Obsidian Blade
They lie
Propped upon piles of contorted corpses
Black hole hunger growing more
Rampant with every world consumed
Their eyes
Unseeing yet frozen wide in terror
Cursed to see horrors that not even their death can stop them from repeating
Loathsome lord of the mire
Self-anointed and all-consuming
Foetid fiend of the mire
Red-blurred visions is all they see
Don't you hear them?
Agony, a soundlеss symphony
Worms pulled from a black earth
I am the obsidian bladе
Fuck rising from ashes dwell in the flame
Reign of fire devouring everything
Serpentine, time-wound chaos
Incarnate crown of madness
My scepter, Masamune
These worlds shall suffer eternally
Too late to meet my maker anyway
Lost his way, couldn't look me in the face
And you'll face the same end as
All who hear my name
Cause by then you know it's
Too late for you to stop the killing
Still couldn't quit if I was willing
No face, no name for you to jump at
Can't hide no place for you to crawl
Mortal worms
Plucked from lamenting soul
All shall fear
The reign of obsidian blade
The reign of obsidian blade