One Night of Pride
Well folks what can ya say?
It's that time again
When the brunchers come out
To do some signalin'
Since the dawn of time
They tried to pretend that we're not even there
But the tides are a-changing
And we make enough noise
That they can't afford to ignore
The solution beats around the bush
Cuz their status must be ensured
Play by their rules, don't shake the table
Know your place in the line
Walk don't run, in time they're able
To offer one night of pride
(one night of pride)
Well folks what can ya say?
It's that time again
When the brunchers come out
To bitch about the rattlin'
Rattling the chains
Oh the noise, noise, noise, noise!
But that's all that you can do
When you're shackled like a dog
And they shoot you if you try to throw a brick
You're a trailblazer taking a road not traveled
But somehow the lesson doesn't stick
Well folks what can ya say?
There's no surprises now
If the brunchers don't see it
Then there's no way how
They'll ever learn
Any way but the hard way
The building of gold
With riches untold
Has a foundation easy to bend
There is no halfway, take it down to the clay
So the brunchers' chorus dies with them