You Got Me


Letra Significado Tradução

You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
I can't pretend though I try to hide
I like you. I like you

I think I felt my heart skip a beat
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe
You got me, yeah, you got me

The way you take my hand is just so sweet
And that crooked smile of yours
It knocks me off my feet

Oh, I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up
It feels so good, it must be love
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
I give up, I give in, I let go
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do,
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you

I can't imagine what it'd be like
Livin' each day in this life
Without you. Without you
One look from you
I know you understand
This mess we're in you know is just so, out of hand.

Oh, I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up'
It feels so good it must be love
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
I give up. I give in. I let go
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you

I hope we always feel this way
(I know we will)
And in my heart I know you'll always stay

Oh, I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up
It feels so good it must be love
I give up, I give in, I let go, Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do

Oh, I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up'
It feels so good it must be love
(It's everything that I've been dreaming of)
I give up, I give in, I let go
Let's begin

Cause no matter what I do
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you

Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me
Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me

Quando o Amor Preenche o Coração: Uma Análise de You Got Me de Colbie Caillat

A música You Got Me, interpretada pela cantora e compositora americana Colbie Caillat, é uma doce e sincera expressão de amor e afeto. Com uma melodia suave e acústica, característica do estilo musical de Caillat, a canção descreve a sensação de estar completamente apaixonado e a alegria que isso traz para a vida de alguém. A letra fala sobre a conexão instantânea e inegável entre duas pessoas, destacando como pequenos gestos, como o toque das mãos e um sorriso torto, podem ter um impacto profundo.

A canção utiliza uma linguagem simples e direta para transmitir emoções complexas, criando uma atmosfera de intimidade e cumplicidade. A repetição do verso 'Oh, I just can't get enough' enfatiza a ideia de um amor que é tão profundo e satisfatório que se torna insaciável. A artista expressa uma entrega total a esse sentimento, indicando que, independentemente de suas ações, seu coração está irremediavelmente preenchido pela presença do ser amado. A música sugere que o amor verdadeiro é aquele que preenche e transborda, trazendo uma sensação de plenitude.

You Got Me também toca na esperança de que esse amor dure para sempre, um desejo comum entre aqueles que encontram uma conexão especial com outra pessoa. Colbie Caillat, conhecida por suas canções românticas e otimistas, consegue capturar a essência do amor jovial e esperançoso. A música é um hino para todos que já se sentiram tomados por um amor que parece ser tudo o que eles sempre sonharam, um amor que se torna uma parte essencial de suas vidas.

You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
Você está preso em mim e nos meus olhos risonhos
I can't pretend though I try to hide
Eu não consigo fingir, embora eu tente esconder
I like you. I like you
Eu gosto de você. Eu gosto de você
I think I felt my heart skip a beat
Acho que senti meu coração pular uma batida
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe
Estou aqui parado e mal consigo respirar
You got me, yeah, you got me
Você me pegou, sim, você me pegou
The way you take my hand is just so sweet
O jeito que você pega minha mão é tão doce
And that crooked smile of yours
E aquele seu sorriso torto
It knocks me off my feet
Me derruba
Oh, I just can't get enough
Ah, eu simplesmente não consigo ter o suficiente
How much do I need to fill me up
Quanto preciso para me preencher
It feels so good, it must be love
Sinto-me tão bem, deve ser amor
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
É tudo que eu tenho sonhado
I give up, I give in, I let go
Eu desisto, eu me rendo, eu deixo ir
Let's begin
Vamos começar
Cause no matter what I do,
Porque não importa o que eu faça,
Oh (oh)
Ah (ah)
My heart is filled with you
Meu coração está cheio de você
I can't imagine what it'd be like
Não consigo imaginar como seria
Livin' each day in this life
Viver cada dia nesta vida
Without you. Without you
Sem você. Sem você
One look from you
Um olhar seu
I know you understand
Eu sei que você entende
This mess we're in you know is just so, out of hand.
Esta bagunça em que estamos é tão, fora de controle.
Oh, I just can't get enough
Ah, eu simplesmente não consigo ter o suficiente
How much do I need to fill me up'
Quanto preciso para me preencher
It feels so good it must be love
Sinto-me tão bem, deve ser amor
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
É tudo que eu tenho sonhado
I give up. I give in. I let go
Eu desisto. Eu me rendo. Eu deixo ir
Let's begin
Vamos começar
Cause no matter what I do
Porque não importa o que eu faça
Oh (oh)
Ah (ah)
My heart is filled with you
Meu coração está cheio de você
I hope we always feel this way
Espero que sempre nos sintamos assim
(I know we will)
(Eu sei que vamos)
And in my heart I know you'll always stay
E no meu coração eu sei que você sempre ficará
Oh, I just can't get enough
Ah, eu simplesmente não consigo ter o suficiente
How much do I need to fill me up
Quanto preciso para me preencher
It feels so good it must be love
Sinto-me tão bem, deve ser amor
I give up, I give in, I let go, Let's begin
Eu desisto, eu me rendo, eu deixo ir, vamos começar
Cause no matter what I do
Porque não importa o que eu faça
Oh, I just can't get enough
Ah, eu simplesmente não consigo ter o suficiente
How much do I need to fill me up'
Quanto preciso para me preencher
It feels so good it must be love
Sinto-me tão bem, deve ser amor
(It's everything that I've been dreaming of)
(É tudo que eu tenho sonhado)
I give up, I give in, I let go
Eu desisto, eu me rendo, eu deixo ir
Let's begin
Vamos começar
Cause no matter what I do
Porque não importa o que eu faça
Oh (oh)
Ah (ah)
My heart is filled with you
Meu coração está cheio de você
Oh (oh)
Ah (ah)
You got me, You got me
Você me pegou, você me pegou
Oh (oh)
Ah (ah)
You got me, You got me
Você me pegou, você me pegou
You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
Estás atrapado en mí y en mis ojos risueños
I can't pretend though I try to hide
No puedo fingir aunque trato de esconderme
I like you. I like you
Me gustas. Me gustas
I think I felt my heart skip a beat
Creo que sentí mi corazón saltar un latido
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe
Estoy aquí parado y apenas puedo respirar
You got me, yeah, you got me
Me tienes, sí, me tienes
The way you take my hand is just so sweet
La forma en que tomas mi mano es tan dulce
And that crooked smile of yours
Y esa sonrisa torcida tuya
It knocks me off my feet
Me tira de los pies
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, simplemente no puedo tener suficiente
How much do I need to fill me up
¿Cuánto necesito para llenarme?
It feels so good, it must be love
Se siente tan bien, debe ser amor
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
Es todo lo que he estado soñando
I give up, I give in, I let go
Me rindo, me entrego, dejo ir
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do,
Porque no importa lo que haga,
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Mi corazón está lleno de ti
I can't imagine what it'd be like
No puedo imaginar cómo sería
Livin' each day in this life
Viviendo cada día en esta vida
Without you. Without you
Sin ti. Sin ti
One look from you
Una mirada tuya
I know you understand
Sé que entiendes
This mess we're in you know is just so, out of hand.
Este lío en el que estamos es simplemente tan, fuera de control.
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, simplemente no puedo tener suficiente
How much do I need to fill me up'
¿Cuánto necesito para llenarme?
It feels so good it must be love
Se siente tan bien, debe ser amor
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
Es todo lo que he estado soñando
I give up. I give in. I let go
Me rindo. Me entrego. Dejo ir
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do
Porque no importa lo que haga
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Mi corazón está lleno de ti
I hope we always feel this way
Espero que siempre nos sintamos así
(I know we will)
(Lo sé)
And in my heart I know you'll always stay
Y en mi corazón sé que siempre te quedarás
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, simplemente no puedo tener suficiente
How much do I need to fill me up
¿Cuánto necesito para llenarme?
It feels so good it must be love
Se siente tan bien, debe ser amor
I give up, I give in, I let go, Let's begin
Me rindo, me entrego, dejo ir, Empecemos
Cause no matter what I do
Porque no importa lo que haga
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, simplemente no puedo tener suficiente
How much do I need to fill me up'
¿Cuánto necesito para llenarme?
It feels so good it must be love
Se siente tan bien, debe ser amor
(It's everything that I've been dreaming of)
(Es todo lo que he estado soñando)
I give up, I give in, I let go
Me rindo, me entrego, dejo ir
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do
Porque no importa lo que haga
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Mi corazón está lleno de ti
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me
Me tienes, Me tienes
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me
Me tienes, Me tienes
You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
Tu es coincé sur moi et mes yeux rieurs
I can't pretend though I try to hide
Je ne peux pas prétendre même si j'essaie de me cacher
I like you. I like you
Je t'aime. Je t'aime
I think I felt my heart skip a beat
Je pense que j'ai senti mon cœur sauter un battement
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe
Je suis ici et je peux à peine respirer
You got me, yeah, you got me
Tu m'as eu, oui, tu m'as eu
The way you take my hand is just so sweet
La façon dont tu prends ma main est juste si douce
And that crooked smile of yours
Et ce sourire tordu à toi
It knocks me off my feet
Il me fait tomber de mes pieds
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, je n'en ai jamais assez
How much do I need to fill me up
Combien ai-je besoin pour me remplir
It feels so good, it must be love
C'est tellement bon, ça doit être de l'amour
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
C'est tout ce dont j'ai rêvé
I give up, I give in, I let go
J'abandonne, je cède, je lâche prise
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do,
Car peu importe ce que je fais,
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Mon cœur est rempli de toi
I can't imagine what it'd be like
Je ne peux pas imaginer à quoi ça ressemblerait
Livin' each day in this life
Vivre chaque jour dans cette vie
Without you. Without you
Sans toi. Sans toi
One look from you
Un regard de toi
I know you understand
Je sais que tu comprends
This mess we're in you know is just so, out of hand.
Ce gâchis dans lequel nous sommes est juste si, hors de contrôle.
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, je n'en ai jamais assez
How much do I need to fill me up'
Combien ai-je besoin pour me remplir
It feels so good it must be love
C'est tellement bon, ça doit être de l'amour
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
C'est tout ce dont j'ai rêvé
I give up. I give in. I let go
J'abandonne. Je cède. Je lâche prise
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do
Car peu importe ce que je fais
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Mon cœur est rempli de toi
I hope we always feel this way
J'espère que nous nous sentirons toujours ainsi
(I know we will)
(Je sais que nous le ferons)
And in my heart I know you'll always stay
Et dans mon cœur, je sais que tu resteras toujours
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, je n'en ai jamais assez
How much do I need to fill me up
Combien ai-je besoin pour me remplir
It feels so good it must be love
C'est tellement bon, ça doit être de l'amour
I give up, I give in, I let go, Let's begin
J'abandonne, je cède, je lâche prise, Commençons
Cause no matter what I do
Car peu importe ce que je fais
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, je n'en ai jamais assez
How much do I need to fill me up'
Combien ai-je besoin pour me remplir
It feels so good it must be love
C'est tellement bon, ça doit être de l'amour
(It's everything that I've been dreaming of)
(C'est tout ce dont j'ai rêvé)
I give up, I give in, I let go
J'abandonne, je cède, je lâche prise
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do
Car peu importe ce que je fais
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Mon cœur est rempli de toi
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me
Tu m'as eu, Tu m'as eu
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me
Tu m'as eu, Tu m'as eu
You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
Du hängst an mir und meinen lachenden Augen
I can't pretend though I try to hide
Ich kann es nicht vortäuschen, obwohl ich versuche zu verbergen
I like you. I like you
Ich mag dich. Ich mag dich
I think I felt my heart skip a beat
Ich glaube, ich habe mein Herz einen Schlag aussetzen gefühlt
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe
Ich stehe hier und kann kaum atmen
You got me, yeah, you got me
Du hast mich, ja, du hast mich
The way you take my hand is just so sweet
Die Art, wie du meine Hand nimmst, ist einfach so süß
And that crooked smile of yours
Und dieses schiefes Lächeln von dir
It knocks me off my feet
Es wirft mich aus der Bahn
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, ich kann einfach nicht genug bekommen
How much do I need to fill me up
Wie viel brauche ich, um mich zu füllen
It feels so good, it must be love
Es fühlt sich so gut an, es muss Liebe sein
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
Es ist alles, wovon ich geträumt habe
I give up, I give in, I let go
Ich gebe auf, ich gebe nach, ich lasse los
Let's begin
Lass uns anfangen
Cause no matter what I do,
Denn egal, was ich tue,
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Mein Herz ist voll von dir
I can't imagine what it'd be like
Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, wie es wäre
Livin' each day in this life
Jeden Tag in diesem Leben zu leben
Without you. Without you
Ohne dich. Ohne dich
One look from you
Ein Blick von dir
I know you understand
Ich weiß, du verstehst
This mess we're in you know is just so, out of hand.
Dieses Durcheinander, in dem wir uns befinden, ist einfach so, außer Kontrolle.
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, ich kann einfach nicht genug bekommen
How much do I need to fill me up'
Wie viel brauche ich, um mich zu füllen
It feels so good it must be love
Es fühlt sich so gut an, es muss Liebe sein
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
Es ist alles, wovon ich geträumt habe
I give up. I give in. I let go
Ich gebe auf. Ich gebe nach. Ich lasse los
Let's begin
Lass uns anfangen
Cause no matter what I do
Denn egal, was ich tue
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Mein Herz ist voll von dir
I hope we always feel this way
Ich hoffe, wir fühlen uns immer so
(I know we will)
(Ich weiß, wir werden)
And in my heart I know you'll always stay
Und in meinem Herzen weiß ich, dass du immer bleiben wirst
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, ich kann einfach nicht genug bekommen
How much do I need to fill me up
Wie viel brauche ich, um mich zu füllen
It feels so good it must be love
Es fühlt sich so gut an, es muss Liebe sein
I give up, I give in, I let go, Let's begin
Ich gebe auf, ich gebe nach, ich lasse los, Lass uns anfangen
Cause no matter what I do
Denn egal, was ich tue
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, ich kann einfach nicht genug bekommen
How much do I need to fill me up'
Wie viel brauche ich, um mich zu füllen
It feels so good it must be love
Es fühlt sich so gut an, es muss Liebe sein
(It's everything that I've been dreaming of)
(Es ist alles, wovon ich geträumt habe)
I give up, I give in, I let go
Ich gebe auf, ich gebe nach, ich lasse los
Let's begin
Lass uns anfangen
Cause no matter what I do
Denn egal, was ich tue
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Mein Herz ist voll von dir
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me
Du hast mich, Du hast mich
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me
Du hast mich, Du hast mich
You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
Sei bloccato su di me e i miei occhi sorridenti
I can't pretend though I try to hide
Non posso fingere anche se provo a nascondermi
I like you. I like you
Mi piaci. Mi piaci
I think I felt my heart skip a beat
Credo di aver sentito il mio cuore saltare un battito
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe
Sto qui in piedi e riesco a malapena a respirare
You got me, yeah, you got me
Mi hai preso, sì, mi hai preso
The way you take my hand is just so sweet
Il modo in cui prendi la mia mano è così dolce
And that crooked smile of yours
E quel tuo sorriso storto
It knocks me off my feet
Mi fa perdere i piedi
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, non ne ho mai abbastanza
How much do I need to fill me up
Quanto ne ho bisogno per riempirmi
It feels so good, it must be love
Si sente così bene, deve essere amore
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
È tutto ciò di cui ho sognato
I give up, I give in, I let go
Mi arrendo, mi do, lascio andare
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do,
Perché non importa quello che faccio,
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Il mio cuore è pieno di te
I can't imagine what it'd be like
Non riesco a immaginare come sarebbe
Livin' each day in this life
Vivere ogni giorno in questa vita
Without you. Without you
Senza di te. Senza di te
One look from you
Uno sguardo da te
I know you understand
So che capisci
This mess we're in you know is just so, out of hand.
Questo pasticcio in cui siamo è così, fuori controllo.
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, non ne ho mai abbastanza
How much do I need to fill me up'
Quanto ne ho bisogno per riempirmi
It feels so good it must be love
Si sente così bene, deve essere amore
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
È tutto ciò di cui ho sognato
I give up. I give in. I let go
Mi arrendo. Mi do. Lascio andare
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do
Perché non importa quello che faccio
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Il mio cuore è pieno di te
I hope we always feel this way
Spero che ci sentiremo sempre così
(I know we will)
(Lo so che lo faremo)
And in my heart I know you'll always stay
E nel mio cuore so che rimarrai sempre
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, non ne ho mai abbastanza
How much do I need to fill me up
Quanto ne ho bisogno per riempirmi
It feels so good it must be love
Si sente così bene, deve essere amore
I give up, I give in, I let go, Let's begin
Mi arrendo, mi do, lascio andare, Cominciamo
Cause no matter what I do
Perché non importa quello che faccio
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, non ne ho mai abbastanza
How much do I need to fill me up'
Quanto ne ho bisogno per riempirmi
It feels so good it must be love
Si sente così bene, deve essere amore
(It's everything that I've been dreaming of)
(È tutto ciò di cui ho sognato)
I give up, I give in, I let go
Mi arrendo, mi do, lascio andare
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do
Perché non importa quello che faccio
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Il mio cuore è pieno di te
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me
Mi hai preso, Mi hai preso
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me
Mi hai preso, Mi hai preso
You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
Kau terpaku padaku dan mataku yang tertawa
I can't pretend though I try to hide
Aku tak bisa berpura-pura meski aku mencoba menyembunyikan
I like you. I like you
Aku menyukaimu. Aku menyukaimu.
I think I felt my heart skip a beat
Aku rasa aku merasakan detak jantungku terhenti sejenak
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe
Aku berdiri di sini dan aku hampir tidak bisa bernapas
You got me, yeah, you got me
Kau memikatku, ya, kau memikatku
The way you take my hand is just so sweet
Cara kamu mengambil tanganku sungguh manis
And that crooked smile of yours
Dan senyum miringmu itu
It knocks me off my feet
Membuatku terpesona
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, aku tak bisa mendapatkan cukup
How much do I need to fill me up
Berapa banyak yang aku butuhkan untuk mengisiku
It feels so good, it must be love
Rasanya sangat baik, ini pasti cinta
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
Ini semua yang telah aku impikan
I give up, I give in, I let go
Aku menyerah, aku mengalah, aku melepaskan
Let's begin
Mari kita mulai
Cause no matter what I do,
Karena tidak peduli apa yang aku lakukan,
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Hatiku dipenuhi olehmu
I can't imagine what it'd be like
Aku tak bisa membayangkan bagaimana rasanya
Livin' each day in this life
Hidup setiap hari dalam kehidupan ini
Without you. Without you
Tanpamu. Tanpamu.
One look from you
Satu pandangan darimu
I know you understand
Aku tahu kamu mengerti
This mess we're in you know is just so, out of hand.
Kekacauan ini, kamu tahu, sangat kacau.
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, aku tak bisa mendapatkan cukup
How much do I need to fill me up'
Berapa banyak yang aku butuhkan untuk mengisiku'
It feels so good it must be love
Rasanya sangat baik ini pasti cinta
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
Ini semua yang telah aku impikan
I give up. I give in. I let go
Aku menyerah. Aku mengalah. Aku melepaskan
Let's begin
Mari kita mulai
Cause no matter what I do
Karena tidak peduli apa yang aku lakukan
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Hatiku dipenuhi olehmu
I hope we always feel this way
Aku berharap kita selalu merasa seperti ini
(I know we will)
(Aku tahu kita akan)
And in my heart I know you'll always stay
Dan di hatiku aku tahu kamu akan selalu tinggal
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, aku tak bisa mendapatkan cukup
How much do I need to fill me up
Berapa banyak yang aku butuhkan untuk mengisiku
It feels so good it must be love
Rasanya sangat baik ini pasti cinta
I give up, I give in, I let go, Let's begin
Aku menyerah, aku mengalah, aku melepaskan, Mari kita mulai
Cause no matter what I do
Karena tidak peduli apa yang aku lakukan
Oh, I just can't get enough
Oh, aku tak bisa mendapatkan cukup
How much do I need to fill me up'
Berapa banyak yang aku butuhkan untuk mengisiku'
It feels so good it must be love
Rasanya sangat baik ini pasti cinta
(It's everything that I've been dreaming of)
(Ini semua yang telah aku impikan)
I give up, I give in, I let go
Aku menyerah, aku mengalah, aku melepaskan
Let's begin
Mari kita mulai
Cause no matter what I do
Karena tidak peduli apa yang aku lakukan
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Hatiku dipenuhi olehmu
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me
Kau memikatku, Kau memikatku
Oh (oh)
Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me
Kau memikatku, Kau memikatku
You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
I can't pretend though I try to hide
ฉันไม่สามารถแกล้งทำเป็นได้ แม้ว่าฉันจะพยายามซ่อนมัน
I like you. I like you
ฉันชอบคุณ ฉันชอบคุณ
I think I felt my heart skip a beat
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe
You got me, yeah, you got me
คุณทำให้ฉันตกหลุมรัก, ใช่, คุณทำให้ฉันตกหลุมรัก
The way you take my hand is just so sweet
And that crooked smile of yours
It knocks me off my feet
Oh, I just can't get enough
โอ้, ฉันไม่สามารถได้รับมันพอ
How much do I need to fill me up
It feels so good, it must be love
มันรู้สึกดีมาก มันต้องเป็นความรัก
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
I give up, I give in, I let go
ฉันยอมแพ้, ฉันยอมรับ, ฉันปล่อยวาง
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do,
Oh (oh)
โอ้ (โอ้)
My heart is filled with you
I can't imagine what it'd be like
Livin' each day in this life
Without you. Without you
หากไม่มีคุณ หากไม่มีคุณ
One look from you
I know you understand
This mess we're in you know is just so, out of hand.
Oh, I just can't get enough
โอ้, ฉันไม่สามารถได้รับมันพอ
How much do I need to fill me up'
It feels so good it must be love
มันรู้สึกดีมาก มันต้องเป็นความรัก
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
I give up. I give in. I let go
ฉันยอมแพ้ ฉันยอมรับ ฉันปล่อยวาง
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do
Oh (oh)
โอ้ (โอ้)
My heart is filled with you
I hope we always feel this way
(I know we will)
And in my heart I know you'll always stay
และในหัวใจของฉัน ฉันรู้ว่าคุณจะอยู่กับฉันเสมอ
Oh, I just can't get enough
โอ้, ฉันไม่สามารถได้รับมันพอ
How much do I need to fill me up
It feels so good it must be love
มันรู้สึกดีมาก มันต้องเป็นความรัก
I give up, I give in, I let go, Let's begin
ฉันยอมแพ้, ฉันยอมรับ, ฉันปล่อยวาง, เราเริ่มกันเถอะ
Cause no matter what I do
Oh, I just can't get enough
โอ้, ฉันไม่สามารถได้รับมันพอ
How much do I need to fill me up'
It feels so good it must be love
มันรู้สึกดีมาก มันต้องเป็นความรัก
(It's everything that I've been dreaming of)
I give up, I give in, I let go
ฉันยอมแพ้, ฉันยอมรับ, ฉันปล่อยวาง
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do
Oh (oh)
โอ้ (โอ้)
My heart is filled with you
Oh (oh)
โอ้ (โอ้)
You got me, You got me
คุณทำให้ฉันตกหลุมรัก, คุณทำให้ฉันตกหลุมรัก
Oh (oh)
โอ้ (โอ้)
You got me, You got me
คุณทำให้ฉันตกหลุมรัก, คุณทำให้ฉันตกหลุมรัก
You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
I can't pretend though I try to hide
I like you. I like you
I think I felt my heart skip a beat
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe
You got me, yeah, you got me
The way you take my hand is just so sweet
And that crooked smile of yours
It knocks me off my feet
Oh, I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up
It feels so good, it must be love
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
I give up, I give in, I let go
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do,
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
I can't imagine what it'd be like
Livin' each day in this life
Without you. Without you
One look from you
I know you understand
This mess we're in you know is just so, out of hand.
Oh, I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up'
It feels so good it must be love
It's everything that I've been dreaming of
I give up. I give in. I let go
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
I hope we always feel this way
(I know we will)
And in my heart I know you'll always stay
Oh, I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up
It feels so good it must be love
I give up, I give in, I let go, Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do
Oh, I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up'
It feels so good it must be love
(It's everything that I've been dreaming of)
I give up, I give in, I let go
Let's begin
Cause no matter what I do
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you
Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me
Oh (oh)
You got me, You got me

Curiosidades sobre a música You Got Me de Colbie Caillat

Em quais álbuns a música “You Got Me” foi lançada por Colbie Caillat?
Colbie Caillat lançou a música nos álbums “Breakthrough” em 2009 e “Will You Count Me In” em 2023.
De quem é a composição da música “You Got Me” de Colbie Caillat?
A música “You Got Me” de Colbie Caillat foi composta por COLBIE CAILLAT, JOHN SHANKS.

Músicas mais populares de Colbie Caillat

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