
Excuse me
Do you fuck as well as you dance?
Are you as hot in the bedroom as you are on the dancefloor?
Oh really?

See ya
Go on
Get you kit off
No not you
Put it away
Take your dog-like face
To another place
Cause I cant look at it

Lets get Twisted

Scuse me
Do you know where the Dealers are?
I mean, can you get me high?
You've lost the fucken plot
Why the fuck shouldn't I?
I want to feel the gear
Pumpin' through my veins
I wanna feel the drugs
Fuckin' up my brains
I wanna dance all night
And fuck all day
I want cocaine
On a breakfast tray
Is that ok?

Think you're pretty hot, huh?
Well you're not
It just isn't going on
You're tryin' too hard
You aint sex on legs
You're dregs on legs man
And you know it
Get outta my face
If you could see yourself
You'd look away
I did.

I'm sorry
I'm out of it
So's she

State of her?
What's she like?
I hate her
But I love you

I dont wanna come down
I wanna stay high
I wanna get Twisted
I'm that kinda guy
So later
I'm going

I'm sick and tired
Of shit drugs
And naff queens
D'you know what that means?
It's over
I'm bored of you
You can't keep up
And I don't wanna come down
Is there anyone out there
Who isn't bad luck
Ride with me
I don't give a fuck
I'm losing control
I'm outta my head
Who's coming with me
I aint going to bed
Have you heard enough now?
Do you know the score?
I've made it pretty clear
I'm showing you the door
It's easy this way
I'll do it all on my own
Put that pen away
I won't bother to phone
Get a grip
Get outta here
See ya later


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