Scarecrow In The Garden

Matthew Fleener, William Brice Long, Chris Stapleton

Letra Tradução

Well he came from Northern Ireland
Searching for the free man's ground
And he came to bet his fortune
On a West Virginia plow
He built a house of timber
And raised a redhead son
Then they worked the land together
And prayed the rain would come

There's a scarecrow in the garden
That looks like Lucifer
And I've been reading Revelations
With my bare feet in the dirt

Well the redhead son got older
And took a brown eyed wife
And the fields were green as dollars
Cause the dirt was black as night
I came in late September
The youngest one of three
And my sisters off and married
So the land was left to me

There's a scarecrow in the garden
That looks like Lucifer
And I've been reading Revelations
With my bare feet in the dirt

I know every single fencepost
Every rock that goes around
I've been staring at the red oak
Where I know they'll lay me down

The fields ain't what they once were
The rains just seem to flood
And I've been thinking about that river
Wondering how it turned to blood

I've been sitting here all morning
I was sitting here all night
There's a bible in my left hand
And a pistol in my right

Well he came from Northern Ireland
Bem, ele veio da Irlanda do Norte
Searching for the free man's ground
Procurando pela terra do homem livre
And he came to bet his fortune
E ele veio para apostar sua fortuna
On a West Virginia plow
Em um arado da Virgínia Ocidental
He built a house of timber
Ele construiu uma casa de madeira
And raised a redhead son
E criou um filho ruivo
Then they worked the land together
Então eles trabalharam a terra juntos
And prayed the rain would come
E rezaram para que a chuva viesse
There's a scarecrow in the garden
Há um espantalho no jardim
That looks like Lucifer
Que se parece com Lúcifer
And I've been reading Revelations
E eu tenho lido Revelações
With my bare feet in the dirt
Com meus pés descalços na terra
Well the redhead son got older
Bem, o filho ruivo ficou mais velho
And took a brown eyed wife
E pegou uma esposa de olhos castanhos
And the fields were green as dollars
E os campos eram verdes como dólares
Cause the dirt was black as night
Porque a terra era negra como a noite
I came in late September
Eu cheguei no final de setembro
The youngest one of three
O mais novo de três
And my sisters off and married
E minha irmã se casou e foi embora
So the land was left to me
Então a terra ficou para mim
There's a scarecrow in the garden
Há um espantalho no jardim
That looks like Lucifer
Que se parece com Lúcifer
And I've been reading Revelations
E eu tenho lido Revelações
With my bare feet in the dirt
Com meus pés descalços na terra
I know every single fencepost
Eu conheço cada poste de cerca
Every rock that goes around
Cada pedra que vai ao redor
I've been staring at the red oak
Eu tenho olhado para o carvalho vermelho
Where I know they'll lay me down
Onde eu sei que eles vão me deitar
The fields ain't what they once were
Os campos não são mais o que eram
The rains just seem to flood
As chuvas parecem apenas inundar
And I've been thinking about that river
E eu tenho pensado naquele rio
Wondering how it turned to blood
Perguntando como ele se transformou em sangue
I've been sitting here all morning
Eu estive sentado aqui toda a manhã
I was sitting here all night
Eu estive sentado aqui a noite toda
There's a bible in my left hand
Há uma bíblia na minha mão esquerda
And a pistol in my right
E um revólver na minha direita
Well he came from Northern Ireland
Bueno él vino de Irlanda del Norte
Searching for the free man's ground
Buscando terreno de hombre libre
And he came to bet his fortune
Y él vino a apostarse la suerte
On a West Virginia plow
En un arado de Virginia Occidental
He built a house of timber
Él hizo una casa de madera
And raised a redhead son
Y crió a un hijo pelirrojo
Then they worked the land together
Luego trabajaron juntos en la tierra
And prayed the rain would come
Y oré para que cayera la lluvia
There's a scarecrow in the garden
Hay un espantapájaros en el jardín
That looks like Lucifer
Que se parece a Lucifer
And I've been reading Revelations
Y he estado leyendo las Revelaciones
With my bare feet in the dirt
Con mis pies descalzos en la tierra
Well the redhead son got older
Bueno, el hijo pelirrojo creció
And took a brown eyed wife
Y se casó con una mujer de ojos cafés
And the fields were green as dollars
Y los campos eran verdes como los dólares
Cause the dirt was black as night
Porque la tierra era negra como la noche
I came in late September
Vine tarde en septiembre
The youngest one of three
El más chico de ellos
And my sisters off and married
Y mis hermanas ya casadas
So the land was left to me
Y la tierra me fue heredada
There's a scarecrow in the garden
Hay un espantapájaros en el jardín
That looks like Lucifer
Que se parece a Lucifer
And I've been reading Revelations
Y he estado leyendo las Revelaciones
With my bare feet in the dirt
Con mis pies descalzos en la tierra
I know every single fencepost
Conozco cada poste de cerca
Every rock that goes around
Cada piedra por ahí
I've been staring at the red oak
He estado mirando el roble rojo
Where I know they'll lay me down
Donde sé que me enterrarán
The fields ain't what they once were
Los campos ya no son lo que eran
The rains just seem to flood
Las lluvias parecen inundar
And I've been thinking about that river
Y he estado pensando en aquel río
Wondering how it turned to blood
Preguntándome cómo se convirtió en sangre
I've been sitting here all morning
He estado aquí sentado toda la mañana
I was sitting here all night
Estaba aquí sentado toda la noche
There's a bible in my left hand
Hay una biblia en mi mano izquierda
And a pistol in my right
Y una pistola en la diestra
Well he came from Northern Ireland
Eh bien, il venait d'Irlande du Nord
Searching for the free man's ground
À la recherche de la terre de l'homme libre
And he came to bet his fortune
Et il est venu parier sa fortune
On a West Virginia plow
Sur une charrue de Virginie occidentale
He built a house of timber
Il a construit une maison en bois
And raised a redhead son
Et a élevé un fils roux
Then they worked the land together
Ensuite, ils ont travaillé la terre ensemble
And prayed the rain would come
Et ont prié pour que la pluie vienne
There's a scarecrow in the garden
Il y a un épouvantail dans le jardin
That looks like Lucifer
Qui ressemble à Lucifer
And I've been reading Revelations
Et j'ai lu l'Apocalypse
With my bare feet in the dirt
Avec mes pieds nus dans la terre
Well the redhead son got older
Eh bien, le fils roux a grandi
And took a brown eyed wife
Et a pris une femme aux yeux marrons
And the fields were green as dollars
Et les champs étaient verts comme des dollars
Cause the dirt was black as night
Parce que la terre était noire comme la nuit
I came in late September
Je suis arrivé fin septembre
The youngest one of three
Le plus jeune de trois
And my sisters off and married
Et ma sœur est partie et s'est mariée
So the land was left to me
Alors la terre m'a été laissée
There's a scarecrow in the garden
Il y a un épouvantail dans le jardin
That looks like Lucifer
Qui ressemble à Lucifer
And I've been reading Revelations
Et j'ai lu l'Apocalypse
With my bare feet in the dirt
Avec mes pieds nus dans la terre
I know every single fencepost
Je connais chaque poteau de clôture
Every rock that goes around
Chaque rocher qui fait le tour
I've been staring at the red oak
Je fixe le chêne rouge
Where I know they'll lay me down
Où je sais qu'ils me déposeront
The fields ain't what they once were
Les champs ne sont plus ce qu'ils étaient
The rains just seem to flood
Les pluies semblent juste inonder
And I've been thinking about that river
Et j'ai pensé à cette rivière
Wondering how it turned to blood
Me demandant comment elle s'est transformée en sang
I've been sitting here all morning
Je suis assis ici toute la matinée
I was sitting here all night
Je suis assis ici toute la nuit
There's a bible in my left hand
Il y a une bible dans ma main gauche
And a pistol in my right
Et un pistolet dans ma main droite
Well he came from Northern Ireland
Nun, er kam aus Nordirland
Searching for the free man's ground
Auf der Suche nach dem freien Mannes Land
And he came to bet his fortune
Und er kam, um sein Vermögen zu wetten
On a West Virginia plow
Auf einen Pflug in West Virginia
He built a house of timber
Er baute ein Haus aus Holz
And raised a redhead son
Und zog einen rothaarigen Sohn groß
Then they worked the land together
Dann bearbeiteten sie zusammen das Land
And prayed the rain would come
Und beteten, dass der Regen kommen würde
There's a scarecrow in the garden
Da ist eine Vogelscheuche im Garten
That looks like Lucifer
Die sieht aus wie Luzifer
And I've been reading Revelations
Und ich habe die Offenbarung gelesen
With my bare feet in the dirt
Mit meinen nackten Füßen im Schmutz
Well the redhead son got older
Nun, der rothaarige Sohn wurde älter
And took a brown eyed wife
Und nahm eine braunäugige Frau
And the fields were green as dollars
Und die Felder waren grün wie Dollars
Cause the dirt was black as night
Denn der Schmutz war schwarz wie die Nacht
I came in late September
Ich kam Ende September
The youngest one of three
Der jüngste von dreien
And my sisters off and married
Und meine Schwestern sind verheiratet und weg
So the land was left to me
So wurde das Land mir überlassen
There's a scarecrow in the garden
Da ist eine Vogelscheuche im Garten
That looks like Lucifer
Die sieht aus wie Luzifer
And I've been reading Revelations
Und ich habe die Offenbarung gelesen
With my bare feet in the dirt
Mit meinen nackten Füßen im Schmutz
I know every single fencepost
Ich kenne jeden einzelnen Zaunpfosten
Every rock that goes around
Jeden Stein, der herumgeht
I've been staring at the red oak
Ich habe die rote Eiche angestarrt
Where I know they'll lay me down
Wo ich weiß, dass sie mich hinlegen werden
The fields ain't what they once were
Die Felder sind nicht mehr das, was sie einmal waren
The rains just seem to flood
Der Regen scheint nur zu überfluten
And I've been thinking about that river
Und ich habe über diesen Fluss nachgedacht
Wondering how it turned to blood
Fragend, wie er zu Blut wurde
I've been sitting here all morning
Ich habe hier den ganzen Morgen gesessen
I was sitting here all night
Ich habe hier die ganze Nacht gesessen
There's a bible in my left hand
Es gibt eine Bibel in meiner linken Hand
And a pistol in my right
Und eine Pistole in meiner rechten
Well he came from Northern Ireland
Ebbene, lui veniva dall'Irlanda del Nord
Searching for the free man's ground
Cercando la terra dell'uomo libero
And he came to bet his fortune
E venne per scommettere la sua fortuna
On a West Virginia plow
Su un aratro della Virginia Occidentale
He built a house of timber
Costruì una casa di legno
And raised a redhead son
E allevò un figlio dai capelli rossi
Then they worked the land together
Poi lavorarono insieme la terra
And prayed the rain would come
E pregarono che venisse la pioggia
There's a scarecrow in the garden
C'è uno spaventapasseri nel giardino
That looks like Lucifer
Che assomiglia a Lucifero
And I've been reading Revelations
E ho letto l'Apocalisse
With my bare feet in the dirt
Con i piedi nudi nella terra
Well the redhead son got older
Ebbene, il figlio dai capelli rossi è cresciuto
And took a brown eyed wife
E ha preso una moglie dagli occhi marroni
And the fields were green as dollars
E i campi erano verdi come dollari
Cause the dirt was black as night
Perché la terra era nera come la notte
I came in late September
Sono arrivato a fine settembre
The youngest one of three
Il più giovane di tre
And my sisters off and married
E mia sorella è andata e si è sposata
So the land was left to me
Quindi la terra è stata lasciata a me
There's a scarecrow in the garden
C'è uno spaventapasseri nel giardino
That looks like Lucifer
Che assomiglia a Lucifero
And I've been reading Revelations
E ho letto l'Apocalisse
With my bare feet in the dirt
Con i piedi nudi nella terra
I know every single fencepost
Conosco ogni singolo palo della recinzione
Every rock that goes around
Ogni roccia che va in giro
I've been staring at the red oak
Ho fissato la quercia rossa
Where I know they'll lay me down
Dove so che mi stenderanno
The fields ain't what they once were
I campi non sono più quello che erano
The rains just seem to flood
Le piogge sembrano solo allagare
And I've been thinking about that river
E ho pensato a quel fiume
Wondering how it turned to blood
Chiedendomi come sia diventato sangue
I've been sitting here all morning
Sono stato seduto qui tutta la mattina
I was sitting here all night
Sono stato seduto qui tutta la notte
There's a bible in my left hand
C'è una bibbia nella mia mano sinistra
And a pistol in my right
E una pistola nella mia destra

Curiosidades sobre a música Scarecrow In The Garden de Chris Stapleton

Quando a música “Scarecrow In The Garden” foi lançada por Chris Stapleton?
A música Scarecrow In The Garden foi lançada em 2017, no álbum “From A Room: Volume 2”.
De quem é a composição da música “Scarecrow In The Garden” de Chris Stapleton?
A música “Scarecrow In The Garden” de Chris Stapleton foi composta por Matthew Fleener, William Brice Long, Chris Stapleton.

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Outros artistas de Country rock