
Martin Gore

Letra Tradução

On another world by another star at another place and time
In another state of consciousness in another state of mind
Everything was almost perfect, everything fell into place
That you may reach a different verdict
If all the judges missed the case

In a parallel universe that's happening right now
Things between us must be worse but it's hard to see just how

And everything could have been perfect
Everything in the right place
Then I wouldn't have to play the suspect
Accused, abandoned and disgraced

I didn't shoot, I didn't pull the trigger
It wasn't me, I'm just a plain and simple singer
I heard the sound, I turned my head around
To watch our love shot down

In another lonely universe, we're laying side by side
And no one's hurt and no one's cursed and no one needs to hide

And everything is almost perfect
Everything is almost right
There are never any conflicts
There are never any fights

On another world by another star at another place and time
Em outro mundo, por outra estrela, em outro lugar e tempo
In another state of consciousness in another state of mind
Em outro estado de consciência, em outra mentalidade
Everything was almost perfect, everything fell into place
Tudo era quase perfeito, tudo se encaixava
That you may reach a different verdict
Que você pode chegar a um veredicto diferente
If all the judges missed the case
Se todos os juízes perderam o caso
In a parallel universe that's happening right now
Em um universo paralelo que está acontecendo agora
Things between us must be worse but it's hard to see just how
As coisas entre nós devem ser piores, mas é difícil ver como
And everything could have been perfect
E tudo poderia ter sido perfeito
Everything in the right place
Tudo no lugar certo
Then I wouldn't have to play the suspect
Então eu não teria que desempenhar o papel de suspeito
Accused, abandoned and disgraced
Acusado, abandonado e desgraçado
I didn't shoot, I didn't pull the trigger
Eu não atirei, eu não puxei o gatilho
It wasn't me, I'm just a plain and simple singer
Não fui eu, sou apenas um cantor simples e comum
I heard the sound, I turned my head around
Eu ouvi o som, virei minha cabeça
To watch our love shot down
Para ver nosso amor ser abatido
In another lonely universe, we're laying side by side
Em outro universo solitário, estamos deitados lado a lado
And no one's hurt and no one's cursed and no one needs to hide
E ninguém está ferido e ninguém está amaldiçoado e ninguém precisa se esconder
And everything is almost perfect
E tudo é quase perfeito
Everything is almost right
Tudo está quase certo
There are never any conflicts
Nunca há conflitos
There are never any fights
Nunca há brigas
On another world by another star at another place and time
En otro mundo por otra estrella en otro lugar y tiempo
In another state of consciousness in another state of mind
En otro estado de conciencia en otro estado mental
Everything was almost perfect, everything fell into place
Todo estaba casi perfecto, todo cayó en su lugar
That you may reach a different verdict
Tal vez llegarías a un veredicto diferente
If all the judges missed the case
Si todos los jueces perdieran el caso
In a parallel universe that's happening right now
En un universo paralelo que está sucediendo ahora mismo
Things between us must be worse but it's hard to see just how
Las cosas entre nosotros deben ser peores pero es difícil ver cómo
And everything could have been perfect
Y todo podría haber sido perfecto
Everything in the right place
Todo en su lugar correcto
Then I wouldn't have to play the suspect
Entonces no tendría que jugar al sospechoso
Accused, abandoned and disgraced
Acusado, abandonado y deshonrado
I didn't shoot, I didn't pull the trigger
No disparé, no apreté el gatillo
It wasn't me, I'm just a plain and simple singer
No fui yo, solo soy un cantante sencillo y simple
I heard the sound, I turned my head around
Escuché el sonido, volví la cabeza
To watch our love shot down
Para ver cómo nuestro amor era abatido
In another lonely universe, we're laying side by side
En otro universo solitario, estamos acostados uno al lado del otro
And no one's hurt and no one's cursed and no one needs to hide
Y nadie está herido, y nadie está maldito, y nadie necesita esconderse
And everything is almost perfect
Y todo está casi perfecto
Everything is almost right
Todo está casi correcto
There are never any conflicts
Nunca hay conflictos
There are never any fights
Nunca hay peleas
On another world by another star at another place and time
Dans un autre monde, par une autre étoile, à un autre endroit et à un autre moment
In another state of consciousness in another state of mind
Dans un autre état de conscience, dans un autre état d'esprit
Everything was almost perfect, everything fell into place
Tout était presque parfait, tout est tombé en place
That you may reach a different verdict
Que vous puissiez atteindre un verdict différent
If all the judges missed the case
Si tous les juges ont manqué l'affaire
In a parallel universe that's happening right now
Dans un univers parallèle qui se passe en ce moment
Things between us must be worse but it's hard to see just how
Les choses entre nous doivent être pires, mais il est difficile de voir comment
And everything could have been perfect
Et tout aurait pu être parfait
Everything in the right place
Tout à la bonne place
Then I wouldn't have to play the suspect
Alors je n'aurais pas eu à jouer le suspect
Accused, abandoned and disgraced
Accusé, abandonné et déshonoré
I didn't shoot, I didn't pull the trigger
Je n'ai pas tiré, je n'ai pas appuyé sur la gâchette
It wasn't me, I'm just a plain and simple singer
Ce n'était pas moi, je suis juste un chanteur simple et ordinaire
I heard the sound, I turned my head around
J'ai entendu le son, j'ai tourné la tête
To watch our love shot down
Pour voir notre amour abattu
In another lonely universe, we're laying side by side
Dans un autre univers solitaire, nous sommes allongés côte à côte
And no one's hurt and no one's cursed and no one needs to hide
Et personne n'est blessé et personne n'est maudit et personne n'a besoin de se cacher
And everything is almost perfect
Et tout est presque parfait
Everything is almost right
Tout est presque bien
There are never any conflicts
Il n'y a jamais de conflits
There are never any fights
Il n'y a jamais de combats
On another world by another star at another place and time
In einer anderen Welt, bei einem anderen Stern, an einem anderen Ort und zu einer anderen Zeit
In another state of consciousness in another state of mind
In einem anderen Bewusstseinszustand, in einem anderen Geisteszustand
Everything was almost perfect, everything fell into place
Alles war fast perfekt, alles fiel an seinen Platz
That you may reach a different verdict
Dass du vielleicht zu einem anderen Urteil kommst
If all the judges missed the case
Wenn alle Richter den Fall verpasst haben
In a parallel universe that's happening right now
In einem parallelen Universum, das gerade jetzt passiert
Things between us must be worse but it's hard to see just how
Müssen die Dinge zwischen uns schlimmer sein, aber es ist schwer zu sehen, wie
And everything could have been perfect
Und alles hätte perfekt sein können
Everything in the right place
Alles am richtigen Platz
Then I wouldn't have to play the suspect
Dann müsste ich nicht den Verdächtigen spielen
Accused, abandoned and disgraced
Beschuldigt, verlassen und entehrt
I didn't shoot, I didn't pull the trigger
Ich habe nicht geschossen, ich habe den Abzug nicht betätigt
It wasn't me, I'm just a plain and simple singer
Ich war es nicht, ich bin nur ein einfacher und schlichter Sänger
I heard the sound, I turned my head around
Ich hörte den Schuss, ich drehte meinen Kopf um
To watch our love shot down
Um zu sehen, wie unsere Liebe niedergeschossen wurde
In another lonely universe, we're laying side by side
In einem anderen einsamen Universum liegen wir Seite an Seite
And no one's hurt and no one's cursed and no one needs to hide
Und niemand ist verletzt und niemand ist verflucht und niemand muss sich verstecken
And everything is almost perfect
Und alles ist fast perfekt
Everything is almost right
Alles ist fast richtig
There are never any conflicts
Es gibt nie irgendwelche Konflikte
There are never any fights
Es gibt nie irgendwelche Kämpfe
On another world by another star at another place and time
In un altro mondo, sotto un'altra stella, in un altro luogo e tempo
In another state of consciousness in another state of mind
In un altro stato di coscienza, in un altro stato mentale
Everything was almost perfect, everything fell into place
Tutto era quasi perfetto, tutto è andato al suo posto
That you may reach a different verdict
Potresti raggiungere un verdetto diverso
If all the judges missed the case
Se tutti i giudici hanno perso il caso
In a parallel universe that's happening right now
In un universo parallelo che sta accadendo proprio ora
Things between us must be worse but it's hard to see just how
Le cose tra noi devono essere peggiori, ma è difficile capire come
And everything could have been perfect
E tutto avrebbe potuto essere perfetto
Everything in the right place
Tutto al posto giusto
Then I wouldn't have to play the suspect
Allora non avrei dovuto fare il sospettato
Accused, abandoned and disgraced
Accusato, abbandonato e disgraziato
I didn't shoot, I didn't pull the trigger
Non ho sparato, non ho premuto il grilletto
It wasn't me, I'm just a plain and simple singer
Non ero io, sono solo un cantante semplice e normale
I heard the sound, I turned my head around
Ho sentito il suono, ho girato la testa
To watch our love shot down
Per vedere il nostro amore abbattuto
In another lonely universe, we're laying side by side
In un altro universo solitario, stiamo sdraiati fianco a fianco
And no one's hurt and no one's cursed and no one needs to hide
E nessuno è ferito e nessuno è maledetto e nessuno ha bisogno di nascondersi
And everything is almost perfect
E tutto è quasi perfetto
Everything is almost right
Tutto è quasi giusto
There are never any conflicts
Non ci sono mai conflitti
There are never any fights
Non ci sono mai litigi
On another world by another star at another place and time
Di dunia lain oleh bintang lain di tempat dan waktu yang lain
In another state of consciousness in another state of mind
Di keadaan kesadaran yang lain dalam keadaan pikiran yang lain
Everything was almost perfect, everything fell into place
Semuanya hampir sempurna, semuanya jatuh pada tempatnya
That you may reach a different verdict
Bahwa kamu mungkin mencapai kesimpulan yang berbeda
If all the judges missed the case
Jika semua hakim melewatkan kasusnya
In a parallel universe that's happening right now
Di alam semesta paralel yang terjadi saat ini
Things between us must be worse but it's hard to see just how
Hal-hal antara kita pasti lebih buruk tapi sulit untuk melihat bagaimana
And everything could have been perfect
Dan semuanya bisa sempurna
Everything in the right place
Semuanya di tempat yang tepat
Then I wouldn't have to play the suspect
Maka aku tidak perlu berperan sebagai tersangka
Accused, abandoned and disgraced
Dituduh, ditinggalkan dan tercela
I didn't shoot, I didn't pull the trigger
Aku tidak menembak, aku tidak menarik pelatuknya
It wasn't me, I'm just a plain and simple singer
Itu bukan aku, aku hanya penyanyi sederhana dan biasa
I heard the sound, I turned my head around
Aku mendengar suara itu, aku memalingkan kepalaku
To watch our love shot down
Untuk menyaksikan cinta kita ditembak jatuh
In another lonely universe, we're laying side by side
Di alam semesta yang sepi lainnya, kita berbaring berdampingan
And no one's hurt and no one's cursed and no one needs to hide
Dan tidak ada yang terluka dan tidak ada yang terkutuk dan tidak ada yang perlu bersembunyi
And everything is almost perfect
Dan semuanya hampir sempurna
Everything is almost right
Semuanya hampir benar
There are never any conflicts
Tidak pernah ada konflik
There are never any fights
Tidak pernah ada pertengkaran
On another world by another star at another place and time
ในโลกอื่น ที่ดาวดวงอื่น ในสถานที่และเวลาที่แตกต่างกัน
In another state of consciousness in another state of mind
ในสภาวะจิตใจที่แตกต่าง ในสภาวะความคิดที่แตกต่าง
Everything was almost perfect, everything fell into place
ทุกอย่างเกือบจะสมบูรณ์แบบ, ทุกอย่างตกอยู่ในที่ที่เหมาะสม
That you may reach a different verdict
If all the judges missed the case
In a parallel universe that's happening right now
Things between us must be worse but it's hard to see just how
สิ่งต่างๆ ระหว่างเราต้องแย่ลง แต่มันยากที่จะเห็นว่าอย่างไร
And everything could have been perfect
Everything in the right place
Then I wouldn't have to play the suspect
Accused, abandoned and disgraced
ถูกกล่าวหา, ถูกทอดทิ้งและถูกประณาม
I didn't shoot, I didn't pull the trigger
ฉันไม่ได้ยิง, ฉันไม่ได้เหนี่ยวไก
It wasn't me, I'm just a plain and simple singer
มันไม่ใช่ฉัน, ฉันเป็นแค่นักร้องธรรมดา
I heard the sound, I turned my head around
ฉันได้ยินเสียง, ฉันหันหัวไปรอบๆ
To watch our love shot down
In another lonely universe, we're laying side by side
ในจักรวาลที่โดดเดี่ยวอีกแห่ง, เรานอนข้างกัน
And no one's hurt and no one's cursed and no one needs to hide
และไม่มีใครบาดเจ็บ ไม่มีใครถูกสาปแช่ง และไม่มีใครต้องซ่อนตัว
And everything is almost perfect
Everything is almost right
There are never any conflicts
There are never any fights
On another world by another star at another place and time
In another state of consciousness in another state of mind
Everything was almost perfect, everything fell into place
That you may reach a different verdict
If all the judges missed the case
In a parallel universe that's happening right now
Things between us must be worse but it's hard to see just how
And everything could have been perfect
Everything in the right place
Then I wouldn't have to play the suspect
Accused, abandoned and disgraced
I didn't shoot, I didn't pull the trigger
It wasn't me, I'm just a plain and simple singer
I heard the sound, I turned my head around
To watch our love shot down
In another lonely universe, we're laying side by side
And no one's hurt and no one's cursed and no one needs to hide
And everything is almost perfect
Everything is almost right
There are never any conflicts
There are never any fights

Curiosidades sobre a música Perfect de Depeche Mode

Em quais álbuns a música “Perfect” foi lançada por Depeche Mode?
Depeche Mode lançou a música nos álbums “Sounds of the Universe” em 2009 e “Fragile Tension / Hole to Feed” em 2009.
De quem é a composição da música “Perfect” de Depeche Mode?
A música “Perfect” de Depeche Mode foi composta por Martin Gore.

Músicas mais populares de Depeche Mode

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