Flying Whales

Christian Roger Andreu, Jean Michel Labadie, Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier

Letra Tradução

Waters of chaos have invaded all space
The flood on earth again
I have to find the whales
That once did guides us to the dry lands of life
I won't despair
I'll break this dark around

Under the heavy sea
I'll search the flight of whales

Beneath the seas I searched
And had a different view
Of us on earth
The sinking ship of men
But it's beyond the stars
I found the place where they were
And they finally came to light

Over the winds
They dwell in light
Like the arrow in the sky
I found myself on higher grounds, from up here
For I see them, all the ways in flight

Now I can see the whales
Looming out of the dark
Like arrows in the sky
I can't believe my eyes
But it's true

Huge tunnel ends in light
Like banks of clouds they gather
See massive shape of flesh
Swimming giants in the clear
The mightiest comes to me
I'm on the wing, wide open
They teach me how to fly
Slowly moving in the air

So much told with
No words at all
Powerful presence
For only speech

Over the winds
They dwell in light

Waters of chaos have invaded all space
Águas do caos invadiram todo o espaço
The flood on earth again
O dilúvio na terra novamente
I have to find the whales
Tenho que encontrar as baleias
That once did guides us to the dry lands of life
Que uma vez nos guiaram para as terras secas da vida
I won't despair
Não vou desesperar
I'll break this dark around
Vou quebrar essa escuridão ao redor
Under the heavy sea
Sob o mar pesado
I'll search the flight of whales
Vou procurar o voo das baleias
Beneath the seas I searched
Sob os mares eu procurei
And had a different view
E tive uma visão diferente
Of us on earth
De nós na terra
The sinking ship of men
O navio afundando dos homens
But it's beyond the stars
Mas é além das estrelas
I found the place where they were
Encontrei o lugar onde eles estavam
And they finally came to light
E eles finalmente vieram à luz
Over the winds
Sobre os ventos
They dwell in light
Eles habitam na luz
Like the arrow in the sky
Como a flecha no céu
I found myself on higher grounds, from up here
Encontrei-me em terrenos mais altos, daqui de cima
For I see them, all the ways in flight
Pois eu os vejo, todos os caminhos em voo
Now I can see the whales
Agora eu posso ver as baleias
Looming out of the dark
Surgindo da escuridão
Like arrows in the sky
Como flechas no céu
I can't believe my eyes
Não posso acreditar nos meus olhos
But it's true
Mas é verdade
Huge tunnel ends in light
Um enorme túnel termina em luz
Like banks of clouds they gather
Como bancos de nuvens eles se reúnem
See massive shape of flesh
Vejo uma forma massiva de carne
Swimming giants in the clear
Gigantes nadando no claro
The mightiest comes to me
O mais poderoso vem até mim
I'm on the wing, wide open
Estou na asa, bem aberto
They teach me how to fly
Eles me ensinam a voar
Slowly moving in the air
Movendo-se lentamente no ar
So much told with
Tanto dito com
No words at all
Nenhuma palavra
Powerful presence
Presença poderosa
For only speech
Para apenas discurso
Over the winds
Sobre os ventos
They dwell in light
Eles habitam na luz
Waters of chaos have invaded all space
Las aguas del caos han invadido todo el espacio
The flood on earth again
El diluvio en la tierra de nuevo
I have to find the whales
Tengo que encontrar a las ballenas
That once did guides us to the dry lands of life
Que una vez nos guiaron a las tierras secas de la vida
I won't despair
No desesperaré
I'll break this dark around
Romperé esta oscuridad a mi alrededor
Under the heavy sea
Bajo el pesado mar
I'll search the flight of whales
Buscaré el vuelo de las ballenas
Beneath the seas I searched
Bajo los mares busqué
And had a different view
Y tuve una visión diferente
Of us on earth
De nosotros en la tierra
The sinking ship of men
El barco hundido de los hombres
But it's beyond the stars
Pero está más allá de las estrellas
I found the place where they were
Encontré el lugar donde estaban
And they finally came to light
Y finalmente salieron a la luz
Over the winds
Sobre los vientos
They dwell in light
Habitan en la luz
Like the arrow in the sky
Como la flecha en el cielo
I found myself on higher grounds, from up here
Me encontré en terrenos más altos, desde aquí arriba
For I see them, all the ways in flight
Porque los veo, todos los caminos en vuelo
Now I can see the whales
Ahora puedo ver las ballenas
Looming out of the dark
Surgiendo de la oscuridad
Like arrows in the sky
Como flechas en el cielo
I can't believe my eyes
No puedo creer mis ojos
But it's true
Pero es verdad
Huge tunnel ends in light
Un enorme túnel termina en luz
Like banks of clouds they gather
Como bancos de nubes se reúnen
See massive shape of flesh
Veo la forma masiva de carne
Swimming giants in the clear
Gigantes nadando en lo claro
The mightiest comes to me
El más poderoso viene a mí
I'm on the wing, wide open
Estoy en el ala, completamente abierto
They teach me how to fly
Me enseñan a volar
Slowly moving in the air
Moviendo lentamente en el aire
So much told with
Tanto dicho con
No words at all
Ninguna palabra en absoluto
Powerful presence
Presencia poderosa
For only speech
Para solo el habla
Over the winds
Sobre los vientos
They dwell in light
Habitan en la luz
Waters of chaos have invaded all space
Les eaux du chaos ont envahi tout l'espace
The flood on earth again
Le déluge sur terre à nouveau
I have to find the whales
Je dois trouver les baleines
That once did guides us to the dry lands of life
Qui autrefois nous guidaient vers les terres sèches de la vie
I won't despair
Je ne désespérerai pas
I'll break this dark around
Je briserai cette obscurité autour
Under the heavy sea
Sous la mer lourde
I'll search the flight of whales
Je chercherai le vol des baleines
Beneath the seas I searched
Sous les mers j'ai cherché
And had a different view
Et j'ai eu une vision différente
Of us on earth
De nous sur terre
The sinking ship of men
Le navire coulant des hommes
But it's beyond the stars
Mais c'est au-delà des étoiles
I found the place where they were
J'ai trouvé l'endroit où ils étaient
And they finally came to light
Et ils sont finalement venus à la lumière
Over the winds
Au-dessus des vents
They dwell in light
Ils demeurent dans la lumière
Like the arrow in the sky
Comme la flèche dans le ciel
I found myself on higher grounds, from up here
Je me suis retrouvé sur des terrains plus élevés, d'ici
For I see them, all the ways in flight
Car je les vois, toutes les voies en vol
Now I can see the whales
Maintenant je peux voir les baleines
Looming out of the dark
Émergeant de l'obscurité
Like arrows in the sky
Comme des flèches dans le ciel
I can't believe my eyes
Je ne peux pas croire mes yeux
But it's true
Mais c'est vrai
Huge tunnel ends in light
Un énorme tunnel se termine en lumière
Like banks of clouds they gather
Comme des bancs de nuages ils se rassemblent
See massive shape of flesh
Voir une forme massive de chair
Swimming giants in the clear
Des géants nageant dans le clair
The mightiest comes to me
Le plus puissant vient à moi
I'm on the wing, wide open
Je suis sur l'aile, grand ouvert
They teach me how to fly
Ils m'apprennent à voler
Slowly moving in the air
Se déplaçant lentement dans l'air
So much told with
Tant de choses dites
No words at all
Sans aucun mot
Powerful presence
Présence puissante
For only speech
Pour le seul discours
Over the winds
Au-dessus des vents
They dwell in light
Ils demeurent dans la lumière
Waters of chaos have invaded all space
Die Wasser des Chaos haben den gesamten Raum eingenommen
The flood on earth again
Die Flut auf Erden wieder
I have to find the whales
Ich muss die Wale finden
That once did guides us to the dry lands of life
Die uns einst zu den trockenen Landen des Lebens führten
I won't despair
Ich werde nicht verzweifeln
I'll break this dark around
Ich werde diese Dunkelheit durchbrechen
Under the heavy sea
Unter der schweren See
I'll search the flight of whales
Ich suche den Flug der Wale
Beneath the seas I searched
Unter den Meeren suchte ich
And had a different view
Und hatte eine andere Sicht
Of us on earth
Auf uns auf der Erde
The sinking ship of men
Das sinkende Schiff der Menschen
But it's beyond the stars
Aber es ist jenseits der Sterne
I found the place where they were
Ich fand den Ort, an dem sie waren
And they finally came to light
Und sie kamen endlich ans Licht
Over the winds
Über den Winden
They dwell in light
Sie wohnen im Licht
Like the arrow in the sky
Wie der Pfeil am Himmel
I found myself on higher grounds, from up here
Ich fand mich auf höherem Boden, von hier oben
For I see them, all the ways in flight
Denn ich sehe sie, alle Wege im Flug
Now I can see the whales
Jetzt kann ich die Wale sehen
Looming out of the dark
Aus der Dunkelheit auftauchend
Like arrows in the sky
Wie Pfeile am Himmel
I can't believe my eyes
Ich kann meinen Augen nicht trauen
But it's true
Aber es ist wahr
Huge tunnel ends in light
Riesiger Tunnel endet im Licht
Like banks of clouds they gather
Wie Wolkenbänke sammeln sie sich
See massive shape of flesh
Sehe massive Fleischform
Swimming giants in the clear
Schwimmende Riesen in der Klarheit
The mightiest comes to me
Der mächtigste kommt zu mir
I'm on the wing, wide open
Ich bin auf dem Flügel, weit offen
They teach me how to fly
Sie lehren mich, wie man fliegt
Slowly moving in the air
Langsam bewegend in der Luft
So much told with
So viel erzählt mit
No words at all
Keine Worte überhaupt
Powerful presence
Mächtige Präsenz
For only speech
Für nur Rede
Over the winds
Über den Winden
They dwell in light
Sie wohnen im Licht
Waters of chaos have invaded all space
Le acque del caos hanno invaso tutto lo spazio
The flood on earth again
Il diluvio sulla terra di nuovo
I have to find the whales
Devo trovare le balene
That once did guides us to the dry lands of life
Che una volta ci guidavano verso le terre asciutte della vita
I won't despair
Non dispererò
I'll break this dark around
Spezzerò questo buio intorno
Under the heavy sea
Sotto il pesante mare
I'll search the flight of whales
Cercherò il volo delle balene
Beneath the seas I searched
Sotto i mari ho cercato
And had a different view
E ho avuto una visione diversa
Of us on earth
Di noi sulla terra
The sinking ship of men
La nave affondante degli uomini
But it's beyond the stars
Ma è oltre le stelle
I found the place where they were
Ho trovato il posto dove erano
And they finally came to light
E finalmente sono venuti alla luce
Over the winds
Sopra i venti
They dwell in light
Abitano nella luce
Like the arrow in the sky
Come la freccia nel cielo
I found myself on higher grounds, from up here
Mi sono trovato su terreni più alti, da qui
For I see them, all the ways in flight
Perché li vedo, tutti i modi in volo
Now I can see the whales
Ora posso vedere le balene
Looming out of the dark
Emergere dal buio
Like arrows in the sky
Come frecce nel cielo
I can't believe my eyes
Non posso credere ai miei occhi
But it's true
Ma è vero
Huge tunnel ends in light
Un enorme tunnel finisce nella luce
Like banks of clouds they gather
Come banchi di nuvole si radunano
See massive shape of flesh
Vedo una forma massiccia di carne
Swimming giants in the clear
Giganti nuotatori nel chiaro
The mightiest comes to me
Il più potente viene da me
I'm on the wing, wide open
Sono in volo, completamente aperto
They teach me how to fly
Mi insegnano a volare
Slowly moving in the air
Muovendosi lentamente nell'aria
So much told with
Tanto detto con
No words at all
Nessuna parola
Powerful presence
Presenza potente
For only speech
Per solo discorso
Over the winds
Sopra i venti
They dwell in light
Abitano nella luce
Waters of chaos have invaded all space
Air kekacauan telah menyerbu semua ruang
The flood on earth again
Banjir di bumi lagi
I have to find the whales
Saya harus menemukan paus
That once did guides us to the dry lands of life
Yang pernah membimbing kita ke daratan kering kehidupan
I won't despair
Saya tidak akan putus asa
I'll break this dark around
Saya akan memecahkan kegelapan ini
Under the heavy sea
Di bawah laut yang berat
I'll search the flight of whales
Saya akan mencari penerbangan paus
Beneath the seas I searched
Di bawah laut saya mencari
And had a different view
Dan memiliki pandangan yang berbeda
Of us on earth
Tentang kita di bumi
The sinking ship of men
Kapal manusia yang tenggelam
But it's beyond the stars
Tapi itu di luar bintang-bintang
I found the place where they were
Saya menemukan tempat mereka berada
And they finally came to light
Dan mereka akhirnya muncul ke cahaya
Over the winds
Di atas angin
They dwell in light
Mereka tinggal dalam cahaya
Like the arrow in the sky
Seperti panah di langit
I found myself on higher grounds, from up here
Saya menemukan diri saya di tanah yang lebih tinggi, dari sini
For I see them, all the ways in flight
Karena saya melihat mereka, semua cara dalam penerbangan
Now I can see the whales
Sekarang saya bisa melihat paus
Looming out of the dark
Muncul dari kegelapan
Like arrows in the sky
Seperti panah di langit
I can't believe my eyes
Saya tidak bisa percaya mata saya
But it's true
Tapi itu benar
Huge tunnel ends in light
Terowongan besar berakhir dalam cahaya
Like banks of clouds they gather
Seperti bank awan mereka berkumpul
See massive shape of flesh
Lihat bentuk daging yang besar
Swimming giants in the clear
Raksasa berenang di yang jernih
The mightiest comes to me
Yang terkuat datang ke saya
I'm on the wing, wide open
Saya di sayap, terbuka lebar
They teach me how to fly
Mereka mengajari saya cara terbang
Slowly moving in the air
Bergerak perlahan di udara
So much told with
Begitu banyak diceritakan dengan
No words at all
Tanpa kata-kata sama sekali
Powerful presence
Kehadiran yang kuat
For only speech
Untuk pidato saja
Over the winds
Di atas angin
They dwell in light
Mereka tinggal dalam cahaya
Waters of chaos have invaded all space
The flood on earth again
I have to find the whales
That once did guides us to the dry lands of life
I won't despair
I'll break this dark around
Under the heavy sea
I'll search the flight of whales
Beneath the seas I searched
And had a different view
Of us on earth
The sinking ship of men
But it's beyond the stars
I found the place where they were
And they finally came to light
Over the winds
They dwell in light
Like the arrow in the sky
I found myself on higher grounds, from up here
ฉันพบตัวเองอยู่บนที่สูง, จากที่นี่
For I see them, all the ways in flight
เพราะฉันเห็นพวกเขา, ทุกทางที่บิน
Now I can see the whales
Looming out of the dark
Like arrows in the sky
I can't believe my eyes
But it's true
Huge tunnel ends in light
Like banks of clouds they gather
See massive shape of flesh
Swimming giants in the clear
The mightiest comes to me
I'm on the wing, wide open
ฉันอยู่บนปีก, กว้างขวาง
They teach me how to fly
Slowly moving in the air
So much told with
No words at all
Powerful presence
For only speech
Over the winds
They dwell in light
Waters of chaos have invaded all space
The flood on earth again
I have to find the whales
That once did guides us to the dry lands of life
I won't despair
I'll break this dark around
Under the heavy sea
I'll search the flight of whales
Beneath the seas I searched
And had a different view
Of us on earth
The sinking ship of men
But it's beyond the stars
I found the place where they were
And they finally came to light
Over the winds
They dwell in light
Like the arrow in the sky
I found myself on higher grounds, from up here
For I see them, all the ways in flight
Now I can see the whales
Looming out of the dark
Like arrows in the sky
I can't believe my eyes
But it's true
Huge tunnel ends in light
Like banks of clouds they gather
See massive shape of flesh
Swimming giants in the clear
The mightiest comes to me
I'm on the wing, wide open
They teach me how to fly
Slowly moving in the air
So much told with
No words at all
Powerful presence
For only speech
Over the winds
They dwell in light

Curiosidades sobre a música Flying Whales de Gojira

Quando a música “Flying Whales” foi lançada por Gojira?
A música Flying Whales foi lançada em 2005, no álbum “From Mars to Sirius”.
De quem é a composição da música “Flying Whales” de Gojira?
A música “Flying Whales” de Gojira foi composta por Christian Roger Andreu, Jean Michel Labadie, Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier.

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