
Martin Gore

Letra Tradução

I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details
Someone who'll stand by my side and give me support
And in return, she'll get my support
She will listen to me when I want to speak
About the world we live in and life in general
Though my views may be wrong, they may even be perverted
She'll hear me out and won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking, in fact, she'll often disagree
But at the end of it all, she will understand me

I want somebody who cares for me passionately
With every thought and with every breath
Someone who'll help me see things in a different light
All the things I detest I will almost like
I don't want to be tied to anyone's strings
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of those things
But when I'm asleep I want somebody
Who will put their arms around me and kiss me tenderly
Though things like this make me sick
In a case like this, I'll get away with it


I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life
Eu quero alguém para compartilhar, compartilhar o resto da minha vida
Share my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details
Compartilhar meus pensamentos mais íntimos, conhecer meus detalhes íntimos
Someone who'll stand by my side and give me support
Alguém que ficará ao meu lado e me dará apoio
And in return, she'll get my support
E em troca, ela receberá meu apoio
She will listen to me when I want to speak
Ela me ouvirá quando eu quiser falar
About the world we live in and life in general
Sobre o mundo em que vivemos e a vida em geral
Though my views may be wrong, they may even be perverted
Embora minhas opiniões possam estar erradas, elas podem até ser pervertidas
She'll hear me out and won't easily be converted
Ela me ouvirá e não será facilmente convertida
To my way of thinking, in fact, she'll often disagree
Para o meu modo de pensar, na verdade, ela frequentemente discordará
But at the end of it all, she will understand me
Mas no final de tudo, ela me entenderá
I want somebody who cares for me passionately
Eu quero alguém que se importe comigo apaixonadamente
With every thought and with every breath
Com cada pensamento e com cada respiração
Someone who'll help me see things in a different light
Alguém que me ajudará a ver as coisas sob uma luz diferente
All the things I detest I will almost like
Todas as coisas que eu detesto, eu quase gostarei
I don't want to be tied to anyone's strings
Eu não quero estar preso às cordas de ninguém
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of those things
Estou tentando cuidadosamente evitar essas coisas
But when I'm asleep I want somebody
Mas quando estou dormindo, eu quero alguém
Who will put their arms around me and kiss me tenderly
Que colocará seus braços ao meu redor e me beijará ternamente
Though things like this make me sick
Embora coisas assim me deixem doente
In a case like this, I'll get away with it
Em um caso como este, eu vou me safar
I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life
Quiero alguien para compartir, compartir el resto de mi vida
Share my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details
Compartir mis pensamientos más íntimos, conocer mis detalles más íntimos
Someone who'll stand by my side and give me support
Alguien que esté a mi lado y me brinde apoyo
And in return, she'll get my support
Y a cambio, ella recibirá mi apoyo
She will listen to me when I want to speak
Ella me escuchará cuando quiera hablar
About the world we live in and life in general
Sobre el mundo en el que vivimos y la vida en general
Though my views may be wrong, they may even be perverted
Aunque mis opiniones puedan estar equivocadas, incluso pervertidas
She'll hear me out and won't easily be converted
Ella me escuchará y no se dejará convencer fácilmente
To my way of thinking, in fact, she'll often disagree
A mi manera de pensar, de hecho, a menudo estará en desacuerdo
But at the end of it all, she will understand me
Pero al final de todo, ella me entenderá
I want somebody who cares for me passionately
Quiero a alguien que me cuide apasionadamente
With every thought and with every breath
Con cada pensamiento y con cada respiración
Someone who'll help me see things in a different light
Alguien que me ayude a ver las cosas de manera diferente
All the things I detest I will almost like
Todas las cosas que detesto, casi las llegaré a gustar
I don't want to be tied to anyone's strings
No quiero estar atado a las cuerdas de nadie
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of those things
Estoy tratando cuidadosamente de evitar esas cosas
But when I'm asleep I want somebody
Pero cuando estoy dormido, quiero a alguien
Who will put their arms around me and kiss me tenderly
Que me abrace y me bese tiernamente
Though things like this make me sick
Aunque cosas como estas me enfermen
In a case like this, I'll get away with it
En un caso como este, me saldré con la mía
I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life
Je veux quelqu'un pour partager, partager le reste de ma vie
Share my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details
Partager mes pensées les plus intimes, connaître mes détails intimes
Someone who'll stand by my side and give me support
Quelqu'un qui restera à mes côtés et me donnera du soutien
And in return, she'll get my support
Et en retour, elle recevra mon soutien
She will listen to me when I want to speak
Elle m'écoutera quand je voudrai parler
About the world we live in and life in general
Du monde dans lequel nous vivons et de la vie en général
Though my views may be wrong, they may even be perverted
Bien que mes opinions puissent être fausses, elles peuvent même être perverties
She'll hear me out and won't easily be converted
Elle m'écoutera et ne se laissera pas facilement convertir
To my way of thinking, in fact, she'll often disagree
À ma façon de penser, en fait, elle sera souvent en désaccord
But at the end of it all, she will understand me
Mais à la fin de tout cela, elle me comprendra
I want somebody who cares for me passionately
Je veux quelqu'un qui se soucie de moi passionnément
With every thought and with every breath
Avec chaque pensée et chaque souffle
Someone who'll help me see things in a different light
Quelqu'un qui m'aidera à voir les choses sous un jour différent
All the things I detest I will almost like
Toutes les choses que je déteste, je les aimerai presque
I don't want to be tied to anyone's strings
Je ne veux pas être lié aux cordes de quelqu'un
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of those things
J'essaie soigneusement d'éviter ces choses
But when I'm asleep I want somebody
Mais quand je dors, je veux quelqu'un
Who will put their arms around me and kiss me tenderly
Qui mettra ses bras autour de moi et m'embrassera tendrement
Though things like this make me sick
Bien que des choses comme ça me rendent malade
In a case like this, I'll get away with it
Dans un cas comme celui-ci, je m'en sortirai
I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life
Ich möchte jemanden, mit dem ich den Rest meines Lebens teilen kann
Share my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details
Teile meine innersten Gedanken, kenne meine intimsten Details
Someone who'll stand by my side and give me support
Jemand, der an meiner Seite steht und mir Unterstützung gibt
And in return, she'll get my support
Und im Gegenzug erhält sie meine Unterstützung
She will listen to me when I want to speak
Sie wird mir zuhören, wenn ich sprechen möchte
About the world we live in and life in general
Über die Welt, in der wir leben, und das Leben im Allgemeinen
Though my views may be wrong, they may even be perverted
Obwohl meine Ansichten falsch sein könnten, könnten sie sogar verdreht sein
She'll hear me out and won't easily be converted
Sie wird mich anhören und sich nicht leicht bekehren lassen
To my way of thinking, in fact, she'll often disagree
Zu meiner Denkweise, tatsächlich wird sie oft nicht zustimmen
But at the end of it all, she will understand me
Aber am Ende von allem wird sie mich verstehen
I want somebody who cares for me passionately
Ich möchte jemanden, der leidenschaftlich für mich sorgt
With every thought and with every breath
Mit jedem Gedanken und mit jedem Atemzug
Someone who'll help me see things in a different light
Jemand, der mir hilft, Dinge in einem anderen Licht zu sehen
All the things I detest I will almost like
All die Dinge, die ich verabscheue, werde ich fast mögen
I don't want to be tied to anyone's strings
Ich möchte nicht an die Fäden von jemandem gebunden sein
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of those things
Ich versuche vorsichtig, solchen Dingen aus dem Weg zu gehen
But when I'm asleep I want somebody
Aber wenn ich schlafe, möchte ich jemanden
Who will put their arms around me and kiss me tenderly
Der seine Arme um mich legt und mich zärtlich küsst
Though things like this make me sick
Obwohl mich solche Dinge krank machen
In a case like this, I'll get away with it
In einem Fall wie diesem komme ich damit durch
I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life
Voglio qualcuno con cui condividere, condividere il resto della mia vita
Share my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details
Condividere i miei pensieri più intimi, conoscere i miei dettagli intimi
Someone who'll stand by my side and give me support
Qualcuno che stia al mio fianco e mi dia sostegno
And in return, she'll get my support
E in cambio, riceverà il mio sostegno
She will listen to me when I want to speak
Mi ascolterà quando voglio parlare
About the world we live in and life in general
Del mondo in cui viviamo e della vita in generale
Though my views may be wrong, they may even be perverted
Anche se le mie opinioni potrebbero essere sbagliate, potrebbero addirittura essere perverse
She'll hear me out and won't easily be converted
Mi ascolterà e non si lascerà facilmente convertire
To my way of thinking, in fact, she'll often disagree
Al mio modo di pensare, infatti, spesso sarà in disaccordo
But at the end of it all, she will understand me
Ma alla fine di tutto, mi capirà
I want somebody who cares for me passionately
Voglio qualcuno che si preoccupi per me appassionatamente
With every thought and with every breath
Con ogni pensiero e con ogni respiro
Someone who'll help me see things in a different light
Qualcuno che mi aiuti a vedere le cose in una luce diversa
All the things I detest I will almost like
Tutte le cose che detesto quasi mi piaceranno
I don't want to be tied to anyone's strings
Non voglio essere legato alle corde di nessuno
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of those things
Sto cercando attentamente di evitare quelle cose
But when I'm asleep I want somebody
Ma quando dormo voglio qualcuno
Who will put their arms around me and kiss me tenderly
Che mi avvolga con le sue braccia e mi baci teneramente
Though things like this make me sick
Anche se cose del genere mi fanno stare male
In a case like this, I'll get away with it
In un caso come questo, me la caverò
I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life
Saya ingin seseorang untuk berbagi, berbagi sisa hidupku
Share my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details
Berbagi pikiran terdalamku, mengetahui detail intimku
Someone who'll stand by my side and give me support
Seseorang yang akan berdiri di sisiku dan memberiku dukungan
And in return, she'll get my support
Dan sebagai balasannya, dia akan mendapatkan dukunganku
She will listen to me when I want to speak
Dia akan mendengarkan saya ketika saya ingin berbicara
About the world we live in and life in general
Tentang dunia tempat kita hidup dan kehidupan pada umumnya
Though my views may be wrong, they may even be perverted
Meskipun pandangan saya mungkin salah, mereka bahkan mungkin menyimpang
She'll hear me out and won't easily be converted
Dia akan mendengarkan saya dan tidak akan mudah dipengaruhi
To my way of thinking, in fact, she'll often disagree
Dengan cara berpikir saya, bahkan, dia sering kali tidak setuju
But at the end of it all, she will understand me
Tapi di akhir semuanya, dia akan mengerti saya
I want somebody who cares for me passionately
Saya ingin seseorang yang peduli padaku dengan penuh gairah
With every thought and with every breath
Dengan setiap pikiran dan setiap nafas
Someone who'll help me see things in a different light
Seseorang yang akan membantu saya melihat hal-hal dengan cara yang berbeda
All the things I detest I will almost like
Semua hal yang saya benci saya hampir menyukai
I don't want to be tied to anyone's strings
Saya tidak ingin terikat pada tali siapa pun
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of those things
Saya berhati-hati mencoba untuk menjauh dari hal-hal itu
But when I'm asleep I want somebody
Tapi ketika saya tidur saya ingin seseorang
Who will put their arms around me and kiss me tenderly
Yang akan memeluk saya dan mencium saya dengan lembut
Though things like this make me sick
Meskipun hal-hal seperti ini membuat saya sakit
In a case like this, I'll get away with it
Dalam kasus seperti ini, saya akan lolos darinya
I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life
ฉันต้องการใครสักคนที่จะแบ่งปัน แบ่งปันชีวิตที่เหลือของฉัน
Share my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details
แบ่งปันความคิดที่ลึกซึ้งที่สุด รู้รายละเอียดที่ใกล้ชิดของฉัน
Someone who'll stand by my side and give me support
And in return, she'll get my support
และเป็นการตอบแทน ฉันจะสนับสนุนเธอ
She will listen to me when I want to speak
About the world we live in and life in general
Though my views may be wrong, they may even be perverted
แม้ว่ามุมมองของฉันอาจจะผิด มันอาจจะเบี้ยวบันเทิง
She'll hear me out and won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking, in fact, she'll often disagree
ตามทางคิดของฉัน ในความจริง เธอมักจะไม่เห็นด้วย
But at the end of it all, she will understand me
แต่ท้ายที่สุดของทุกสิ่ง เธอจะเข้าใจฉัน
I want somebody who cares for me passionately
With every thought and with every breath
Someone who'll help me see things in a different light
All the things I detest I will almost like
ทุกสิ่งที่ฉันเกลียดชัง ฉันจะเริ่มชอบ
I don't want to be tied to anyone's strings
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of those things
But when I'm asleep I want somebody
แต่เมื่อฉันหลับ ฉันต้องการใครสักคน
Who will put their arms around me and kiss me tenderly
Though things like this make me sick
In a case like this, I'll get away with it
ในกรณีที่เช่นนี้ ฉันจะรับมันได้
I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details
Someone who'll stand by my side and give me support
And in return, she'll get my support
She will listen to me when I want to speak
About the world we live in and life in general
Though my views may be wrong, they may even be perverted
She'll hear me out and won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking, in fact, she'll often disagree
But at the end of it all, she will understand me
I want somebody who cares for me passionately
With every thought and with every breath
Someone who'll help me see things in a different light
All the things I detest I will almost like
I don't want to be tied to anyone's strings
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of those things
But when I'm asleep I want somebody
Who will put their arms around me and kiss me tenderly
Though things like this make me sick
In a case like this, I'll get away with it

Curiosidades sobre a música Somebody de Depeche Mode

Em quais álbuns a música “Somebody” foi lançada por Depeche Mode?
Depeche Mode lançou a música nos álbums “Some Great Reward” em 1984, “Catching Up with Depeche Mode” em 1985, “The Singles 81→85” em 1985, “The World We Live In and Live in Hamburg” em 1985, “Some Great Videos” em 1985, “101” em 1989, “DMBX2: Singles 7-12” em 1991, “Rare Early Live Performances” em 2006 e “Video Singles Collection” em 2016.
De quem é a composição da música “Somebody” de Depeche Mode?
A música “Somebody” de Depeche Mode foi composta por Martin Gore.

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