Your Arm
I'm in a daze
I'm sitting in a castle watching
From afar
I'm in amazement
Of the distance I can see
From here
Suddenly appearing in front of my eyes
Is a woman from the mountain
With bread and liquor
For the weary traveler
"I live inside your arm
That you move around with
Rewind the tape to your drive through Bavaria"
I'm watching the news
Unfold from my room
It smelled like rubbing alcohol
In the subway station today
These undercover policemen were gathered around
With strange machines
I think there was a murder there
I recognized the homeless man from the train ride
We'd talked about the Olympics and collective suicide
He spoke to the policemen and machines with his eyes
He used his position to ask a question
He spoke to the policemen and machines with his eyes
He asked what they were doing in his station
"We live inside your arm
That you move around with
Rewind the tape to your drive through Bavaria"
I'm talking to a vampire
Who moved into a mansion
To draw blood
He walked into a corner store looking for emotion
And a strange scared soldier sent him to get his blood drawn
And the living asked him if he was dead
So he spoke to time
And he spoke to space
And he spoke to the killer
And his frozen face
He said
"Space is a hummingbird
Time is a pinecone
It lives for everyone
It dies for no one"
I recognized the killer from the train ride
We'd talked about magic and assisted suicide
He spoke to the politicians and lawyers with his mind
He evacuated his position with a grand connection
He spoke to the powers that be with his mind
He removed their power from his situation
"You live inside my arm
That I move around with
Rewind the tape to your drive through Bavaria"