Letra Tradução

Day by day 都会から抜け出せない繋がれた首輪
貧乏丸出しの曰く付きフリーダム スリーカウント繰り返す
No chance の Believer 行き当たりばったりの直感ドリーマー
自分に甘口 世間に辛口 I got a がっくり
リスペクト対象外 ハンプティダンプティ
肥えた声が Nasty 羨みではない 裏は闇でいっぱい
希望は熱源 絶望は血税 生きることの説明書の教育はえげつねえ
いっそのこと月面へ ハイケイデンスエスケープ
やけに現実味ある 気付きだすマジョリティ It’s real, Holy s**t!

ESKRRRP 鳴り止まない絶叫 世捨て振り出し I wanna 決行
ベットし辛い社会と時代 隔たりだったり騙り
当たり前にしてる横行 いっそ法の下よりファンタジーにエスコート
Follow me… How to warp?

今週も笑って Same old
でも待ってなんかぎこちない Fake out

心底嫌になるぜ 馬鹿正直に信じるものは救われず
疑ったものは報われず 真っ黒い憎悪の煙をくゆらせる
束の間の Sweet little kiss
同調圧力に従うな 二枚舌が謳う悪戯
アップアップな Poor life 皺くちゃなお札に強張った笑み
All the time 上に上に上にの競争社会
愚かで不確かな Shout it out ahhhh!
勇気ある撤退が調子良い 長針と短針に怯えることなかれ
逃避行 To fantasy

ESKRRRP 鳴り止まない絶叫 世捨て振り出し I wanna 決行
ベットし辛い社会と時代 隔たりだったり騙り
当たり前にしてる横行 いっそ法の下よりファンタジーにエスコート
Follow me… How to warp?

今日も止まない否定 声にならない悲鳴
御伽噺の世界に逃げ込めば きっと…
お姫様と幸せに暮らし めでたしでしょ
つまり向かう先 根も葉もないファンタジーへダイブ
あべこべで反対 現実味ないめくるめくタイム
Feel so… Good なトラベリング
妄想の果てに Spit out, Scream eskrrrper

ESKRRRP 鳴り止まない絶叫 世捨て振り出し I wanna 決行
ベットし辛い社会と時代 隔たりだったり騙り
当たり前にしてる横行 いっそ法の下よりファンタジーにエスコート
Follow me… How to warp?

今週も笑って Same old
でも待ってなんかぎこちない Fake out

Day by day unable to escape a city with a leashed collar
A poverty ridden freedom with a history, repeating a three count
A believer with no chance, an instinctual dreamer winging it
Lenient to myself, strict towards society, I got a disappointment
Not subject to disrespect, Humpty Dumpty
A selfish voice sounding nasty this isn't jealousy, full of darkness at the core
Today the bright neon sucks the light out of people's eyes and illuminates the city again
Hope is the heat source, dеspair is taxpayers' money, a life manual that doеsn't pass down the wisdom to live life
Might as well go to the moon, high cadence escape
Each and every one can go at their own pace
It seems so real, the majority start to realize it's real, Holy Sxxt!

ESKRRP a never-ending shriek, throw out society back to square one I wanna execute
Betting on the touch society and generation, unforgiving with lies and hypocrisies
Naturally occurring, might as well be escorted to a fantasy than be under the law
Follow me... How to warp?

Laughing this week too, Same old
Keep laughing next week too
But wait it seems a bit awkward Fake out
Before I know it I'm confused every week

Makes me sick, no salvation to those who believe without questioning
No redemption for those who doubt, huffing a pitch black smoke of hatred
A brief Sweet little kiss
Don't give into societal pressure, a prank over exaggerated by liars
An oppressed poor life, a stiff smile on a crumpled bill
All the time racing up and up in this world
Just escape before survival instincts get destroyed
Continuing to fake until your heart eventually changes
Foolish and uncertain, Shout it out ahhh!
The tormented mind has reached its limits
A brave withdrawal sounds good, no need to fear the long hand nor the short hand
Flight to Fantasy

ESKRRP a never-ending shriek, throw out society back to square one I wanna execute
Betting on the touch society and generation, unforgiving with lies and hypocrisies
Naturally occurring, might as well be escorted to a fantasy than be under the law
Follow me... How to warp?

Denial doesn't stop today either, an unvoiced scream
If I run away to a fairytale world, I'm sure...
I'll live happily with a princess, happily ever after, right?
So I'll just go forwards, a fantasy dive that has no roots
Inside out and backwards, a dazzling time that seems unreal
Feel so... Good traveling
At the end of the delusion spit out, Scream Eskrrrper

ESKRRP a never-ending shriek, throw out society back to square one I wanna execute
Betting on the touch society and generation, unforgiving with lies and hypocrisies
Naturally occurring, might as well be escorted to a fantasy than be under the law
Follow me... How to warp?

Laughing this week too, Same old
Keep laughing next week too
But wait it seems a bit awkward Fake out
Before I know it I'm confused every week

Curiosidades sobre a música ESKRRRP de TOPHAMHAT-KYO

Quando a música “ESKRRRP” foi lançada por TOPHAMHAT-KYO?
A música ESKRRRP foi lançada em 2019, no álbum “Watery Autumoon”.

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