You Oughta Know
I want you to know, that I am happy for you
I wish nothing but the best for you both
An older version of me
Is she perverted like me?
Would she go down on you in a theater?
Does she speak eloquently
And would she have your baby?
I'm sure she'd make a really excellent mother
'Cause the love that you gave that we made
Wasn't able to make it enough for you
To be open wide, no
And every time you speak her name
Does she know how you told me
You'd hold me until you died
'Til you died, but you're still alive
And I'm here, to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair, to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know
You seem very well, things look peaceful
I'm not quite as well, I thought you should know
Did you forget about me, Mr. Duplicity?
I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner
It was a slap in the face
How quickly I was replaced
And are you thinking of me when you fuck her?
'Cause the love that you gave that we made
Wasn't able to make it enough for you
To be open wide, no
And every time you speak her name
Does she know how you told me
You'd hold me until you died
'Til you died, but you're still alive
And I'm here, to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair, to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know
'Cause the joke that you laid in the bed
That was me and I'm not gonna fade
As soon as you close your eyes, and you know it
And every time I scratch my nails
Down someone else's back I hope you feel it
Well, can you feel it?
Well I'm here, to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair, to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know
Well I'm here, to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair, to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know
A Força do Desabafo em You Oughta Know de Alanis Morissette
A música You Oughta Know de Alanis Morissette é um poderoso hino de rock alternativo que se tornou um marco dos anos 90. Lançada em 1995, como parte do álbum 'Jagged Little Pill', a canção é conhecida por sua crueza emocional e letras intensas que falam sobre uma dolorosa ruptura amorosa. Através de uma narrativa direta e carregada de emoção, Morissette expressa os sentimentos de raiva e traição que acompanham o fim de um relacionamento, especialmente quando uma das partes segue em frente rapidamente com outra pessoa.
As letras de You Oughta Know são uma mistura de sarcasmo, dor e despeito. A narradora começa afirmando que deseja o melhor para o ex-parceiro e a nova pessoa em sua vida, mas rapidamente a canção revela a verdadeira profundidade de seus sentimentos feridos. As perguntas retóricas e comparações entre ela e a nova parceira do ex evidenciam uma mistura de inveja e desprezo, enquanto ela questiona se a nova mulher poderia igualar ou superar a conexão que eles tiveram. A música também aborda a ideia de promessas quebradas e a dificuldade de superar a dor deixada para trás.
Musicalmente, You Oughta Know é marcada por sua intensidade e entrega apaixonada. A voz de Morissette transita entre a vulnerabilidade e a fúria, refletindo a turbulência emocional da letra. A canção foi um sucesso comercial e crítico, ajudando a solidificar a carreira de Morissette como uma das vozes mais distintas de sua geração. Além disso, You Oughta Know é frequentemente citada como uma das músicas mais emblemáticas do movimento feminista na música, pois expressa uma honestidade brutal sobre a experiência feminina que raramente era ouvida no mainstream da época.