The Reflex

Andy Taylor, John Taylor, Nick Rhodes, Roger Andrew Taylor, Simon Le Bon

Letra Tradução

The reflex
The reflex
The reflex
The reflex

You've gone too far this time
But I'm dancing on the Valentine
I tell you somebody's fooling around
With my chances on the danger line

I'll cross that bridge when I find it
Another day to make my stand, oh woah
High time is no time for deciding
If I should find a helping hand, oh woah

Why don't you use it?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time, don't lose it

Oh, why don't you use it?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time, don't lose it

The reflex is a lonely child, who's waiting by the park
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
And watching over lucky clover, isn't that bizarre?
And every little thing the reflex does
Leaves you answered with a question mark

I'm on a ride and I want to get off
But they won't slow down the roundabout
I sold the Renoir and TV set
Don't wanna be around when this gets out

So, why don't you use it?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time, don't lose it

Why don't you use it?

The reflex is a lonely child, who's waiting in the park
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
And watching over lucky clover, isn't that bizarre?
And every little thing the reflex does
Leaves an answer with a question mark, play

So, why don't you use it?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time, don't lose it

The reflex is a lonely child, who's waiting by the park
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
And watching over lucky clover, isn't that bizarre?
And every little thing the reflex does
Leaves me answered with a question mark

Oh, the reflex, what a game, he's hiding all the cards
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark

Você foi longe demais desta vez
E eu estou dançando no dia dos namorados
Eu te digo que alguém está brincando
Com minhas chances na linha de perigo
Eu vou cruzar aquela ponte quando a encontrar
Outro dia
Para tomar minha posição, oh oh
Tempo alto não é hora de decidir
Se eu deveria encontrar uma mão amiga, oh oh

Por que você não usa isso?
Tente não machucá-lo?
Compre tempo, não o perca

Por que você não usa isso?
Tente não machucá-lo?
Compre tempo, não o perca

O reflexo é uma criança solitária
Que está esperando pelo parque
O reflexo é uma porta para encontrar
Tesouro no escuro
E observar o trevo da sorte
Não é isso bizarro?
Cada pequena coisa que o reflexo faz
Deixa você respondido com um ponto de interrogação

Estou em uma viagem e quero descer
Mas eles não vão diminuir a velocidade do carrossel
Eu vendi o Renoir e o aparelho de TV
Não quero estar por perto quando isso se espalhar

Então, por que você não usa isso?
Tente não machucá-lo?
Compre tempo, não o perca

Por que você não usa isso?
Tente não machucá-lo?
Compre tempo, não o perca

O reflexo é uma criança solitária
Que está esperando no parque
O reflexo é uma porta para encontrar
Tesouro no escuro
E observar o trevo da sorte
Não é isso bizarro?
Cada pequena coisa que o reflexo faz
Deixa você respondido com um ponto de interrogação

Então, por que você não usa isso?
Tente não machucá-lo?
Compre tempo, não o perca

Por que você não usa isso?
Tente não machucá-lo?
Compre tempo, não o perca

O reflexo é uma criança solitária
Que está esperando pelo parque
O reflexo é uma porta para encontrar
Tesouro no escuro
E observar o trevo da sorte
Não é isso bizarro?
Cada pequena coisa que o reflexo faz
Deixa você respondido com um ponto de interrogação

Oh o reflexo que jogo
Ele está escondendo todas as cartas
O reflexo é responsável por encontrar
Tesouro no escuro
E observar o trevo da sorte
Não é isso bizarro?
Cada pequena coisa que o reflexo faz

Has ido demasiado lejos esta vez
Y estoy bailando en el día de San Valentín
Te digo que alguien está jugando
Con mis oportunidades en la línea de peligro
Cruzaré ese puente cuando lo encuentre
Otro día
Para tomar una posición, oh oh
El momento adecuado no es el momento para decidir
Si debería encontrar una mano amiga, oh oh

¿Por qué no lo usas?
¿Intentas no dañarlo?
Compra tiempo, no lo pierdas

¿Por qué no lo usas?
¿Intentas no dañarlo?
Compra tiempo, no lo pierdas

El reflejo es un niño solitario
Que está esperando en el parque
El reflejo es una puerta para encontrar
Tesoro en la oscuridad
Y vigilar sobre el trébol de la suerte
¿No es eso extraño?
Cada pequeña cosa que hace el reflejo
Te deja respondido con un signo de interrogación

Estoy en un viaje y quiero bajarme
Pero no reducirán la velocidad del carrusel
Vendí el Renoir y el televisor
No quiero estar cerca cuando esto se sepa

Entonces, ¿por qué no lo usas?
¿Intentas no dañarlo?
Compra tiempo, no lo pierdas

¿Por qué no lo usas?
¿Intentas no dañarlo?
Compra tiempo, no lo pierdas

El reflejo es un niño solitario
Que está esperando en el parque
El reflejo es una puerta para encontrar
Tesoro en la oscuridad
Y vigilar sobre el trébol de la suerte
¿No es eso extraño?
Cada pequeña cosa que hace el reflejo
Te deja respondido con un signo de interrogación

Entonces, ¿por qué no lo usas?
¿Intentas no dañarlo?
Compra tiempo, no lo pierdas

¿Por qué no lo usas?
¿Intentas no dañarlo?
Compra tiempo, no lo pierdas

El reflejo es un niño solitario
Que está esperando en el parque
El reflejo es una puerta para encontrar
Tesoro en la oscuridad
Y vigilar sobre el trébol de la suerte
¿No es eso extraño?
Cada pequeña cosa que hace el reflejo
Te deja respondido con un signo de interrogación

Oh el reflejo, qué juego
Está escondiendo todas las cartas
El reflejo está a cargo de encontrar
Tesoro en la oscuridad
Y vigilar sobre el trébol de la suerte
¿No es eso extraño?
Cada pequeña cosa que hace el reflejo

Tu es allé trop loin cette fois
Et je danse sur la Saint-Valentin
Je te dis que quelqu'un joue
Avec mes chances sur la ligne de danger
Je franchirai ce pont quand je le trouverai
Un autre jour
Pour prendre position, oh oh
Le moment crucial n'est pas le moment de décider
Si je devrais trouver une main secourable, oh oh

Pourquoi ne l'utilises-tu pas ?
Essaie de ne pas le meurtrir ?
Achète du temps, ne le perds pas

Pourquoi ne l'utilises-tu pas ?
Essaie de ne pas le meurtrir ?
Achète du temps, ne le perds pas

Le réflexe est un enfant solitaire
Qui attend près du parc
Le réflexe est une porte pour trouver
Un trésor dans le noir
Et surveiller le trèfle porte-bonheur
N'est-ce pas bizarre
Chaque petite chose que le réflexe fait
Te laisse répondre avec un point d'interrogation

Je suis dans un tour et je veux descendre
Mais ils ne ralentissent pas le manège
J'ai vendu le Renoir et la télé
Je ne veux pas être là quand ça sortira

Alors pourquoi ne l'utilises-tu pas ?
Essaie de ne pas le meurtrir ?
Achète du temps, ne le perds pas

Pourquoi ne l'utilises-tu pas ?
Essaie de ne pas le meurtrir ?
Achète du temps, ne le perds pas

Le réflexe est un enfant solitaire
Qui attend dans le parc
Le réflexe est une porte pour trouver
Un trésor dans le noir
Et surveiller le trèfle porte-bonheur
N'est-ce pas bizarre
Chaque petite chose que le réflexe fait
Te laisse répondre avec un point d'interrogation

Alors pourquoi ne l'utilises-tu pas ?
Essaie de ne pas le meurtrir ?
Achète du temps, ne le perds pas

Pourquoi ne l'utilises-tu pas ?
Essaie de ne pas le meurtrir ?
Achète du temps, ne le perds pas

Le réflexe est un enfant solitaire
Qui attend près du parc
Le réflexe est une porte pour trouver
Un trésor dans le noir
Et surveiller le trèfle porte-bonheur
N'est-ce pas bizarre
Chaque petite chose que le réflexe fait
Te laisse répondre avec un point d'interrogation

Oh le réflexe quel jeu
Il cache toutes les cartes
Le réflexe est en charge de trouver
Un trésor dans le noir
Et surveiller le trèfle porte-bonheur
N'est-ce pas bizarre
Chaque petite chose que le réflexe fait

Du bist diesmal zu weit gegangen
Und ich tanze auf dem Valentinstag
Ich sage dir, jemand spielt herum
Mit meinen Chancen auf der Gefahrenlinie
Ich werde diese Brücke überqueren, wenn ich sie finde
Ein anderer Tag
Um meinen Standpunkt zu machen, oh oh
Hochzeit ist keine Zeit zum Entscheiden
Sollte ich eine helfende Hand finden, oh oh

Warum benutzt du es nicht?
Versuche es nicht zu verletzen?
Kaufe Zeit, verliere sie nicht

Warum benutzt du es nicht?
Versuche es nicht zu verletzen?
Kaufe Zeit, verliere sie nicht

Der Reflex ist ein einsames Kind
Das im Park wartet
Der Reflex ist eine Tür zur Entdeckung
Schatz in der Dunkelheit
Und über Glücksklee wachen
Ist das nicht bizarr
Jede kleine Sache, die der Reflex tut
Lässt dich mit einem Fragezeichen antworten

Ich bin auf einer Fahrt und ich will aussteigen
Aber sie werden das Karussell nicht verlangsamen
Ich habe den Renoir und den Fernseher verkauft
Will nicht dabei sein, wenn das rauskommt

Also warum benutzt du es nicht?
Versuche es nicht zu verletzen?
Kaufe Zeit, verliere sie nicht

Warum benutzt du es nicht?
Versuche es nicht zu verletzen?
Kaufe Zeit, verliere sie nicht

Der Reflex ist ein einsames Kind
Das im Park wartet
Der Reflex ist eine Tür zur Entdeckung
Schatz in der Dunkelheit
Und über Glücksklee wachen
Ist das nicht bizarr
Jede kleine Sache, die der Reflex tut
Lässt dich mit einem Fragezeichen antworten

Also warum benutzt du es nicht?
Versuche es nicht zu verletzen?
Kaufe Zeit, verliere sie nicht

Warum benutzt du es nicht?
Versuche es nicht zu verletzen?
Kaufe Zeit, verliere sie nicht

Der Reflex ist ein einsames Kind
Das im Park wartet
Der Reflex ist eine Tür zur Entdeckung
Schatz in der Dunkelheit
Und über Glücksklee wachen
Ist das nicht bizarr
Jede kleine Sache, die der Reflex tut
Lässt dich mit einem Fragezeichen antworten

Oh der Reflex, was für ein Spiel
Er versteckt alle Karten
Der Reflex ist dafür verantwortlich, Schätze zu finden
In der Dunkelheit
Und über Glücksklee wachen
Ist das nicht bizarr
Jede kleine Sache, die der Reflex tut

Sei andato troppo oltre questa volta
E sto danzando sulla valentina
Ti dico che qualcuno sta giocando
Con le mie possibilità sulla linea del pericolo
Attraverserò quel ponte quando lo troverò
Un altro giorno
Per prendere una posizione, oh oh
Il momento giusto non è il momento per decidere
Se dovrei trovare una mano amica, oh oh

Perché non lo usi?
Cerca di non danneggiarlo?
Compra tempo non perderlo

Perché non lo usi?
Cerca di non danneggiarlo?
Compra tempo non perderlo

Il riflesso è un bambino solitario
Che sta aspettando al parco
Il riflesso è una porta per trovare
Tesoro nel buio
E guardare sopra il trifoglio fortunato
Non è strano
Ogni piccola cosa che fa il riflesso
Ti lascia risposto con un punto di domanda

Sono su un giro e voglio scendere
Ma non rallenteranno la rotonda
Ho venduto il Renoir e il televisore
Non voglio essere nei paraggi quando si scoprirà

Allora perché non lo usi?
Cerca di non danneggiarlo?
Compra tempo non perderlo

Perché non lo usi?
Cerca di non danneggiarlo?
Compra tempo non perderlo

Il riflesso è un bambino solitario
Che sta aspettando nel parco
Il riflesso è una porta per trovare
Tesoro nel buio
E guardare sopra il trifoglio fortunato
Non è strano
Ogni piccola cosa che fa il riflesso
Ti lascia risposto con un punto di domanda

Allora perché non lo usi?
Cerca di non danneggiarlo?
Compra tempo non perderlo

Perché non lo usi?
Cerca di non danneggiarlo?
Compra tempo non perderlo

Il riflesso è un bambino solitario
Che sta aspettando al parco
Il riflesso è una porta per trovare
Tesoro nel buio
E guardare sopra il trifoglio fortunato
Non è strano
Ogni piccola cosa che fa il riflesso
Ti lascia risposto con un punto di domanda

Oh il riflesso che gioco
Sta nascondendo tutte le carte
Il riflesso è incaricato di trovare
Tesoro nel buio
E guardare sopra il trifoglio fortunato
Non è strano
Ogni piccola cosa che fa il riflesso

The reflex
The reflex
The reflex
The reflex
You've gone too far this time
Kamu sudah terlalu jauh kali ini
But I'm dancing on the Valentine
Tapi aku menari di Hari Valentine
I tell you somebody's fooling around
Aku bilang ada orang yang bermain-main
With my chances on the danger line
Dengan kesempatanku di garis bahaya
I'll cross that bridge when I find it
Aku akan menyeberangi jembatan itu saat aku menemukannya
Another day to make my stand, oh woah
Hari lain untuk menegakkan pendirianku, oh woah
High time is no time for deciding
Saat yang tepat bukan waktu untuk memutuskan
If I should find a helping hand, oh woah
Apakah aku harus menemukan tangan yang membantu, oh woah
Why don't you use it?
Mengapa kamu tidak menggunakannya?
Try not to bruise it
Cobalah untuk tidak melukainya
Buy time, don't lose it
Beli waktu, jangan kehilangannya
Oh, why don't you use it?
Oh, mengapa kamu tidak menggunakannya?
Try not to bruise it
Cobalah untuk tidak melukainya
Buy time, don't lose it
Beli waktu, jangan kehilangannya
The reflex is a lonely child, who's waiting by the park
Refleks adalah anak yang kesepian, yang menunggu di taman
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
Refleks bertugas menemukan harta karun dalam gelap
And watching over lucky clover, isn't that bizarre?
Dan mengawasi semanggi keberuntungan, bukankah itu aneh?
And every little thing the reflex does
Dan setiap hal kecil yang dilakukan refleks
Leaves you answered with a question mark
Meninggalkanmu dengan tanda tanya
I'm on a ride and I want to get off
Aku dalam perjalanan dan aku ingin turun
But they won't slow down the roundabout
Tapi mereka tidak mau memperlambat putaran
I sold the Renoir and TV set
Aku menjual Renoir dan set TV
Don't wanna be around when this gets out
Tidak ingin berada di sekitar saat ini terungkap
So, why don't you use it?
Jadi, mengapa kamu tidak menggunakannya?
Try not to bruise it
Cobalah untuk tidak melukainya
Buy time, don't lose it
Beli waktu, jangan kehilangannya
Why don't you use it?
Mengapa kamu tidak menggunakannya?
The reflex is a lonely child, who's waiting in the park
Refleks adalah anak yang kesepian, yang menunggu di taman
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
Refleks bertugas menemukan harta karun dalam gelap
And watching over lucky clover, isn't that bizarre?
Dan mengawasi semanggi keberuntungan, bukankah itu aneh?
And every little thing the reflex does
Dan setiap hal kecil yang dilakukan refleks
Leaves an answer with a question mark, play
Meninggalkan jawaban dengan tanda tanya, mainkan
So, why don't you use it?
Jadi, mengapa kamu tidak menggunakannya?
Try not to bruise it
Cobalah untuk tidak melukainya
Buy time, don't lose it
Beli waktu, jangan kehilangannya
The reflex is a lonely child, who's waiting by the park
Refleks adalah anak yang kesepian, yang menunggu di taman
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
Refleks bertugas menemukan harta karun dalam gelap
And watching over lucky clover, isn't that bizarre?
Dan mengawasi semanggi keberuntungan, bukankah itu aneh?
And every little thing the reflex does
Dan setiap hal kecil yang dilakukan refleks
Leaves me answered with a question mark
Meninggalkan aku dengan tanda tanya
Oh, the reflex, what a game, he's hiding all the cards
Oh, refleks, apa permainan, dia menyembunyikan semua kartu
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
Refleks bertugas menemukan harta karun dalam gelap
The reflex
The reflex
The reflex
The reflex
The reflex
The reflex
The reflex
The reflex
You've gone too far this time
But I'm dancing on the Valentine
I tell you somebody's fooling around
With my chances on the danger line
I'll cross that bridge when I find it
Another day to make my stand, oh woah
High time is no time for deciding
If I should find a helping hand, oh woah
Why don't you use it?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time, don't lose it
ซื้อเวลา อย่าเสียมันไป
Oh, why don't you use it?
โอ้ ทำไมคุณไม่ใช้มัน?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time, don't lose it
ซื้อเวลา อย่าเสียมันไป
The reflex is a lonely child, who's waiting by the park
The reflex เป็นเด็กโดดเดี่ยวที่กำลังรออยู่ที่สวน
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
The reflex มีหน้าที่หาสมบัติในความมืด
And watching over lucky clover, isn't that bizarre?
และดูแลโชคดีที่โคลเวอร์ มันแปลกไหม?
And every little thing the reflex does
และทุกสิ่งที่ the reflex ทำ
Leaves you answered with a question mark
I'm on a ride and I want to get off
But they won't slow down the roundabout
I sold the Renoir and TV set
Don't wanna be around when this gets out
So, why don't you use it?
ดังนั้น ทำไมคุณไม่ใช้มัน?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time, don't lose it
ซื้อเวลา อย่าเสียมันไป
Why don't you use it?
The reflex is a lonely child, who's waiting in the park
The reflex เป็นเด็กโดดเดี่ยวที่กำลังรออยู่ในสวน
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
The reflex มีหน้าที่หาสมบัติในความมืด
And watching over lucky clover, isn't that bizarre?
และดูแลโชคดีที่โคลเวอร์ มันแปลกไหม?
And every little thing the reflex does
และทุกสิ่งที่ the reflex ทำ
Leaves an answer with a question mark, play
So, why don't you use it?
ดังนั้น ทำไมคุณไม่ใช้มัน?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time, don't lose it
ซื้อเวลา อย่าเสียมันไป
The reflex is a lonely child, who's waiting by the park
The reflex เป็นเด็กโดดเดี่ยวที่กำลังรออยู่ที่สวน
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
The reflex มีหน้าที่หาสมบัติในความมืด
And watching over lucky clover, isn't that bizarre?
และดูแลโชคดีที่โคลเวอร์ มันแปลกไหม?
And every little thing the reflex does
และทุกสิ่งที่ the reflex ทำ
Leaves me answered with a question mark
Oh, the reflex, what a game, he's hiding all the cards
โอ้ the reflex เป็นเกม มันซ่อนไพ่ทั้งหมด
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
The reflex มีหน้าที่หาสมบัติในความมืด
The reflex
The reflex
The reflex
The reflex
You've gone too far this time
But I'm dancing on the Valentine
I tell you somebody's fooling around
With my chances on the danger line
I'll cross that bridge when I find it
Another day to make my stand, oh woah
High time is no time for deciding
If I should find a helping hand, oh woah
Why don't you use it?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time, don't lose it
Oh, why don't you use it?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time, don't lose it
The reflex is a lonely child, who's waiting by the park
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
And watching over lucky clover, isn't that bizarre?
And every little thing the reflex does
Leaves you answered with a question mark
I'm on a ride and I want to get off
But they won't slow down the roundabout
I sold the Renoir and TV set
Don't wanna be around when this gets out
So, why don't you use it?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time, don't lose it
Why don't you use it?
The reflex is a lonely child, who's waiting in the park
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
And watching over lucky clover, isn't that bizarre?
And every little thing the reflex does
Leaves an answer with a question mark, play
So, why don't you use it?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time, don't lose it
The reflex is a lonely child, who's waiting by the park
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
And watching over lucky clover, isn't that bizarre?
And every little thing the reflex does
Leaves me answered with a question mark
Oh, the reflex, what a game, he's hiding all the cards
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark

Curiosidades sobre a música The Reflex de Duran Duran

Em quais álbuns a música “The Reflex” foi lançada por Duran Duran?
Duran Duran lançou a música nos álbums “Seven and the Ragged Tiger” em 1983, “Mixing” em 1985, “Decade : Greatest Hits” em 1989, “Decade” em 1989, “Greatest” em 1998, “Night Versions: The Essential Duran Duran” em 1998, “Strange Behaviour” em 1999, “Strange Behavior” em 1999, “Singles Box Set 1981-1985” em 2003, “The Singles 81-85” em 2003, “The Singles 1986-1995” em 2004, “Singles Box Set 1986-1995” em 2005, “A Diamond in the Mind” em 2012 e “The Biggest and the Best” em 2012.
De quem é a composição da música “The Reflex” de Duran Duran?
A música “The Reflex” de Duran Duran foi composta por Andy Taylor, John Taylor, Nick Rhodes, Roger Andrew Taylor, Simon Le Bon.

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