The Guy Who Leaves

Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth

Letra Tradução

Dad, oh, don't get up
I beg you to sit tight
Sweet girl, I'll be a ghost, girl
Forget it, I am fine

If anything, a witnessing
Is all I needed that night

Until I get what I'm to get
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Until I out his false story
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves

Brother, oh, brother
Solo you did bust out
All I knew was you didn't invite me
So begin seeds of self-doubt

There is nothing as harrowing
As how I translate backs

Until I get what I'm to get
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Until I out this false story
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves

Baby, oh, partner
How well you've played this part
Similar, oh, how familiar
Reluctant truth you impart

And how you serve necessity
Repeat 'til she sees light

Until I get what I'm to get
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Until I out this false story
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves

Until I get what I'm to get
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Until I out this false story
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves

Dad, oh, don't get up
Pai, oh, não se levante
I beg you to sit tight
Peço-lhe que fique sentado
Sweet girl, I'll be a ghost, girl
Querida menina, serei um fantasma, menina
Forget it, I am fine
Esqueça, estou bem
If anything, a witnessing
Se alguma coisa, um testemunho
Is all I needed that night
Foi tudo que eu precisava naquela noite
Until I get what I'm to get
Até eu conseguir o que devo conseguir
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Ele continuará sendo compelido a fugir
Until I out his false story
Até eu desmascarar sua falsa história
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Ele continuará sendo o cara que parte
Brother, oh, brother
Irmão, oh, irmão
Solo you did bust out
Sozinho você conseguiu escapar
All I knew was you didn't invite me
Tudo que eu sabia era que você não me convidou
So begin seeds of self-doubt
Então começam as sementes da auto-dúvida
There is nothing as harrowing
Não há nada tão angustiante
As how I translate backs
Como eu traduzo as costas
Until I get what I'm to get
Até eu conseguir o que devo conseguir
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Ele continuará sendo compelido a fugir
Until I out this false story
Até eu desmascarar essa falsa história
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Ele continuará sendo o cara que parte
Baby, oh, partner
Amor, oh, parceiro
How well you've played this part
Como você desempenhou bem esse papel
Similar, oh, how familiar
Semelhante, oh, quão familiar
Reluctant truth you impart
Relutante verdade que você transmite
And how you serve necessity
E como você serve a necessidade
Repeat 'til she sees light
Repita até ela ver a luz
Until I get what I'm to get
Até eu conseguir o que devo conseguir
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Você continuará sendo compelido a fugir
Until I out this false story
Até eu desmascarar essa falsa história
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Você continuará sendo o cara que parte
Until I get what I'm to get
Até eu conseguir o que devo conseguir
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Você continuará sendo compelido a fugir
Until I out this false story
Até eu desmascarar essa falsa história
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Você continuará sendo o cara que parte
Dad, oh, don't get up
Papá, oh, no te levantes
I beg you to sit tight
Te ruego que te quedes sentado
Sweet girl, I'll be a ghost, girl
Dulce niña, seré un fantasma, niña
Forget it, I am fine
Olvídalo, estoy bien
If anything, a witnessing
Si acaso, un testimonio
Is all I needed that night
Es todo lo que necesitaba esa noche
Until I get what I'm to get
Hasta que consiga lo que debo conseguir
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Él seguirá sintiéndose obligado a huir
Until I out his false story
Hasta que desenmascare su falsa historia
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Él seguirá interpretando al tipo que se va
Brother, oh, brother
Hermano, oh, hermano
Solo you did bust out
Solo lograste escapar
All I knew was you didn't invite me
Todo lo que sabía es que no me invitaste
So begin seeds of self-doubt
Así comienzan las semillas de la auto-duda
There is nothing as harrowing
No hay nada tan desgarrador
As how I translate backs
Como cómo traduzco las espaldas
Until I get what I'm to get
Hasta que consiga lo que debo conseguir
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Él seguirá sintiéndose obligado a huir
Until I out this false story
Hasta que desenmascare esta falsa historia
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Él seguirá interpretando al tipo que se va
Baby, oh, partner
Bebé, oh, compañero
How well you've played this part
Qué bien has interpretado este papel
Similar, oh, how familiar
Similar, oh, cuán familiar
Reluctant truth you impart
La reacia verdad que impartes
And how you serve necessity
Y cómo sirves a la necesidad
Repeat 'til she sees light
Repite hasta que ella vea la luz
Until I get what I'm to get
Hasta que consiga lo que debo conseguir
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Seguirás sintiéndote obligado a huir
Until I out this false story
Hasta que desenmascare esta falsa historia
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Seguirás interpretando al tipo que se va
Until I get what I'm to get
Hasta que consiga lo que debo conseguir
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Seguirás sintiéndote obligado a huir
Until I out this false story
Hasta que desenmascare esta falsa historia
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Seguirás interpretando al tipo que se va
Dad, oh, don't get up
Papa, oh, ne te lève pas
I beg you to sit tight
Je t'en supplie, reste assis
Sweet girl, I'll be a ghost, girl
Douce fille, je serai un fantôme, fille
Forget it, I am fine
Oublie-le, je vais bien
If anything, a witnessing
Si quelque chose, un témoignage
Is all I needed that night
C'est tout ce dont j'avais besoin cette nuit-là
Until I get what I'm to get
Jusqu'à ce que j'obtienne ce que je dois obtenir
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Il continuera à être contraint de fuir
Until I out his false story
Jusqu'à ce que je dévoile son faux récit
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Il continuera à jouer le gars qui part
Brother, oh, brother
Frère, oh, frère
Solo you did bust out
Seul, tu t'es échappé
All I knew was you didn't invite me
Tout ce que je savais, c'est que tu ne m'as pas invité
So begin seeds of self-doubt
Alors commencent les graines du doute de soi
There is nothing as harrowing
Il n'y a rien d'aussi déchirant
As how I translate backs
Que la façon dont je traduis en retour
Until I get what I'm to get
Jusqu'à ce que j'obtienne ce que je dois obtenir
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Il continuera à être contraint de fuir
Until I out this false story
Jusqu'à ce que je dévoile cette fausse histoire
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Il continuera à jouer le gars qui part
Baby, oh, partner
Bébé, oh, partenaire
How well you've played this part
Comme tu as bien joué ce rôle
Similar, oh, how familiar
Similaire, oh, combien familier
Reluctant truth you impart
La vérité réticente que tu impartis
And how you serve necessity
Et comment tu sers la nécessité
Repeat 'til she sees light
Répète jusqu'à ce qu'elle voie la lumière
Until I get what I'm to get
Jusqu'à ce que j'obtienne ce que je dois obtenir
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Tu continueras à être contraint de fuir
Until I out this false story
Jusqu'à ce que je dévoile cette fausse histoire
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Tu continueras à jouer le gars qui part
Until I get what I'm to get
Jusqu'à ce que j'obtienne ce que je dois obtenir
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Tu continueras à être contraint de fuir
Until I out this false story
Jusqu'à ce que je dévoile cette fausse histoire
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Tu continueras à jouer le gars qui part
Dad, oh, don't get up
Papa, oh, steh nicht auf
I beg you to sit tight
Ich bitte dich, bleib sitzen
Sweet girl, I'll be a ghost, girl
Süßes Mädchen, ich werde ein Geist, Mädchen
Forget it, I am fine
Vergiss es, mir geht es gut
If anything, a witnessing
Wenn überhaupt, ein Zeugnis
Is all I needed that night
Ist alles, was ich in dieser Nacht brauchte
Until I get what I'm to get
Bis ich bekomme, was ich bekommen soll
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Wird er weiterhin gezwungen sein zu fliehen
Until I out his false story
Bis ich seine falsche Geschichte aufdecke
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Wird er weiterhin der Typ sein, der geht
Brother, oh, brother
Bruder, oh, Bruder
Solo you did bust out
Solo bist du ausgebrochen
All I knew was you didn't invite me
Alles, was ich wusste, war, dass du mich nicht eingeladen hast
So begin seeds of self-doubt
So beginnen die Samen des Selbstzweifels
There is nothing as harrowing
Es gibt nichts so erschütterndes
As how I translate backs
Wie ich Rücken übersetze
Until I get what I'm to get
Bis ich bekomme, was ich bekommen soll
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Wird er weiterhin gezwungen sein zu fliehen
Until I out this false story
Bis ich diese falsche Geschichte aufdecke
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Wird er weiterhin der Typ sein, der geht
Baby, oh, partner
Baby, oh, Partner
How well you've played this part
Wie gut du diese Rolle gespielt hast
Similar, oh, how familiar
Ähnlich, oh, wie vertraut
Reluctant truth you impart
Widerwillige Wahrheit, die du vermittelst
And how you serve necessity
Und wie du die Notwendigkeit bedienst
Repeat 'til she sees light
Wiederhole, bis sie das Licht sieht
Until I get what I'm to get
Bis ich bekomme, was ich bekommen soll
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Wirst du weiterhin gezwungen sein zu fliehen
Until I out this false story
Bis ich diese falsche Geschichte aufdecke
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Wirst du weiterhin der Typ sein, der geht
Until I get what I'm to get
Bis ich bekomme, was ich bekommen soll
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Wirst du weiterhin gezwungen sein zu fliehen
Until I out this false story
Bis ich diese falsche Geschichte aufdecke
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Wirst du weiterhin der Typ sein, der geht
Dad, oh, don't get up
Papà, oh, non alzarti
I beg you to sit tight
Ti prego di stare fermo
Sweet girl, I'll be a ghost, girl
Dolce ragazza, sarò un fantasma, ragazza
Forget it, I am fine
Dimenticalo, sto bene
If anything, a witnessing
Se mai, una testimonianza
Is all I needed that night
È tutto ciò di cui avevo bisogno quella notte
Until I get what I'm to get
Fino a quando non otterrò ciò che devo ottenere
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Continuerà a sentirsi costretto a fuggire
Until I out his false story
Fino a quando non smaschererò la sua falsa storia
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Continuerà a fare il tipo che se ne va
Brother, oh, brother
Fratello, oh, fratello
Solo you did bust out
Da solo sei riuscito a scappare
All I knew was you didn't invite me
Tutto quello che sapevo è che non mi hai invitato
So begin seeds of self-doubt
Così iniziano i semi del dubbio su di me
There is nothing as harrowing
Non c'è niente di così angosciante
As how I translate backs
Come traduco i retroscena
Until I get what I'm to get
Fino a quando non otterrò ciò che devo ottenere
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Continuerà a sentirsi costretto a fuggire
Until I out this false story
Fino a quando non smaschererò questa falsa storia
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Continuerà a fare il tipo che se ne va
Baby, oh, partner
Bambino, oh, partner
How well you've played this part
Quanto bene hai interpretato questa parte
Similar, oh, how familiar
Simile, oh, quanto familiare
Reluctant truth you impart
La riluttante verità che impartisci
And how you serve necessity
E come servi la necessità
Repeat 'til she sees light
Ripeti finché lei vede la luce
Until I get what I'm to get
Fino a quando non otterrò ciò che devo ottenere
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Continuerai a sentirsi costretto a fuggire
Until I out this false story
Fino a quando non smaschererò questa falsa storia
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Continuerai a fare il tipo che se ne va
Until I get what I'm to get
Fino a quando non otterrò ciò che devo ottenere
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Continuerai a sentirsi costretto a fuggire
Until I out this false story
Fino a quando non smaschererò questa falsa storia
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Continuerai a fare il tipo che se ne va
Dad, oh, don't get up
Ayah, oh, jangan bangun
I beg you to sit tight
Aku mohon kau tetap duduk
Sweet girl, I'll be a ghost, girl
Gadis manis, aku akan menjadi hantu, gadis
Forget it, I am fine
Lupakan itu, aku baik-baik saja
If anything, a witnessing
Jika ada, sebuah kesaksian
Is all I needed that night
Adalah semua yang aku butuhkan malam itu
Until I get what I'm to get
Sampai aku mendapatkan apa yang harus aku dapatkan
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Dia akan terus merasa terpaksa untuk melarikan diri
Until I out his false story
Sampai aku mengungkap cerita palsunya
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Dia akan terus berperan sebagai orang yang pergi
Brother, oh, brother
Saudara, oh, saudara
Solo you did bust out
Kau berhasil keluar sendirian
All I knew was you didn't invite me
Yang aku tahu adalah kau tidak mengundangku
So begin seeds of self-doubt
Maka mulailah benih keraguan diri
There is nothing as harrowing
Tidak ada yang seharusnya
As how I translate backs
Seperti bagaimana aku menerjemahkan balik
Until I get what I'm to get
Sampai aku mendapatkan apa yang harus aku dapatkan
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Dia akan terus merasa terpaksa untuk melarikan diri
Until I out this false story
Sampai aku mengungkap cerita palsunya
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Dia akan terus berperan sebagai orang yang pergi
Baby, oh, partner
Sayang, oh, pasangan
How well you've played this part
Betapa baiknya kau memainkan bagian ini
Similar, oh, how familiar
Mirip, oh, betapa familiar
Reluctant truth you impart
Kebenaran yang enggan kau berikan
And how you serve necessity
Dan bagaimana kau melayani kebutuhan
Repeat 'til she sees light
Ulangi sampai dia melihat cahaya
Until I get what I'm to get
Sampai aku mendapatkan apa yang harus aku dapatkan
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Kau akan terus merasa terpaksa untuk melarikan diri
Until I out this false story
Sampai aku mengungkap cerita palsunya
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Kau akan terus berperan sebagai orang yang pergi
Until I get what I'm to get
Sampai aku mendapatkan apa yang harus aku dapatkan
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Kau akan terus merasa terpaksa untuk melarikan diri
Until I out this false story
Sampai aku mengungkap cerita palsunya
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Kau akan terus berperan sebagai orang yang pergi
Dad, oh, don't get up
พ่อ โอ้ ไม่ต้องลุกขึ้น
I beg you to sit tight
Sweet girl, I'll be a ghost, girl
สาวน้อย ฉันจะเป็นผีสาว
Forget it, I am fine
ลืมมันไป ฉันสบายดี
If anything, a witnessing
ถ้ามีอะไร การเป็นพยาน
Is all I needed that night
Until I get what I'm to get
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Until I out his false story
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Brother, oh, brother
พี่ชาย โอ้ พี่ชาย
Solo you did bust out
All I knew was you didn't invite me
So begin seeds of self-doubt
ดังนั้น ความสงสัยในตัวเองก็เริ่มงอก
There is nothing as harrowing
As how I translate backs
Until I get what I'm to get
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Until I out this false story
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Baby, oh, partner
เบบี้ โอ้ คู่ครอง
How well you've played this part
Similar, oh, how familiar
คล้ายกัน โอ้ ความคุ้นเคย
Reluctant truth you impart
And how you serve necessity
Repeat 'til she sees light
Until I get what I'm to get
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Until I out this false story
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Until I get what I'm to get
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Until I out this false story
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Dad, oh, don't get up
I beg you to sit tight
Sweet girl, I'll be a ghost, girl
Forget it, I am fine
If anything, a witnessing
Is all I needed that night
Until I get what I'm to get
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Until I out his false story
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Brother, oh, brother
Solo you did bust out
All I knew was you didn't invite me
So begin seeds of self-doubt
There is nothing as harrowing
As how I translate backs
Until I get what I'm to get
He'll keep being compelled to flee
Until I out this false story
He'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Baby, oh, partner
How well you've played this part
Similar, oh, how familiar
Reluctant truth you impart
And how you serve necessity
Repeat 'til she sees light
Until I get what I'm to get
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Until I out this false story
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves
Until I get what I'm to get
You'll keep being compelled to flee
Until I out this false story
You'll keep playing the guy who leaves

Curiosidades sobre a música The Guy Who Leaves de Alanis Morissette

Quando a música “The Guy Who Leaves” foi lançada por Alanis Morissette?
A música The Guy Who Leaves foi lançada em 2008, no álbum “Flavors Of Entanglement”.
De quem é a composição da música “The Guy Who Leaves” de Alanis Morissette?
A música “The Guy Who Leaves” de Alanis Morissette foi composta por Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth.

Músicas mais populares de Alanis Morissette

Outros artistas de Pop rock