“When will you realize the importance?”
What’s the meaning?
With that look on your face
I don’t think you wanna know what I’m thinking
Success is all that’s on your mind
But not at all what’s on mine
No, I don’t care
I don’t care for a single grade
I just sit back and enjoy every moment
Though I haven’t chosen one single postponement
“Set your goals
Conquer your foes”
Thanks for the advice
Though I’m not ready for a fight
Since when did you care
For other’s welfare?
They tell me to be a good student
But I’m no student
I’m no slave to the system they’ve made
It's been made into a district
A district so sadistic
It’s hard to imagine why anyone would agree with it
I hope you frown
When I earn my crown
‘Cause when your philosophy falls
I’ll be there to witness it all
Look who’s winning now