From the Sky

Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier

Letra Tradução

At the very first sound
There was just light
And then, a storm of time and space just came and struck
Created our time
In water life
We understand, just only began

Forced to look to the sky
And wonder why
We cannot face the fact that we're all scared now
Of mysteries of life
There is a mask that soon will fall
Before the strong embrace of love and might
Of light in the dark

I go for a quest
I have to give myself the answer
Enter now this place in the wild
I can see the glade
My feeling now is growing bigger

From the sky

From the sky

I do feel like no one can save me
I am so alone and yet I cried
I called for help, forsaken
But now I know the only was is to understand the living
Obey the rule of light and face the fear
Inside out

Lost, I found there a stone
Erected in line
With one the brightest stars
Of all the night sky vaults
And I took my time
Took off the moss
Washed away the dust and gave a new lease of life
Its mystical force
I grab it now
And praise this lord of earth and stone
Make passage for souls awaken
So it returns
To where it's always been, with the gods
Now coming, I feel the love
It comes from on high

I know the words
But now I feel it inside
It grows, it's there
And all, it comes
From the sky
From the sky

At the very first sound
Ao primeiro som
There was just light
Havia apenas luz
And then, a storm of time and space just came and struck
E então, uma tempestade de tempo e espaço veio e atingiu
Created our time
Criou nosso tempo
In water life
Na vida aquática
We understand, just only began
Nós entendemos, apenas começamos
Forced to look to the sky
Forçados a olhar para o céu
And wonder why
E me pergunto por quê
We cannot face the fact that we're all scared now
Não podemos enfrentar o fato de que todos estamos assustados agora
Of mysteries of life
Dos mistérios da vida
There is a mask that soon will fall
Há uma máscara que logo cairá
Before the strong embrace of love and might
Antes do forte abraço do amor e poder
Of light in the dark
Da luz na escuridão
I go for a quest
Eu vou em uma busca
I have to give myself the answer
Tenho que me dar a resposta
Enter now this place in the wild
Entre agora neste lugar selvagem
I can see the glade
Eu posso ver a clareira
My feeling now is growing bigger
Meu sentimento agora está crescendo maior
From the sky
Do céu
From the sky
Do céu
I do feel like no one can save me
Eu me sinto como se ninguém pudesse me salvar
I am so alone and yet I cried
Estou tão sozinho e ainda assim chorei
I called for help, forsaken
Eu pedi ajuda, abandonado
But now I know the only was is to understand the living
Mas agora eu sei que o único caminho é entender o viver
Obey the rule of light and face the fear
Obedecer à regra da luz e enfrentar o medo
Inside out
De dentro para fora
Lost, I found there a stone
Perdido, encontrei lá uma pedra
Erected in line
Erigida em linha
With one the brightest stars
Com uma das estrelas mais brilhantes
Of all the night sky vaults
De todos os céus noturnos
And I took my time
E eu tomei meu tempo
Took off the moss
Tirei o musgo
Washed away the dust and gave a new lease of life
Lavei a poeira e dei uma nova vida
Its mystical force
Sua força mística
I grab it now
Eu a agarro agora
And praise this lord of earth and stone
E louvo este senhor da terra e da pedra
Make passage for souls awaken
Faça passagem para almas despertarem
So it returns
Então ela retorna
To where it's always been, with the gods
Para onde sempre esteve, com os deuses
Now coming, I feel the love
Agora chegando, sinto o amor
It comes from on high
Vem do alto
I know the words
Eu conheço as palavras
But now I feel it inside
Mas agora eu sinto por dentro
It grows, it's there
Cresce, está lá
And all, it comes
E tudo, vem
From the sky
Do céu
From the sky
Do céu
At the very first sound
Al primer sonido
There was just light
Solo había luz
And then, a storm of time and space just came and struck
Y luego, una tormenta de tiempo y espacio llegó y golpeó
Created our time
Creó nuestro tiempo
In water life
En agua vida
We understand, just only began
Entendemos, solo comenzó
Forced to look to the sky
Obligados a mirar al cielo
And wonder why
Y preguntarnos por qué
We cannot face the fact that we're all scared now
No podemos enfrentar el hecho de que todos estamos asustados ahora
Of mysteries of life
De los misterios de la vida
There is a mask that soon will fall
Hay una máscara que pronto caerá
Before the strong embrace of love and might
Ante el fuerte abrazo del amor y el poder
Of light in the dark
De la luz en la oscuridad
I go for a quest
Voy en busca de una misión
I have to give myself the answer
Tengo que darme la respuesta
Enter now this place in the wild
Entra ahora en este lugar en la naturaleza
I can see the glade
Puedo ver el claro
My feeling now is growing bigger
Mi sentimiento ahora está creciendo más grande
From the sky
Desde el cielo
From the sky
Desde el cielo
I do feel like no one can save me
Siento que nadie puede salvarme
I am so alone and yet I cried
Estoy tan solo y aún así lloré
I called for help, forsaken
Pedí ayuda, abandonado
But now I know the only was is to understand the living
Pero ahora sé que la única forma es entender la vida
Obey the rule of light and face the fear
Obedecer la regla de la luz y enfrentar el miedo
Inside out
De adentro hacia afuera
Lost, I found there a stone
Perdido, encontré allí una piedra
Erected in line
Erigida en línea
With one the brightest stars
Con una de las estrellas más brillantes
Of all the night sky vaults
De todas las bóvedas del cielo nocturno
And I took my time
Y me tomé mi tiempo
Took off the moss
Quité el musgo
Washed away the dust and gave a new lease of life
Lavé el polvo y le di una nueva vida
Its mystical force
Su fuerza mística
I grab it now
La agarro ahora
And praise this lord of earth and stone
Y alabo a este señor de la tierra y la piedra
Make passage for souls awaken
Hacer paso para las almas despiertas
So it returns
Así que vuelve
To where it's always been, with the gods
A donde siempre ha estado, con los dioses
Now coming, I feel the love
Ahora que viene, siento el amor
It comes from on high
Viene desde lo alto
I know the words
Conozco las palabras
But now I feel it inside
Pero ahora lo siento por dentro
It grows, it's there
Crece, está ahí
And all, it comes
Y todo, viene
From the sky
Desde el cielo
From the sky
Desde el cielo
At the very first sound
Au tout premier son
There was just light
Il n'y avait que de la lumière
And then, a storm of time and space just came and struck
Et puis, une tempête de temps et d'espace est venue et a frappé
Created our time
A créé notre temps
In water life
Dans l'eau la vie
We understand, just only began
Nous comprenons, cela ne fait que commencer
Forced to look to the sky
Forcé de regarder vers le ciel
And wonder why
Et se demander pourquoi
We cannot face the fact that we're all scared now
Nous ne pouvons pas faire face au fait que nous avons tous peur maintenant
Of mysteries of life
Des mystères de la vie
There is a mask that soon will fall
Il y a un masque qui tombera bientôt
Before the strong embrace of love and might
Avant la forte étreinte de l'amour et de la puissance
Of light in the dark
De la lumière dans l'obscurité
I go for a quest
Je pars pour une quête
I have to give myself the answer
Je dois me donner la réponse
Enter now this place in the wild
Entrez maintenant dans cet endroit sauvage
I can see the glade
Je peux voir la clairière
My feeling now is growing bigger
Mon sentiment maintenant grandit
From the sky
Du ciel
From the sky
Du ciel
I do feel like no one can save me
Je me sens comme si personne ne pouvait me sauver
I am so alone and yet I cried
Je suis si seul et pourtant j'ai pleuré
I called for help, forsaken
J'ai appelé à l'aide, abandonné
But now I know the only was is to understand the living
Mais maintenant je sais que le seul moyen est de comprendre la vie
Obey the rule of light and face the fear
Obéir à la règle de la lumière et affronter la peur
Inside out
De l'intérieur
Lost, I found there a stone
Perdu, j'y ai trouvé une pierre
Erected in line
Érigée en ligne
With one the brightest stars
Avec l'une des étoiles les plus brillantes
Of all the night sky vaults
De toutes les voûtes du ciel nocturne
And I took my time
Et j'ai pris mon temps
Took off the moss
Enlevé la mousse
Washed away the dust and gave a new lease of life
Lavé la poussière et donné une nouvelle vie
Its mystical force
Sa force mystique
I grab it now
Je la saisis maintenant
And praise this lord of earth and stone
Et loue ce seigneur de la terre et de la pierre
Make passage for souls awaken
Faire passage pour les âmes éveillées
So it returns
Alors elle retourne
To where it's always been, with the gods
Là où elle a toujours été, avec les dieux
Now coming, I feel the love
Maintenant qui viennent, je sens l'amour
It comes from on high
Il vient d'en haut
I know the words
Je connais les mots
But now I feel it inside
Mais maintenant je le sens à l'intérieur
It grows, it's there
Il grandit, il est là
And all, it comes
Et tout, ça vient
From the sky
Du ciel
From the sky
Du ciel
At the very first sound
Beim allerersten Klang
There was just light
Gab es nur Licht
And then, a storm of time and space just came and struck
Und dann kam ein Sturm aus Zeit und Raum und schlug ein
Created our time
Erschuf unsere Zeit
In water life
Im Wasser das Leben
We understand, just only began
Wir verstehen, es hat gerade erst begonnen
Forced to look to the sky
Gezwungen, zum Himmel zu schauen
And wonder why
Und zu fragen warum
We cannot face the fact that we're all scared now
Wir können die Tatsache nicht akzeptieren, dass wir alle jetzt Angst haben
Of mysteries of life
Vor den Mysterien des Lebens
There is a mask that soon will fall
Es gibt eine Maske, die bald fallen wird
Before the strong embrace of love and might
Vor der starken Umarmung von Liebe und Macht
Of light in the dark
Von Licht in der Dunkelheit
I go for a quest
Ich gehe auf eine Suche
I have to give myself the answer
Ich muss mir selbst die Antwort geben
Enter now this place in the wild
Betrete jetzt diesen Ort in der Wildnis
I can see the glade
Ich kann die Lichtung sehen
My feeling now is growing bigger
Mein Gefühl wird jetzt immer größer
From the sky
Vom Himmel
From the sky
Vom Himmel
I do feel like no one can save me
Ich fühle mich, als könnte mich niemand retten
I am so alone and yet I cried
Ich bin so allein und doch habe ich geweint
I called for help, forsaken
Ich rief um Hilfe, verlassen
But now I know the only was is to understand the living
Aber jetzt weiß ich, der einzige Weg ist, das Leben zu verstehen
Obey the rule of light and face the fear
Befolge die Regel des Lichts und stelle dich der Angst
Inside out
Von innen nach außen
Lost, I found there a stone
Verloren, fand ich dort einen Stein
Erected in line
Aufgerichtet in einer Linie
With one the brightest stars
Mit einem der hellsten Sterne
Of all the night sky vaults
Von allen Himmelsgewölben der Nacht
And I took my time
Und ich nahm mir meine Zeit
Took off the moss
Entfernte das Moos
Washed away the dust and gave a new lease of life
Wusch den Staub weg und gab ein neues Leben
Its mystical force
Seine mystische Kraft
I grab it now
Ich greife es jetzt
And praise this lord of earth and stone
Und preise diesen Herrn von Erde und Stein
Make passage for souls awaken
Mache den Weg frei für erwachende Seelen
So it returns
So kehrt es zurück
To where it's always been, with the gods
Zu wo es immer war, bei den Göttern
Now coming, I feel the love
Jetzt kommend, fühle ich die Liebe
It comes from on high
Sie kommt von oben
I know the words
Ich kenne die Worte
But now I feel it inside
Aber jetzt fühle ich es in mir
It grows, it's there
Es wächst, es ist da
And all, it comes
Und alles, es kommt
From the sky
Vom Himmel
From the sky
Vom Himmel
At the very first sound
Al primo suono
There was just light
C'era solo luce
And then, a storm of time and space just came and struck
E poi, una tempesta di tempo e spazio è arrivata e ha colpito
Created our time
Ha creato il nostro tempo
In water life
Nell'acqua la vita
We understand, just only began
Capiamo, è appena iniziato
Forced to look to the sky
Costretti a guardare il cielo
And wonder why
E chiederci perché
We cannot face the fact that we're all scared now
Non possiamo affrontare il fatto che ora siamo tutti spaventati
Of mysteries of life
Dei misteri della vita
There is a mask that soon will fall
C'è una maschera che presto cadrà
Before the strong embrace of love and might
Prima del forte abbraccio di amore e potenza
Of light in the dark
Di luce nel buio
I go for a quest
Vado per una ricerca
I have to give myself the answer
Devo darmi la risposta
Enter now this place in the wild
Entra ora in questo luogo selvaggio
I can see the glade
Posso vedere la radura
My feeling now is growing bigger
Il mio sentimento ora sta crescendo
From the sky
Dal cielo
From the sky
Dal cielo
I do feel like no one can save me
Mi sento come se nessuno potesse salvarmi
I am so alone and yet I cried
Sono così solo eppure ho pianto
I called for help, forsaken
Ho chiamato aiuto, abbandonato
But now I know the only was is to understand the living
Ma ora so che l'unico modo è capire il vivente
Obey the rule of light and face the fear
Obbedire alla regola della luce e affrontare la paura
Inside out
Dentro e fuori
Lost, I found there a stone
Perso, ho trovato lì una pietra
Erected in line
Eretta in linea
With one the brightest stars
Con una delle stelle più luminose
Of all the night sky vaults
Di tutte le volte del cielo notturno
And I took my time
E ho preso il mio tempo
Took off the moss
Ho tolto il muschio
Washed away the dust and gave a new lease of life
Lavato via la polvere e dato una nuova vita
Its mystical force
La sua forza mistica
I grab it now
La afferro ora
And praise this lord of earth and stone
E lodo questo signore di terra e pietra
Make passage for souls awaken
Faccio passaggio per le anime risvegliate
So it returns
Così ritorna
To where it's always been, with the gods
Dove è sempre stato, con gli dei
Now coming, I feel the love
Ora che arriva, sento l'amore
It comes from on high
Viene dall'alto
I know the words
Conosco le parole
But now I feel it inside
Ma ora lo sento dentro
It grows, it's there
Cresce, è lì
And all, it comes
E tutto, viene
From the sky
Dal cielo
From the sky
Dal cielo
At the very first sound
Pada suara pertama
There was just light
Hanya ada cahaya
And then, a storm of time and space just came and struck
Dan kemudian, badai waktu dan ruang datang dan menyerang
Created our time
Menciptakan waktu kita
In water life
Dalam kehidupan air
We understand, just only began
Kami mengerti, baru saja dimulai
Forced to look to the sky
Terpaksa melihat ke langit
And wonder why
Dan bertanya-tanya mengapa
We cannot face the fact that we're all scared now
Kita tidak bisa menghadapi kenyataan bahwa kita semua takut sekarang
Of mysteries of life
Dari misteri kehidupan
There is a mask that soon will fall
Ada topeng yang segera akan jatuh
Before the strong embrace of love and might
Sebelum pelukan kuat cinta dan kekuatan
Of light in the dark
Dari cahaya dalam kegelapan
I go for a quest
Saya pergi untuk sebuah pencarian
I have to give myself the answer
Saya harus memberi diri saya jawaban
Enter now this place in the wild
Masuk sekarang ke tempat ini di alam liar
I can see the glade
Saya bisa melihat padang rumput
My feeling now is growing bigger
Perasaan saya sekarang semakin besar
From the sky
Dari langit
From the sky
Dari langit
I do feel like no one can save me
Saya merasa seperti tidak ada yang bisa menyelamatkan saya
I am so alone and yet I cried
Saya sangat sendirian dan namun saya menangis
I called for help, forsaken
Saya meminta bantuan, ditinggalkan
But now I know the only was is to understand the living
Tapi sekarang saya tahu satu-satunya cara adalah memahami kehidupan
Obey the rule of light and face the fear
Patuhi aturan cahaya dan hadapi rasa takut
Inside out
Dari dalam ke luar
Lost, I found there a stone
Hilang, saya menemukan batu di sana
Erected in line
Didirikan sejajar
With one the brightest stars
Dengan salah satu bintang terang
Of all the night sky vaults
Dari semua langit malam
And I took my time
Dan saya meluangkan waktu
Took off the moss
Mengambil lumut
Washed away the dust and gave a new lease of life
Mencuci debu dan memberikan kehidupan baru
Its mystical force
Kekuatannya yang mistis
I grab it now
Saya mengambilnya sekarang
And praise this lord of earth and stone
Dan memuji tuan ini dari bumi dan batu
Make passage for souls awaken
Membuat jalan bagi jiwa-jiwa yang terbangun
So it returns
Jadi itu kembali
To where it's always been, with the gods
Ke tempat itu selalu ada, dengan para dewa
Now coming, I feel the love
Sekarang datang, saya merasakan cinta
It comes from on high
Itu datang dari atas
I know the words
Saya tahu kata-katanya
But now I feel it inside
Tapi sekarang saya merasakannya di dalam
It grows, it's there
Itu tumbuh, itu ada
And all, it comes
Dan semua, itu datang
From the sky
Dari langit
From the sky
Dari langit
At the very first sound
There was just light
And then, a storm of time and space just came and struck
แล้ว พายุของเวลาและพื้นที่มาและตี
Created our time
In water life
We understand, just only began
เราเข้าใจ มันเริ่มต้นเพียงเท่านั้น
Forced to look to the sky
And wonder why
We cannot face the fact that we're all scared now
Of mysteries of life
There is a mask that soon will fall
มีหน้ากากที่เร็ว ๆ นี้จะตก
Before the strong embrace of love and might
Of light in the dark
I go for a quest
I have to give myself the answer
Enter now this place in the wild
I can see the glade
My feeling now is growing bigger
From the sky
From the sky
I do feel like no one can save me
I am so alone and yet I cried
I called for help, forsaken
ฉันเรียกขอความช่วยเหลือ ถูกทอดทิ้ง
But now I know the only was is to understand the living
Obey the rule of light and face the fear
Inside out
Lost, I found there a stone
สูญหาย ฉันพบหินที่นั่น
Erected in line
With one the brightest stars
Of all the night sky vaults
ของทุกๆ ท้องฟ้าในตอนกลางคืน
And I took my time
Took off the moss
Washed away the dust and gave a new lease of life
Its mystical force
I grab it now
And praise this lord of earth and stone
Make passage for souls awaken
So it returns
To where it's always been, with the gods
ที่มันได้อยู่เสมอ กับเทพเจ้า
Now coming, I feel the love
ตอนนี้มาถึง ฉันรู้สึกถึงความรัก
It comes from on high
I know the words
But now I feel it inside
It grows, it's there
มันเติบโต มันอยู่ที่นั่น
And all, it comes
และทั้งหมด มันมา
From the sky
From the sky
At the very first sound
There was just light
And then, a storm of time and space just came and struck
Created our time
In water life
We understand, just only began
Forced to look to the sky
And wonder why
We cannot face the fact that we're all scared now
Of mysteries of life
There is a mask that soon will fall
Before the strong embrace of love and might
Of light in the dark
I go for a quest
I have to give myself the answer
Enter now this place in the wild
I can see the glade
My feeling now is growing bigger
From the sky
From the sky
I do feel like no one can save me
I am so alone and yet I cried
I called for help, forsaken
But now I know the only was is to understand the living
Obey the rule of light and face the fear
Inside out
Lost, I found there a stone
Erected in line
With one the brightest stars
Of all the night sky vaults
And I took my time
Took off the moss
Washed away the dust and gave a new lease of life
Its mystical force
I grab it now
And praise this lord of earth and stone
Make passage for souls awaken
So it returns
To where it's always been, with the gods
Now coming, I feel the love
It comes from on high
I know the words
But now I feel it inside
It grows, it's there
And all, it comes
From the sky
From the sky

Curiosidades sobre a música From the Sky de Gojira

Quando a música “From the Sky” foi lançada por Gojira?
A música From the Sky foi lançada em 2005, no álbum “From Mars to Sirius”.
De quem é a composição da música “From the Sky” de Gojira?
A música “From the Sky” de Gojira foi composta por Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier.

Músicas mais populares de Gojira

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