corpo dela mais perto
I never knew that you would tell her it was over
Eu nunca soube que você diria a ela que tinha acabado
'Cause I'm all you think about and everywhere you look
Porque eu sou tudo em que você pensa e em todo lugar que você olha
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
Eu sei que é ruim, mas poderíamos ser tão bons
Looking right, looking like all the stars are fated
Mirando a la derecha, parece que todas las estrellas están predestinadas
I remember the night, I was so frustrated
Recuerdo la noche, estaba tan frustrada
I touch your hand for the first time
Toco tu mano por primera vez
I see it on your face and
Lo veo en tu cara y
Another lifetime's flashing by
Otra vida está pasando rápidamente
I'm here standing in the same dress
Estoy aquí, de pie con el mismo vestido
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone
Estás en tu apartamento, ya me he ido
Talking wildly out of context, I wish things were different
Hablando desenfrenadamente fuera de contexto, desearía que las cosas fueran diferentes
But I'll never know
Pero nunca lo sabré
When you left, I bet you held her body closer
Cuando te fuiste, apuesto a que abrazaste su cuerpo más cerca
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
Y esperaba que le dijeras que se había acabado
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
Eres todo en lo que pienso y en todas partes donde miro
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
Sé que está mal, pero podríamos ser tan buenos
Couple years flashing by and I'm doing okay
Un par de años pasan rápidamente y estoy bien
In the back of my mind all I hear is your name
En el fondo de mi mente todo lo que oigo es tu nombre
I bet you're happy and that's fine
Apuesto a que eres feliz y eso está bien
But I regret just one thing
Pero lamento una sola cosa
I never got to change your mind
Nunca conseguí cambiar tu opinión
I'm here standing in the same dress
Estoy aquí, de pie con el mismo vestido
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone
Estás en tu apartamento, ya me he ido
Talking wildly out of context, I wish things were different
Hablando desenfrenadamente fuera de contexto, desearía que las cosas fueran diferentes
But I'll never know
Pero nunca lo sabré
When you left, I bet you held her body closer
Cuando te fuiste, apuesto a que abrazaste su cuerpo más cerca
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
Y esperaba que le dijeras que se había acabado
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
Eres todo en lo que pienso y en todas partes donde miro
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
Sé que está mal, pero podríamos ser tan buenos
Maria calls me and she says she's getting married
María me llama y me dice que se va a casar
She asked me if there's any extra weight I carry
Me preguntó si hay algún peso extra que llevo
And do I think about the one that got away?
¿Y pienso en el que se escapó?
I know his name, I think about him everyday
Conozco su nombre, pienso en él todos los días
When you left, I thought you held her body closer
Cuando te fuiste, pensé que abrazaste su cuerpo más cerca
I never knew that you would tell her it was over
Nunca supe que le dirías que se había acabado
'Cause I'm all you think about and everywhere you look
Porque soy todo en lo que piensas y en todas partes donde miras
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
Sé que está mal, pero podríamos ser tan buenos
Looking right, looking like all the stars are fated
Regardant à droite, on dirait que toutes les étoiles sont destinées
I remember the night, I was so frustrated
Je me souviens de la nuit, j'étais tellement frustrée
I touch your hand for the first time
Je touche ta main pour la première fois
I see it on your face and
Je le vois sur ton visage et
Another lifetime's flashing by
Une autre vie défile
I'm here standing in the same dress
Je suis ici, debout dans la même robe
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone
Tu es dans ton appartement, je suis déjà partie
Talking wildly out of context, I wish things were different
Parlant follement hors de contexte, j'aimerais que les choses soient différentes
But I'll never know
Mais je ne le saurai jamais
When you left, I bet you held her body closer
Quand tu es parti, je parie que tu as serré son corps plus près
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
Et j'espérais que tu lui dirais que c'était fini
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
Tu es tout ce à quoi je pense et partout où je regarde
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
Je sais que c'est mal, mais nous pourrions être si bien
Couple years flashing by and I'm doing okay
Quelques années défilent et je vais bien
In the back of my mind all I hear is your name
Dans le fond de mon esprit, tout ce que j'entends c'est ton nom
I bet you're happy and that's fine
Je parie que tu es heureux et c'est bien
But I regret just one thing
Mais je regrette juste une chose
I never got to change your mind
Je n'ai jamais réussi à te faire changer d'avis
I'm here standing in the same dress
Je suis ici, debout dans la même robe
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone
Tu es dans ton appartement, je suis déjà partie
Talking wildly out of context, I wish things were different
Parlant follement hors de contexte, j'aimerais que les choses soient différentes
But I'll never know
Mais je ne le saurai jamais
When you left, I bet you held her body closer
Quand tu es parti, je parie que tu as serré son corps plus près
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
Et j'espérais que tu lui dirais que c'était fini
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
Tu es tout ce à quoi je pense et partout où je regarde
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
Je sais que c'est mal, mais nous pourrions être si bien
Maria calls me and she says she's getting married
Maria m'appelle et elle me dit qu'elle va se marier
She asked me if there's any extra weight I carry
Elle me demande s'il y a un poids supplémentaire que je porte
And do I think about the one that got away?
Et est-ce que je pense à celui qui s'est échappé ?
I know his name, I think about him everyday
Je connais son nom, je pense à lui tous les jours
When you left, I thought you held her body closer
Quand tu es parti, je pensais que tu serrais son corps plus près
I never knew that you would tell her it was over
Je ne savais pas que tu lui dirais que c'était fini
'Cause I'm all you think about and everywhere you look
Parce que je suis tout ce à quoi tu penses et partout où tu regardes
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
Je sais que c'est mal, mais nous pourrions être si bien
Looking right, looking like all the stars are fated
Ich schaue nach rechts, es sieht so aus, als ob alle Sterne vorherbestimmt sind
I remember the night, I was so frustrated
Ich erinnere mich an die Nacht, ich war so frustriert
I touch your hand for the first time
Ich berühre deine Hand zum ersten Mal
I see it on your face and
Ich sehe es in deinem Gesicht und
Another lifetime's flashing by
Ein anderes Leben blitzt vorbei
I'm here standing in the same dress
Ich stehe hier in demselben Kleid
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone
Du bist in deiner Wohnung, ich bin schon weg
Talking wildly out of context, I wish things were different
Ich rede wild aus dem Zusammenhang, ich wünschte, die Dinge wären anders
But I'll never know
Aber ich werde es nie wissen
When you left, I bet you held her body closer
Als du gegangen bist, wette ich, hast du ihren Körper näher gehalten
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
Und ich hoffte, du würdest ihr sagen, dass es vorbei ist
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
Du bist alles, an das ich denke und überall, wo ich hinsehe
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
Ich weiß, es ist schlecht, aber wir könnten so gut sein
Couple years flashing by and I'm doing okay
Ein paar Jahre blitzten vorbei und mir geht es gut
In the back of my mind all I hear is your name
Im Hinterkopf höre ich nur deinen Namen
I bet you're happy and that's fine
Ich wette, du bist glücklich und das ist in Ordnung
But I regret just one thing
Aber ich bereue nur eine Sache
I never got to change your mind
Ich habe es nie geschafft, deine Meinung zu ändern
I'm here standing in the same dress
Ich stehe hier in demselben Kleid
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone
Du bist in deiner Wohnung, ich bin schon weg
Talking wildly out of context, I wish things were different
Ich rede wild aus dem Zusammenhang, ich wünschte, die Dinge wären anders
But I'll never know
Aber ich werde es nie wissen
When you left, I bet you held her body closer
Als du gegangen bist, wette ich, hast du ihren Körper näher gehalten
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
Und ich hoffte, du würdest ihr sagen, dass es vorbei ist
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
Du bist alles, an das ich denke und überall, wo ich hinsehe
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
Ich weiß, es ist schlecht, aber wir könnten so gut sein
Maria calls me and she says she's getting married
Maria ruft mich an und sagt, sie heiratet
She asked me if there's any extra weight I carry
Sie fragte mich, ob ich irgendeine zusätzliche Last trage
And do I think about the one that got away?
Und denke ich an den, der mir entkommen ist?
I know his name, I think about him everyday
Ich kenne seinen Namen, ich denke jeden Tag an ihn
When you left, I thought you held her body closer
Als du gegangen bist, dachte ich, du hättest ihren Körper näher gehalten
I never knew that you would tell her it was over
Ich wusste nie, dass du ihr sagen würdest, dass es vorbei ist
'Cause I'm all you think about and everywhere you look
Denn ich bin alles, an das du denkst und überall, wo du hinsiehst
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
Ich weiß, es ist schlecht, aber wir könnten so gut sein
Looking right, looking like all the stars are fated
Guardando a destra, sembra che tutte le stelle siano predestinate
I remember the night, I was so frustrated
Ricordo la notte, ero così frustrato
I touch your hand for the first time
Tocco la tua mano per la prima volta
I see it on your face and
Lo vedo sul tuo viso e
Another lifetime's flashing by
Un'altra vita sta passando in un lampo
I'm here standing in the same dress
Sono qui, indossando lo stesso vestito
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone
Sei nel tuo appartamento, io sono già andata
Talking wildly out of context, I wish things were different
Parlando selvaggiamente fuori contesto, vorrei che le cose fossero diverse
But I'll never know
Ma non lo saprò mai
When you left, I bet you held her body closer
Quando sei andato, scommetto che hai stretto il suo corpo più vicino
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
E speravo che le avresti detto che era finita
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
Sei tutto a cui penso e ovunque guardo
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
So che è male, ma potremmo essere così bene
Couple years flashing by and I'm doing okay
Un paio d'anni passano in un lampo e sto bene
In the back of my mind all I hear is your name
Nel retro della mia mente tutto ciò che sento è il tuo nome
I bet you're happy and that's fine
Scommetto che sei felice e va bene
But I regret just one thing
Ma mi pento solo di una cosa
I never got to change your mind
Non sono mai riuscita a farti cambiare idea
I'm here standing in the same dress
Sono qui, indossando lo stesso vestito
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone
Sei nel tuo appartamento, io sono già andata
Talking wildly out of context, I wish things were different
Parlando selvaggiamente fuori contesto, vorrei che le cose fossero diverse
But I'll never know
Ma non lo saprò mai
When you left, I bet you held her body closer
Quando sei andato, scommetto che hai stretto il suo corpo più vicino
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
E speravo che le avresti detto che era finita
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
Sei tutto a cui penso e ovunque guardo
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
So che è male, ma potremmo essere così bene
Maria calls me and she says she's getting married
Maria mi chiama e mi dice che si sta sposando
She asked me if there's any extra weight I carry
Mi ha chiesto se c'è qualche peso extra che porto
And do I think about the one that got away?
E penso a quello che è scappato?
I know his name, I think about him everyday
Conosco il suo nome, penso a lui ogni giorno
When you left, I thought you held her body closer
Quando sei andato, pensavo che avresti stretto il suo corpo più vicino
I never knew that you would tell her it was over
Non sapevo mai che le avresti detto che era finita
'Cause I'm all you think about and everywhere you look
Perché sono tutto a cui pensi e ovunque guardi
I know it's bad, but we could be so good
So che è male, ma potremmo essere così bene

Curiosidades sobre a música So Good [Stripped] de Halsey

De quem é a composição da música “So Good [Stripped]” de Halsey?
A música “So Good [Stripped]” de Halsey foi composta por Sammy Witte, Sarah Aarons, Ashley Nicolette Frangipane.

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