John the Revelator

Martin Gore

Letra Tradução

John the Revelator, put him in an elevator
Take him up to the highest high
Take him up to the top where the mountains stop
Let him tell his book of lies

John the Revelator, he's a smooth operator
It's time we cut him down to size
Take him by the hand And put him on the stand
Let us hear his alibis

By claiming God as his only rock
He's stealing a God from the Israelite
Stealing a God from a Muslim, too
There is only one God through and through

Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Send them home on the morning train
Well, who's that shouting?
John the Revelator
All he ever gives us is pain
Well, who's that shouting?
John the Revelator
He should bow his head in shame


Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Send them home on the morning train
Well, who's that shouting?
John the Revelator
All he ever gives us is pain
Well, who's that shouting?
John the Revelator
He should bow his head in shame

Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)

John the Revelator, put him in an elevator
John o Revelador, coloque-o em um elevador
Take him up to the highest high
Leve-o até o mais alto
Take him up to the top where the mountains stop
Leve-o até o topo onde as montanhas param
Let him tell his book of lies
Deixe-o contar seu livro de mentiras
John the Revelator, he's a smooth operator
John o Revelador, ele é um operador suave
It's time we cut him down to size
É hora de cortá-lo até o tamanho
Take him by the hand And put him on the stand
Pegue-o pela mão e coloque-o no banco dos réus
Let us hear his alibis
Deixe-nos ouvir suas desculpas
By claiming God as his only rock
Ao reivindicar Deus como sua única rocha
He's stealing a God from the Israelite
Ele está roubando um Deus dos israelitas
Stealing a God from a Muslim, too
Roubando um Deus de um muçulmano também
There is only one God through and through
Há apenas um Deus de verdade
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Sete mentiras, multiplicadas por sete, multiplicadas por sete novamente
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Sete anjos com sete trombetas
Send them home on the morning train
Mande-os para casa no trem da manhã
Well, who's that shouting?
Bem, quem está gritando?
John the Revelator
John o Revelador
All he ever gives us is pain
Tudo o que ele sempre nos dá é dor
Well, who's that shouting?
Bem, quem está gritando?
John the Revelator
John o Revelador
He should bow his head in shame
Ele deveria baixar a cabeça de vergonha
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Sete mentiras, multiplicadas por sete, multiplicadas por sete novamente
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Sete anjos com sete trombetas
Send them home on the morning train
Mande-os para casa no trem da manhã
Well, who's that shouting?
Bem, quem está gritando?
John the Revelator
John o Revelador
All he ever gives us is pain
Tudo o que ele sempre nos dá é dor
Well, who's that shouting?
Bem, quem está gritando?
John the Revelator
John o Revelador
He should bow his head in shame
Ele deveria baixar a cabeça de vergonha
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Tchau-tchau (John o Revelador)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Tchau-tchau (John o Revelador)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Tchau-tchau (John o Revelador)
John the Revelator, put him in an elevator
Juan el Revelador, ponlo en un ascensor
Take him up to the highest high
Llévalo hasta lo más alto
Take him up to the top where the mountains stop
Llévalo hasta la cima donde las montañas paran
Let him tell his book of lies
Déjalo contar su libro de mentiras
John the Revelator, he's a smooth operator
Juan el Revelador, es un operador suave
It's time we cut him down to size
Es hora de reducirlo
Take him by the hand And put him on the stand
Tómalo de la mano y ponlo en el estrado
Let us hear his alibis
Dejemos que escuchemos sus coartadas
By claiming God as his only rock
Al reclamar a Dios como su única roca
He's stealing a God from the Israelite
Está robando un Dios de los israelitas
Stealing a God from a Muslim, too
Robando un Dios de un musulmán también
There is only one God through and through
Sólo hay un Dios, a través y a través
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Siete mentiras, multiplicadas por siete, multiplicadas por siete de nuevo
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Siete ángeles con siete trompetas
Send them home on the morning train
Envíalos a casa en el tren de la mañana
Well, who's that shouting?
Bueno, ¿quién está gritando?
John the Revelator
Juan el Revelador
All he ever gives us is pain
Todo lo que nos da es dolor
Well, who's that shouting?
Bueno, ¿quién está gritando?
John the Revelator
Juan el Revelador
He should bow his head in shame
Debería bajar la cabeza avergonzado
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Siete mentiras, multiplicadas por siete, multiplicadas por siete de nuevo
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Siete ángeles con siete trompetas
Send them home on the morning train
Envíalos a casa en el tren de la mañana
Well, who's that shouting?
Bueno, ¿quién está gritando?
John the Revelator
Juan el Revelador
All he ever gives us is pain
Todo lo que nos da es dolor
Well, who's that shouting?
Bueno, ¿quién está gritando?
John the Revelator
Juan el Revelador
He should bow his head in shame
Debería bajar la cabeza avergonzado
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Adiós (Juan el Revelador)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Adiós (Juan el Revelador)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Adiós (Juan el Revelador)
John the Revelator, put him in an elevator
John le Révélateur, mettez-le dans un ascenseur
Take him up to the highest high
Emmenez-le jusqu'au plus haut sommet
Take him up to the top where the mountains stop
Emmenez-le jusqu'au sommet où les montagnes s'arrêtent
Let him tell his book of lies
Laissez-le raconter son livre de mensonges
John the Revelator, he's a smooth operator
John le Révélateur, c'est un opérateur doux
It's time we cut him down to size
Il est temps que nous le réduisions à sa taille
Take him by the hand And put him on the stand
Prenez-le par la main et mettez-le à la barre
Let us hear his alibis
Laissons entendre ses alibis
By claiming God as his only rock
En prétendant que Dieu est son seul rocher
He's stealing a God from the Israelite
Il vole un Dieu aux Israélites
Stealing a God from a Muslim, too
Volant un Dieu à un musulman aussi
There is only one God through and through
Il n'y a qu'un seul Dieu à travers et à travers
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Sept mensonges, multipliés par sept, multipliés par sept encore
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Sept anges avec sept trompettes
Send them home on the morning train
Renvoyez-les chez eux dans le train du matin
Well, who's that shouting?
Eh bien, qui crie?
John the Revelator
John le Révélateur
All he ever gives us is pain
Tout ce qu'il nous donne, c'est de la douleur
Well, who's that shouting?
Eh bien, qui crie?
John the Revelator
John le Révélateur
He should bow his head in shame
Il devrait baisser la tête de honte
Au revoir
Au revoir
Au revoir
Au revoir
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Sept mensonges, multipliés par sept, multipliés par sept encore
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Sept anges avec sept trompettes
Send them home on the morning train
Renvoyez-les chez eux dans le train du matin
Well, who's that shouting?
Eh bien, qui crie?
John the Revelator
John le Révélateur
All he ever gives us is pain
Tout ce qu'il nous donne, c'est de la douleur
Well, who's that shouting?
Eh bien, qui crie?
John the Revelator
John le Révélateur
He should bow his head in shame
Il devrait baisser la tête de honte
Au revoir
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Au revoir (John le Révélateur)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Au revoir (John le Révélateur)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Au revoir (John le Révélateur)
John the Revelator, put him in an elevator
John der Offenbarer, steck ihn in einen Aufzug
Take him up to the highest high
Bring ihn hoch zum höchsten Hoch
Take him up to the top where the mountains stop
Bring ihn hoch zur Spitze, wo die Berge enden
Let him tell his book of lies
Lass ihn sein Buch der Lügen erzählen
John the Revelator, he's a smooth operator
John der Offenbarer, er ist ein geschickter Manipulator
It's time we cut him down to size
Es ist Zeit, ihn auf seine Größe zu reduzieren
Take him by the hand And put him on the stand
Nimm ihn bei der Hand und stell ihn auf den Prüfstand
Let us hear his alibis
Lasst uns seine Ausreden hören
By claiming God as his only rock
Indem er Gott als seinen einzigen Fels beansprucht
He's stealing a God from the Israelite
Stiehlt er einen Gott von den Israeliten
Stealing a God from a Muslim, too
Stiehlt einen Gott auch von einem Muslim
There is only one God through and through
Es gibt nur einen Gott durch und durch
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Sieben Lügen, multipliziert mit sieben, multipliziert mit sieben wieder
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Sieben Engel mit sieben Trompeten
Send them home on the morning train
Schick sie mit dem Morgenzug nach Hause
Well, who's that shouting?
Nun, wer ist das, der schreit?
John the Revelator
John der Offenbarer
All he ever gives us is pain
Alles, was er uns je gibt, ist Schmerz
Well, who's that shouting?
Nun, wer ist das, der schreit?
John the Revelator
John der Offenbarer
He should bow his head in shame
Er sollte seinen Kopf in Scham senken
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Sieben Lügen, multipliziert mit sieben, multipliziert mit sieben wieder
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Sieben Engel mit sieben Trompeten
Send them home on the morning train
Schick sie mit dem Morgenzug nach Hause
Well, who's that shouting?
Nun, wer ist das, der schreit?
John the Revelator
John der Offenbarer
All he ever gives us is pain
Alles, was er uns je gibt, ist Schmerz
Well, who's that shouting?
Nun, wer ist das, der schreit?
John the Revelator
John der Offenbarer
He should bow his head in shame
Er sollte seinen Kopf in Scham senken
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Tschüss (John der Offenbarer)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Tschüss (John der Offenbarer)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Tschüss (John der Offenbarer)
John the Revelator, put him in an elevator
Giovanni il Rivelatore, mettilo in un ascensore
Take him up to the highest high
Portalo fino all'alto più alto
Take him up to the top where the mountains stop
Portalo fino alla cima dove le montagne si fermano
Let him tell his book of lies
Lascia che racconti il suo libro di bugie
John the Revelator, he's a smooth operator
Giovanni il Rivelatore, è un abile operatore
It's time we cut him down to size
È ora di ridurlo alle giuste dimensioni
Take him by the hand And put him on the stand
Prendilo per mano e mettilo sul banco
Let us hear his alibis
Lascia che ascoltiamo le sue scuse
By claiming God as his only rock
Dichiarando Dio come la sua unica roccia
He's stealing a God from the Israelite
Sta rubando un Dio agli Israeliti
Stealing a God from a Muslim, too
Rubando un Dio anche a un musulmano
There is only one God through and through
C'è solo un Dio, in ogni caso
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Sette bugie, moltiplicate per sette, moltiplicate ancora per sette
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Sette angeli con sette trombe
Send them home on the morning train
Mandali a casa sul treno del mattino
Well, who's that shouting?
Bene, chi sta urlando?
John the Revelator
Giovanni il Rivelatore
All he ever gives us is pain
Tutto ciò che ci dà è dolore
Well, who's that shouting?
Bene, chi sta urlando?
John the Revelator
Giovanni il Rivelatore
He should bow his head in shame
Dovrebbe abbassare la testa in vergogna
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Sette bugie, moltiplicate per sette, moltiplicate ancora per sette
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Sette angeli con sette trombe
Send them home on the morning train
Mandali a casa sul treno del mattino
Well, who's that shouting?
Bene, chi sta urlando?
John the Revelator
Giovanni il Rivelatore
All he ever gives us is pain
Tutto ciò che ci dà è dolore
Well, who's that shouting?
Bene, chi sta urlando?
John the Revelator
Giovanni il Rivelatore
He should bow his head in shame
Dovrebbe abbassare la testa in vergogna
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Ciao-ciao (Giovanni il Rivelatore)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Ciao-ciao (Giovanni il Rivelatore)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Ciao-ciao (Giovanni il Rivelatore)
John the Revelator, put him in an elevator
John sang Pemberita Wahyu, masukkan dia ke dalam lift
Take him up to the highest high
Bawa dia ke puncak tertinggi
Take him up to the top where the mountains stop
Bawa dia ke atas di mana gunung berhenti
Let him tell his book of lies
Biarkan dia menceritakan buku kebohongannya
John the Revelator, he's a smooth operator
John sang Pemberita Wahyu, dia operator yang licin
It's time we cut him down to size
Sudah waktunya kita memotongnya menjadi ukuran yang pas
Take him by the hand And put him on the stand
Pegang tangannya dan letakkan dia di kursi saksi
Let us hear his alibis
Mari kita dengar alibi-alibinya
By claiming God as his only rock
Dengan mengklaim Tuhan sebagai batu karangnya satu-satunya
He's stealing a God from the Israelite
Dia mencuri sebuah Tuhan dari orang Israel
Stealing a God from a Muslim, too
Mencuri sebuah Tuhan dari seorang Muslim juga
There is only one God through and through
Hanya ada satu Tuhan sejati
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Tujuh kebohongan, dikalikan dengan tujuh, dikalikan lagi dengan tujuh
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Tujuh malaikat dengan tujuh trompet
Send them home on the morning train
Kirim mereka pulang dengan kereta pagi
Well, who's that shouting?
Nah, siapa itu yang berteriak?
John the Revelator
John sang Pemberita Wahyu
All he ever gives us is pain
Yang dia berikan kepada kita hanyalah penderitaan
Well, who's that shouting?
Nah, siapa itu yang berteriak?
John the Revelator
John sang Pemberita Wahyu
He should bow his head in shame
Dia seharusnya menundukkan kepalanya dalam rasa malu
Selamat tinggal
Selamat tinggal
Selamat tinggal
Selamat tinggal
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Tujuh kebohongan, dikalikan dengan tujuh, dikalikan lagi dengan tujuh
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Tujuh malaikat dengan tujuh trompet
Send them home on the morning train
Kirim mereka pulang dengan kereta pagi
Well, who's that shouting?
Nah, siapa itu yang berteriak?
John the Revelator
John sang Pemberita Wahyu
All he ever gives us is pain
Yang dia berikan kepada kita hanyalah penderitaan
Well, who's that shouting?
Nah, siapa itu yang berteriak?
John the Revelator
John sang Pemberita Wahyu
He should bow his head in shame
Dia seharusnya menundukkan kepalanya dalam rasa malu
Selamat tinggal
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Selamat tinggal (John sang Pemberita Wahyu)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Selamat tinggal (John sang Pemberita Wahyu)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Selamat tinggal (John sang Pemberita Wahyu)
John the Revelator, put him in an elevator
จอห์นผู้เผยแผ่ ใส่เขาไว้ในลิฟต์
Take him up to the highest high
Take him up to the top where the mountains stop
Let him tell his book of lies
John the Revelator, he's a smooth operator
จอห์นผู้เผยแผ่ เขาเป็นคนปฏิบัติการที่ชาญฉลาด
It's time we cut him down to size
Take him by the hand And put him on the stand
Let us hear his alibis
By claiming God as his only rock
He's stealing a God from the Israelite
Stealing a God from a Muslim, too
There is only one God through and through
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
เจ็ดคำโกหก คูณด้วยเจ็ด และคูณด้วยเจ็ดอีกครั้ง
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Send them home on the morning train
Well, who's that shouting?
เอ๊ะ ใครกำลังตะโกน?
John the Revelator
All he ever gives us is pain
Well, who's that shouting?
เอ๊ะ ใครกำลังตะโกน?
John the Revelator
He should bow his head in shame
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
เจ็ดคำโกหก คูณด้วยเจ็ด และคูณด้วยเจ็ดอีกครั้ง
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Send them home on the morning train
Well, who's that shouting?
เอ๊ะ ใครกำลังตะโกน?
John the Revelator
All he ever gives us is pain
Well, who's that shouting?
เอ๊ะ ใครกำลังตะโกน?
John the Revelator
He should bow his head in shame
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
ลาก่อน (จอห์นผู้เผยแผ่)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
ลาก่อน (จอห์นผู้เผยแผ่)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
ลาก่อน (จอห์นผู้เผยแผ่)
John the Revelator, put him in an elevator
Take him up to the highest high
Take him up to the top where the mountains stop
Let him tell his book of lies
John the Revelator, he's a smooth operator
It's time we cut him down to size
Take him by the hand And put him on the stand
Let us hear his alibis
By claiming God as his only rock
He's stealing a God from the Israelite
Stealing a God from a Muslim, too
There is only one God through and through
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Send them home on the morning train
Well, who's that shouting?
John the Revelator
All he ever gives us is pain
Well, who's that shouting?
John the Revelator
He should bow his head in shame
Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Send them home on the morning train
Well, who's that shouting?
John the Revelator
All he ever gives us is pain
Well, who's that shouting?
John the Revelator
He should bow his head in shame
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)
Bye-bye (John the Revelator)

Curiosidades sobre a música John the Revelator de Depeche Mode

Em quais álbuns a música “John the Revelator” foi lançada por Depeche Mode?
Depeche Mode lançou a música nos álbums “Playing the Angel” em 2005, “Touring the Angel: Live in Milan” em 2006, “John the Revelator (DJ Version)” em 2006, “Previously Unreleased Rehearsal Recordings and Rare Acoustic Performances” em 2006, “Digital Only Remixes” em 2006, “Remixes 2: 81-11” em 2011, “Video Singles Collection” em 2016 e “Playing the Angel - The 12" Singles” em 2022.
De quem é a composição da música “John the Revelator” de Depeche Mode?
A música “John the Revelator” de Depeche Mode foi composta por Martin Gore.

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